The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 116 115. The Arena of the Heavens, the first round of 1 spirit stones

Chapter 116 115. The Arena of the Heavens, the First Round of 30 Spirit Stones
Three days later, Ning An received the good news in the hall.

Tian Dan and Qi Jiguang led the navy to break through the Beihai Kingdom, drove all the way in, and directly hit the king city of the Beihai Kingdom.

Facing the besieged army, the Beihai Kingdom opened the city gate after a symbolic resistance for a while and chose to surrender.

After receiving the letter of credence for the surrender of Beihai State.

Ning An immediately received a series of reminders.

[Taking the North Sea Country, National Luck +500]

[Current National Games Points: 3100, unlock new National Games facility: Beast Control Building]

[Beast Control Building: You can raise and cultivate spirit beasts, and the physical defense and agility of spirit beasts from the Beast Control Building will increase by 100%]

Ning An was taken aback when he saw the newly unlocked National Games facility, and his physical defense and agility doubled directly.

This is simply tailor-made for the Wuling cavalry, and not only the Wuling cavalry, but the spirit beasts of Daning will be cultivated here in the future. With the help of the ability of the animal control building, excellent spirit beasts can be bred in batches.

There was even a showy routine in Ning An's mind.

If I raise those dragons in the Dragon Lake in the Beast Control Building, will their scales and bones be strengthened and become tougher?

Then peel them and cramp them, won't the texture of the obtained material be better?
This is simply an enhanced version of leeks.

After this idea popped up, Ning An couldn't control his thoughts anymore, he immediately issued an order to get his subordinates ready to send all the dragons in the Dragon Lake to the Beast Control Building to raise them.

Not long after Ning An's order was issued, Guan Zhong came to see him.

Knowing that Ning An has been in seclusion, Guan Zhong didn't dare to interrupt casually, and put down many questions that needed to be asked for instructions for the time being.

Now that he heard that the Emperor of Heaven had left the seclusion, he rushed over immediately, fearing that if he was delayed, the Emperor of Heaven would go to the seclusion again.

"What's the matter with Mr. Guan in such a hurry?"

Ning An looked at Guan Zhong with a smile. He is in a good mood now. Now all the unlocked areas of the Fog World have been captured by Daning, and they are all unified under his command, so he has no worries for the time being.

All that needs to be done now is to continue to wait for the new fog world to be unlocked.

However, according to previous experience, you need to wait for a while after each unlock.

Guan Zhong was holding a thick text in his hand, and he held it up high and sent it in front of Ning An: "Report to the Emperor of Heaven, now that all the kingdoms have been destroyed, this is the latest information compiled by Weichen, please have a look at it."

Ning An nodded and took it.

After flipping through it, it was filled with Guan Zhong's delicate characters.

Ning An glanced at it roughly, and wrote down a lot of important news in an instant.

Guan Zhong is indeed a great talent. Ningguo is so big and there are so many things going on, yet he can condense the most important news and events into a few short sentences.

The meaning is simple and easy to understand, Ning An just glanced at it, and already knew a lot about Daning's current situation.

First of all, after winning the Beihai State, the population of Daning has exceeded [-] million!
Among the 6000 million people, more than [-] million have successfully broken through to the foundation-building stage.

However, there were only dozens of people in the alchemy stage above the foundation stage, and most of these dozens of people were military generals and officials in the court, or some elders of the Shushan Sword Sect and Jinshan Temple.

The cultivation base is extremely powerful on the fault.

But Guan Zhong gave a detailed reason.

First of all, it is relatively easy for ordinary people to step into the foundation building stage, but from the foundation building stage to the alchemy stage, this requires some qualifications.

If you don't have that talent, you can only rely on time to practice hard.

However, Daning's overall popularization of the method of cultivating immortals has only been a few months, and the time is too late.

The generals in the army and some officials in the court were able to break through to the alchemy stage because they took the special mutated fruit from the Spirit Orchard.

After eating the fruit, the blood in the body changed, and the aptitude was broken through. In addition, it was the early stage of cultivation, so it was the first to reach the alchemy stage.

However, the number of special fruits in the Spiritual Orchard is limited and cannot be popularized, so the whole country is still stagnant.

After reading this, Ning An felt that it was his own fault, because he couldn't find a way to let the leeks in Daning quickly increase their practice speed. Not enough.

