Chapter 718 Marriage
"The Stone Kingdom no longer exists. The Stone Emperor, who could compete with his father, has become the current Stone King. It really has undergone great changes overnight." Ling'er looked at the street with a very different architectural style from the Huo Nation, and couldn't help secretly calling it strange.

"Qin Huang is the one in Kunpeng's lair in Beihai. It is only natural that such a thing happened." Fire Emperor said.

More than half a month ago, Yingzheng issued a decree to set up a arena in the imperial capital, inviting geniuses from the Eight Realms to compete here, and the winners could comprehend the Kunpeng treasure technique. Such conditions, not to mention geniuses from the Eight Realms, even those The long-established leader of the great religion, the emperor of all countries, and the lord of the ancient sacred mountain should also be moved.

Therefore, although less than [-] days have passed, elite disciples trained by more than [-]% of the major forces in the wasteland have gathered in the capital of the Qin Kingdom, and there are many people from outside the region.

For example, such great religions as Jietian Sect, Western Sect, Bulao Mountain, and Yin Yang Sect.

As the Lord of the Fire Kingdom, the Fire Emperor appeared in the capital of the Qin Kingdom at this time. There were some exceptions, but the Fire Emperor had sufficient reasons to come here.

Although it is impossible to gain the opportunity to comprehend the kunpeng art in this competition that will bring together elites from the Eight Realms under the conditions of the Fire Nation, there is one thing in the Qin Palace that neither the Fire Emperor nor the Fire Nation's sacrifice spirit can. Rejected things: Suzaku precious art.

The royal family of the Fire Nation is in the same line as the Jiling, and the blood of the Suzaku is flowing in their bodies. For them, the treasure of the Suzaku is an irresistible temptation.

At this time, in the hands of Yingzheng, there is the Suzaku treasure technique, even if it is not complete, it is just a fragment, it is enough to make the Fire Emperor and Ji Ling pay any price to exchange, because it determines whether they can change their practice path. go further.

"It's just that it's not surprising that the Great Demon King has the Suzaku Art, but what's strange is why he invited us? Could it be that he wants to give us the Suzaku Art?" A red feather on the little red bird's head trembled. It seemed to be turning a small brain.

"After all, there is a plan. No matter what price we pay, we will exchange the Vermilion Bird Art in Emperor Qin's hands." Fire Emperor said firmly.

Restoring the Suzaku Art is the biggest pursuit of the emperors and spirits of the Huo Nation. Unfortunately, even if the Huo Nation has worked hard for thousands of years, it is only a restoration of some fragments. It is far from the real Suzaku Art. Still too far too far.

Compared to the heavy mind of the Fire Emperor and the little red bird, Huo Ling'er is much more relaxed at this time, her mind is not on the Suzaku treasure technique at all, but has already flown to a person.

Thinking about it carefully, it has been more than two years since I saw the bear boy, and I don't know if he has grown up now.

However, with Emperor Qin behind him, shouldn't anyone be able to bully him in the future?Maybe he is the only one who bullies others, this doesn't seem very good, he is already cruel enough, and with a powerful backer like Emperor Qin behind him, I am afraid there is nothing he dare not eat?Huo Ling'er thought to herself.

Amidst the different thoughts of the two, the chariot soon arrived in front of the Qinhuang Palace.

At this time, there is already a young man waiting here.

"Yo, isn't this the famous Shi Hao? Why are you waiting here? Who can make you, the only adopted son of Emperor Qin, wait here?" Huo Ling'er who got off the chariot looked at him and smiled brightly. Shi Hao instinctively said offensive words.

"Waiting for you." Seeing the more slender and attractive Huo Ling'er in front of him, Shi Hao's smile became brighter and brighter.

Shi Hao has many enemies, but few friends. Among these few friends, Huo Ling'er is a very special one.

He will probably never forget the way Huo Ling'er begged his father, the Fire Emperor, to bring an army to rescue him when he was in the False God Realm, although at that time he didn't need Huo Linger's rescue to get out. Siege, even counter-kill the enemy, but that friendship Shi Hao firmly remembers in his heart.

Shi Hao has really experienced too little of being rescued and protected by others, more often he was targeted and besieged, and it is precisely because of this that Shi Hao knows how to cherish it.

"No way? I have such qualifications?" Huo Ling'er said with a look of disbelief.

"Shi Hao has met His Majesty the Fire Emperor." In Huo Ling'er's eyes, Shi Hao respectfully treated the Fire Emperor as a junior, not for other reasons, but because he was Huo Ling'er's father.

"Little friend Shi, you're being polite." The Fire Emperor hesitated a little, but still felt that it would be more appropriate to call Shi Hao as a little friend.

"Little one, what about me?" The little red bird that was ignored by Shi Hao turned into a flame and landed on top of Shi Hao's head, and said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"It turned out to be you. I said why I couldn't catch you at that time. I didn't expect that you would be the sacrifice spirit of the Fire Nation. You really don't look like a bird." Shi Hao recalled.

The little red bird in his childhood was one of the few existences that could make him deflate. Shi Hao naturally had a deep impression on the little red bird.

"His Majesty the Fire Emperor, and Princess Huo Ling'er, and of course, Lord Ji Ling, please, Father Long is already waiting for you." Shi Hao said.

"Excuse me." Fire Emperor said politely with some caution.

Soon, under Shi Hao's guidance, the Fire Emperor Huo Linger and a little red bird arrived in front of the Central Heavenly Palace.

The moment she walked into the Central Heavenly Palace, Huo Linger was in a trance. She was not distracted by the magnificence of the Central Heavenly Palace. Although the Central Heavenly Palace in the Shi Kingdom was extraordinary, the Huo Kingdom’s imperial palace was also good. It really made Huo Linger lose his mind. It is the people of the Central Heavenly Palace.

A girl who would feel ashamed even if Huo Ling'er saw it by herself.

The saint of mending heaven.Huo Ling'er instantly understood the identity of the girl who appeared in sight. After all, the news that the Butian Sect saint was detained by Qin Huang was no longer a secret in the wilderness.

"Sure enough, it's the Great Demon King." The little red bird's dark eyes scattered from Ying Zheng who was sitting on the main seat, and the mind could not help but think of the one who could compete with her in the wilderness. The undefeated Sky Swallowing Sparrow and the scene above the North Sea, as a sacred bird of the Fire Dao, she actually felt a deep chill.

"The main reason for inviting Fire Emperor here this time is for a marriage." After the simple politeness, Ying Zheng revealed his real purpose.

"What does Qin Huang mean by marriage?" Huo Huang asked doubtfully.

"This brat is already thirteen years old. He was born in the wilderness and he is almost ready to get married at this age." Ying Zheng said.

"Qin Huang is saying?" Huo Huang's heart moved, and he had already thought of a possibility.

But Shi Hao was completely at a loss at this time, he never thought that Ying Zheng would invite the Fire Emperor here for his own marriage.

Thinking of this, Shi Hao subconsciously looked at Huo Ling'er. The other protagonist in the marriage that Ying Zheng said could only be Huo Ling'er, and it couldn't be the little red bird.

(End of this chapter)

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