Chapter 142. Chapter 141.

Ning An glanced at him, and didn't hide it: "Naturally look for the blood of spirit beasts. I heard that there are all kinds of spirit beasts here. Every time people come to the battlefield of the heavens to look for the blood of spirit beasts, they will come here."

This information was given by Tianji Pavilion, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it.

Lord Qin Huai nodded: "Although that is the case, there are also many crises inside, and countless people die every year. Let alone you, even in my prime, I would not dare to go in rashly."

"Are you sure you want to go in? Are you afraid that the whole army will be damaged here?"

As Qin Huai-jun spoke, he glanced at the Daning soldiers behind Ning An. He could tell that these people were carefully cultivated by Ning An and cost a lot of money.

Ning An looked indifferent: "If everyone is afraid, then no one has gone in? If everyone has entered and never returned, then no one will know about this place."

"Danger and opportunity coexist. At least in the battlefield of the heavens, there is no place where there are more spirit beasts than Wanzhangyuan."

Mr. Qin Huai was silent for a moment, and he was not trying to persuade, but said: "Since you are determined to go, then go, but you have to speak well, if you really encounter a crisis, you must let me go, I don't want to die inside .”

Ning An squinted at him, but didn't reply.

If there is a real crisis, I am not afraid, but the people below are not good, and I will not let Lord Qin Huai go when the time comes.

Who knows if this guy has any cards to save his life, or if he has a magic talisman that can directly contact his master Donghua Shangxian.

It's a matter of life and death, if you don't believe this guy doesn't use these hole cards.

Ning An had his own thoughts in his heart, but he didn't express them directly.

Mr. Qin Huai is also a fine person, looking at Ning An's appearance, he knew that this guy had some bad ideas in his heart.

He didn't bother to say anything more, anyway, if he met this guy, he would be considered a failure.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense and went directly to Wanzhangyuan.

On the way, I met some scattered monks, most of whom were talking about Zixiao Immortal Palace.

Because after the Tianji Pavilion sold the news of Ning An's discovery, it spread throughout the battlefield of the heavens, and those big sects were waiting for scattered monks like them to rush in to lay their corpses.

Therefore, these scattered monks no longer rushed in blindly. Except for a few who were extremely ambitious and always felt that they were the children of destiny, the others basically stayed outside obediently.

Their current thinking is very simple, that is, you have a great sect and a great career, and you need to support so many disciples. Unlike us scattered monks, all of them are bachelors. We can afford it, but you can't afford it.

Indeed, these powerful people didn't squeeze in when they saw the scattered people. After a long time, they had no choice but to lead the team in by themselves.

There is no way, they have the ability to snatch the magic weapon in the fairy palace, it is impossible to just watch like this.

I can only silently curse Tianji Pavilion in my heart for not being a human being.

The Great Sect took the lead, and the scattered cultivators on the periphery naturally followed closely, thinking of picking up the leaks behind.

In this regard, the big sects can only touch their noses to recognize it.

Although they are strong, they don't want these people to follow behind to pick up the leaks, but there are a large number of scattered people, and they can't offend them casually. Now that there are so many sects gathered in the battlefield of the heavens, whoever offends the scattered people will definitely absorb the anger of the scattered people. Needing to be distracted to deal with these scattered people naturally means losing the qualification to compete against Zixiao Immortal Palace.

Therefore, even in front of Chongbao, the battlefield of the heavens this time was much more harmonious than before, and there was almost no massacre.

Ning An and his group learned something about the current battle situation in Zixiao Immortal Palace through the narration of passers-by, that is, the big factions have entered the arena, and the scattered people are following behind to catch the leak.

Then the great powers turned a blind eye to this, and they acquiesced in this idea of ​​picking up leaks. Everyone is very harmonious and friendly now...

And Mr. Qin Huai looked at Ning An curiously: "I think the overall strength of the people you brought this time is not weak. Even if they are not as good as those big sects, they are still much stronger than ordinary people. Why don't you go to Purple?" Will Xiaoxian Palace get a share?"

After hearing this, Ning An looked calm: "Then do the math, if I really go to Zixiao Immortal Palace this time, can I still get these things now?"

As he said that, Ning An gestured for the storage ring in his hand.

