The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 141. 140. Yin Yang Lingzhu

Chapter 141. 140. Yin Yang Lingzhu
Mr. Qin Huai seemed to have guessed something from Ning An's expression, and said indifferently, "This bead is very unusual. I have never dared to use it. If you have the guts, give it a try. If you can control it It's a good thing, it's very strong..."

Lord Qin Huai told Ning An everything as if he had brought his own instruction manual.

Ning An looked weird. Normally speaking, no one would be so kind. There should be something weird about this bead.

But Mr. Qinhuai can say it confidently, does that mean that this bead still has a temptation that ordinary people can't resist?

Ning An came back to his senses and continued to look at the beads in his hand.

Mr. Qin Huai also explained beside him: "Don't look at it, if you dare to use it, you will naturally get a powerful boost, but this thing needs to be raised with a steady stream of magic tools, and as it grows, the magic tools it needs will grow. More and more, the quality will become higher and higher, and in the end, if you can't take out the corresponding ones, then it can only devour your blood essence."

"It has changed countless owners. When this thing was in my hands, I resisted the urge every time I wanted to use it, but I couldn't bear to lose it. If you can take it away, it's a substitute." I made a decision."

Ning An listened to Lord Qin Huai's explanation, and nodded silently. This is indeed a gold-swallowing beast, and it specializes in swallowing magic weapons. Most people really can't bear such consumption.

But I am the king of Daning, and I just wiped out the rebellion in the True Spirit Palace last time...

After obtaining countless magic tools, the storeroom is piled up like a mountain, so can't they afford to support this gold-swallowing beast?

Qin Huaijun saw Ning An thinking from the side, he smiled slightly and didn't say much.

In the past, countless people were so confident, and the previous owners of this bead also thought this way, and many of them had more money than Ning An, but they all ended up without exception, unable to get the bead The magic weapon needed was swallowed up in the end.

In Qin Huai-jun's opinion, Ning An will not make any difference in the outcome. He handed over the bead by himself and told him the pros and cons. He acted uprightly. If this kid died, then his own revenge would be upright and worthy of him, Qin Huai Your name.

[Yin-Yang Lingzhu: It needs a steady stream of magical artifacts to feed itself. 】

At this time, Ning An was holding the bead in his hand, and after confirming that there was no problem with the bead, he did not listen to Mr. Qin Huai's threatening words.

Indeed, as Mr. Qin Huai said, like the previous owners of the bead, he is very confident and thinks he can afford it.

Therefore, without much hesitation, he directly recognized the Lord with a drop of blood.

Then got the message about the beads.

Yin Yang Lingzhu, followed by a simple introduction, the rest, there are no more hints.

There is no explanation for the specific role and use.

This yin-yang spirit bead is indeed very special, completely different from ordinary magical artifacts, at least this is the first time Ning An has encountered such a special one.

Lord Qin Huai who was on the opposite side saw a ray of light emanating from Ning An's body. He knew that this kid couldn't resist the temptation after all, and immediately confessed his master with a drop of blood.

Next, he could even think of the picture of this kid regretting.

Crying for father and mother, begging to send this bead away.

But it's a pity that this bead is a vampire, and it will haunt its owner until it sucks the blood of the owner dry.

Unless, you can keep feeding it with a steady stream of magical artifacts.

But it's very difficult, even those who are powerful and have a solid foundation, I'm afraid they can't afford this thing...

Even if they can afford it, with the strength of the Almighty, whether those magic tools are sold or replaced with other materials, it is much more cost-effective than raising this thing.

Generally speaking, this thing is a great help for the people below, but it is too costly and life-threatening, and it is tasteless for the powerful people above. It is not worthwhile to raise it, and it is a pity not to raise it. beads.

On Ning An's side, after identifying the owner of the Yin-Yang Lingzhu, he soon felt a clearer desire coming from the beads.

It is hungry and wants to eat a magic weapon...

If you don't feed it, it will have to rely on Ning An's blood essence to replenish its nutrients.

Ning An could feel the dominance of this bead, so there was no ink stain, and he directly threw the magic weapon in the storage ring.

With the beads in hand, Ning An executed the magic weapon quickly after taking it out of the storage ring.

But the Yin-Yang Lingzhu devours faster!
Ning An almost didn't see the magic weapon in his hand clearly. He had just made his head before it was swallowed by the beads.

