Chapter 45 Genes
"On Sunday, take a look at the collection of wrong questions for several science subjects, mainly mathematics." Ye Yiyun glanced at her, saw that she had memorized it well, and said, "That's okay, work harder."

After a word of encouragement, just as he was about to take a step, Li Shiqing reached out and grabbed his arm, "Hey, wait, wait."

Ye Yiyun's eyes fell on the slender fingers on his forearm, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Any questions?" he asked.

Li Shiqing glanced left and right, as if she wanted to say something secret, she dragged him to the side of the road, and while she was wary of the passing students, she asked softly, "I remember being there..."

Ye Yiyun's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "I have something to say."

Li Shiqing shrank her neck, quickly gave a sorry look, and said, "Are you and Qian Sanyi neighbors?"

"..." After a short silence, he guessed something, nodded, "Yeah."

After getting him to admit it, Li Shiqing's eyes lit up, she looked left and right, lowered her volume, and said in a low voice, "Well, can you tell me his home address?"

Without answering immediately, Ye Yiyun straightened up and glanced around. Sure enough, a Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly looked away from the two of them on the side of the road not far away.

When he looked away and fell on Li Shiqing's face, the latter smiled apologetically, "You found out."

Ye Yiyun didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Li Shiqing couldn't hold back his gaze at all, but when she thought of Deng Xiaoqi's pleading, she gritted her teeth, raised her hands, imitated the movements in some stick dramas, folded her hands together, and rubbed them up and down, "Please, please~"

On Ye Yiyun's calm face, the corners of his eyes twitched first, then a smile appeared in his eyes, and finally his whole face couldn't hold back, and he asked with a chuckle, "Did she teach you?"

"Don't change the subject, just say can you?" Because of his smile, Li Shiqing blushed a little, and said angrily.

Slowing down and calming down his smile, Ye Yiyun said seriously, "Address, no; Q number, I can ask for you."

"Ah~" Li Shiqing looked disappointed, and whispered, "It's not like there is no Q number for him in the class group."

That tone seemed to dislike him for being weak.

"Did Deng Xiaoqi add him?" Ye Yiyun asked.

"Of course not..." Li Shiqing replied in a muffled voice. Halfway through her speech, she seemed to understand something, her eyes lit up, she stared at Ye Yiyun's side face, and asked, "Can Qian Sanyi accept what you mean?"

"No, I mean, I can help and ask if he can accept it." Ye Yiyun corrected.

"Ah~" Li Shiqing was disappointed again, the hope in his eyes slowly faded, and he whispered, "Then it's better not to ask."

The roller coaster of her two waves of emotions, the changes in expression are appropriate, and Ye Yiyun couldn't help laughing with those small eyes, "Is it really unnecessary?"

"Let's ask." Li Shiqing raised her face in distress, really not knowing how she would explain to Deng Xiaoqi later.

"Okay." Ye Yiyun nodded, seeing that she was really embarrassed, thought for a while, and said, "I have seen Qian Sanyi's mother, a scholarly family, and a famous lady. Qian Sanyi's family, I don't mean to look down on Deng Xiaoqi, but frankly speaking, with her current quality in all aspects, I'm afraid she can't even pass the test of Qian Sanyi's mother, so you tell her, instead of wasting time on thinking Simumu, why not improve your quality in all aspects, maybe you can still have some opportunities."

"Huh~ What age, do you still have such prejudices?" Li Shiqing frowned in disbelief, mixed with a hint of disgust.

"What kind of aristocratic family is the Qian family? A thousand-year-old family, a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River. Now, it is also a sixth academician. I heard that Qian Sanyi's ancestor is also a branch of the Qian family. In short, you just say it is my suggestion, and you can listen to her or not. .”

Ye Yiyun's explanation made Li Shiqing speechless, "My God, if Xiaoqi really ends up with Qian Sanyi one day, then do I have to call her Young Mistress?"

There was contempt and contempt in her words.

"Shaocheng is fast-talking. If you really treat her as a friend, you should explain her more. With the grades in the freshman year of high school, you still think about it. The date is so difficult to deal with, so there is not much hope." Ye Yiyun warned.

Li Shiqing laughed softly when she heard it, and spread her hands helplessly, "Why don't I explain it? But she is almost hallucinating, what are you talking about... Qian Sanyi has a strange fragrance on her body, she is really going crazy."

Ye Yiyun raised his eyebrows, "Strange fragrance? Really?"

Seeing that his attitude suddenly became serious, Li Shiqing blinked subconsciously and asked carefully, "Is there any problem?"

Shaking his head, Ye Yiyun motioned to walk and said, "It's nothing, you'd better ask her what it smells like, if you really can't tell..."

"What will happen?" Li Shiqing looked at him closely.

Facing her eyes burning with gossip, Ye Yiyun smiled and said, "It won't be a big deal. From the perspective of biology and genetics, if A doesn't wear perfume, there will be no problems with the body, such as body odor, and the clothes will be fine." It is not rinsed with fragrance softener, but the second person of the opposite sex still feels that this person has an unexplainable fragrance, so it means that B's genes have accepted A and believe that A is his or her other half."

"..." Li Shiqing stopped and was stunned for a while, then looked at him with eyes full of suspicion, and asked with seeming annoyance, "Is it interesting to lie to the scumbags?"

"Do I have to lie to you?" Ye Yiyun asked back with a smile, before she could make an exaggerated expression, he said, "Okay, just persuade her, just wait until the university separates."

"Hey, no, tell me clearly, Ye..."

Li Shiqing wanted to chase after her, but Deng Xiaoqi leaned over. She could only comfort this roommate who was sad because she thought Ye Yiyun refused to help.


On Saturday, Jiangzhou High School Basketball League finals, three out of five games, the elite middle school experimental class maintained its previous momentum, winning three games in a row, and won the championship. Unfortunately, in time for the midterm exam, there were not many people cheering in the auditorium.

During the two days of the weekend, some people were as relaxed as ever, some people were anxious, and some people studied hard and passed by in a flash.

Do not bring them into the classroom on Monday, and find their own examination room according to the examination room arrangement posted on the front door of the class classroom.

Li Shiqing's results in the monthly exam last time were so-so, but it happened that she was on the same floor as Ye Yiyun's exam room.

"Hey, I bought it for you."

On the way to the examination room, Li Shiqing leaned over bouncingly and handed over a bottle of Vitamin C.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Ye Yiyun took the drink and said with a smile, "Are you full of confidence?"

"Of course, have I surpassed anyone in Chinese?" Li Shiqing raised her chin quite complacently, looking somewhat stinky.

Qian Sanyi beside him looked away lightly, Ye Yiyun smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's go."

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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