Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 31 Tell her directly

Chapter 31 Tell her directly

Ye Yiyun could tell that her mood had probably fluctuated again, so her tone was a little more serious.

When the words came out, Li Shiqing also sensed something was wrong, lowered her head, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ye Yiyun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, the more critical the situation is, the more calm you need to be. I think we are only one step away from success."


Day [-] of the sixth cycle, Pirate Ship Hotel

In the same position, at the same angle, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing sat next to each other in the corner, quietly observing the hours and seconds in the thin moonlight, and sat there for two hours.

It is now 11:[-], and Ye Yiyun specifically confirmed the time.

This time I came here with enough food and drink, not as difficult as last time, but during the long wait, my thoughts inevitably flew wildly, and for the first time, Li Shiqing had doubts about Ye Yiyun's proposal.

But before she could ask, they arrived on a new electric car while wearing a Saobao helmet, and then the two of them listened to the familiar words again.

When Shifen took out his mobile phone and wanted Shimi to make a wish, Ye Yiyun got up and said, "Wait a minute."

Shi Miao was already a little afraid of the dark, before Shi Fen used to scare her with this shortcoming, and now she is so frightened that she loses her voice.

Shi Fen immediately opened his hands, protected his sister behind his back, and shouted in Ye Yiyun's direction, "Who?!"

"Don't be nervous." Ye Yiyun walked out of the corner slowly, stepped on the half-dead wooden planks, and walked down the stairs.

Li Shiqing followed behind.

The faint moonlight illuminated the friendly smiles of the two, and the hours and seconds looked down...

There are shadows.

"Yes, we are human." Ye Yiyun said with a smile.

Shi Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Fen turned around to confirm that his sister was fine, and angrily said to Ye Yiyun, "Who are you? It's immoral to eavesdrop on others, understand?"

"You...tsk." Ye Yiyun smiled and shook his head, glanced at Shi Miao behind him, and said, "If I didn't see her wronging you and wanted to say a few words for you, I wouldn't even bother to move, besides, It’s hard to say who will come in first.”

Shi Fen squinted his eyes, and only then noticed that the two in front of him were the brother and sister he met at the Red Pork Braised Pork Restaurant before, and he turned pale with panic.

The two probably heard the conversation between him, his mother, and Uncle Hu, and just now they heard his sister's words, so they came to 'fight the injustice'.

"There is no misunderstanding, don't talk nonsense, don't worry about your business, hurry up and walk around." He didn't even hide it, and drove him away roughly.

Ye Yiyun was amused, his gaze passed over him, and he met Shi Miao behind him.

Shi Miao didn't think there was anything at first, thinking that this person was talking nonsense, but now her brother, who is usually 'evil', is so flustered, she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

She walked out from behind Shi Fen, reached out to stop Shi Fen, with tears in her eyes, and asked Ye Yiyun, "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

Ye Yiyun's eyes slowly moved away from her face, met Shang Shifen's pleading eyes, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, let me talk too much."

Meddling is really not his style, but he has to go back, and Li Shiqing...

He glanced back at Li Shiqing, his heart became firm, and he said to Shi Miao, "Your father and mother are divorced. Your brother had dinner with your mother and that man named Hu today. He wanted you to follow your mother in the future. He Going back to the countryside with your dad by yourself, it may be nothing, you will think that your brother has a deep relationship with your dad; but your brother told your mother and that man surnamed Hu about a few things, so listen carefully."

"First, Shi Miao has a big temper, is timid, and is afraid of the dark. Don't leave her alone at night..."

Several exhortations, from living habits to future expectations, Ye Yiyun spoke slowly, but every sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting Shi Miao's heart hard.

Unknowingly, tears couldn't stop falling, she looked at her brother in disbelief, wishing that this man was telling lies, but the tears and apology rolling from Shifen's eyes were something she had never seen before.

"Why? Then why do you play tricks on me every time?" she asked, sobbing.

Tears dripped from the corners of Shi Fen's eyes, and he was obviously sad in his heart, but he grinned at his sister, put on a smile, and said, "Dad always drinks very late, and doesn't even come back until early in the morning, I don't want you to see him drinking heavily, I don't want you to know that your parents are divorced, I think you will be less sad if you find out one day later, so..."

He didn't go any further.

Shi Miao slowly closed his eyes, his heart turned upside down.

It turned out that the bad brother she thought was a bad family, she thought that the reason for the bad relationship between her parents was her slander to her brother, but her brother silently endured all of it, until the family fell apart, and he was still wholeheartedly for him. she considers.

Strong remorse intertwined in her heart, Shi Miao didn't know what to say when she was so ashamed, she made up for her brother, her hands were not hands, her feet were not feet, she walked up to Shi Fen and hugged him, " elder brother…"

At 4:45 p.m., the terminal platform of Binhai No. [-] bus
It was earlier than 12 midnight, the misunderstanding was cleared up, Shifen and Shimiao expressed their gratitude to Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing, and they had already gone home. The fog did not rise, but...Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing did not go home either.

Ye Yiyun thought that he had to fall asleep again before he could go back, so he went back to the hotel with Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing thought that she was only one step away from going back, her emotions fluctuated a lot, she forced herself to hold her breath, and counted the sheep for countless times, but when she opened her eyes, she went back to the bus.

that mood...

Not to mention how bad it is!
Even Ye Yiyun was frowning at this time, sitting on the rest chair, repeating all the details of the last cycle over and over again.

"Did we go in the wrong direction, could it be... Then the bus is the way to get out? How come and how come back?"

Li Shiqing, who was sitting by the side, was in an irritable mood, babbling non-stop.

The feeling of being lost after hope is too great is too uncomfortable.

Ye Yiyun just stopped, but ignored it, and continued to review the game quietly, occasionally asking her a few words to check with her.

Li Shiqing asked him twice, a little impatient, and said, "Oh, don't replay, if you want me to tell you, you can just tell her, how can it be so..."

"and many more!"

Ye Yiyun spoke suddenly, interrupted her, stared at her with piercing eyes, and asked, "What did you say?"

Li Shiqing thought it was because he was angry that she was impatient, but she pouted and insisted, "I said don't replay."

"No, the latter sentence." Ye Yiyun urged.

Li Shiqing stared, and said angrily, "Are you deaf? I said, 'If you want me to tell her, just tell her'."

Ye Yiyun froze, his gaze remained motionless, all the details about the circulation were combined in his mind.


The next second, he laughed and stood up, hugging the bewildered Li Shiqing.

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(End of this chapter)

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