Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 21 Lost to the last name

Chapter 21 Lost to the last name

There are eleven public middle schools in Jiangzhou with first, second, and third grades. The third middle school is neither considered strong in culture, and its sports performance has always been mediocre.

Judging from the previous years, the source of students is generally selected by the first few big brothers, and the third middle school eats the rest of the leftovers.

But this year, a sports student came in the first year of senior high school, and he signed up voluntarily. After the admissions teacher of No. [-] Middle School heard the news, he was so happy that he poured a bottle of Huoxiangzhengqi water on the spot, and greeted the student and his parents with a smile on his face. Please come to the admissions office. After a detailed discussion, the first year of senior high school will be arranged to enter a class with better cultural achievements for edification. As long as there is no accident, the second class of senior high school will be directly promoted to the best sports class, and go to a prestigious school.

Jiang Tianhao also knew this student. After all, when Jiang Tianhao was in junior high school, he was somewhat famous in Jiangzhou sports.

This year, this boy led the No. 16 Middle School all the way to the top 8. The physical education teachers of the No. [-] Middle School were overjoyed. They are already preparing for the top [-] banner.

But the result may not be as they wish.


The opening whistle was still ringing in my ears. Ye Yiyun scored a super long three-pointer, cleanly, with a knife in his hand and a knife in his hand. It took only 5 seconds from organization to offense.

The shaking blue net made the sports student from No. [-] Middle School a little dizzy, and the cheers erupting from the auditorium of the elite middle school made him even more confused.

The physical education teacher of No. [-] Middle School, who had been sitting for the first few games, was so startled that she wanted to get up subconsciously, and then suppressed the little palpitations, calmed down, and continued to look down.

The result is destined to be sad.

Amidst the shouts and cheers of the team brought by Jiang Qilong, Ye Yiyun, who let go of his firepower, was unstoppable. The elite high school experimental class was like a bulldozer, and its hard power crushed the No. [-] Middle School from the body to the soul.

In the first game, Shengsheng scored 31-for-[-] and fell behind by [-] points. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is rare in a city-level high school league.

The physical education teacher of the elite hurriedly covered Ye Yiyun on the bench, and said nothing to let him play again. The elite has been outstanding in recent years, but society is just such a thing, they are all mixed in the education circle of Jiangzhou, bow their heads If you don't look up and see, you can save some face.

"Huh? Why isn't Ye Yiyun on?"

After returning from WC, after Li Shiqing took her seat, the second game started, seeing that Ye Yiyun was missing from the players on the field, she couldn't help asking.

Wang Shengnan snorted lightly, and said softly, "If that kid plays again, will the No. [-] Middle School still survive?"

Li Shiqing pursed her lips and muttered, "A competition is not just a play."

Wang Shengnan took a deep breath immediately, and slowly turned to her, his sharp edge was on the verge of firing.

Seeing this, Li Dawei immediately stretched out his hand, stopped the two of them, and said, "You are all right, watch the game, watch the game."

Realizing that there were so many people around him, Wang Shengnan looked away and let go of his firepower.

The second game was a little more entertaining, at least it wouldn't keep the audience area of ​​No. [-] Middle School dead silent, and they could say "come on" from time to time.

But the people whose morale has been cut by half, more precisely, are teenagers, without the tenacity of adults, how can it be so easy to come back from desperation?
Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao came and went suddenly, enough for them to drink a pot.

In the end, at 11:35, the whistle sounded, and before the afternoon game, the top 8 of the Jiangzhou High School Basketball League, the elite middle school locked a seat.

During the friendly handshake between the two sides, at least two contestants from the third middle school stared at Ye Yiyun, and even cried bitterly when the result was announced.

"How? Am I wrong?"

On the way back to the rest room, Zhao Qiu said a little shyly.

Happy to win, Jiang Tianhao didn't intend to get entangled with this guy, so he responded casually, "Yes, yes, you are right."

Immediately, he looked at his cousin and asked with a smile, "How is it? Yiyun, do you want to find a place to celebrate?"

Ye Yiyun sat for one session. It wasn't that the physical education teacher was afraid of accidents. He went back early, but he didn't have any complaints about it. At the end, the physical education teacher also had good things to say.

He frowned and looked at his cousin, looked at each other with the rest of them, and said distressedly, "We're only in the top 8, why not...let's celebrate after winning the championship."

Jiang Tianhao patted his arm speechlessly, and the rest of the team members also breathed a sigh of relief.

Invisibly, in the hearts of these people, Ye Yiyun's weight is already quite heavy.

"Every time I'm out of breath, give me an accurate word, will I go or not?" Jiang Tianhao pretended to be angry.

Ye Yiyun pushed open the door of the lounge and said, "Forget it, you guys go."

He did not participate, and most of the others were not interested. Out of democracy, Jiang Tianhao decided to give up this time after asking one by one. If he can win the championship, he must treat everyone well.


Third Middle School, parking lot
"How is it? Don't worry?"

Li Shiqing looked at his mother Wang Shengnan whose expression became clearer, and asked with pursed lips.

The reason is nothing else.

Two or three families, including hers, came purely to cheer. After the end, they went out of the basketball court and went home; but more girls from the class who came alone went to block the front door of the lounge.

Wang Shengnan is a physical education teacher. She is very clear about the structure of the gymnasium and the things about girls chasing boys in school.

"What nonsense, didn't your mother come to accompany you to cheer for your class?" Wang Shengnan skillfully changed the subject.

Li Shiqing snorted twice, opened the rear door, and fell into the back row.

"Hey, are you still angry?"

Wang Shengnan grasped the mistake and showed his original shape.

Li Dawei quickly closed the car door for Li Shiqing, and persuaded, "It's okay, it's okay, I watched the game and I watched it, go home and cook, I'm starving to death."

Wang Shengnan glanced at his daughter through the window of the car, then glared at Li Dawei, and said, "You two are alike!"

After speaking, she opened the passenger door, sat down, and slammed it shut.

Li Dawei touched his nose and muttered speechlessly, "Who is the same as whom?"


The happy weekend passed quickly. When returning to rent a house, Ye Yiyun unexpectedly discovered that Qian Sanyi also lived in the country garden, also on the third floor, but Qian Sanyi's mother, Pei Yin, was colder than Qian Sanyi. Just simply say hello, with a familiar face.

At the beginning of a new week, the first thing to bear the brunt is the monthly exam results. Senior two and senior three are used to it, but most freshmen in senior high are very nervous.

Lao Zhao's efficiency is still quite high. After the routine running exercises are over, the report card has been posted on the front door of the classroom.

Ye Yiyun glanced at it, somewhat embarrassed, he and Qian Sany had the same overall score in the nine subjects, but he lost in the first letter of the surname, so he ranked second.

It's harmless, he didn't think too much, he scanned down to confirm the ranking of the dormitory people, and then returned to his seat.

 Ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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