Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 249 What kind of confession is easier for you to accept?

Chapter 249 What kind of confession is easier for you to accept? (seeking subscription)

More than an hour later, a Sichuan-flavored hot pot restaurant
"Well, it's comfortable~"

Li Shiqing swallowed the last baby dish, put down the chopsticks, and said happily.

A hint of distress flashed in Ye Yiyun's eyes, no matter how good he was, the tiredness between his brows and eyes could not be concealed, and the healing power of food to her was somewhat reduced.

He took out two paper towels and handed them over, not because he didn't want to wipe them for her. In fact, most of the waiters in this store are single dogs. Before eating, he tied her hair and wiped her sweat. Those people looked at her again. There was somewhat resentment in his eyes.

After sitting for a while, the two of them got up, paid the bill, and left without discussing whether they would go shopping or something in the future. This cycle is really exhausting and stressful, so it is better to go back to the dormitory to rest early.

After crossing the road for a while, they got into a taxi.

As soon as she sat down in the back row, Li Shiqing took Ye Yiyun's left arm and put it on her shoulder. She didn't care about the driver's playful gaze, she found a comfortable angle, lay in his arms, and waited for a second.

"I'm too tired from shopping." Ye Yiyun explained to the driver with an embarrassed smile.

The driver, who was not a few years older than him, had a look of disbelief. Who would go shopping under the sun?This is the time to roll the road.

The driver gave Ye Yiyun a thumbs up, with eyes full of admiration: Brother, you are so generous.

Seeing that he was thinking wrong, Ye Yiyun wanted to laugh helplessly, but forget it after thinking about it, and let others think.

The driver is a little young in the taxi driver industry, but his skills are really good and he is stable.

Although Jialin is one of the top cities in China, the road conditions are much better than those in Jiangzhou.

The road was smooth and steady, and Ye Yiyun inadvertently closed his eyes. Although it was a false sleep, but for a moment, his consciousness was negligent, and he was pulled into the abyss by sleepiness.


A gust of wind blows on her cheeks, and the smell of sunshine lingers on the tip of her nose. Li Shiqing frowned slightly, and slowly opened her eyes, seeing a scene that was too familiar.

how to say?

Doubt, helplessness.

Slowly straightened up, took out the phone, and confirmed the time, 1:30.

She turned her head and looked at that guy's handsome face. Unlike the usual stretched and confident brows, he frowned, as if mentally tormented.

Stretching out her hand, her slender index finger lightly pressed against the center of his brow, and rubbed it lightly. At the same time, she moved to his ear, "Wake up, Ye Zhuangzhuang."

"Ah? Huh?" The first sound, Ye Yiyun thought he had overslept and had arrived at school; the second sound, he opened it, and in his vision, the familiar bus barrier, how could it be?
It didn't make sense, he knew there must be something hidden behind Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde's actions, but the police would definitely find out.

Don't they have to find out the secret by themselves?Or is it difficult to expose this secret?
Then if their general direction is wrong, that is, the cyclical trigger mechanism is not in Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde, it is estimated that it will be more troublesome, and the thinking will have to be changed after re-selecting the target.

'Get out of the car first, and find out why Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde did this'

With a decision soon, Ye Yiyun typed on the phone.

In front was Yanjiang East Road Station. After he texted the police, the two got up early and waited at the back door.

"We've arrived at East Yanjiang Road Station, please get off at the back door." At 1:35, the bus announcement sounded on time, and the two got off the bus.

Without a moment's unnatural stop, they walked in the opposite direction of the bus.

"What should we do now?" Li Shiqing asked softly, wrapping her arms around him.

Looking from afar, one can only feel that the young couple is getting bored.

"Go to the bus terminal first to learn about Wang Xingde's basic information and why he changed his career to become a bus driver." Ye Yiyun thought for a while and said.

This is what Ye Yiyun heard when the man in the flowered shirt with a broken mouth was talking to Wang Xingde.

Wang Xingde used to drive a truck, but has only been driving a bus for four years.

His thoughts had just diverged when his cell phone vibrated, it was the police.

It is estimated that they have passed the monitoring of the bus stop and noticed that they got off the bus.

After thinking about it, Ye Yiyun turned off his phone.

"You..." Li Shiqing looked at him in surprise.

Ye Yiyun gave her a reassuring smile, "Hurry up, let's collect some basic information first, they will find us soon, it's still the same words."

He spoke very briefly, even cryptically, Li Shiqing nodded knowingly.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you answer the call or not.

