Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 41 Are you still there?

Chapter 41 Are you still there?

The sports meeting lasted for two days, Friday and Saturday, the weather was very good on both days, the sun was shining and the sky was blue.

In the final grades, some classes are fruitful, and some classes have few particles.

In the experimental class, there are many awards, all of which belong to Ye Yiyun. He won the 100, 800, and 5000 meter championships and broke the school record. Li Shiqing won the 400, 800, and shot put championships.

"Finally, I announce that the 20th Autumn Sports Meeting of the Elite High School has come to a successful conclusion!" Lao Xie's voice came from the radio speakers all over the campus.


Cheers, laughs, sprinkled all over the playground, and flew towards the distant sky with a few colorful balloons...

Among the huge crowd, Zhao Qiu and Wang Wu squeezed to Ye Yiyun's side, keeping their eyes on him.

"I won't agree to an excessive request." Ye Yiyun gave himself an advance schedule.

He received gifts from girls in three grades, and he could pile up a pile in half an hour, but returning the gifts with names among them was a lot of work.

So he 'hired' Wang Wu and Zhao Qiu as helpers to return these things with him. Wang Wu and Zhao Qiu's family background are not bad, and they made it clear that they don't need money as a reward; Ye Yiyun changed the reward , one person owes one request, the two felt it was unnecessary at first, because after all, it was a benefit to meet a young lady and 'encounter' different types of beauties, but after Ye Yiyun insisted for the second time, the two looked at each other With one glance, he immediately agreed, and the speed of changing his words really surprised him.

"No, no, not at all." Wang Wu and Zhao Qiu seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, but they waved their hands at the same time and said.

"That... I'll say it first, Yiyun, have you finished your homework?" Wang Wu looked at him expectantly.

Although the sports meeting took up one day of vacation, the teachers of the three main subjects were not lenient in assigning homework. In terms of amount, it was not much less than the normal two-day vacation.

Ye Yiyun's eyes changed slightly, he shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm very sorry, chubby classmate, I didn't change a word of my homework. In view of our previous agreement, there is only one chance to make a request. If I really can't meet it, it will be void."

"Ah? No, wait, I, no..."

Wang Wu looked anxious, and stretched out his hand again and again, wanting to change his words, but was pulled further and further away by Zhao Qiu beside him.

"Ah~ I rely on it~"

Wang Wu, who was pulled away, covered his face and howled in pain, feeling the sadness of missing a hundred million.

"Okay, chubby classmate, please shut up, it's my turn to mention it." Zhao Qiu completely ignored it and said lightly.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wu pushed him away, leaned in front of Ye Yiyun, and said, "Yiyun, why don't you come to an offline party with me on Sunday."

"You give me... you give me... start driving, Hundan!" Zhao Qiu pushed Xiaopang with all his strength, but was stuck by the tonnage and couldn't push it.

Ye Yiyun saw that the two were moving and arguing, the scene was somewhat funny, he thought for a while, and said, "I have to do my homework on Sunday, how about this, you also have my Q number, if you don't know anything, you can ask me. "

"Okay, okay, that's good." Fatty immediately beamed with joy and let go of his strength, but the moment he let go of his strength, Zhao Qiu almost staggered.

"Hey, hold on, don't get excited, classmate, hold on." Wang Wu stretched out his fat hand, grabbed Zhao Qiu's slender waist, and returned the previous sarcasm.

Zhao Qiu stood firm from the state of leaning forward 60 degrees, glanced at Wang Wupa holding his hand, and said "hardly", "Wait."

Turning to look at Ye Yiyun, he said, "Yiyun, I have no other requirements, as long as I get 10 points in the final."

"Is this request too much?" Wang Wu questioned immediately after he finished speaking.

Although Xiaopang is most interested in Two-dimensional, but when he was young, he also participated in the training class and practiced for a while. In his own words: just because he is too fat, how can Zhao Qiu get a chance?
And there is a reason why he didn't compare it with anyone, but only compared it with Zhao Qiu.

After so many games, he knows the strength of the players in the class.

Zhao Qiu?

That's a fish in water.

"Hey, don't go too far." Zhao Qiu turned around and stared at Fatty with fiery eyes.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Ye Yiyun hurriedly agreed, "Okay, no problem."

"Really?" Zhao Qiu asked with surprise.

Ye Yiyun nodded.

Zhao Qiu was overjoyed, and proudly raised his chin at Wang Wu.

Throwing a wave of emoticons at each other, the two belatedly helped Ye Yiyun move all the unnamed gifts to the school guard and packed them. support.


At dusk, the sunset glow reddened the entire west.

The lush tree-lined path, half of which seeps with red and gold shimmer, has a different kind of hazy feeling.

"Yesterday's agreement, let's forget about it." Ye Yiyun suggested to Li Shiqing, who looked at Li Shiqing, who was obviously awkward, looking at what was not and what was not.

After a night of fermenting, on the second day of the autumn sports meeting, some girls deliberately satirized Li Shiqing's shortcomings, which deviated from Ye Yiyun's original intention and was not what he wanted to see.

"What? Are you bankrupt?" Li Shiqing choked with a dull expression.

Seeing her insistence, Ye Yiyun smiled helplessly, and said, "Forget it, those people have said too much."

When he said this, Li Shiqing looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Is it still you? Are you still so numb?"

"Oh, you know me so well?" Ye Yiyun raised his eyebrows and asked back, before Li Shiqing could reply, he said, "Okay, the agreement ends today, next week, morning, noon and evening, you will have three meals a day I'll cover it all, it's compensation for breaking the contract."

"No." Li Shiqing immediately vetoed it, and asked, "The agreement is a mutual contract between both parties. Have you broken the contract and asked me for my opinion? I have said it all, so what else can I hear?"

Hearing what she said, Ye Yiyun knew that she was really on the top, caught in an emotional conflict, and got involved with those who judged her.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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