Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 200 Oh!Are you a couple?

Chapter 200 Oh!Are you a couple? (seeking subscription)
At this time, there was a younger girl who stepped forward and looked Li Shiqing up and down carefully. While amazed, she turned her head to the older girl in puzzlement, "Sister Xiaolan, you don't look so similar, does she? It looks like Maggie." My sister looks a little older..."

"Don't you guys come from the future?" The words of the little girl wearing the big black style that looked like Jihanhan's before really shook Ye Yiyun's heart again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The magic of traveling through time and space, even the queen has to pay a huge price to cast it." The older girl was still vigilant, stepped forward, looked at Hanhan carefully, and looked back at the girl who was caught by them from time to time. A girl called 'Mei Qi', for comparison.

After a while, she stepped back, looked at the girl who was the first to transform in the Xingmeng Theater, and asked, "Is there any magic beast that can easily transform into a human?"

Um?this word...

"Hey, what's the matter? Don't you think we're not human? Communication is also polite. Before asking others, should we introduce ourselves?" Li Shiqing can still calm down?She was almost becoming a monster, she quickly retorted, compared to the words she used when she was a freshman, her wording at the moment is much better.

The voice different from Ling Meiqi slightly made the five girls relax their vigilance.

"My name is Ling Meixue." The youngest girl with a big black frame introduced herself.

"This is my sister, Ling Meiqi, sister, what's your name?" The curiosity in Ling Meixue's eyes was the same as Li Shiqing's curiosity about the mysterious power of these girls just now.

She didn't answer immediately, but looked back at Ye Yiyun, seeing him nodding, Li Shiqing smiled, "My name is Li Shiqing."

"Li Shiqing... When a crane floats above the clouds in a clear sky, can you lead Shiqing to Bixiao?" The little girl is not very old, but she has a wealth of knowledge.

"What about you? Big brother." Ling Meixue continued to ask.

This little girl, whether intentionally or unintentionally, even if it's doing business, negotiating, and sincerity, the two families take turns to show it?
Use her name for the names of both of them?
He scanned the four girls with vigilant eyes on the opposite side, and smiled, "Actually, you don't have to be so nervous, we are just ordinary people, just curious about the mysterious power you have, and just want to catch up to understand it. As for my friend and This classmate Ling Meiqi looks similar...Really, it is similar, many domestic and foreign programs have exposed this phenomenon, two people who have no relationship in the world, but their appearance is extremely similar, it is really just a coincidence."

"My name is Ye Yiyun."

At this time, the advantages of his appearance and voice came into play again.

Don't look at his face, just listen to his words, you can feel the sincerity in it.

The dislike of the two cheating is not completely ruled out, because the reason Ye Yiyun used is barely plausible.

"Oh! That's really the poem. Are you a couple?" The little girl named Ling Meixue's eyes sparkled, which seemed like a small Deng Xiaoqi.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing smiled, neither admitting nor denying it.

"Mei Xue, don't be rude." The girl named Xiaolan stopped him, and she gave Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing an apologetic smile, and exchanged glances with the first girl who transformed.

Magic fairy, or other events that use magic power occasionally happen in the human world. The aftermath is usually done by magic fairy in Magic Fairy Castle or other magical worlds who specialize in memory-elimination magic, because memory-elimination requires unique magic plants and crystals.

"Actually, it doesn't make much sense to tell you. You will forget it sooner or later. Forget it. Since you say so, let's talk about the basics..."

The older leader led the five girls to introduce themselves one by one, and briefly introduced their mysterious powers.

Ling Meiqi and Ling Meixue are biological sisters, the other two, the older girl is named Xiaolan, and the girl with a crooked ponytail is called Beibei. Ling Meiqi and Ling Meixue were originally ordinary people in the world. From the perspective of belonging, these 4 people belong to the magic fairy Fort; the last remaining one, that is, the first girl to transform in the theater is called Camellia, from Poka Poka, a magical kingdom.

The five girls all master magical power. There are two sources of magical power. One is various spells to mobilize magical energy; It is a tool.

The magical energy in the world is thin, and the transformation device is very important.

"Sister Meiqi, do you want to give this sister Shi Qing a try on your transformation device, and see if she can transform?" Ling Meixue suddenly thought.

Children, the mind is pure after all, but sit on the edge of the flower bed, feed the mosquitoes together for a while, chat for a while, and treat each other honestly.

"No, no, it's fine if you can understand so much." Ye Yiyun spoke to Xiaolan and refused first.

Although Li Shiqing was a little bit reluctant, mainly because of the setting of this magical world, but seeing him getting up to leave, she also got up.

"thank you all."

"Thank you, thank you."

The two thanked each other politely. Just as they were about to leave, a chirping sound suddenly sounded in the sky. It should be a bird. It was a bit abrupt, but in the real world, the birds that Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing didn't know just went to sea. Not to mention this cyclic world with magical powers, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Like them, Ling Meiqi, Ling Meixue, Xiaolan and Beibei didn't care.

Only Camellia's face suddenly became serious. After getting up, she took two or three steps to an open place, raised her hand, put her index finger and thumb together, put it on her lips, and whistled skillfully.

Seeing this, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing immediately stopped and leaned slightly to the side, keeping a safe distance.

Not long after, a white light flashed in the dark night sky. When the speed of the light slowed down, the two of them saw it clearly. It was a bird with four wings and a long tail, a white background with purple patterns all over its body, and a white, red and purple crown feather... It should be The magical beast slowly descended, and stood in front of Camellia, chattering, and Camellia nodded while listening.

"Can you still communicate with animals?" Li Shiqing asked in surprise, her eyes sparkling.

"This is a magical beast, not an animal, okay?" Ye Yiyun corrected.

It seemed that she had heard some bad news, and Camellia, who had been relaxed before, suddenly became serious.


"What's the matter? Camellia?"

"... "

The four of Xiaolan gathered around and asked with concern.

Camellia thought for a while, took down the pink heart-shaped gemstone pendant hanging around her neck, glanced at the four of Ling Meiqi, and finally fell on Xiaolan's face, and said sincerely, "You guys helped me, saved me, really I don’t know how to thank you, this chain was left to me by my mother, so I will give it to you.”

As she spoke, she took Xiaolan's hand and put the pendant into Xiaolan's palm.

Anyone with a little emotional intelligence can hear some clues to this.

"What's the matter?" Xiaolan asked nervously, without rushing to turn away the pendant in her hand.

Camellia frowned and hesitated, it was better to tell the truth, "Poka Poka has an accident, I have to go back immediately."

"Let's go with you."

"Yes, if there is anything, we can help."

"Yes, Camellia."

"... "

The four of Xiaolan shared their enthusiasm.

Camellia's eyes were slightly red, her eyes swept over the four people again, she nodded heavily, "Yes."

 There are props that can erase memory in the anime version and live-action animation. There are too many bugs in the movie, so I need to make up the settings. Finally, to prevent people from getting confused because they haven’t seen the movie, click on the mechanism in advance, which is the pink heart-shaped gemstone pendant. , this prop is for Wandering Earth

(End of this chapter)

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