It’s tiring to pick up, but they can tell what information is useful and what’s not, and they can search it all; if they don’t pick up, it’s not tiring, but whether the police will share the information with them is another matter.

Uncertain factors are likely to delay the number of cycles, and the two want to end the cycle as soon as possible and completely save the people in that car.

I took a taxi and went straight to the bus terminal.

It is not so easy to investigate Wang Xingde's information in a legitimate way. Ye Yiyun made up a set of arguments, and Li Shiqing played them.

"Station Master, hello, we are students of Jiada University. We want to do a report on city devotees. We have selected several professions. Bus driver is one of them, so we take the liberty to bother you. This is our Student card."

The advantages of being a girl are quickly brought into play.

When the station master of the bus terminal confirmed the student IDs of the two and registered them, Wang Xingde's personal data folder fell into Ye Yiyun's hands.

However, before he could take a closer look, the phone at the main station rang, and Ye Yiyun pulled Li Shiqing aside vigilantly, quickly took a picture of Wang Xingde's information with her mobile phone, and then disappeared.

There is a high probability that this call is from the police. It may be to retrieve Wang Xingde's file, or it may be chasing Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing. The latter is more likely.

Today, with the popularity of surveillance, it is not difficult for the police to determine the location of the two people.

Soon, they took Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing away in a park and interrogated them separately.

Chatting back and forth, nothing more than three questions, before there were two questions, this time there is one more.

'How do you know Tao Yinghong will carry a pressure cooker Boom? '

'Why don't you ask the other passengers to get off together? '

'Why run? '

In the first case, Ye Yiyun used his grades and sense of smell as an excuse; in the second case, the two of them used their timidity as an excuse; in the third case...

"How is it running? Aren't we waiting in the park?"

"Didn't run, we are waiting for you in the park."

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing's diction and choice of language are different, but the meaning is the same.

They couldn't interrogate anything at all, and Ye Yiyun was the reporter, so it didn't make sense to keep asking, but this time, unlike last time, Zhang Cheng let them go, but detained them in a conference room, and prepared some afternoon tea for them , instant noodles and ham sausage.

The two of them are also open and bright, and they really have a bag for each person, soaking and eating.

"These two are young couples?" In the monitoring room, Yu Lei was a little bit unconvinced.

Zhang Cheng's eyes kept spinning on the monitoring screen, as if he wanted to read the hearts of Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing through the screen.

In the end, it really didn't catch the two making eye contact even once.

These two are eating, drinking, going to the toilet, sitting and resting.

"How are other people's transcripts doing?" Zhang Cheng asked without looking back.

At this time, Jiang Feng opened the door and came in, "Captain, the transcript is ready."

"Okay." Zhang Cheng took a stack of transcripts, flipped through them, and looked at the screen again. His doubts were like dark clouds, which were hard to dissipate.

After observing for a while, he knew that time can't be wasted on these two. The suspect in the case was arrested early, and they need to implement all the details as soon as possible.

He returned the transcript to Jiang Feng and instructed, "Go to the addresses of Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong to check, do an investigation, and find out the relationship between them."


"Yes, Captain."

Jiang Feng and Yu Lei left vigorously.

Zhang Cheng stood and looked at the state of Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing for a while, and looked at his watch. For half an hour, he thought about going out, planning to meet the two freshmen from Jiada University for a while.

"How is it? Are you still used to eating?" The door of the meeting room was pushed open, the tone still ringing in my ears, Zhang Cheng's moistening hands are really powerful.

"I'm used to it, thank you Team Zhang."

"Thank you."

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing got up and thanked each other.

"Hey, no need, you should cooperate with our investigation." Zhang Cheng's words, to the young man who doesn't have much worldly experience, really feel that he is thanking him.


Thanks, but also a warning.

Ye Yiyun smiled, he had no intention of this verbal confrontation, he just wanted to know more about Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong.

"Team Zhang, it is a citizen's duty to cooperate with the investigation. Just tell us what you need us to do." He first established an identity for himself and Li Shiqing, that is, they are citizens, not suspects.

"It's nothing. I don't need your cooperation for now. I'm here to tell you that you can leave." Zhang Cheng responded very quickly.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing looked at each other.

"Team Zhang, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Ye Yiyun didn't leave immediately, as if turning his back on the guest.

"Oh, tell me." Zhang Cheng patted the back of the chair with one hand and smiled.

An expression of 'You can ask any question, I will definitely answer'.


You can ask any questions, and I will answer them.

