Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 250 Li Shiqing, I Like You

Chapter 250 Li Shiqing, I Like You (Subscribe)

This is where the problem lies.

Ye Yiyun felt helpless.

It's not that you are in a hurry to chase him, and if you give him more time, you may not be able to solve all the mysteries. Fortunately, this time, you can be regarded as participating in the whole process, and there is only the last link left. It is probably time to bid farewell to the last cycle of life.

He adjusted his mood, his eyes met Zhang Cheng's gaze without avoiding it, and said in a deep voice, "I'm not sure, but, Team Zhang, I have a guess, maybe the person who commented on the post back then can be found through IP, I know it seems unreasonable for me to think so, but this person’s comment is the same as Tao Yinghong’s reason for suspicion, this person is very important, I think, finding him (her) will solve the mystery.”

Zhang Cheng stared into the clear eyes of the young man in front of him. To be honest, even at this moment, he still had doubts about Ye Yiyun.

How can I be sure that Tao Yinghong is carrying Boom?

How do you know the reasons and secrets of Tao Yinghong's actions?
How did you find out these details?
Why did he tell the police this?
He couldn't understand the eyes of this old police officer, but Ye Yiyun could guess the reason why Zhang Cheng hesitated at the moment.

"Captain Zhang, I know that you doubt me, but the fact is the only criterion for testing the truth, isn't it?" Ye Yiyun directly quoted the great man's words.

There is really no need to get entangled here, hurry up and investigate according to his words, isn't it clear?
"Okay." Zhang Cheng only uttered one word, stood up neatly, and was about to leave to test Ye Yiyun's words.

"Captain Zhang." Ye Yiyun hurriedly got up and called him to stop.

Zhang Cheng turned sideways, "What?"

Ye Yiyun smiled embarrassingly, "If you go back to Jiada University, see if you can bring us with you. We are also freshmen in Jiada University, so we can help you to some extent."

Zhang Cheng was silent for a few seconds, smiled meaningfully, and asked sharply, "You seem to be very concerned about revealing the truth behind this incident?"

This question was asked several times in different forms in the previous dealings with Zhang Cheng and the others. Ye Yiyun remained calm and said with deep meaning, "Lin Chong has fallen into the grass, Team Zhang."

"Lin Chongluocao..." Zhang Cheng repeated and understood what he meant, but after thinking about it, he still said, "You should stay here before you go to college. Image is very important. If the facts are as you said, we I will arrange an award for your bravery."

At this moment, Zhang Cheng no longer doubts the motives of Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing. How about getting on the bus with a Boom and pulling a carload of people to accompany him?
Each has its own suffering.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing looked at each other, somewhat helpless and worried.

It's just the last link. If you don't participate, no one can guarantee that the cycle will end.

Without words, Ye Yiyun turned around and walked to Li Shiqing's side. The two sat quietly, waiting quietly.

The efficiency of the police is very high, which is actually related to Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing's good preparation.

After dinner, after waiting for more than an hour, Zhang Cheng, Jiang Feng, and Yu Lei pushed the door open at around 1 o'clock and near 8 o'clock.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhang Cheng's tone was amiable like the elders of the two.

"Well, I ate it."

Ye Yiyun replied, Li Shiqing just nodded, and they looked at the report document in Zhang Cheng's hands with varying degrees of expectation in their eyes.

"Okay, use your words, I won't beat around the bush, just go straight to the point." Zhang Cheng motioned for the two who had just got up to sit down, and began to tell them the final result.

The owner of the IP address was screened by the police through the list of graduates kept by Jiada University, and finally determined to be a girl named Liu Yao in the same dormitory as Wang Mengmeng. Zhang Cheng personally led a team to communicate with Liu Yao. There is no doubt about his eloquence ability, and he quickly revealed the truth of the year and obtained a photo with real evidence.

"Wang Mengmeng was indeed harassed and molested, that's for sure." Zhang Cheng said with reservations.

Because of being harassed and obscene and insisting on getting out of the car halfway, it takes other efforts to achieve a causal relationship.

Ye Yiyun lowered his head slightly, smiled, raised his eyes, and met Zhang Cheng's gaze, "Captain Zhang, can I meet Tao Yinghong?"

