Chapter 37 Unreasonable
Li Shiqing pursed her lips slightly, as if she was catching the sarcasm, she turned a deaf ear and asked, "Just say you are?"

Ye Yiyun noticed that her eyes glanced to his left back for such a brief moment, and the seat map of the students in the experimental class immediately appeared in his mind, and he roughly estimated who Li Shiqing exchanged eyes with, and he had a guess in his heart. After a little consideration, he smiled and said, "Yeah, you're right."

This general took off his robes and threw off the opponent's offensive in the opposite direction, making it impossible for the opponent's goal to be achieved.

The people who were paying attention here were dumbfounded. They really didn't expect that Ye Yiyun would recognize him?
Hu Wenying in the back was surprised for a short time, and covered her face helplessly. Last night, she spent nearly an hour going to Li Shiqing's dormitory to do work and make plans.

Li Shi was anxious, the relaxed posture of the feather fan and scarf no longer existed, "No, you..."

"Why don't you play cards according to common sense, do you?" Ye Yiyun smiled lightly.

Li Shiqing was stunned again, which means...

"Just this time, it's not an example." Before he could figure it out, Ye Yiyun warned, turned to look at his cousin, smiled and said, "Okay, don't change it, report the 5000 meters to me."

Jiang Tianhao was still immersed in the endless conversation between him and Li Shiqing, his head was at a loss and he couldn't figure it out. Hearing this, he immediately smiled, hugged his cousin, and laughed loudly, "It's better to be a younger brother." .”

"Hey, dear brother is dear brother, don't use redundancies." Ye Yiyun immediately pushed him away and said seriously.

Jiang Tianhao paused, then smiled jokingly and scratched his head knowingly.

"All right, all right, let's get out." Ye Yiyun waved at him directly, so as not to worry about going on.

"Come on, you're busy." Jiang Tianhao slid away contentedly, and slid to Liu Qing's side, "Hey, you don't report for 5000 meters, but you have to report for 1000 meters?"

Liu Qing looked at the students around him with 'sadness' eyes, each of them withdrew their attention like avoiding the plague, pretending to have their own business.

But they were able to escape for a while, but could not escape forever. The other two teams in charge of mobilization began to work again with great enthusiasm, and their excuses became "Look at Ye Yiyun, who has applied for three projects..." and so on.

When all kinds of persuasion and excuses sounded in the classroom, Li Shiqing looked at Ye Yiyun who was sitting and sorting out the knowledge points of Chapter 4 in the mathematics textbook, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

Chapter 4... Tsk, Lao Zhao just finished Chapter 3.

This guy is really not an ordinary person!
Thinking of letting him see through her plan, this feeling deepened in her heart.

However, in his words, at least they are comrades who got out of the predicament together back to back. She did this, somewhat...

"You know everything?" Li Shiqing asked in a low voice.

She put her hands on the back of the chair, and hid her chin and mouth behind the chair. From Ye Yiyun's perspective, she could only see those dull eyes and the big black frame.

He raised his eyelids, glanced lightly, and asked narrowly, "When will your big black frame be changed?"

"I want you to take care of it." Li Shiqing helped the big black frame on the bridge of her nose, muttering unnaturally.

Ye Yiyun smiled, lowered his head and continued to tidy up.

The air was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Li Shiqing thought he was angry, pursed her delicate lips, and apologized softly, "I was also entrusted by others, I'm sorry."

"Well, I know, just tell me next time." Ye Yiyun said calmly without raising his head.

There seemed to be a chord in his heart, Li Shiqing couldn't take his eyes off, staring blankly at his focused eyebrows, for a while, holding his heart that was speeding up, turned around, and replied a short word, "Okay."


On a crisp autumn Friday, the sports meeting will come as scheduled.

It was another sunny day, and the blue sky and white clouds made the students feel more comfortable. Except for the senior high school students, most of them could only look at the playground through the window. The students who participated were not in a very high mood. After a while, I can't work hard enough to be surpassed by others.

Of course, the overall scene was still very cheerful, with laughter and laughter floating over the entire playground.

"Next, I announce that the 20th autumn sports meeting of elite high schools will begin!"

It took 40 minutes for the principal Xie Weizhou to speak to the students. It was close to 9 o'clock. From the first year of high school to the second year of high school to the third year of high school, the head teachers of each class led their students to the pre-divided areas. The game stays here.

The class leaders carried water, snacks, and support signs, distributed them to students, and had to maintain order in the later stage.

In the sports meeting, track and field are the mainstay, followed by ball games. The first to bear the brunt is naturally the 100m track race, 100m for men and 100m for women.

"Who is participating in the 100 meters? Hurry up and report, Ye Yiyun, who else?"

Old Zhao yelled half-demonstratively, and after he finished yelling, he told Hu Wenying and Jiang Tianhao beside him, "Probably the process is like this. The game schedule is here. You must check it clearly, you know?"

Hu Wenying and Jiang Tianhao nodded again and again.

Unsurprisingly, these class teachers would all gather around the principal after more than 10 minutes.

"How many items did you report?"

Ye Yiyun looked at Li Shiqing who came out of the class phalanx with him, and asked curiously.

"It's more than you anyway."

Li Shiqing raised her chin proudly and hummed.

This strange desire to win made him laugh, and said with a smile, "Okay, pay more attention to yourself and save some energy."

Men's 100 and Women's 100 are not at the same race point, they are separated.

Ye Yiyun and another boy named Wang Weidong came to the men's 100 match point. The stage happened to be separated from the women's 100 by a football field, and the men's 100 was next to the spectator area.

The two received their respective name tags and tied them on their backs with pins. According to the numbers on the name tags, they stood at the starting point of different tracks. There were 8 tracks in the playground, but there were only 6 people in the first preliminary round.

Ye Yiyun hadn't practiced track and field specifically, but Jiang Tianhao had taught him the squatting position these two days, but the school didn't have a starting block, so he still chose the standing position which he was relatively comfortable with.

"Everyone take your place~"

As the referee's slogan sounded, Ye Yiyun put his right foot forward, the toe of his shoe stuck to the starting line, his legs bent, his upper body leaned forward, his left arm forward, and his right arm backward.

Looking over in a row, there were 5 squatting poses, and he was the only standing pose used by elementary school students and girls. Jiang Tianhao on the side of the track looked at it and covered his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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