Chapter 22 Birthday
On his side, the clouds are calm and the wind is calm, while the other students and teachers are blown up.

"My God, his entrance score is not as high as mine."

"Both of them have full marks in science, this is crazy."

"It can't be done, it can't be done, the more you look at it, the bigger the blow will be."

"... "

The students in the experimental class standing in front of the report card kept looking sideways to the rear, but they didn't dare to linger on Ye Yiyun's face, as if they were shorter than Ye Yiyun.

Suddenly, the noisy classroom door became quiet, and the crowded crowd parted a small passage.

Qian Sanyi, Jiang Tianhao, Zhao Qiu and Liu Qing filed in.

"Looking at the grades." Jiang Tianhao looked at his classmates with a smile, stretched out his hand to push the person in front of the report card, and said, "Come on, give me a place, let me have a look."

"Help me take a look too."

"And mine."

Zhao Qiu and Liu Qing laughed.

The joy of winning the game last weekend has continued.

Qian Sanyi just glanced briefly, saw that his name was first, and went back to his seat without stopping.

"and many more!"

It was just that he had only taken two steps when Jiang Tianhao's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Qian Sanyi thought he was calling him, so he stopped and turned his head, only to see Jiang Tianhao's surprised eyes passing by him, looking at someone, and retracting. From time to time, he paused on his face for a while, and finally, he leaned forward and lay down on the report card, as if confirming something.


Then, within two seconds, in Qian Sanyi's field of vision, Jiang Tianhao approached with a smile like a fool, patted his arm inexplicably, turned to open his arms, and walked towards Ye Yiyun.

Also laughing silly, there is Zhao Rongbao in the office.

It is not uncommon for this kind of explosive students. Every year, there will always be one or two students all over the country.

But one thing to say, Ye Yiyun's grades were placed in front of the teachers of the grade group. Their first reaction was that they were quite surprised.

Surprise is followed by envy.

Lao Zhao leads the experimental class, and it is obvious that he will lead the best science class in the second year of high school.

Originally, the school poached money from Sany, although it was not counted in Lao Zhao's final performance, but it was placed in the class, and from time to time he won the first place in the district test, and won the championship of the competition from time to time.

For this, they are a little envious, but not strongly.

But now...

"Old Zhao, congratulations, congratulations."

"Old Zhao, buy one and get one free."

"Old Zhao, don't take it lightly."

"... "

The teachers in the grade group expressed their congratulations one after another. The teacher who may be in the class with Zhao Rongbao in the second year of high school is okay, but those who do not share the class and lead the class by themselves have quietly written Ye Yiyun's name in their small notebooks.

Who is Zhao Rongbao?

I have taken it for several times, and I am happy to be happy, but when he saw the eyes of his old colleague, he felt bad, he quickly sank down, smiled and waved his hands, "Hey, it's all luck, it's all luck, let alone, I have to go to class, I'll go first."

There was something in what Lao Zhao said, and some principals had pointed out that the teachers leading the class in the second year of high school beat their hands one after another.


In two math classes, at least 6 minutes before the first period, Lao Zhao was exaggerating to Ye Yiyun.

Qian Sanyi's junior high school grades are good, and he was dug out to prepare for a prestigious school.

And a student like Ye Yiyun with a bit of a "counterattack" color is the model that all schools need most!

In the words of Lao Zhao: If he can, then you can too.

Hearing this, most of the students in the class scratched their heads, and really wanted to reply on the spot: It is impossible to do it at all.

Who can achieve perfect scores in the four subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology?Most importantly, this guy's geography in the liberal arts is also a perfect score. They seriously suspect that the upper limit of the test paper suppressed Ye Yiyun's score.

"Ding Ding~"

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the two difficult and shocking math classes finally ended. Most of the students got up one after another. The classroom was too stuffy, and they had to go out to take a breath.

Li Shiqing turned around slowly, with a flattering smile on her face, and said, "Congratulations, Ye Dashen."