"You want to tell her the news?" Zhang Cheng asked instead without answering.

He nodded slightly, "If it's possible, I have this idea, of course, will it work...Listen to Team Zhang."

"One yard is worth one yard. No matter what happens, I will tell Tao Yinghong about this matter. Let's go." Zhang Cheng can be regarded as a promise.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing were led by Zhang Cheng, followed by Jiang Feng and Yu Lei, to Tao Yinghong's guard room.

Her hair was gone from the meticulousness on the bus, her face was numb and lost, her eyes were empty, the footsteps stopped in front of her, and she didn't respond at all. Compared to the state on the bus, this is probably her real state.

Xiaopang's parents made it very clear through personal investigations. In fact, Tao Yinghong also reluctantly accepted the investigation results of the police and the bus company at that time. What stimulated her again was the abuse of her daughter Wang Mengmeng by those people on the Internet without knowing it. From the comments to the barrage, it was either satirical or sarcasm, and almost everyone thought Wang Mengmeng deserved it.

Ye Yiyun knew this well, and it was also the reason why he wanted to see Tao Yinghong.

"Tao...Teacher Tao." He paused, and changed his address to this with some hesitation.

To Tao Yinghong, he was angry, puzzled, and pitiful.

Now, he just wants to do his best to bring the event to a perfect conclusion, and at the same time, it is best to end this cycle.

The title buried deep in the memory, Tao Yinghong's hair scattered on her forehead trembled, she raised her head slowly mechanically, and looked forward...
"Are you...a student from No. [-] Middle School?" A voice that was so hoarse that it irritated the eardrums came out of her mouth.

"Teacher Tao, I'm here to inform you of two things. One is the case of your daughter, Senior Wang Mengmeng. There has been a new development. It is confirmed that the senior was harassed and molested on the bus; the second... "

"What?!" Although the interrogation of Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde was fruitless, after Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing got a new direction, the police put them in the detention center long ago, and the handcuffs and anklets were naturally taken off. Tao Yinghong was excited, It's normal to be able to rush over.

"what are you doing?"

"Stand back, sit back!"

Jiang Feng and Yu Lei, who had been prepared for a long time, stepped forward.

Again, one size fits all.

Even if the daughter's case back then was hidden, it was not an excuse for her to take the Boom on the bus. At most, there would be some rational considerations in the judgment.

Tao Yinghong didn't stop, and was stopped by Jiang Feng and Yu Lei holding her shoulders. She didn't make any hurtful or aggressive movements, but only eager, extremely eager eyes, walking back and forth between the faces of Ye Yiyun and Zhang Cheng, and at the same time, her mouth Muttered, "Really? Really?"

"It's true. Don't get excited. Team Zhang will explain the specific situation to you in detail. You should listen to the second matter first." Ye Yiyun's words may be useful to people with normal mental state.

To Tao Yinghong...

When Zhang Cheng also nodded, a mother who had been working secretly on her daughter's case for several years, had a mental breakdown, and went astray. Calling and crying are intertwined and continuous, and the most appropriate expression is that the listener is sad and the hearer is crying.

As a last resort, Ye Yiyun, Li Shiqing and Zhang Cheng had no choice but to leave the guard room and summon a policewoman to appease Tao Yinghong.

"In her state, she probably won't be able to listen to what she said. Team Zhang, let me just tell you. After that, I will hire a team of lawyers to take charge of Wang Mengmeng's case. Don't worry, I didn't get off the bus halfway. After the senior sister passed away, those video clips and event analysis on the Internet, the Internet is not a place outside the law, these people must pay the price." These words made Zhang Cheng's favor towards Ye Yiyun rise exponentially.

"Okay, as long as Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde authorize it, of course there is no problem, but the public opinion may counterattack." Zhang Cheng reminded.

The reason is very simple, Tao Yinghong's current case may become a new point of attack for those people.

"It's okay, there are ways to make these people shut up and apologize publicly." Ye Yiyun was not afraid at all, and he didn't care at all.

"Okay, you've had a hard day too. I'll see you off. There are some things in the future. I think you will need to come. We will explain clearly to Jiada, don't worry."

"Sure, Team Zhang, Officer Jiang, Officer Yu, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Captain Zhang, the two police officers."


