When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 719 Shi Hao's Fear

Chapter 719 Shi Hao's Fear

"Although Shi Hao and the Fire Emperor's noble daughter, Ling'er, are not childhood sweethearts, they can be regarded as acquaintances since childhood. The relationship is not bad, and they are also about the same age. I don't know that the Fire Emperor might like Shi Hao and decide on this marriage. " Ying Zheng said.

"Shi Hao is the supreme youth, and also the son of Emperor Qin, he is worthy of any woman." The Fire Emperor pondered.

Although Shi Hao's reputation doesn't seem to be very good, it depends on who he is for. Besides, as a father, he knows a little bit about his daughter's thoughts. Now that Ying Zheng is personally planning this matter, he still wants to There's really no reason to say no.

What's more, the Vermilion Bird Art is too important to him. Besides, Shi Hao's talent, strength, and background, just as the Fire Emperor said, he is worthy of any woman.

At this time, Shi Hao was completely at a loss, he never thought that the protagonists of today's story would be himself and Huo Ling'er.

Getting married, Shi Hao is no stranger to such things. After all, in a place like Dahuang, not to mention other places, just in Stone Village, almost all of his childhood playmates are married, and some of them are even more married. Yes, he already has heirs.

Just Huo Linger?Thinking of this, Shi Hao subconsciously looked at Huo Ling'er, only to see that the princess of the Huo Kingdom seemed to be really on fire at this time, her whole body was crimson, and her face was rosy.

Seeing Shi Hao looking at him, Huo Ling'er rarely stared back, but showed a shy look in Shi Hao's sight.

Compared with Shi Hao, Huo Linger matured much earlier after all. Moreover, Huo Linger was already a few years older than Shi Hao, but now that Ying Zheng mentioned her marriage with Shi Hao, Huo Linger thought of things that were much older than Shi Hao. There are many Shi Hao.

"Father Long, um, um, why is this talking about my marriage? I'm still a child." Looking at Huo Ling'er who was shy and had a different kind of tenderness, Shi Hao felt dizzy for a moment. Yes, he didn't know what to say, even in the face of a strong enemy, he was calm and calm, but now he became incoherent.

"Why, did you fancy another girl? The girl from the Celestial Race?" Ying Zheng asked back.

Regarding the matter between Shi Hao and Huo Linger, Ying Zheng wants to know more. Compared with Yunxi in the original trajectory, Huo Linger's feelings for Shi Hao are undoubtedly more pure. What about their marriage?

Could it be that we have to wait until Huo Ling'er becomes Huo Sangnu from Huozhou, and stay alone?

Since the two of them have intentions, why bother to twitch and make waves.

"That of mine, that of mine?" Looking at the serious Ying Zheng, Shi Hao's instinctive heart tightened, and the figure of Yun Xi subconsciously appeared in his mind, that celestial girl also had a deep memory in his memory. imprint.

After all, such a beautiful girl is really hard to forget, but she seems to be a little different from Huo Ling'er.

For a while, Shi Hao became entangled, and at such a young age, he still couldn't tell his true thoughts.

When he met Yunxi, he couldn't help but tease him, did he like it?But I also seem to like Huo Ling'er, but there seems to be a difference between the two.

"I don't agree." Shi Hao's evasion and hesitation had already become something else in Huo Ling'er's eyes.

Facing Shi Hao's hesitation at this time, this girl who had just fallen into shyness and longing because of her marriage had only anger and deeply hurt self-esteem.

This is a true princess of a country, but it is normal for a girl who has been cared for since she was a child to have the temper of a princess.

"Ah?" Shi Hao looked at the angry Huo Ling'er, and instinctively felt guilty, no matter how slow he was, he knew the reason for Huo Ling'er's anger.

"Linger, don't be rude." The Fire Emperor quickly stopped Huo Linger and said.

"Father, I don't want to marry Shi Hao, he is just a brat, what's so good about it, people hate ghosts." Huo Ling'er said angrily.

"I also ask Qin Huang to forgive me. Ling'er was spoiled by my arrogance, but this marriage really depends on the younger generation. After all, they are the ones who will live together in the future." Daughter here.

Of course, the reason for this is his preference for his daughter, but his understanding of his own daughter is also the reason why he said so.

As a father, the Fire Emperor is very clear about Huo Ling'er's thoughts towards Shi Hao, after all, the matter of the False God Realm back then has not gone far.

"As an elder, I can still see how I feel about the younger generation. Princess Ling'er, if you don't want to, then forget about it. I remember that Yunxi from the Celestial Race seems to have a good relationship with Shi Hao. " Ying Zheng looked at Huo Ling'er and said.

"What does His Majesty Emperor Qin mean?" Meeting Ying Zheng's gaze, Huo Ling'er couldn't help but tighten her heart. She was no stranger to Yun Xi, and she knew some of the relationship between her and Shi Hao.

When Ying Zheng said this, she couldn't help but think of a possibility.

Thinking of this, Huo Linger subconsciously looked at Shi Hao, but at this time Shi Hao was in a calm state of nothing to do with himself, and Shi Hao's performance made Huo Linger feel sullen for a while.

Sure enough, you are just waiting for me to refuse, right? You want this, but I am not as good as you wish.

Thinking of this, a shy look appeared on Huo Ling'er's face, and there was more affection in the sight of Shi Hao, meeting Huo Ling'er's sight, Shi Hao only felt flustered, for the first time in his life, He actually felt the feeling of fear.

In Shi Hao's sight, Huo Ling'er slowly said: "His Majesty Qin Huang, I have agreed to this marriage, and I am willing to marry Shi Hao."

While Huo Ling'er was speaking, her gaze was firmly on Shi Hao's body, her big eyes were full of deep meaning, as if she was saying to Shi Hao: Don't resist, you are destined to fall into my hands, in the future , I will train you slowly.

It's strange, since when did Huo Ling'er, a fat woman, become so terrifying that she can actually make me feel scared.Shi Hao subconsciously staggered his gaze, Huo Ling'er at this time had unknown fears for him.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this. As an elder, this is the engagement gift I prepared for Shi Hao." Ying Zheng said.

In his palm, there is a flame blooming, and a Suzaku flies out of the flame. Under the shocked eyes of the Fire Emperor and the little red bird, the flame Suzaku spreads its wings and flies to Huo Ling'er. Before reacting, Suzaku had already flew towards her forehead.

The flame Suzaku disappeared, and instead, a flame imprint appeared between Huo Ling'er's eyebrows, with the shape of Suzaku flowing between them, evolving the Suzaku treasure technique.

Yuechan looked at the scene in front of her, her pretty face under the veil couldn't hide her surprise, Suzaku, the holy bird of fire way named after Phoenix, actually had a complete treasure technique.

He is really generous.Yuechan's eyes subconsciously fell on Ying Zheng.

Over the past few days, Yuechan has seen too many powerful treasures in Yingzheng, and even the existence of the suspected Six Paths of Reincarnation and Heavenly Art. He never kept any secrets from her, and even personally knew that she was practicing.

Even though she knew that Ying Zheng's purpose was not pure, but to seduce her, Yuechan had to admit that her heart was not as calm as she appeared to be.

(End of this chapter)

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