Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 30 Misunderstanding

Chapter 30 Misunderstanding
"weird smell?"

He tilted his head, sniffed hard, savored it carefully, mixed with the decaying musty smell, there was a faint smell, "This is..."

Suddenly, he thought of something, his eyes pierced the darkness, and locked on to the mobile phone that shot Shi Miao on the ground, Shi Fen.

I had some doubts in my heart, but as time went by, the fog became thicker, and before he lost consciousness, the smell also became stronger...

On the sixth cycle, when getting off the bus, Ye Yiyun was not in a hurry to share his findings, but asked seriously, "Li Shiqing, is there anything uncomfortable in your body?"

"No." Li Shiqing shook her head, immersed in the aftertaste of the strange smell just now, the taste that blurted out from her mouth, she couldn't think of it for a while.

Ye Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully looked at Li Shiqing's state again. There were indeed not many problems. He was vigilant in his heart, and began to explain her doubts, saying, "It's the smell of burning candles."

"Oh!" Li Shiqing yelled in surprise, clapped her hands, and then nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it is the smell produced by burning candles!"

But in the next second, she tilted her head again, wondering, "But why is there the smell of burning candles?"

"I have a guess, do you want to hear it?" Ye Yiyun looked at her and smiled.

Li Shiqing looked at his eyes and knew that he must have discovered something, so she immediately sat beside him and urged, "Hurry up, tell me."

Ye Yiyun took a deep breath and said, "Actually, it's absurd, and I'm not sure, but thinking about it, there is nothing more absurd than our current situation."

"I recognized it was the smell of burning candles at the time, and the first thing I noticed was a puff of smoke from the mobile phone that was photographed on the ground by Shi Miao. The moment was very short. If I remember correctly, it should be white smoke , the smoke produced when the candle is extinguished is white smoke, because it is a small white particle formed by the solidification of paraffin; assuming that the mist I mentioned before is now precisely smoke, it is to ensure that we end this cycle and enter the next cycle If there is no error in the backhand, then the mechanism that triggers the cycle restart is before this. Fortunately, our kindness allows us to see everything before this in detail, so now we only need to filter out the sentence that is the hour, minute, and hour. Words, or which action of the hour, minute, and hour is the mechanism that triggers the restart of the cycle, then we can find a way to stop or release it, so as to break out of the cycle, and if we are bolder, we may jump out of the cycle and we will go back.”

After he finished speaking, he turned to Li Shiqing, whose eyes were staring straight at the hearing, and he smiled inexplicably in a daze, "How is it? Is your brain big enough?"

Li Shiqing didn't care about the teasing in his words, she blinked and frowned, "But Shi Miao and Shi Min...we can see and hear them very clearly, I really can't figure out, which one is the triggering mechanism?"

A look of surprise flashed across Ye Yiyun's eyes, but she didn't expect her to be able to calm down and think so calmly.

He thought for a while, got up and said, "There is still some time, enough for us to think, since we have locked the target, then we will try our best to dig out their family's information, now..."

"Go to Uncle's for a cup of milk tea first, and exchange the information we collected about Shifen's family before."


"So, Shi Fen knew that his parents had divorced long ago, and Shi Miao has been kept in the dark?"

At sunset, the golden afterglow shines through the glass wall of the milk tea shop, sprinkled on Li Shiqing's side face, and half of the Qinglianfeng wall behind her.

"Huh?" After not hearing Ye Yiyun's answer for a while, Li Shiqing stopped her chopsticks and raised her head to meet his staring eyes. She subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, moved her hand towards her head, and murmured, " What are you looking at?"

With a look of light in his eyes, Ye Yiyun broke away from the daze, smiled, and said, "It's nothing."

"That's all the information I've collected, what about you?" Then he asked.

Li Shiqing sighed helplessly, and said, "I have nothing but knowing that his father is an alcoholic."

Ye Yiyun nodded slightly, "That's obvious. The two probably got divorced because of alcoholism. Don't worry. Eat enough, drink enough and rest enough. For tomorrow's day, the main target is the neighbors around. Miao Miaomiao is fine too. .”

What he said earlier was quite serious, but at the last sentence, Li Shiqing knew that this person was joking again, stared at him speechlessly, and said, "I beat you before, didn't you understand? Don't invite me."

Ye Yiyun smiled and did not respond.

Because the purpose became clear, the two did not bother Grandma Wu this time, but stayed in the previous Jiajia Hotel, and did not get to know Miao Miaomiao, Shimiao and Shifen, but split up the next morning , Li Shiqing, Shifen's father, Shizhen, and Ye Yiyun stayed at the barber shop where Shifen's mother worked, and agreed to meet at the Red Pork Braised Pork Restaurant at 6 o'clock in the evening.

Out of concern for Li Shiqing's safety, Ye Yiyun bought her two bottles of anti-wolf spray.

"how about you?"

Li Shiqing stuffed the anti-wolf spray into one left and one right shorts pocket and asked.

"Me?" Ye Yiyun looked her up and down deliberately, and said contemptuously, "I don't need it."

Li Shiqing put away her temper for several days, and came up all at once, "Hey, you..."

"Okay, be careful, see you at 6 o'clock." Ye Yiyun ignored her bared teeth, and waved his hands without looking back.

Li Shiqing stared fiercely at his back, and muttered 'viciously', "Wait..."

One day, the time is fast, the sun leaves work on time, and the busy people in this small seaside town have not stopped.

Back and forth, I entered the Red Pork Braised Pork Restaurant at about the same time, Ye Yiyun followed, sat down at the nearest table, which was closer than last time, ordered skillfully, and said, "Boss, two servings of stewed pork rice, one serving of fried rice. Octopus, two glasses of dark plum juice at room temperature."

"Okay, sit down first, I'll be fine soon."

The boss's voice fell, and Ye Yiyun looked towards the door. At the right moment, Li Shiqing arrived panting slightly. Their eyes met, and their eyes paused. Ye Yiyun took the lead and waved to her with a smile. Said, "Come on, it's all ready."

Li Shiqing lowered her head slightly, the blush on her cheeks was unknown for what reason.

"Come on, wipe it off."

As soon as she sat down, two sheets of paper were handed over to her, and her tone was greasy and crooked, which gave her goosebumps.

Knowing that the people at the table looked over, she could only cooperate, raised her face, and smiled happily, "Thank you brother."

This scene made Shifen and Shifen's mothers curl their mouths.

But for a long time after that, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing did not interact with each other, and listened intently to the conversation of the three people at the table.

Among them, the exhortation to the mother's new husband deeply reflects Shi Fen's meticulous care for his sister Shi Miao.

After the tea was cold, Li Shiqing raised her face after the table left at Shifen, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and her eye sockets were flushed.

The care of hours and minutes for hours and seconds aroused her longing for her family. Strictly speaking, she hadn't seen her for eleven days.

"Of, obviously, Shi Miao misunderstood Shi Min, and the misunderstanding was huge, that's why she made such a wish," she choked.

Ye Yiyun took out a few pieces of paper and handed them over, thinking, "Shi Miao said 'Parents can't get better because of him' and 'This family is because he doesn't look like a family', now it seems that it is indeed a misunderstanding, but... Shi Miao Said that she lived like hell every day, about this, what did you learn today?"

Li Shiqing stared at him strangely, "I follow that drunk all day long, besides drinking, what can I gain? No, didn't you ask anything?"

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(End of this chapter)

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