Chapter 38 Differences
Ye Yiyun didn't pay much attention to the eyes of his opponents and the audience.

This is also an opportunity to measure the limit of his reaction force.

The speed item has been roughly drawn in the two basketball games after returning from the cycle.

He adjusted his breathing slightly, and focused most of his attention on the commander at the junction of the left track and the football field.

The commander was a middle-aged teacher. After several checks, he made sure that no one had crossed the line. He began to exert force with his index finger holding the trigger of the command gun.


The slightly explosive gunshots rang in my ears, just as a gust of refreshing wind slowly passed by, lifting the hem of the white school uniform T-shirt, but only half of it. There was a rattling sound while moving, and the whole body was thrown behind him.

0.25 seconds, if some of the students watching the game just blinked, then when they watch it again, they may be surprised to find that Ye Yiyun is no longer in the same place.

Like a blue and white lightning, it stabs rapidly from the starting point to the end point.

Beside the finish line of the stage, there was a row of watch pinners by the side of the football field. They were all young physical education teachers. body.


After the young physical education teacher pressed the stopwatch of the mechanical watch in his hand, he immediately looked down...


Even though there is a gap of 0.3 to 0.4 between hand pinch and electronic, the teacher was shocked by this result.

"How many?"

"Have you broken 11?"

Just as he was caught in the astonishment of this result, the other five teachers who had finished pinching the watch came around one after another.

"Hey, 10.8, Guoyi."

An older teacher joked.

In fact, we all know that hand-pick results, let alone add 0.3, professional team provincial team and national team coach veterans also say that the error between those manual-pick results and the electronic will be infinitely reduced.

"Not bad, not bad."

"The first country is not enough, but the second country is stable."

"At least broke the school's record."

The rest of the people laughed.

"Okay, let's count."

The older teacher took out a form and a pen, and the watch pickers in charge of their respective tracks reported the results, and they would fill in the results on their own forms after reporting.

"Teacher, how many seconds is the second track?"

"Teacher, where's mine?"

After sprinting, after a short slow walk to relax, they circled around and came here one after another to ask for their results.

Ye Yiyun went back directly without being pretentious, and stood behind and listened.

"Your... well, 11.9."

"Yi Yiyun, who is Ye Yiyun?"

According to the procedure, there is no need for the teacher to tell, let alone the next group to compare, but the results that broke the school record came out, and several teachers were in a good mood. After reporting the results one by one, the older teacher scanned Several people around asked.

"Teacher, I am." Ye Yiyun raised his hand.

The teacher sized him up, nodded and said, "That's right, 10.8, breaking the school record, is it a student with a strong physical education background?"

"No." Ye Yiyun shook his head.

This answer really surprised the five teachers who pinched their watches.

Their gazes at Ye Yiyun couldn't help becoming hot.

Only the older one, after the short-term heat subsided, drove away, "Okay, okay, don't surround yourself, the next group is about to start."

Elites don't have special sports classes, so what's the use of being jealous?

Each of the six players returned to each class.

"Master, it's amazing." On the way back to class, Wang Weidong gave Ye Yiyun a thumbs up.

"Thank you." Ye Yiyun smiled, but didn't care too much.

"how is it going?"

As soon as he approached the audience area of ​​the experimental class and arranged for a few students who were about to participate in the project, Jiang Tianhao hurried forward and asked.

"Successfully advanced to the next round." Ye Yiyun didn't mention the results, only said that he had obtained the promotion qualification, with a very peaceful expression.

"I'm not blind. Of course I know that you will enter the next round. What about your specific results?" Jiang Tianhao was a little anxious, and immediately asked Wang Weidong, "Do you know?"

Wang Weidong glanced at Ye Yiyun, met Jiang Tianhao's scorching gaze, and said mysteriously, "Brother Hao will find out after listening to the radio."

"Listening to the radio? Breaking the record?" Jiang Tianhao asked in disbelief.

Wang Weidong nodded, and he raised his fists excitedly and cheered.

Ye Yiyun hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, okay, this is the first group, maybe there will be more powerful ones behind."

It's a pity that his voice just fell...

"Youth is fearless, surpasses oneself, Ye Yiyun from the experimental class of the elite high school has a score of 10.8..."

The record-breaking short bulletin was broadcast three times in a row. If it didn't exceed Ye Yiyun, there would be a long bulletin at the closing ceremony.


Ye Yiyun was unprepared, gave Jiang Tianhao a jump, hung on him, and strangled his shoulders.

"There are still 800 meters behind me, come down quickly."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Qiu and Wang Wu also threw themselves on him.

"Your uncle, it's very heavy..."

Ye Yiyun's 'wailing' made the audience in the experimental class burst into laughter.

The 800 competition was scheduled for the afternoon. Ye Yiyun did not report as many events as Li Shiqing did, so he could only sit in the spectator area, watch the competition, and listen to Zhao Qiu and Wang Wu fighting around him. It was quite comfortable to have a leisurely time.

But also because he was 'idle' and sat in the audience area all the time, some girls in the first and second grades who didn't know him very well came to him.

Send water, send snacks, send fruit, send envelopes...

It's not like they didn't do it before when they were in the class, but Ye Yiyun always declined with a smile.

The key point is that there is a large crowd and there are many onlookers. His trick is not very effective, not to mention, there are still people who drop a bag of things and leave.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who received such treatment, and so did Sany, who had been poached with a lot of money from the school's senior management.

But in terms of quantity, Ye Yiyun, who is more talkative, still looks a little more.

"God, you are so popular."

At some point, Li Shiqing, who finished another competition, sat down next to Ye Yiyun after the previous girl left, speaking narrowly.

"Competition finished?" Ye Yiyun smiled and picked up a bottle of vitamin water from behind him, unscrewed the cap and handed it to her.

If there are girls who have been frustrated by him before, they will find that there is an essential difference between his smile at this time and the smile of declining them.


Li Shiqing took two gulps, wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, and nodded vaguely.

"Hey, there are still love letters." She looked at the pile of things in front of her, locked the thick stack of envelopes, and said in surprise.

Ye Yiyun paid attention to her gaze, and said with a light smile, "Why? Envious?"

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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