Qin Huaijun's eyelids twitched when he saw it, and he felt a little uncomfortable and disgusted...

These storage rings were all snatched from him.

But this guy is right, if he really went to Zixiao Immortal Palace, he might not earn as much as he does now...

In short, it sounds like I have become the boy who gave away money...

Mr. Qin Huai was cursing in his heart, but he stopped talking too much. The more he talked, the more disgusting he became, so he simply regarded himself as dumb.

Ning An didn't intend to provoke the other party, and everyone continued to move forward.

Soon came to Wanzhangyuan.

As shown on the parchment map, the Wanzhang Plain is a vast plain stretching as far as the eye can see. It is the largest plain on the battlefield of the heavens, and there are many rare and exotic beasts in it.

These spirit beasts are invisible to the outside world, and each has its own characteristics. If one or two cubs can be caught and brought back, they will definitely be able to breed a lot of strange things.

However, it is somewhat difficult to successfully take the cub out of Wanzhangyuan.

Not to mention the gathering of spirit beasts here, most of them are in groups. As long as you dare to bring cubs, you will definitely be the first to be besieged after being discovered.

To them, human monks are aliens and foreign invaders.

To deal with foreign intruders, the spirit beasts here are surprisingly united and will not be soft in the slightest.

But even in the face of this dangerous environment, there are still countless monks flocking to gather here.

When Ning An and his party arrived at Wanzhangyuan, there were people everywhere outside.

However, most of them are casual cultivators, and most of them are followed by a dozen or so people. There is really no such thing as a thousand-man army like Ning'an.

In the past, there were actually quite a few people like Ning An who led a team of thousands of people gathered here, but now, those with this strength basically went to Zixiao Immortal Palace, or went to other places for a walk.

Therefore, when Ning An and his group arrived, they immediately became the focus of the audience, and countless eyes looked at them.

Ning An is also used to these wait-and-see eyes. Anyway, from the mine to the medicine valley, and then here, he always attracts many similar eyes every time.

Almost everyone is curious in their hearts, and they all have the same question. There are so many of you, why don't you go to Zixiao Immortal Palace to find a leak?
"This fellow Taoist, I have first-hand information about Wanzhangyuan, do you want it?"

At this time, a friar with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes suddenly came over, his eyes were a little wretched, silently looking at Ning An and the people behind him.

That look seemed to be looking at a big fish.

Looking at this monk's appearance, Ning An found it hard not to judge people by appearance. The first thought in his mind was that he was a liar...

But the other party didn't know what confidence he had when he saw that so many people dared to come up to cheat.

Ning An was curious in his heart, and shook his head calmly on the surface: "If I have any news, I'll go directly to Tianji Pavilion to buy it. Why did I ask you to buy it?"

The monk immediately smiled after hearing this: "As soon as I heard this, I knew that this is the first time that fellow Taoist has come to Wanzhangyuan."

With one sentence, he affirmed that it was his first time here. This point reached Ning An's heart, and because of the other party's words, he lost the contempt just now.

The cultivator on the opposite side smiled and explained: "Fellow Daoists definitely don't understand the situation inside when you come here for the first time. The spirit beasts in the Wanzhangyuan are not in any order. They will wander around at any time, and they will also build a ghost beast wherever they want. Temporary habitats, in short, are erratic."

"A group of spirit beasts may stay here today, but tomorrow they may change at will. In short, everything is uncertain, so, after a long time, we regular customers have mastered certain rules. Following this rule, we will keep these details in mind, and then provide convenience for newcomers.”

"Hey, of course, the spiritual coin reward is indispensable. After all, we also risked our lives to find out the first-hand news."

Ning An understood what this monk said in an instant. The general meaning was that the internal situation of Wanzhangyuan was complicated and full of randomness. accurate.

And the Tianji Pavilion probably didn't see this small profit, so the intelligence didn't get involved here, and these people also benefited from it.

Qin Huaijun on the side also nodded at this time: "What he said is not wrong. There are indeed such a group of pathfinders outside Wanzhangyuan. You can save a lot of trouble by buying first-hand information. At least the people below can save more lives."

Lord Qin Huai wanted to go in with him, and now that he has said so, Ning An naturally has no doubts.

