Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 79 Can you give me an explanation?

Chapter 79 Can you give me an explanation?

A group of underage high school students, finding a place to have a meal together is almost one of the few entertainment items that can be touched. As for shopping, watching movies, etc., Jiang Tianhao has proposed, but Qian Sanyi expressed that he was not interested, and wanted to go back to review and finish his homework; Qian Sanyi was going to leave, Deng Xiaoqi would naturally not stay, Jiang Tianhao sent her to a taxi dejectedly, Zhao Qiu and the others would not lose their eyesight seeing him like this Jin, each found an excuse to leave.

1:42, Jiang’s kitchen, a small and elegant private room

"Thank you." Ye Yiyun smiled and nodded to the waitress who came in to bring tea.

The waitress saw her heart trembling, and her usually well-trained steps showed several disturbances.

"Tsk tsk~" When the door of the private room was closed, Li Shiqing squinted at him, and there was a strange sound in her mouth.

Ye Yiyun smiled, ignored her, and looked at Hu Wenying, "Squad leader, come, have some tea, the Longjing here is pretty good."

"Well, good." Hu Wenying's gesture of holding the celadon teacup was a little cramped, her smile was a little stiff, and she occasionally looked at Li Shiqing with pleas for help.

She had already explained to Ye Yiyun just now that this time it happened to be the No. 20th New Year's Eve party, the school meant that instead of holding a small party for each class, they would have a big party together to celebrate.

The program of the party, originally Lao Xie's idea, was divided equally among all grades, but in reality...

Although Lao Zhao, who is the director of the first grade, is usually very majestic, but to the senior directors of the second and third grades, he is a tiger without claws and claws.

24 programs, 6 programs were contracted by teachers, and the remaining 18 programs were contracted by students. The directors of the second and third grades complained in various ways, and abruptly stuffed 12 in the first year, 4 in the second year, and 2 in the third year. Classwork is not nervous, how can there be any reason for this?
The quality of this year's high school students is still hard.

Old Zhao was cursing in his heart, and quit the group chat with an air of fear on his face.

There are 12 programs, which means that every class in the first year of senior high school will get one. The situation of other classes is not clear. For the experimental class, Hu Wenying approached Ye Yiyun.

Ke Ye Yiyun.
It has been almost 3 minutes since he expressed his intention to come, and he didn't even give him a look.

When Hu Wenying was so anxious that her forehead was about to sweat, Ye Yiyun spoke.

"Squad leader, I'm definitely not trying to shirk, but where do you see that I have such artistic talent? Do you ask students like Deng Xiaoqi who participate in art clubs in the class?" He smiled at himself while holding purple sand The teapot pours tea for Hu Wenying.

The calm temperament revealed in the plain words is like an unshakable mountain.

Hu Wenying, who had just drank a cup of Longjing, suddenly felt parched. Chatting with Ye Yiyun like this gave her the illusion of chatting with her father who works in the education department.

She once again looked at Li Shiqing for help. The latter seemed to have no intention of speaking, and she could only continue to fight for it on her own, "Student Ye, let me tell you the truth. In this final exam, Lao Zhao has requirements for the overall grade of the class. I hope we Several class committee members help those students who are relatively low in the rankings. As for the others, their progress, review, and error correction are more difficult, and your study progress is obvious to all in our class. You see, you can help , I really can't find a better candidate."

Hu Wenying's appearance is not very beautiful, and her facial features are also considered dignified. On weekdays in class, she basically has an image of a woman who does not let her eyebrows go. Compared with Li Shiqing's boyishness, she is more suitable to be described as heroic, but she doesn't want to be so humble at the moment ' request.

But Ye Yiyun had a kind face, and his heart was not soft. He was not affected by her tone at all. He kept smiling and said, "Did you ask Qian Sanyi? I have his Q number, so I can push it to you."

"... "

Blinking and blinking, Hu Wenying was on the verge of crying when she saw Ye Yiyun who was not in the mood for oil and salt.

