Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 40 Standard Templates

Chapter 40 Standard Templates
If Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing went to the cafeteria together before and swiped her meal card, those girls who chased and fell in love with Ye Yiyun would only think that the two of them were acquaintances or neighbors, so they got closer; but now, Ye Yiyun They talked and laughed side by side with Li Shiqing and went back to the playground. They were really confused.

But it didn't all rise to deep jealousy, because Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing's sense of distance was well controlled, and it seemed to be between the relationship they thought they had and the classmates who were relatively easy to talk to.

Feeling that there were countless gazes hanging on her body, Li Shiqing felt terrified, and said in a happy and casual tone, "Ye Yiyun, if I have any wrongdoing, you must pay for it."

"Oh, do you want to renegotiate the content of the agreement?" Ye Yiyun didn't care about the gazes from the surrounding crowd, and he was relaxed and unrestrained.

"Then what else?" Li Shiqing said angrily.

Just as Ye Yiyun was about to continue talking, there was a sound of broken footsteps from behind, a girl who was much taller than Li Shiqing and had a better figure jumped out from her right, took Li Shiqing's right arm, and rushed towards Ye Yiyun. A stiff yet polite smile.

"Where have you been?" Li Shiqing asked Deng Xiaoqi as if complaining.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced at Ye Yiyun over there, smiled stiffly, and when her eyes returned to Li Shiqing's face, she was quite natural, and explained, "How dare I destroy the atmosphere between you two?"

"Are you talking nonsense again?" Li Shiqing stared over immediately.

"Don't be angry, it's better to be angry. There are so many people staring at us, and it's not us one by one. Why should I feel uncomfortable?" Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly complained.

Li Shiqing cast her a blank stare helplessly and speechlessly, "Hmph, you have no loyalty!"

"Oh, okay, okay, my fault, my fault, okay." Deng Xiaoqi gently shook her arm, her crooked tone made her skin crawl.

"Then why are you looking for me now?" Li Shiqing said with some anger remaining.

Ye Yiyun glanced at her indifferently.

What's the reason, don't you have any points in your mind?

As soon as she finished speaking, a person jumped out from Ye Yiyun's side, Jiang Tianhao.

Holding Ye Yiyun's shoulders, he kept looking towards Deng Xiaoqi.

Seeing this situation, no matter how stupid Li Shiqing was, she understood what was going on.

He glared at Deng Xiaoqi angrily, then turned his head fiercely, and went straight to the playground ahead.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced angrily at Jiang Tianhao who was the cause of the incident, and hurried to catch up.

When the two walked away, Ye Yiyun turned his head to look at his cousin, saw him looking at the back of a beautiful woman in the distance, shook his hand away, and said with a smile, "Are you still so busy at the sports meeting?"

The obvious sarcasm in the words, who knows that Jiang Tianhao was not at all ashamed, he looked away, looked at Ye Yiyun with deep meaning in his eyes, and said to him, "I'm just idle, and no one is idle."


evening playground

As the seasons change, the length of the day is gradually shortened. It is only after 5 o'clock, and the western sky has been dyed with red clouds.

The track, the football field, including the stadium, were much more empty than the bustle in the morning.

On the audience stage with the setting sun behind their backs, there were scattered and joking students, and the laughter of youth was raised from time to time, echoing in the sky.

Ye Yiyun looked at the cousins ​​who were making a mess around him, and then looked elsewhere at the students who were laughing and chasing and being stopped by the teacher, his heart was faintly touched, and a knowing smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

What a wonderful campus time.

Both the 100m final and the 800m final were over. Ye Yiyun won the championship without any surprise, and broke the school record not only in the 100m, but also in the 800m. There is a reward for breaking the record, and the amount of cash is not much , focusing on the certificate of merit.

The homeroom teacher Lao Zhao and the physical education teacher Song both came over and expressed their praise to him. The honor is not only for him, Lao Zhao and Teacher Song will also add a few lines to their resumes.

On the other side of the audience area of ​​the experimental class, Li Shiqing had just finished the final of the shot put event. Deng Xiaoqi rubbed her wrist while helping her to sit down, with a slightly doggy posture.

"Be gentle." Li Shiqing put on airs, frowned and said in disgust.

Deng Xiaoqi closed her eyes slowly when she heard this, imagining Qian Sanyi's appearance several times in her heart, suppressed her anger, raised her face again, blinked her eyes, and said flatteringly, "Are you satisfied?"

"Well, not bad." Li Shiqing sat with a big horse, nodding her head lightly, she was like a cat like a tiger.

Everyone has a limit of patience, and Deng Xiaoqi is not someone who can keep her head down.

She pouted, gently put down Li Shiqing's wrist, put her head on Li Shiqing's shoulder, swayed her body slightly, and said crookedly, "For that poetry, please forgive me, forgive me~"

"Okay, okay." Li Shiqing quickly raised her hand to stop the momentum, glanced at her slowly, controlled her momentum, and said calmly, "Just this time, it's not an example."

Deng Xiaoqi was taken aback for a moment.

Hmm...why do these words sound familiar?

She shook her head, hugged Li Shiqing with both hands with a smile, leaned forward, and asked in a low voice with longing, "Then when will you help me match us one by one?"

"I..." Li Shiqing burst out in shock.

Ye Yiyun over there looked over.

Instead of looking at each other, she separated like an electric shock, quickly retracted her head, and retorted in a low voice, "How can I handle that facial paralysis? If you talk about me, why do you want to let such a warm man like Jiang Tianhao go? What about chasing that facial paralysis?"

Deng Xiaoqi wrapped her fingers around her hair, and said softly, "You don't understand that, do you? Jiang Tianhao is warm, but he has a central air conditioner, and he is warm to everyone. We are different one by one...hehe~"

She didn't know what she was thinking of, so she smirked for no reason. Li Shiqing felt goosebumps all over her body, and quickly broke away from her embrace, and said, "I can still talk to Jiang Tianhao, his face is paralyzed...hehe."

The last two chuckles, obvious disdain.

"Wouldn't you ask your family to help if anyone wants you to come forward?" Deng Xiaoqi rubbed over again, implying something.

Li Shiqing was speechless, "Others don't know what's going on, I've explained it to you many times, you don't know?"

Deng Xiaoqi chuckled, glanced at Ye Yiyun's side face over there, and said with emotion, "Really, without us one by one, there is a high probability that our sisters will kill each other."

"Then please don't worry, you can get one more." Li Shiqing said hastily.

As she spoke, she took a quick glance at Ye Yiyun, and whispered to Deng Xiaoqi, "This kind of person, with such brains, can be eaten to the bone!"

Deng Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, her hands were raised in front of her chest, she patted her hands lightly, and she said in surprise, "Wow, a high IQ student, a stupid and cute student scum, a standard template for a dog blood drama~"


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