Chapter 251
Nov. 2019, 5

From the successful confession to the present, half a year has passed in a flash.

May was really hot in Jialin, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing went back to Jiangzhou.

Beginning in late April, the temperature rose sharply, and the sunny days lasted for several days, which once made people think that it was summer, but it actually didn't start until May 4th.

It was also a coincidence that on the afternoon of May [-]st, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing returned to Ye Yiyun's house, and not long after, there was a shower.

Showers, showers, lightning and thunder, come and go quickly, only about an hour.

The rain gathers and the clouds clear, and the crystal clear space hangs on the leaves, like pearls. Occasionally, a summer wind blows, and they slide down slowly.

This rain is like the rain of emergency. The land, lawn, and road are no longer so hot and full of moisture.


About half an hour later, Ye Yiyun came out of the bathroom wearing a suspenders and shorts, put her under the ceiling fan in the living room, plugged in the hair dryer, and helped her dry her hair.

"Look at you, why are you still angry?" Ye Yiyun stroked her hair gently, and the slight sound of the hair dryer did not affect their conversation.

Li Shiqing was about to straighten her back immediately, and talk to him nicely.


But she didn't straighten her waist before she left the back of the sofa. The next second, she let out a cry of pain, clutching her waist and sat back down again.

This scene is more or less familiar, but the person covering the waist has changed the object.

Ye Yiyun grinned his steel teeth and said with a smug smile, "I said, you will regret it."

"All right, you can toss about it, you wait, it will be the middle of the month soon." Li Shiqing sank into the soft sofa back resignedly, her head resting casually, her cheeks were full of crimson color.

mid month?

Ye Yiyun, who reached the base early, is not insensitive to this time.

"Hey, don't be impatient, you obviously agreed." He was a little flustered.

Li Shiqing narrowed his tired eyes, glanced at him lightly, and hummed softly.

She is the one who holds the initiative.

Smiling, Ye Yiyun wasn't in a hurry, anyway, today hasn't passed yet.

After blow-drying her hair and cleaning himself up, Ye Yiyun carried Li Shiqing, who had fallen asleep, back to the bedroom, put his arms around her, and took a nap.

At about 5 o'clock in the evening, Li Dawei and Wang Shengnan called and asked them to go back for dinner.


After patting it lightly, Ye Yiyun got up and called out, "Get up, Li Hanhan."

Li Shiqing didn't respond.

"Get up, uncle and aunt told us to eat over there." Ye Yiyun called again.

Li Shiqing still didn't respond.

too tired.

Ye Yiyun chuckled softly, moved his face closer to her neck, "Isn't that amazing?"

The familiar heat and tone made Li Shiqing open her eyes immediately.

"Get up, where are the clothes, where are my clothes." Li Shiqing was afraid that she would 'be murdered' if she was too late, she rolled away from the bed.

I admire this kind of duplicity.

Ye Yiyun opened the box, took out several bags, and asked, "Which set do you want?"

"Whatever, whatever." While talking, Li Shiqing knelt down slowly.

She didn't even look at which set was which, what could she see through the narrowed eyes?I don't know where the dangling arm is pointing.

I have no choice but to wait.

He changed her clothes, put on socks, put on shoes, carried a shoulder bag, and carried her to the car all the way.

When he started the car, she fell asleep again.

Smoothing out the piece of hair covering her cheek, Ye Yiyun drove to the old man's place.

In fact, returning to Jiangzhou on May [-]st was not only because Jialin was too hot, but also because Wang Shengnan's due date was approaching. The mother-in-law was a little anxious. Li Dawei called his daughter and son-in-law back to share the burden for him.

Another one, Li Dawei said one thing, he has a good temper, his cooking skills are too bad, and his cooking skills.

In fact, Ye Yiyun didn't do well either, and when compared with others, if compared with Li Dawei, it is quite good.

If you are a strong man, just pull a strong man. It just so happens that he also has something to talk to Li Dawei and Wang Shengnan...

"got engaged?"


After eating almost, Ye Yiyun told his plan, Li Dawei and Wang Shengnan were only slightly surprised.

At the same time, their eyes turned to the girl who was sitting next to Ye Yiyun, drinking soup with her head sullen, with different expressions on her face.

Li Dawei didn't speak, and looked at Wang Shengnan. At such a critical time, he didn't dare to provoke Wang Shengnan a little bit.

"Let's book it. Let's talk to Lao Jiang later." Wang Shengnan was quite satisfied with the arrangement of his son-in-law, without much hesitation.

"Thank you Auntie, thank you Uncle." Ye Yiyun rarely lost his composure, which showed that he was really excited.

"Hey, you kid, you're getting more and more bachelor, I haven't said anything yet." Li Dawei laughed and teased, then whispered, "Be careful, you're only a freshman, no matter what, put your studies first. Finish."

Li Shiqing, who had been 'numbed', immediately buried her head when she heard this.

Ye Yiyun's smile froze, "Yes, I understand."

"Okay, are you here at night, or go back?" Li Dawei asked while cleaning up the dishes and leftovers in front of his wife Wang Shengnan.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing looked at each other in unison, each with plans in their eyes.

"She has the final say." Ye Yiyun knew what she was thinking, how could he easily 'let her go'.

"Well." Wang Shengnan didn't realize the seriousness of the situation, and nodded with satisfaction, the fine traditions of the family have been passed down.

How does she know?
Ye Yiyun and Li Dawei are very different.

"What do you say?" Wang Shengnan asked his daughter.

Li Shiqing drank the last sip of fish soup, sat up straight in a leisurely manner, looked at Wang Shengnan eagerly, and said, "Mom, I want to sleep with you."

The Jedi turned around.

Ye Yiyun sighed secretly, calling himself a mistake in his heart, this is letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Hanhan wants to stay at home with the whole Wuyi nest, he can't steal the house, can he?

"Okay, okay, Xiaoye..." Until now, Wang Shengnan felt a little sorry, and asked with a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiaoye will sleep with me? That won't work, no, I'll sleep on the sofa." Li Dawei was a little out of sorts, and only listened to the superficial meaning.

"No, uncle, I'll go back to sleep." Ye Yiyun said quickly, looked at Han Han again, and said, "Then I will pick you up tomorrow and have a meal with uncle and aunt."

You have Zhang Liangji, and I have the bridge ladder.

Who will not take advantage of the situation and raise the banner?

"I...Okay, then you..."

"Okay, that's it. Uncle, aunt, some classmates called me, I'll go and see, see you tomorrow." Ye Yiyun didn't give her a chance to continue writing, ended the topic decisively, and left in a hurry.

Li Dawei closed the door in the blink of an eye, feeling that the figure was still in front of him, a little puzzled, he looked at his daughter, "Conflict again?"

Li Shiqing blushed and said nothing.

Wang Shengnan looked over, "You seem to talk too much, brother Dawei."

Li Dawei's back hurts when he heard the sound of Dawei.

"No, no, I'm going to wash the dishes." He hurriedly left with the dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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