"... "

The ins and outs of the matter are clear, and all karma is eliminated. Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing returned to Jiada with peace of mind. When they woke up that night, they knew that this cycle... ended, and it should also be completely over.

The two of them didn't know whether the other was asleep or not, and each held their mobile phones in their arms and watched on the bed for a long time. There was an inexplicable emotion in their chests, reluctance?Fortunately?

Not sure, really not sure.

The moon sets and the sun rises, a new day begins, and a new life begins.

Ye Yiyun contacted his contacts first, and got news in the afternoon that some law firms were willing to take the case for free, while others charged fees. He chose the latter.

This case did not cause much sensation. Those big Vs and small Vs at that time, some of them are still big Vs and small Vs now. Most of them were persuaded when they received the court summons. They didn’t play like this. What about the lawyer’s letter?

Don't play cards according to routines, don't talk about martial arts.

Those who are not counseled, after understanding the situation, delete the video and send an apology video like those counselors.

Therefore, in mid-November, many people will see a group of big V and small V on short video accounts posting apology videos with the same content.

Afterwards, the details of the incident will always be dug up by someone with great ability, which once again caused an uproar, and the officials also responded. Of course, these are follow-ups.

On November 11th, Jiada University School of Humanities, School of Journalism, School of Public Affairs, School of Law and other schools jointly held a welcome party. In fact, during the military training period, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, various classes of various majors in each school held It's a welcome party, but it's the class as the host, this time it's the school's big joint welcome party.

Speaking of which, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing were talented in the welcome party held by the class, but they did not perform.

This time, neither of them.

However, it was Li Shiqing who thought there was no such thing; in fact, Ye Yiyun had secretly signed up and kept it from her.

At 6:4000 p.m., students from various colleges, majors, and classes successively entered the auditorium that can accommodate [-] people.

In principle, this kind of action formation with the class as the unit does not allow students to run around, and each class is also supervised by the monitor.

But today, Ye Yiyun is not a student watching.

He had already taken care of everything.

I left the Great Hall through the small door in the backstage, ran around the outside, entered through the main entrance, passed the square formation of my major drama, film and television literature, and went straight to the square formation of broadcast journalism, the monitor of class 1 of broadcast journalism, It was also cleared up in advance, and Li Shiqing was specially arranged at the end. Li Shiqing was almost not in a hurry with the new monitor. No matter how she was arranged, she couldn't be in the last row in terms of grades and initials, that is, they were at the front of the professional phalanx. , In addition, consider that the class monitor is a girl, otherwise I really have to talk about it.

As soon as Ye Yiyun came over, the squad leader got up and left with a smile.

"You did it?" Li Shiqing followed the squad leader a few steps in surprise, looked at Ye Yiyun who was sitting next to him, and asked.

"Then what should we do? I heard that there are more and more people sending you small envelopes recently, please pay attention, Li Hanhan, you are a family man." Ye Yiyun deliberately kept a straight face.

"Li Hanhan?"

"Have a family?"

"Hee hee hee~"

"... "

The girls in front and on the right started making noise.

They all got along well, and two of them were still in the same dormitory. In fact, they already knew about her relationship with Ye Yiyun.

Li Shiqing ignored the gazes of these people, and said with a speechless smile, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Yiyun didn't have the slightest intention of turning back, he still had that jealous and angry face, "Wait for you, Li Hanhan."

Li Shiqing secretly felt strange, thought about it, but couldn't figure it out, and said with a smile, "There were quite a few little girls at the door of your class that day, that's all right, watch the show, let the teacher see it, and then I will rush you back. "

"Oh~ show love!"

Her knife-mouthed bean curd heart caused those girls to make a fuss again.

Thanks to the class monitor, he hurried over and said a few words before he rested.

At 7 o'clock, the welcome party begins. At the beginning, the dean who is not (old) but (losing) (teeth) is still giving a speech. Fortunately, Jiada University has a good tradition. At 15:7, the show officially begins, and the opening must be a large-scale song and dance, after which, language and song classes will follow.

Jiada has a good source of students, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that each has their own unique skills, especially in the folk dance in the middle, with their waists and demeanor, they really stunned a group of first-year boys.

During this period, Li Shiqing's eyes turned to Ye Yiyun several times.