He thought about asking Wu Donghai the next time he came back to see if there was any treasure that could improve the cultivation of the people of Daning.

But even if there are, Ning An estimates that the spirit coins he needs are sky-high prices, and the spirit coins he has now are definitely far from enough, so he needs to participate in the next All Heavens Arena and get more spirit coins through the arena currency.

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, Ning An looked at Guan Zhong, and said: "Now that the population has doubled, we still don't know who the opponent will be after the fog is unlocked next time, so the strength of the major legions must be expanded again."

After hearing this, Guan Zhong held his long beard and nodded slowly: "What the Emperor of Heaven said is true."

Ning An waved his hand: "Pass down the order to let the major legions continue to recruit soldiers, and the strength of each legion will be controlled at 100 million."

From the original 50 each to 100 million each, Ning An directly doubled the military's strength.

When Guan Zhong heard that so many people were recruited, he frowned slightly, and then said softly: "Emperor Heaven, these major legions have been away for a long time. After the emperor's order is issued, there will inevitably be some accidents in the middle. If you want to avoid these accidents, I suggest The generals of these legions can be transferred back and forth, so that they will not serve in one place for more than three months..."

Guan Zhong tactfully suggested that Ning An knew what it meant.

Since ancient times, after the power of the generals under him has reached its peak, even if he himself has no thoughts, the people under him will inevitably have some different ideas, and maybe they will wear a yellow robe.

Coupled with the fact that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, it is not uncommon for a certain general to directly ascend to the throne in this forced way, and then seize the position of master.

However, the situation on Ning An's side is different. All the generals under him are loyal, including Guan Zhong. Just like now, Guan Zhong only considers issues from the perspective of an emperor because of his full loyalty.

Therefore, Ning An didn't say much, just smiled confidently: "Sir, you've bothered, but don't worry about all of this, I have my own sense of proportion."

Seeing that Ning An had listened to what he said, with a serious expression and a confident look, Guan Zhong nodded, not talking too much, he clasped his fists and said, "It's my humble minister who is talking too much. If there is nothing wrong, then I will leave first."

Ning An nodded, watched Guan Zhong retreat, and his eyes shifted to the paperwork that Guan Zhong had just submitted.

In addition to the matter of population, it also specifically mentioned that Emperor Daning's people's aspirations, and now the people are applauding, and his prestige has reached an unprecedented height.

Although these words may inevitably have some flattery, but on the whole Ning An still agrees.

At least many things, it is indeed developing in a good direction, at least the people's hearts, after the last tax cut, he has been holding tight, and later he won the countries one after another, the gold in the treasury There are countless silver jewels, and he is also the capital who transported them all back to Daning.

The people of these countries have never enjoyed various welfare benefits like Daning before, so after Ning'an announced that they will be treated equally, the whole country is full of joy.

After reading the manual, Ning An also resumed his retreat practice. He wanted to maintain his state to the highest level and ensure that he could get the best results in the arena of the heavens.

Fortunately, the arena of the heavens is relatively fair, and they will not allow themselves to leapfrog to challenge their opponents. Instead, they will be divided according to their current cultivation. Ning An is very confident about this, and he believes that he will never lose in the same realm.

Moreover, his current stats are also increasing every day, and he can definitely easily kill other Nascent Soul stage opponents.


a month later.

This time, Ning An chose to practice continuous long-term trials.

More than a month has passed since he was closed. During this period, he only had contact with Wu Donghai. If the subordinates had no serious matters, they were not allowed to bother him.

Name: Ning An

Cultivation: Nascent Soul Stage
Aura value: 845623/1000000
Ning An, who came out of the retreat, looked at his own value and nodded with satisfaction. As the number of foundation builders in Ning Kingdom increased, various plundered auras gathered every day, forming a considerable number.

According to the current state, he will break through soon, but the time is too late, because there are still three days before the start of the arena.

When Wu Donghai came here for the last time, he reminded him that it is best not to choose a breakthrough before the ring, because originally you may be invincible in the current realm, but because of a breakthrough, you will directly become a rookie in the new realm, and then Fighting against a group of old monsters, there is a high probability that you will lose completely.

Even if Wu Donghai didn't remind Ning An of this truth, he would have thought of it long ago.