This thing eats magic tools faster than the river.

This is what Ning An feels right now.

Seeing each piece of magic weapon being swallowed by the Yin-Yang Lingzhu, he remained silent.

No wonder Mr. Qin Huai dared to play the famous card with himself so confidently. He was playing a conspiracy, and he wanted to watch himself being consumed to death in an open and honest manner.

What's more, right now, I can only see that the bead is constantly devouring the magic weapon, but its own function and value have not yet been manifested.

The only clue is probably its name.

Because its name is very similar to Yin Yang Mirror.

Bai Wuchang introduced the Yin-Yang Mirror before, it was an artifact of the Yin Division of the Underworld back then, an existence that countless great powers would have dreamed of.

It even made those big bosses think that if they can't get it, they can't take advantage of others and just destroy it.

As for the Yin-Yang Lingzhu, the name sounds like it might also belong to the Yin Division?

Next time you encounter Bai Wuchang, ask it what it might know.

Ning An was thinking in his heart that in such a short time, half of the spirit weapon in his storage ring had been swallowed.

These spiritual artifacts were all looted by Lord Qinhuai from those medicine slave monks just now, and then he made it cheaper for himself, but he didn't expect it to be cheaper now...

Looking down at the beads in his hand, Ning An could feel that the other party seemed to be full for the time being...

"In the future, it will need more..."

Qin Huai Jun looked at the bead and muttered.

Ning An didn't respond, but turned to look at the soldiers behind him: "Continue."

After speaking, he sat in meditation and practiced.

This scene made Mr. Qin Huai a little confused.

He pointed to himself: "What about me?"

Ning An replied without opening his eyes: "Like me, I'm cultivating, and I will let you go when the battlefield of the heavens is closed."

Is this going to imprison me?
Lord Qin Huai thought about it, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know what Ning An's intention was.

Control yourself here, dare not kill yourself because you are concerned about your backer master Donghua Shangxian?

And if you let yourself go, you are afraid that you will go back to make a small report?
Lord Qinhuai guessed this way, and he said: "It's meaningless for you to do this, and you have to be distracted to deal with me, why don't you let me go, I promise I won't go back to find my master."

"As you just said, my old master is busy dealing with the Zixiao Immortal Palace ruins right now, so he doesn't have time to take care of me. Even if he has time, I don't have the face to go back to him for such an embarrassing thing today... ..."

Mr. Qin Huai is telling the truth, what he wants more is to heal his injuries after going back, and then meet Ning An next time, and whip him severely...

To avenge today.

Unfortunately, Mr. Qin Huai's words seemed to be speaking to the air. Ning An kept his eyes closed and ignored him.

Looking at the rising spiritual energy value, although it fluctuated up and down, Ning An was already very satisfied with being able to plunder so much, so he definitely would not let Lord Qin Huai go.

Which capitalist doesn't like such fat leeks.

Seeing that Ning An didn't listen to what he said, Mr. Qin Huai was a little anxious, he stood up and prepared to leave alone.

But it was quickly blocked by the soldiers below.

Only then did Ning An open his eyes: "If you insist on leaving, then I can't keep you, so I think it's better for you to stay."

Hearing this, Mr. Qin Huai became anxious: "What's the use of keeping me? Are you afraid that I will go back to find my master? I, Mr. Qin Huai, am a respectable figure anyway, how could I do such a villainous deed."

Ning An squinted at him: "You even snatched herbs, what else can't you do?"

Mr. Qin Huai was dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

He smiled bitterly, there was a reason for this, but he didn't want to say it, and he couldn't say it, for fear that more people outside would know his current physical condition.

At least here, everyone only knows that he was raped by a cultivator at the stage of transformation. People may also guess that the monk at the stage of transformation is just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and his real strength is not at the stage of transformation, or guess that this stage of transformation The thousand elites under the monks may all be above the stage of transforming gods, and they are just a son of a big sect who came out to experience...

People in the world like to speculate that this kind of brain supplementation often happens in the world of cultivating immortals. Even if there is no such thing, Mr. Qin Huai is going to publicize it everywhere after leaving here.

In short, it's not that Lord Qinhuai is too good, but that his opponent is too strong...

Knowing that Ning An was determined to keep him here, Lord Qin Huai also gave up struggling, and simply imitated Ning An and meditated on the spot.

