Chapter 23

Night, after 9 o'clock
After playing a field game and taking a shower, he returned to the bedroom his uncle had reserved for him. Ye Yiyun, who was wearing a coat, stood quietly in front of the window. In the starry sky, his thoughts drifted away, and he let the space go, he counted the gains in the recent period.

In terms of learning, under the influence of his memory, which he thought was approaching the bottleneck, he has successfully reached the first echelon of senior high school in Jiangzhou City. If he works harder, he may not be able to become the number one scholar in the future and reach the top of Jiangzhou.

In terms of wealth, he has never been in a hurry, but the harvest is not low. In the school trials, he was divided into 1; when he broke into the top 8, the school divided another 1; In order to get him to agree to this year's tuition fee of 20 yuan, Lao Zhao even violated the procedure a bit, and reported it to the principal on the spot, and the finances refunded him.

In fact, Ye Yiyun doesn’t know that Jiangzhou, as a top first-tier city in China, how desperate those private schools with deep pockets can be in the competition for excellent students. With 20 yuan, they can only hover in the top 30. After all, digging a district The champion, the elite spent 50 yuan and exempted tuition and miscellaneous fees for three years.

Yes, Ye Yiyun is now in the elite, but it does not prevent other schools from poaching him. It is not uncommon to transfer students before the start of the second and third year of high school and poach people.

"Di Di~"

Suddenly, accompanied by the QQ exclusive notification tone, the mobile phone on the table vibrated twice, and his drifting thoughts were brought back.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, the nickname is Li Shiqing, the content of the information is very routine, but most people feel helpless: Are you there?

Ye Yiyun raised his eyebrows in puzzlement. During these days, he has been exchanging messages with Li Shiqing. How can this person be so polite?
The corner of his mouth raised a bit of a smirk, he tapped his thumb a few times, and turned back.

At this time, Li Dawei's home, Li Shiqing's bedroom.

"Not here?!"

Li Shiqing was speechless for a moment, and immediately sent him a row of angry little emojis.

Immediately, he got up from the chair again, adjusted the angle of the lamp on the desk, and let the light cover the sketchbook on the desk. On the opened page, he sketched a picture, a general manga face, wearing a hat A paper hat for a birthday, facing the cake with candles on the table, fingers clasped together to make a wish, the overall style of painting is cartoonish, not to mention exquisite, at least it can be seen, and it must be of an amateur level.

She clicked on the camera, held it carefully, waited until all the pictures entered the frame, and pressed the shutter button firmly. After sitting down, she entered the photo album without worrying about it. After confirming, she entered the chat box. After hesitating and thinking briefly, she still confirmed her choice and added a sentence of 'Happy Birthday'.

Over there, Ye Yiyun thought that Li Shiqing had business to do with him for not replying to the message for so long, and he was annoyed by his joking reply just now. Just as he was about to reply, a new message from Li Shiqing popped up.


With a pure smile in Ye Yiyun's eyes, he sat on the edge of the bed, carefully looked at the photo twice, and said "thank you" back, then slowly lay down behind him, put the phone on his chest, closed his eyes, Let the scent of gardenias all over the bed wrap him.


After receiving the message, Li Shiqing raised her chin triumphantly, her eyes sparkled, she smiled cheerfully, and dropped her mobile phone on the bed, and the person followed, stuck in the thin quilt in large characters.

When the time came to 9:45, drowsiness struck both of them at the same time...

Li Shiqing's sleep has always been very deep, and she will not be able to fall asleep if she is awakened by snoring or teeth grinding.

"Hey, wake up, Li Shiqing, wake up..."

The voice is a little familiar, but it's not disturbing, but the slaps on the cheeks are a bit annoying.

"do not move."

She stretched out her hand and scratched it casually in the air, muttering in her mouth.

Ye Yiyun had no choice but to pick up Li Shiqing who was in pajamas again, and get off the bus obediently when he met the calm but piercing gaze of the bus driver uncle.

At the end of the empty bus platform, there is hardly a single person around. There is a bay not far away, and there is an old community on the other side of the bay.

Hanging in the air, the huge sun continuously emitted heat, and the high temperature made him feel in a trance.

Could it be that the past two or three months were all dreams?

But if he remembers well, he obviously fell asleep not long ago, how could he close his eyes and open them, and the night turned into day?Uncle's house moved to this strange place?

Probably because of the surprise of the temperature, Li Shiqing in Ye Yiyun's arms stretched out her hand and instinctively tugged at the collar, she opened her eyes bewilderedly, her vision was blurred for a while, she stared blankly at that face, and after two seconds, she closed it again. Eyes, tilted his head, and muttered, "Dream."

Hearing this, Ye Yiyun shook his head, almost forgot, there was this one.

He put Li Shiqing flat on the rest chair on the platform, and subconsciously reached into the pocket of his shorts. After groping for space, his face was a little solemn, and he recalled carefully that the phone most likely slipped onto the bed.

Reluctantly, he reached out to search the other pockets on his body, and when he touched the inner pockets of the thin coat on his upper body, there were thick piles of them, and the familiar feel reassured him a little.

He took it out and counted it carefully, there were 23 in total, which he planned to buy gifts for his cousin, uncle and aunt tomorrow.

If he was wearing the prepared trousers, that number would increase by another 27.

Something is better than nothing, which is always good.

After resetting, he looked at the advertisement on the advertisement board of the platform, hoping to search for some useful information.


At just the right time, a car drove past rapidly, and the sound of tearing the air was deafening.

Li Shiqing finally couldn't stand the continuous external noise and stimulation, and slowly opened her eyes. When she regained consciousness and her vision was no longer blurred, she couldn't help being stunned. Where is the white iron shed above her bedroom's elaborately decorated ceiling?
Panicked in her heart, she immediately got up, and the sight she saw made her even more shocked and terrified.

A strange city, a strange street, a bay that has never been seen, and in the distance it seems to be the sea.


Another gust of wind blew, with a slight salty taste in the wind.

Well, it's the sea.


She frowned, eyes full of bewilderment.

When the eyes slowly shifted to the right, the familiar face that I saw just now happened to turn to her, and the owner of the face smiled slightly, "Li Shiqing, welcome to 2017."

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(End of this chapter)

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