However, everything was within his calculations. According to the speed at which he absorbed spiritual energy every day, he would definitely not be able to successfully break through before fighting.

In addition, after meeting Wu Donghai last time, he specifically asked him if there was any treasure that could provide the cultivation speed of a country's people.

Wu Donghai said yes to this, but they are very rare, and they are all in the hands of some powerful people.

If it is really offered for sale, then the asking price for spirit coins must be sky-high.

Ning An didn't back down when he heard it. It doesn't matter if the sky-high price of spirit coins is right, because Daning will definitely continue to fight in the heavens in the future, he can gain more and more beliefs, and he can also obtain spirit coins through fighting in the arena of the heavens , adding the two together, even if he really wanted the sky-high price of spirit coins, it's not impossible for him to collect them.

Therefore, after hearing the news of this magic weapon from Wu Donghai, Ning An also paid more attention to the upcoming arena of the heavens.

Therefore, in the coming three days, he showed that he had arranged some trivial matters, and then began to stabilize his cultivation base, to constantly comprehend and master each of his skills and moves.

Just like that, three days passed quickly.

On the morning of the fourth day, when the morning sun just emerged, the token in his arms shone hotly.

But in the blink of an eye, he was teleported to another place!
This is a square, very large, with dense crowds of people, each from a different place.

Ning An looked around and found that everyone's faces were blurred, covered in a cloud of fog, they couldn't see their appearance clearly, and their voices were all the same when they spoke, very cold, and they couldn't tell the difference .

This is specially done by Xunyou Island to protect the identity of the contestants.

Some people don't believe in evil, and try to tear apart the mist of the opponent with brute force, but the palm of their hand seems to pass through a piece of nothingness. Inside, it seems that everyone is not real, or in other words, their flesh itself is not here.

In addition, they can't see each other's cultivation, and they can't guess each other's identity from any part of each other's body.

This kind of protective privacy made Ning An keep nodding, that Cruise Island is really powerful.

Whether it is strength or human considerations, there are no flaws.

"Welcome all contestants, please observe the tokens in your hands, inject spiritual knowledge, and you will get the rules of the arena."

A voice suddenly sounded, as if it was close to the ear, but also seemed to be far away from the sky, making it unpredictable.

Ning An took out the token and tried to inject a ray of spiritual energy, and his consciousness was also submerged into the token.

Soon, he saw a stone tablet with some inscriptions engraved on it, which was the rules of the arena of the heavens.

1. Once all participants place a bet, they cannot change or repent.

2. Contestants can try their best. Death in the arena is not a real death, so there is no need to worry.

3. Each contestant is in a cycle between challenging and being challenged. Before participating, you need to place a bet. Every time you are challenged, you must bet no less than [-] spirit stones.

4. If you have less than [-] spirit stones, you will be automatically asked to leave the arena.

5. The contestant arena will be allocated according to your cultivation level, there will be no leapfrogging, and the opponents in each arena will have the same realm as you.

Ning An glanced quickly, and the content on the inscription was instantly clicked.

These contents are easy to understand and explained in great detail.

After about a hundred breaths, the voice in the sky sounded again.

"All contestants, the arena will open after thirty breaths, and the identity of the contestants will be selected by drawing lots."

As soon as that voice fell, Ning An noticed that the handwriting on the inscription changed.

In the first round, he was the challenger, and according to the rules, he would be the challenged in the next round.

Then, batches of hidden names appeared on the stone tablet, and behind these names were the number of spirit stones they bet.

Ning An glanced at them one by one, the smallest was 30, and the largest was [-].

Obviously, at the beginning, everyone was not familiar with the rules, and the number of Lingshi bets was not large.

Ning An is the challenger, and he has to choose his opponent in it like other challenges.

Generally speaking, in a normal mind, the more bets made by the challenged Lingshi, the more confident the other party is, and they are more assured of their own strength.

Those who bet less are basically some monks who have just entered the Nascent Soul stage, and they can only choose the minimum requirement of [-] spirit stones.

For these 30 spirit stones, Ning An didn't pay attention, and directly locked his eyes on the [-] column. Without hesitation, with a move of consciousness, the challenge application was successful!


PS: Big guys who have votes remember to vote

(End of this chapter)

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