"Based on your experience, in the situation you know, the wages of trucks are higher, or the wages of buses are higher?" Ye Yiyun paved the way first.

Zhang Cheng understood what Ye Yiyun was going to ask in an instant, because he had also read Wang Xingde's materials.

"Based on wages alone, of course, the wages of trucks are high, and the running is more difficult. It is not a big problem if it exceeds 6. The price of buses exceeding 4 is considered relatively high. Normally, it is only 5 or [-]." He replied cooperatively. .

Ye Yiyun didn't keep looking into Zhang Cheng's eyes, he really thought that Zhang Cheng followed his rhythm step by step.

"That team, have you checked why Wang Xingde was transferred to the bus driver?" Since he was seen through, it was meaningless to hide it, Ye Yiyun cut to the point.

"This... I can only say that we still have a definite conclusion for the time being." Zhang Cheng really didn't add water at all, it is true that there is no result yet.

"Student Ye, I'm very interested in Wang Xingde's matter. Do you think this case was planned by Wang Xingde?" An old hand is an old hand, and just after answering, he asked back.

Ye Yiyun shook his head lightly.

"The text message I sent to Yao Er Yao Yao Ling was 'suspected Boom', not 'confirmed Boom', Wang Xingde, I only know that he is Tao Yinghong's husband."

The boy is not slippery.

Zhang Cheng nodded, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, don't worry, if there is a conclusion to this issue, I will tell you."

"Okay, thank you Team Zhang." Ye Yiyun took Zhang Cheng's outstretched hand and shook it lightly. When he was about to leave, he asked, "Team Zhang, please satisfy my curiosity. What do you do, can you tell me?"

Zhang Cheng frowned, this kid is not only slippery, but also knows the art of war.

"Sorry, classmate Ye, it's inconvenient to disclose this." He refused decisively with a smile.

"Understood, I'm the one who is sorry." Ye Yiyun's face was full of apology, "Then, Team Zhang, let's go first."

"OK, bye."

Enter the palace twice, leave the palace twice.

It's still the same Sichuan style hotpot restaurant, but the difference is that it has a private room to save those single dogs from having resentment.

After ordering the bottom of the pot and the dishes, when the waiter left, Ye Yiyun looked at Li Shiqing beside him with concern, "How is it? Can you hold on a little longer?"

"You think I'm a paper?" Li Shiqing said with feigned anger.

"Okay." Ye Yiyun nodded.

He took out his cell phone, suddenly thought of something, and looked at Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing also thought of something and looked at him.

"I have a question."

"I remember..."

The two smiled at each other.

"Then you talk first." Ye Yiyun specially made a gentlemanly gesture of invitation.

Li Shiqing rolled her eyes shallowly, and said, "Wang Xingde used to run the train in Jiaodao. As for Jiaodao... I remember that Fatty's family has a fruit forest in Jiaodao, right?"

Sure enough, it has to be linked to food.

Although her memory is good, it is really a bit better than ordinary people, and it is far from him. It is not easy to remember what she said in the first year of high school.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Shiqing was speechless and puzzled, she didn't notice, a smile appeared on her face as Ye Yiyun gradually opened her mouth.

"No, it's nothing." Ye Yiyun held back a smile and waved his hands repeatedly.

How dare he mention it?
It's just a bunch of words, and I have to be beaten.

"There must be something, I'll settle the score with you later." Li Shiqing snorted and asked again, "I remember right?"

"That must be right, ma'am is very discerning." Ye Yiyun cupped his fists and cupped his hands again and again to express his admiration.

This is the lady?
Isn't the ancient name taking advantage?
"You wait, don't be in a hurry, I'll take care of what's in front of you first, and I'll remember it for you." Li Shiqing gritted her teeth, glared at him, and asked, "What's your problem?"

As soon as she spoke, Ye Yiyun straightened his waist seriously, sat upright, with a smiling face, forced to be serious, and asked, "Dear Sister Miaomiao, I want to ask, What kind of confession method do you think is easier for you to accept, toy airplane big diamond ring? Or movie theater PPT?"

What the hell?
Li Shiqing couldn't laugh or cry.

There is also a big diamond ring for a toy airplane, and a movie theater PPT.

Is this a confession, or a marriage proposal?

"Be normal." She reprimanded lightly.

What are you thinking?

Don't come round by round.

"Be normal, oh, I understand." Ye Yiyun nodded thoughtfully, obviously misunderstanding her meaning.

Li Shiqing wanted to explain, but seeing him unlock the phone and start contacting Xiaopang, she pressed the button and said nothing.