At 8:12, Ye Yiyun glanced over the watch inadvertently.

"I'm going to the toilet." He whispered something in Li Shiqing's ear, and before she could respond, he hurriedly got up and left.

Li Shiqing didn't think much about it, and followed him for a few seconds. After she retracted her gaze, she continued to watch the cross talk performance brought by her class on the stage.

2 minutes later

"Thank you, thank you everyone~"

On the stage, the two students in the class who wore coats bowed and thanked Li Shiqing, just like the students around her, applauding enthusiastically.

Must applaud.

Performers, step back; host, go up.

Two or three sentences of linking words that I have memorized earlier, and then...

"Okay, next I invite Ye Yiyun from Class 1 of Drama, Film and Television Literature to bring us the song "Love Is One Word"!"


The applause sounded, with drama, film and television literature being the most popular there.

"Eh?" Li Shiqing was dumbfounded.

Isn't it going to the toilet?
She didn't return for so long, she thought he was a tuba.

She stared blankly at the stage, changed into a relatively gorgeous performance costume, carried a high chair, and walked slowly to Ye Yiyun in front of the stage.

Without telling her, the name of the song, just these two points, is really enough to associate a lot.

"Ye Yiyun?"


"Oh! What a..."

"Love is just one word, Li Hanhan, huh?"

"Oh my God, no, it won't work soon, just thinking about it will make my heart beat off the clock."

"Old-fashioned is old-fashioned, but this is a welcome party."


Not only was she dumbfounded, but the girls around her all turned their heads to look at Li Shiqing. Seeing the empty seat beside her, they turned their heads to confirm their eyes on the stage. They fully activated their female instincts, chattering, and were more excited than Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing looked around with flickering eyes, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, she frowned unnaturally, hiding the panic that was about to be revealed, but in the next second, her shining eyes firmly Look at the guy on stage.

If this is his expression, how can she escape it?
"Cough." After coughing, Ye Yiyun did not sit down, bowed first, and said as he did it, "Sorry, everyone, there is still such an old-fashioned way of confessing in 8102, but I really can't think of it." A better way, this is what I begged our dean for a long time, everyone's ears are tired."



"This is the... Jiangzhou Liberal Arts No. [-] Scholar, right?"

"... "

A few short words set off an uproar in the auditorium.

Even though the monitors of each class quickly suppressed it, there are still many people talking about it. Some boys ignore it and continue to use their mobile phones, while others are very interested, hoping that Ye Yiyun is a sound idiot, Waterloo; Looking at the people on the stage carefully, those who played and sang by themselves must have a skill, and some of them were heartbroken.


After the eye gesture, the accompaniment sounded, beginning with a brief old movie rewind sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yiyun sang, "I climbed mountains and mountains for you, but I didn't care about the scenery. I miss you..."

It's just a short chorus, which has already captured the ears of most people.

In this song, in order to express his emotions more directly, Ye Yiyun worked hard to adjust his timbre, which is different from the original love song Prince, with a bit less delicate and affectionate, and more vitality and freshness.

After adding a chorus to the verse in the latter part, Ye Yiyun's singing has already conquered all the students and teachers. The emotion is so full and strong that you don't need to look at his expression, just close your ears and listen.

"Look at me putting all my eggs in one basket for you...Look at me putting all my eggs in one basket for you, love is just one word, I only say it once..."

The large section of the chorus made the people in the audience strongly feel his ardent and intense love with all his efforts and spare no effort!
The numb feeling of resonance exploded in the body, again and again.

Mobilized by Ye Yiyun's singing, some boys and girls cried when they heard it.

And the person he wanted to confess, Li Shiqing, had already had tears in her eyes, but even so, she still watched him carefully, savoring every word of his confession, letting the tears slowly fall from the corners of her eyes.

4 minutes and 15 seconds, and the duration of each song can be as long as his. The performers in the backstage had objections before; now...

Can you change the program?
"Making you happy is what I care about all my life~"

In the last sentence, the accompaniment gradually slowed down. When he was about to breathe, he let out a short breath and approached the microphone. The volume was not loud, but he said firmly, "Li Shiqing, I like you."

 Love is just one word in V version
(End of this chapter)

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