Ye Yiyun glanced at her, lowered his head, and continued to preview the content of Chapter 4 of Mathematics, and said, "I told you before, it's just a trial and error, Feng Shui turns around, don't pay too much attention to the ranking, what don't you like?" Do you understand the wrong question?"

He deliberately kept his voice down, obviously not just for Li Shiqing to hear.

Jiang Tianhao got so-so this time, class 17, Zhao Qiu 13, Wang Wu's thoughts were all on the young lady in the animation club's cos group, ranked 25th, and Liu Qing, who participated with him, all got 21st in the exam.

Hearing what he said, Li Shiqing heaved a sigh of relief, regained her former spirit, grabbed her paper with one hand, took the notebook and pen with the other, and complained deliberately, "Just now I only heard Lao Zhao praise you, you have to give it to me carefully." I'll talk about it."

"Co-author or mine?" Ye Yiyun put down the textbook, inserted a bookmark, and smiled.

"Half and half, don't worry about it, you can help me with this multiple-choice question first." Li Shiqing said with a smile.

Ye Yiyun took the paper, looked at it, and said, "You can refer to this."

He didn't care about rushing to be the first in the class and the first in the grade this time. The pace of study has not changed, and he treats people as before; but the school can't help but care about it. He was arranged for the sharing speech before, on Wednesday, the radio station shared and arranged for him, and the class meeting on Friday still arranged for him to do the sharing.

He himself wants to know, what does he have to share?
"Uh... I don't know what to say." Standing in front of the podium, Ye Yiyun felt a little helpless, paused, and continued, "It seems that within a few days, I became a child of someone else's family, which is very attractive. I hate it, how much blood can I fill you with? Whether it is good or bad depends on your own internal drive..."

He rambled and talked about something, and he felt a little sick to his stomach.

What can be done?Old Zhao gave too much.

After he went down, Lao Zhao went on again, with a burst of output. The focus at this moment was not to praise him, but to 'catch up' him. The embarrassing thing was that not many students drank this bowl of chicken soup, and they were busy calculating their own plan.

The end of the class meeting this time is not a two-day holiday, but a long seven-day National Day holiday.

"Okay, that's it for this class meeting. When you get home, make a good summary. Don't forget to sort out the wrong question sets. You need to sort out the wrong questions. You need to come here and send out the papers."


"Two papers again?"

"Obviously, I sent three copies before, and I sent it again. If I die, forget it."

"... "

The bell for the end of get out of class had already rung, and the students started to move around. Old Zhao shouted and called for the math class representative to add extra material to the holiday, and the classroom suddenly burst into wailing.

Ye Yiyun packed his backpack and just got up when his cousin slid over and put his arm on his shoulder, looking at him with a meaningful smile.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yiyun asked puzzled.

"Tsk, you forgot?" Jiang Tianhao asked nonchalantly.

"Don't be in the cloud, talk about things." Ye Yiyun smiled.

Jiang Tianhao squeezed his shoulder heavily, and said with emotion, "You, you forgot your own birthday? Let's go, my dad has reserved a private room for tomorrow, and will cook for you personally to celebrate your birthday."

Ye Yiyun lowered his eyes slightly, and couldn't help being silent. No matter how mature his mind is, it is inevitable that there will be an emotion called moving in his heart at this moment.

He didn't say much, just nodded.

"Happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, National Day birthday? The whole country celebrates."

"I don't say anything about it, so I can prepare a gift."

Zhao Qiu, Wang Wu, Liu Qing and others smiled and sent their blessings.

These are familiar.

Not very familiar with Ye Yiyun, but wanted to be familiar with Ye Yiyun, such as a few girls in the class, braved their courage, and said "Happy Birthday" to him before leaving the classroom.

"thanks, thanks."

Ye Yiyun nodded all the way and left the classroom.

 To start the first small cycle, I mentioned it before, so as not to be abrupt, I will mention it again; finally, I ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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