Loop... I don't know how many times.

Last night... It can't be called last night, anyway, I ate hot pot until after 10 o'clock in the evening.

Even though there are "local snakes" like Xiaopang's parents, it is really not easy to dig out the ins and outs of an incident 5 years ago... Xiaopang asked him several times on the phone that he needed compensation.

Wang Xingde is a truck driver in Jiaodao City. Tao Yinghong is a chemistry teacher in a key high school in Jiaodao City. , Wang Mengmeng had an accident on the cross-river bridge and died. The cause of the accident has been determined by the police, the bus company, and the Traffic Management Bureau, but Tao Yinghong has always denied it. In order to find out the truth, she has been entangled for a long time. Problem, during this period, Wang Xingde signed the settlement agreement, so Tao Yinghong kept calling him a 'coward'.

Later, for some unknown reason, Wang Xingde applied for a job at the Jialin City Bus Company and chose bus No. 45, which was the bus where his daughter had an accident, but he succeeded.

Ye Yiyun was puzzled. The inspectors of the bus company were absolutely confused that day. What did they think?

At 1:29, the time had not turned back to Gangwu Xincun Station, the two still texted the police, and then got off at Yanjiang East Road Station.

"Is there really something hidden about Wang Mengmeng's death? If we are to persuade Tao Yinghong to accept the existing conclusion, it seems that it is not in line with the usual cycle." After getting out of the car, Li Shiqing expressed her inference.

"Well, very nice, I give you a thumbs up!" Ye Yiyun gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll just take your words as irony, and I'll make a note for you." Li Shiqing said with a smile on top of her skin.

"Don't, I'm a compliment from the bottom of my heart, how can you not believe me?"

"I think you are mocking from the bottom of your heart."

"Li Shiqing, stop, I won't allow you to look down on yourself like this."

"Give me... claws!"

Since it is the same university, the matter is simple, and Ye Yiyun, the number one scholar, should also exercise his privileges well.

First, he found Lao Jin of the Admissions Office, and without concealment, he directly stated that he wanted to find Wang Mengmeng's counselor at the time. After Lao Jin raised a few points of attention, he quickly found the counselor who beat Wang Mengmeng. Not much more than Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing, but she also revealed an important point of information: this matter was discussed a lot in the school forum, but the post was blocked.

Then find a forum.

Still through Lao Jin, I found the school's network administrator, and the network administrator unblocked the blocked post. Among the many comments, one comment was particularly eye-catching, and it was also the opposite of the other comments.

Ye Yiyun wrote down the specific content, and at the same time asked the network administrator to display the IP address of this comment.

Then, the two bid farewell to Lao Jin, left the school gate, and went to the nearest park. By coincidence, they got off the car and the police car arrived.



Jialin Public Security Bureau, a conference room
A police officer stood guard at the door of the meeting room, and when he saw Zhang Cheng coming, he saluted.

Zhang Chengfeng came quickly, but stopped at the door, opened his eyes through the glass, and then opened the door and entered.

"Classmate Ye, Classmate Li." Still greeting like a spring breeze, he gently closed the door, walked to the two of them slowly, and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Ye Yiyun met his eyes, "I came to you to tell you why Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde did this."

The clues are actually fragmented, but a reasonable guess can be pieced together. No matter how true the guess is, you can try it, at most, squint and start again.

Zhang Cheng's relaxed expression changed instantly, his eyes froze, and then returned to the state of bright loose and dark tight.

"Oh, since you already know the truth, why don't you also tell me when you send text messages, and you have to run back to school?" Zhang Cheng asked.

This is probably the rigor of police officers.

In the process of handling the case, any details, without testimony, are doubtful.

"If you don't go back to school, you don't know the details of each school. I believe that Team Zhang has already contacted the teachers of the school. You will know our every move clearly. I won't explain too much. Let's go straight to the point." Ye Yi Yun said calmly.

The neat words made Zhang Cheng feel a little better. He pulled away the chair, stretched out his hand to signal Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing to sit down, "Okay, let's get straight to the point."

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing looked at each other, and after sitting down, he explained, "That's right, the daughter of Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong..."

The narrative is neither long nor short, it is almost full of information, the previous information is supported by previous case files, as long as you want to confirm, there will be a result soon, Zhang Cheng feels that Ye Yiyun will not lie about those, but the final conclusion.

"How can you be sure that Wang Mengmeng insisted on getting out of the car because she was harassed by someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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