She is not someone from the outside class, so she doesn't know that Ye Yiyun is actually more difficult to get close to than Qian Sanyi, Qian Sanyi just has a cold face, and Ye Yiyun...

Look at it now, those students in the class are right.

Hu Wenying sent her eyes for help to Li Shiqing for the third time.

Li Shiqing pursed her lips slightly, not as if she had not fulfilled her promise, but as if she was waiting for an opportunity.

She felt tired, but had to patiently fight alone, and continued to explain in a soft voice, "I have already talked to Qian Sanyi, and he...he means that he will compete with you in the final exam."

Ye Yiyun nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Of course, he would not block Hu Wenying with words like "Since this is the case, I can't even participate". If the words are too dead, there will be no room for maneuver.

Time passed bit by bit, Ye Yiyun pondered for a while holding the celadon teacup, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed Li Shiqing on the left.

She was the one who brought the person, and she was the one who set the strings. Why is there no movement?He didn't even want to give her a chance to give her a favor.

Having said that, it's not good for the squad leader if he really falls behind. In the future, he will bow his head and not look up at school. If he really insists on making a show, then...

"Two Tigers" he is not shameless to perform on stage.

"Squad leader, if you insist, it's not that I don't agree, but Mr. Zhao..."

He dragged the end of the sound, the meaning is self-evident.

If you want me to participate, that's fine. If Lao Zhao doesn't want to let go, can you handle it?
"The squad leader's intention is to ask you to explain to Lao Zhao that you are the one who took the initiative to participate." Li Shiqing said suddenly at this moment.

A hint of surprise flashed across Ye Yiyun's eyes.

It is very good to be able to wait until this pass and give such an assist.

On Hu Wenying's side, although Ye Yiyun showed signs of changing her tune, compared to this, Li Shiqing finally spoke, which gave her a shot in the arm.

"That's right, classmate Ye Yiyun, that's what you mean." She nodded repeatedly, staring at him with piercing eyes, thinking, this wave of Li Shiqing's end, there must be a good result, right?
Ye Yiyun looked at her, then turned to look at Li Shiqing, and smiled helplessly, "You guys are really..."

Shaking his head lightly, under the watchful eyes of Hu Wenying and Li Shiqing, he asked, "Any type of song is fine?"

"Of course..." Hu Wenying was slow for half a second at first, and then joy welled up in her heart, and she agreed without thinking. Halfway through the conversation, she realized that it was a trap dug by the bully in front of her. With a smile on his face, he said cautiously, "Of course it must meet the theme of the high school New Year's Day party."

Seeing her reining in her horse, Ye Yiyun was not surprised, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll think about it later, what kind of song is suitable for reporting, but, monitor, there are some things that need to be made clear in advance, let me go up and make a fool of myself. Opinion, but if someone complains, then I can't help it."

"No, don't worry, our class doesn't point at this." Hu Wenying waved her hand nonchalantly.

Her attitude is not fake at all, the experimental class doesn't care about such performances in literature, art, sports and performances.

If Ye Yiyun's grades in most subjects are not the total score of the test paper, then she may not necessarily find Ye Yiyun for this matter, she may just find a student with average grades who is really talented to earn face for the experimental class, Ye Yiyun...

If Ye Yiyun went to participate, that would be a face for the school.

The thing she was thinking about was finalized, maybe Hu Wenying was afraid of causing trouble again, or maybe it was because she "returned to Li Shiqing" after chatting for a few words, she retreated first, leaving the private room to Li Shiqing and Ye Yiyun.

With a slight sound of closing the door, Li Shiqing got up from the seat next to Ye Yiyun, and immediately changed to the chair farthest from Ye Yiyun.

The air was so quiet for half a minute. When she was scratching and wanted to escape, Ye Yiyun gently put down the celadon teacup and looked at her. Knowing that she was conspiring with Hu Wenying, he deliberately asked, "Then, friend, can you give me a gift?" Shall I explain?"

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and investment (the next small cycle is about to start, so let us know in advance to avoid surprises)

(End of this chapter)

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