Chapter 44 Dependency
"Don't overdo it." After two seconds of stupefaction, Li Shiqing poked her gaze, but the reality was that she couldn't figure it out, because her concept of Party A and Party B was very rough, and the exposed "tooth and claw" was just a mask.

"No, no, it's not too much, you can ask uncle, go ahead, buy it early, and talk about the topic earlier." Ye Yiyun handed over the 50 bill.

Li Shiqing was a little hesitant. She glanced around, met with different eyes, and finally glanced at the 50 note in Ye Yiyun's hand, and glared at him, "I invite you."

She stepped hard and walked out of the classroom step by step. Ye Yiyun glanced at her back and put the money away with a smile.


Jiang Tianhao on the side flicked his tongue at him, and raised his eyebrows, which meant a lot.

"Have you finished your paper?" Ye Yiyun looked at him with a smile, but there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes.

Jiang Tianhao's expression changed, "Yiyun, look at you..."

"Zhao Qiu, aren't the real test papers for the third subject of liberal arts ready yet?" Ye Yiyun asked behind him, ignoring his excuses.

Zhao Qiu stopped writing, glanced at Jiang Tianhao, and suggested, "Why don't Brother Hao go to the copy room to get it, just mention my name."

Ye Yiyun looked at Jiang Tianhao indifferently, "Then cousin, please excuse me."

"not me…"


In the corridor of the teaching building on the second floor, you can see a "poet" who is "leaning on the railing" every few meters. They have a "sorrowful face" and hold snacks or drinks in their hands. There was cheerful frolic on the floor, and they would glance up enviously.

"Why did you ask you to buy water again?"

Li Shiqing was holding five bottles of drinks, and happened to run into Deng Xiaoqi who came out to relax (refuge).

She pouted helplessly, "What can I do? Take care of the disabled."

Not in front of Ye Yiyun at this moment, she will continue to lose without any scruples.

Deng Xiaoqi smiled and said enviously, "Your family is better. It can help you improve your grades and chat with you."

Li Shiqing pursed her lips speechlessly, and rolled her eyes upwards.

here again~
"Where's your little mirror?" When the energy in her heart passed, she asked Deng Xiaoqi with her eyes wandering.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" Deng Xiaoqi patted her, and took out a small makeup mirror from the pocket of her autumn school uniform, "What? Do you want to use it?"

Li Shiqing nodded with her chin, and said, "Open it."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't know why, so she looked at her suspiciously, but she did as she wanted.

"Well, take it and put it in front of your face, it's not me, it's you."

Under Li Shiqing's guidance, Deng Xiaoqi looked at herself in the small mirror, looked left and right, and asked while looking, "What's wrong? Is there something stuck? Or?"

Li Shiqing smiled, "Take a good look, take a good look."

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head and body, and carefully observed from different angles, but she didn't see anything strange, so she couldn't help but said anxiously, "What? Tell me quickly."

In class, I can sneakily take out a small mirror to look at my face. At best it sounds like paying attention to your appearance, at worst it sounds smug.

Li Shiqing is playing tricks, can she not be in a hurry?

Seeing that the atmosphere was similar, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Take a good look, the one in the mirror is still a goddess? The whole girl hangs silk."

Only then did Deng Xiaoqi come to her senses, and while she was relieved, she did not forget to put on a few elegant poses, admiring herself in the small mirror, and complained, "You are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is, oh~"

Seeing her start again, Li Shiqing shook her head helplessly, "Come on, you, feel the spring hurts the autumn here, I, I have to do the papers when I go back, I don't understand, don't you really like Qian Sanyi?" ?”

Let's just talk, it's better to withdraw directly after the first half of the talk, instead of asking too much.

Deng Xiaoqi immediately entangled her again, she took a slightly coquettish step, waved her hand gently, her expression seemed to be reminiscing, she was enjoying herself, and said, "I just don't understand why, as a boy, he has a smell of... Strange fragrance."

"Are you sure it's not the smell?" Li Shiqing felt goosebumps all over her body.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced at her, "Are you angry?"

"Come on, get angry, I'll take a step first."

Li Shiqing shook off her and started to run.

"Hey, wait for me~"


friday, classroom

The dark and dark week is over, there are two days before the midterm exam, and two days are holidays.

"Students, these two days, you must not relax, study hard..."

Old Zhao stood in front of the podium, exhorting 'hoarsely'.

Below, most of the students were packing their backpacks, and some of them had already packed them.

"Master, do you have any plans for the weekend?" Li Shiqing leaned her head back and asked in a low voice.

This week, using various breaks, self-study classes, and the time before the lights in the dormitory turned off, Ye Yiyun took her to do the real questions in various subjects for the past three years, including several science subjects. Pointing to the specific location of the textbook in one step, he sorted out the knowledge points of these wrong questions for her, and found some questions to strengthen and consolidate.

This kind of "service" is not limited to her alone, Jiang Tianhao, Zhao Qiu, and Wang Wu can all enjoy it, but Li Shiqing sits in front of him and asks more frequently. In the eyes of some people, Ye Yiyun only Answering the questions for her alone, the gossip spread to Lao Zhao's ears, and Lao Zhao specially talked to him about it. Of course, the focus must not be on helping classmates. Ye Yiyun knew it clearly, pretended not to understand, and made it clear that Borrowing from the notes, I can’t answer the questions. It is already very difficult for him to lead four people alone. Lao Zhao and the school now regard him as a seed player. Naturally, it is difficult to say anything. I am sure Ye Yiyun has no such thoughts, and once again ruthlessly at the class meeting He praised his eagerness to help his classmates.

Ye Yiyun stretched out a finger, pressed it against the upper part of her head, gently pushed her back, and said softly, "Let's talk when it's over."

Soon, Lao Zhao finished encouraging, some people groaned, and everyone rushed out of the classroom.

On the way back to the dormitory, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing stood side by side... It was impossible to stand shoulder to shoulder.

"Well, there's not much homework on weekends. On Saturday, you can relax and memorize the test points of history, politics and land, or the beginning of the composition, and finish the homework by the way..."

"Wait, wait, let me write it down." Li Shiqing hurriedly interrupted him, took out the mobile phone she got from Wang Momo during the big break in the afternoon, opened the memo to record what he just said, and complained, "This Also called relaxation?"

Ye Yiyun didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he nodded with a face of course, and asked, "Isn't endorsement a thing to relax your mind?"

"I..." Li Shiqing was almost dumbfounded, she gave up after thinking about it, and said, "Forget it, I can't compare with you, what about Sunday?"

She urged, looking at Ye Yiyun eagerly, maybe she didn't know it herself, unknowingly, she became more and more dependent on Ye Yiyun when she was studying.

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(End of this chapter)

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