Nodding, looking at the monk opposite: "How much?"

Seeing that the business came, the monk immediately smiled and made a gesture: "I see that the Taoist friend is kind, so I will be a favor, and I will charge some hard work, not much, just one hundred thousand spirit coins..."

[-] spirit coins, just buy temporary news, which may last less than a day, and then say it's not expensive...

Ning An curled his lips, these Pathfinders are really dark-hearted.

However, it is also understandable that they have accurately grasped the needs of outsiders, especially those who are in groups like themselves. After entering, they definitely do not want a large number of casualties. Although the [-] spirit coins are expensive, But after thinking about it, I am still willing to spend money to buy it.

Ning An didn't talk nonsense, and directly crossed out the [-] spirit coins through the wooden sign.

The monk immediately smiled and handed over the parchment in his hand after receiving it: "Okay, fellow daoist, keep it, and a friendly reminder. Although this news is the latest, it cannot be sure that there is no change in it. After all, spirit beasts are not the same as us. Similarly, there are too many uncertain factors, so fellow daoists seek to grasp it by themselves.”

Ning An nodded, he naturally understood the reason, and immediately opened the parchment after receiving it.

Soon, dense and clear signs appeared on it.

The above clearly shows the current situation of Wanzhangyuan, but it is not the whole picture, but only some descriptions of the periphery after entering from the intersection.

For example, a certain spirit beast, what are their characteristics, where do they like to stay, what kind of food do they like, and how many people live in groups today.

Or there is a new gathering of spirit beasts on a certain road, this road is blocked, please detour.

Or where the spirit beasts had conflicts and fought with each other, resulting in countless casualties, so as to avoid being affected, it is best not to go here. Of course, those who are brave enough can find a leak...

Ning An glanced at it and found that the [-] spirit coins were actually spent straight. Because of this information, he could avoid a lot of detours after entering.

It's just that there are no more in the deeper ones. He looked at the monk: "There are only peripheral ones, and there is no more inner ones?"

The monk shook his head after hearing this: "Fellow Daoist, the situation inside is much more dangerous than outside. I advise you that it is best not to go in. Of course, if you think you are brave enough to go in, then you can enter later." After the periphery, keep going to the depths, at the edge, some people like me have deeper information, but the price is definitely much more expensive than mine.”

Qin Huaijun also explained at the side at this time: "There are many dangers in the depths of Wanzhangyuan. If there is nothing to do on weekdays, the powerful people are not willing to go in casually. Obtaining a piece of information in there is a near-death situation. I don’t know every time How many Pathfinders perished there."

"As far as I know, the price of a piece of information in the depths has already been sold for 100 million spirit coins."

The 100 million spirit coins are just a piece of information from the depths of Wanzhangyuan for a day, and the spirit beasts inside will move their positions at any time. If you are unlucky, you may just buy them and change their positions the next moment, and the information will become waste paper.

From the price, Ning An knew the degree of danger inside.

He nodded: "Okay, I will find your people inside if necessary."

The monk didn't talk nonsense after hearing this, nodded, turned around and left with the spirit coin.

Lord Qin Huai looked at his back, and then said to Ning An: "There is never a shortage of opportunistic people in the battlefield of the heavens. Pathfinders like them on the outside are better. At least after a long time, they are familiar with the laws inside. Most of them can Come back alive, and those pathfinders in the depths, there are not many who can come back alive..."

Ning An sighed softly. The price of 100 million spirit coins has indeed made many pathfinders take risks. After all, not everyone has earned a lot of spirit coins in the arena like himself. For normal monks, Spirit coins are not so easy to obtain.

Mr. Qin Huai seemed to be talking about excitement, and continued: "The pathfinders in the depths are usually in a team of dozens of people. They go in together, collect information from each other inside, and then combine the information in a professional way. If Whoever is unlucky enough to die inside, the information will be used to make wedding dresses for other Pathfinders, and in the end, it depends on how many people can come out alive to share the 100 million spiritual coins."

"However... hehe, I heard that there is a rule among the Pathfinders in the depths, that is, everyone goes in together to collect information, but in the end, only one will always come out alive..."

"What they collect is not as simple as intelligence, and they have to gamble their lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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