Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 199 Why Became Me?

Chapter 199 Why Became Me? (seeking subscription)


Even a person with such a calm personality like Ye Yiyun's eyes widened in horror at this moment.

Horror, not surprise.

If this man talks about brothers with this monster, doesn't that mean...

"Could it be that this is a world dominated by monsters?" Unknowingly, Li Shiqing hid in Ye Yiyun's arms, her head tilted back, nervously pressed against Ye Yiyun's collarbone, and she guessed in a low voice without turning her head. She said that she didn't look back this time because she didn't dare to look away. She stared at the monster and the man's every move with her wide eyes, for fear that she and Ye Yiyun would suffer serious injuries if they got too close.

And Ye Yiyun even began to doubt the nature of this concert, are these people in the auditorium all monsters?The girls performing on the stage are indeed human beings, and the audience is not coming for them, but for monsters...

This dark guess was immediately cut off by him, and he didn't dare to continue to think about it. If this was the case, it would be to jump directly from the easy mode to the hell mode, how to play?
In fact, I really can't tolerate them thinking otherwise, what the hell is going on?Wave after wave of shocks that challenge the world view!
However, the continued development of the situation left the two puzzled.

The young man in the blue suit was very brave when he rushed up, took it and roared twice at the monster that looked like the pesticide red buff, and immediately collapsed to the ground in fright.

"This... small monsters are afraid of big monsters? Bloodline suppression?" Li Shiqing said dumbfounded.

Hanhan can't get around the monster at all.

But Ye Yiyun looked at the young man's expression, it was the same as that group of terrified Snh48 members, either, they were all little monsters; or, they were all human beings.


There is no further corroboration.

He couldn't help frowning. It's a bad feeling to be confused, especially when there are all kinds of predictable dangers mixed in, it's really uncomfortable.

Just when Hanhan cut into the lively mode and Ye Yiyun was at a loss what to do, another accident occurred.

A young man with a watermelon head, dressed as an otaku, jumped over the fence, climbed onto the stage, held a fluorescent stick, and yelled at the monster, yelling to protect Snh48, but the confrontation lasted less than half a second, and the monster hid under the stage in fright. The monster spewed light blue gas at the otaku... It was unclear whether it was gas or flames, but the otaku's watermelon head soon turned into an exploding head, and smoke curled up.

Really lethal? !
Li Shiqing was so frightened that she leaned into Ye Yiyun's arms again, against his chest.

Ye Yiyun, who had no time to think about it, ignored other things, brushed aside the crowd with one hand, and protected Li Shiqing with the other, determined to take her to a relatively safe place first, because they were standing too close to the monster.

"Hey, what are you squeezing?"

"Where are you rushing to?"

"... "

This group of humanoid creatures of unknown species, the monsters were hurting people, they howled; he moved two steps, they cursed, and the energy of cursing was really human.

They moved about 2 meters, and the accident happened again, which continued to impact the worldview of the two of them.

A girl jumped up from the seat of the silly 'clone' in this world, stepped onto the protective fence with one foot, and then jumped up a second time. In the air, the lavender light lingered around her body...

"She... is transforming?!" Li Shiqing was probably completely in the mode of watching the excitement, and the surprise in her mouth was greater than the horror.

When she fell from the sky and landed firmly on the stage, the girl who was originally dressed as the girl next door became...

"Is this the goddess of dancing? Where's Xiaolu?" Hanhan looked around excitedly.

"Be serious." Ye Yiyun reprimanded lightly.

"Oh." Hanhan withdrew his flying eyes and observed the development on the stage with relish.

Because she moved two steps away, the transformed girl's lips were moving on the stage, but Ye Yiyun couldn't hear what she said clearly.

Then, the red and golden light of the girl's right hand flickered, and a blade-like weapon composed of a heart and angel wings was put on her hand after the light dissipated. Then, the girl seemed to activate the weapon, emitting a purple light Attacking the monster, the monster crossed its arms and simply blocked it.

At this time, in Ye Yiyun's peripheral vision, on the left, another girl jumped up from the auditorium, shouting, "Ba la la energy, Kadora Shadora, magic fairy transformation!"

Just like the girls before, only the color of the lingering light is different, it is purple first and then yellow. When it falls on the stage, the clothes become similar to those of the dancing goddess.

The previous girl had red stripes on a white background, but this girl has yellow stripes on a white background. Even her hair looks like it has been dyed, all yellow.

what is this?
Unlike Hanhan who was enjoying watching, Ye Yiyun's eyebrows twisted for a while, especially when he saw the second girl's hair that was a bit killer, he thought it was a wig.

That shape, I'm ashamed...

Suppressing the resistance in his heart, he forcibly continued to read.

The subsequent plot is really similar to the routine of the dancing goddess. The two girls worked together, and with the gag of the fanatical otaku fan just now, they finally successfully defeated and subdued the monster.

The routine is a bit old, but what makes Ye Yiyun curious is their strength.

After subduing the monster, the concert will not continue. The leader of the nursery, one of them issued a fan ticket, saying that they only performed half of the performance, and only paid half of the reward. Others complained and were dissatisfied with the reward. Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing After receiving the reward, he chased after the group of people who should have come out of the back door, including Hanhan's 'clone'.

"The mechanism should be on them, right?" Li Shiqing asked in a low voice, pretending to be a passerby, hanging far behind.

"Well, there is a high probability that you will be wronged this time." Ye Yiyun began to call Hanhan in advance.

She has always insisted on not communicating with herself, Ye Yiyun, and her parents' clones.

"It's okay, I really want to know about their abilities." Li Shiqing smiled with curiosity about the new world.

Ye Yiyun sighed lightly.

The new world is wonderful, but it is also dangerous.

Just after he thought about it, 'danger' came.

The two thought that they were very experienced, and after going through a few cycles, their stalking was considered a bit of skill; but in reality, their stalking was quickly noticed by the group of girls with special abilities.

When they passed a corner, they turned around and saw five waiting girls lined up, facing them.

"Stop! Who are you? What do you want to do?" It was the second girl who transformed in the melee just now who asked the question.

With a glance, she is relatively older.

When the two were looking at the five girls, the five girls were also looking at them. Almost instantly, their eyes were all fixed on Li Shiqing's face.

"You...Meiqi...Which magic fairy are you?" The girl who asked the question just now continued to question, her eyes became sharper, and she became more vigilant, as if she was fighting if she disagreed with a word.

"Why do you want to become me?" Hanhan, the 'clone' of the cycle world, said angrily.

Fortunately, the voice is obviously different from Hanhan's timbre, the difference is huge.

(End of this chapter)

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