Seeing Lord Qinhuai's resignation to his fate, Ning An didn't say anything more, but continued to practice with his eyes closed. As long as Lord Qinhuai was beside him, the speed of spiritual energy growth would not be slow.

Lord Qinhuai had not been in samadhi for a long time, and finally got up suddenly. He was a little irritable, because of his physical condition, he had not been able to calm down and practice for a long time.

He looked at the valley, and there were all kinds of strange herbs everywhere. After thinking about it, he simply followed the example of those Daning elites and started picking herbs...

If you don't let me leave, then I can stay here to collect medicine.

Although one person can't pick much, but at least there is a little more hope. Maybe he was lucky and picked some weird medicine from it, and then happened to be short of the introduction of this strange medicine, and finally healed his injury... …

Mr. Qin Huai thought to himself comfortingly, and then he casually started digging the herbs regardless of his identity.

Ning An didn't say much about it, as long as Mr. Qin Huai didn't leave here.

He estimated the time, and then started a simple meditation.

This state continued for three days.

Three days later, Ning An opened his eyes and took a look at his state.

Name: Ning An

Cultivation: Transformation Stage
Aura value: 3634598/10000000
The short-term retreat in the past few days has yielded a lot. In addition to the soldiers below picking a lot of herbs and seeds, he also plundered a lot of spiritual energy with Lord Qinhuai beside him.

He fixed the time for three days because he had to go to the next point, which was a plain. According to the resource point provided by Tianji Pavilion, it was the place with the most spirit beasts on the battlefield of the heavens.

All kinds of strange and rare spirit beasts can be seen here, and there is no shortage of the spirit beast blood that Bole mentioned before.

If you catch a young spirit beast casually, you can take a little blood from the opponent and bring it back to Bole to nurture.

There are many people who do this in the battlefield of the heavens.

It's just that they don't have the Beast Control Building, so the probability of success in breeding is very low.

"Finally gone, can you let me go?"

During these three days, Mr. Qin Huai, who was mowing the grass, saw Ning An finally get up and beckon everyone to leave. He stepped forward and asked excitedly.

Ning An glanced at him indifferently, then stretched out his hand towards him.

Lord Qin Huai was taken aback, but didn't understand what it meant: "What's wrong?"

Ning An glanced at the storage ring in Lord Qin Huai's hand: "You have also dug up a lot of herbs in the past three days, hand them over by yourself."

Lord Qinhuai: "?"

Hearing Ning An's words, Mr. Qin Huai only felt a tightness in his chest, and a mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out directly.

He really had never seen such a brazen person!
This son is simply insane, not a son of man!

However, Mr. Qin Huai didn't know how to refute.

He just felt like his heart was bleeding.

Thinking that I am a dignified Lord Qinhuai, I would actually be reduced to this point.

However, under the pressure of the situation, he could only reluctantly hand over the storage ring in his hand to Ning An.

At the moment when the storage ring was handed over, Mr. Qin Huai suddenly realized, as if he understood the feelings of the monks when he snatched the herbs from the monks' hands...

It can be understood in an instant.

Even the other party is worse than himself. After all, he has worked hard for more than half a month, and he has only been three days.

At this moment, Mr. Qinhuai had an epiphany, as if inexplicably realized the meaning of the four characters of suffering in the world...

After feeling something in his heart, he also found that those blocked meridians in his body seemed to be unblocked a lot?

I tried all kinds of medicines before, but they didn't work. This time, it actually worked?

Is this kid a lucky star?
Lord Qin Huai stared blankly at Ning An, wondering if this kid was his own chance, should he stay by his side more, so that he might have a chance to solve his physical problems?

At this time, Ning An didn't give Lord Qin Huai a chance to think about it, and he didn't know that the guy in front of him was actually thinking about plucking his own wool, so he went out directly, and the officers and men of Daning behind him stared at Lord Qin Huai consciously.

And Mr. Qin Huai also consciously followed Ning An obediently.

Everyone is inexplicably harmonious.

After leaving the valley, Ning An directly opened the parchment map obtained in the Tianji Pavilion, opened it, pointed to a place on it, and said to everyone without looking back: "Next, let's go here."

Lord Qin Huai glanced at the side, and frowned: "This is Wanzhangyuan, there are many fierce beasts, why are you going here?"

(End of this chapter)

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