Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 42 I'm Serious

Chapter 42 I'm Serious

As the evening wind blew, she slightly brushed Li Shiqing's unadorned short hair. She pursed her lips, the corners of her mouth were slightly pulled down, her eyebrows were twisted, and her eyes were wide open, all expressing her emotions and anger.

"Decided?" Ye Yiyun asked in a calm tone.

"En." Li Shiqing moved her eyes, glanced at him, nodded slightly, and stared angrily at the clump of grass not far away, as if the clump of grass were those who complained about her shortcomings behind her back.

Guess it is very likely that she will be difficult to reverse in a certain period of time, but...

"It's not impossible for you to block the gun for me. It's not impossible for you to persevere. It's just that I'm afraid of going too far and stabbing this misunderstanding to your parents. Me, you know, no mother Lao Tzu, you... really don't think about it anymore." He persuaded again in a gentle voice.

The flames jumping between Li Shiqing's brows went out, her eyes softened a little, she was not stupid, after Ye Yiyun's touch, she figured out what was at stake in a moment.


She didn't know what was going on, she didn't betray her, she still insisted, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I will explain to them in advance."

Ye Yiyun squinted his eyes and looked at her fixedly. The red-gold sunset glow fell on her face, showing off her delicate facial features. , said, "Then it's settled, classmate Li Shiqing."

"Okay, that's the deal, student Ye Yiyun."

Li Shiqing smiled and stretched out her hand, but she didn't hold his hand, but...


There was a very crisp sound, which spread on the quiet campus path under the last corner of the setting sun.


Hearty laughter sounded immediately, Li Shiqing seemed to have a strange desire to win against him.

With a face overflowing with happiness, she pointed to Ye Yiyun, shook her right hand funny, grabbed the shoulder strap of the backpack triumphantly, and ran away.

Ye Yiyun looked down at his left hand, paused, and walked slowly.


On Saturday, there is no rush hour after school, and the rush hour for off work is cut in half, but it catches up with parents taking their children out to play, so the elevated highway in Jiangzhou is still so congested.

"You're not kidding?"

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Dawei couldn't help but asked in a daze after listening to his daughter's description of how she blocked that school bully Ye Yiyun.

Li Shiqing thought that her father was trying to distract her, and quickly explained, "Dad, don't worry, he and I are helping each other. My mother asked me last time. Look, this guy's true purpose has been exposed."

Her trick of turning black into white was very subtle, as if in her mouth, Ye Yiyun became a cunning big bad wolf.

"No, no, I didn't think about that." Li Dawei glanced at the rearview mirror, waved his hands again and again, and asked, " are such a top student, and you are not bad looking, why should you be chosen? Didn't you say that Deng Xiaoqi in your lower bunk is the class flower of your class?"

"No ..."

Li Shiqing was still thinking about how not to let her father misunderstand her. The next second, a question from her father plunged into her heart.

"Dad~" She let out a mournful groan, glared at Li Dawei angrily, and asked, "Are you my dad? It's fine for others to talk about it, but you..."

Li Dawei was a little flustered by the girl's heartbroken complaints, "No, no, Dad didn't mean that, I..."

He explained generally, but suddenly recalled something, and asked sharply, "What else will tell? Who will tell?"

Li Shiqing's sad expression paused, and she immediately said sadly, "Who else could it be? No matter how strict the teacher is, that guy can still receive gifts and love letters every day. Naturally, those little fans of his said it."

Li Dawei nodded, which also made sense.

But then, his eyes changed, and he said nervously, "Girl, this job is not easy to do. The little girl in high school has no concept of the legal system. Talk about it behind her back. The main thing is not too much, and it's nothing. Don't turn around and really hurt you."

Li Shiqing's heart skipped a beat.

It's over, it's too far, it's too far.

"Dad, I think what you said is right, but not completely right. Look, what kind of students are recruited by the elite? Which city are we in? Don't worry, don't you know my strength?" She didn't know when she learned This set was clearly arranged for his father Li Dawei, and Li Dawei really couldn't point out a single mistake after going around this round.

It didn't stop, Li Shiqing continued to perform, pretending to be apologetic, "Besides, Ye Dashen helped me learn and improve, and I helped others block guns. I am repaying you with spring."

Li Dawei frowned, thought for a while, nodded with his mouth tightly pursed, and said, "Okay, you can eat people with a short mouth and short hands, but don't mention this to your mother, otherwise , she should be furious again."

"Understood, understood." Li Shiqing smiled and made an OK gesture.

Li Dawei also smiled happily as he looked at his daughter in the rearview mirror.

Slowing down the momentum, he instructed, "Since people help you so much, then you should work hard and try to improve your grades. If your grades are good, we will be liberated."

In the end, there was a little helplessness and longing in his words.

My daughter did well in the monthly exam last month. His wife, Wang Shengnan, treated him this month with a gentle and considerate smile, without the dislike from time to time in the past, and called her brother-in-law Tang Yuanming every now and then to ask about her situation.

"Yeah." Li Shiqing drank two mouthfuls of vitamin water, screwed on the cap, and said, "I'm going to tell you about this."

"Slow down, slow down, swallow before you speak." Li Dawei said nervously.

"I can't wait. When I mention this, I get angry." Li Shiqing changed into an angry face at some point.

Upon hearing the words, Li Dawei frowned helplessly, secretly blaming himself for which pot he did not open and which pot he carried.

"Dad, how did you promise me last time?" Seeing that Dad was silent, Li Shiqing pursued after the victory.

On the way home this time, her performance got an excellent rating from the acting school.

The transition of emotions is so smooth, silky and full, in place, without revealing any flaws.

"No, don't you know what's going on in our family?" Li Dawei tried to make up for himself.

There is some shortness of breath in the words, and the hero is short of breath.

"Okay, Dad, last time it was all my negligence, and I neglected Mom's level, but this time, we must make the terms clear." Li Shiqing reached out her hand to stop him, with a serious and rigorous posture like a negotiator.

Li Dawei was amused, "Look at you, just talk about it, why are you so serious?"

"Comrade Li Dawei, please stop being so close, I'm very serious." Unexpectedly, Li Shiqing refused to accept him, and on the contrary, it was even better.

Here, to evaluate Ye Yiyun, it should be the worst part of Li Shiqing's performance this time.

"Hey, you're really excited, aren't you?" Li Dawei nodded, and before the girl whose eyes changed to make love, he said, "Then you talk to your mother alone, I have to remind you, you and your mother Mom should take it easy when negotiating terms, if it gets too big, even if your mother agreed at the time, it would still be nothing in the end."

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(End of this chapter)

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