Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 80 What About You?

Chapter 80 What About You?
In the quiet private room, his voice reverberated like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, echoing like tiny ripples.

It seems that Li Shiqing was not flustered as she expected, and said with a smile, "I am also entrusted by others, hehe."

"So you sold me?" Ye Yiyun deliberately asked in a cold voice.

Li Shiqing's heart trembled, but she still didn't panic, and forcefully explained, "How is it possible? I'm helping you. Look, studying requires a combination of work and rest. What about you? The three melons you usually eat during class breaks It’s not good to spend two days studying, and between classes, you should go to the bathroom and walk around, or you will have kidney problems.”

Ye Yiyun narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help asking, "According to this, I should really thank you for your concern."

"Don't, don't, we're all friends, we're all friends." Li Shiqing waved her hands quickly, with an expression of 'you don't need to praise me, don't thank me'.

He really didn't expect that she could have such a face.

"Okay, Young Poor, I told you earlier, you can tell me directly if you have anything to say." Ye Yiyun kept a straight face, but his tone was non-blaming.

The misunderstanding from last night is still in front of us, and we can no longer make the relationship deadlocked.

What can be done?Just make up for what you did.

"I knew it." Li Shiqing jumped up from the chair, leaned over in small steps, pulled the chair beside him and sat down, clenched his fists with both hands, and tapped his upper arm quickly with a small force, his pretty face was full of bright smiles, as if A flattering look.

Ye Yiyun pushed her hands away, "Remember, you owe me once."

"Yeah, remember, remember." Li Shiqing nodded her head, seeming serious and perfunctory.

Whether she is true or not, anyway, he wrote it down.

"Okay, let's talk about business." Ending this topic, Ye Yiyun talked about business, but his face was not normal, and he asked with a smile in his eyes, "Can you remember what day it is? I stared into your eyes How long has it been?"

Li Shiqing's expression changed slightly, a little unnatural, her eyes drooped, she didn't dare to look at him, her smile also faded, she curled her lips, and said, "Thursday, Christmas Eve."

It was from then on that her 'misunderstanding' about him began.

"How many times?" Ye Yiyun continued to ask.

"Why?" Li Shiqing's eyes sparkled.

It's clear that we just reconciled today, why bring up the unhappiness again?
"The misunderstanding has been cleared up, so there's no need to be angry. Back to the topic first, can you remember how many times it was?" Ye Yiyun explained softly, and then asked.

"Is this considered a topic?" Li Shiqing was speechless, but she still thought about it carefully, and said, "Not counting your handsome appearance in your pocket, it should be twice. I thought there was something wrong with my face."

"Then do you remember the stairs on the first floor, did you give me the student card from my left or right?" Ye Yiyun continued to ask without answering her words.

Li Shiqing was really confused and didn't understand the intention of his question. She took half a second to confirm, and replied cooperatively, "Left."

Ye Yiyun stopped asking questions, thought for a while, and said, "You know, myopia is divided into false myopia and true myopia. True myopia is irreversible. Today I went to get glasses with you, and you yourself said that your myopia is reduced. Two or thirty degrees; there is another point, maybe you haven't noticed it, I think your previous eye bulge is gone."

"What, what is convex eye?" She has heard of true and false myopia, but she has never understood convex eye.

Ye Yiyun pursed his lips, as if holding back a smile, "Myopia will cause the axis of the eye to prolong, which will cause the eyeball to protrude. This is called protruding eyeball."

"... "

There was almost two seconds of silence, and Li Shiqing's temper tended to come back.

She squeezed her fists, and her exquisite dripping nostrils dilated slightly, as if she was spewing out anger, but fortunately she restrained herself and did not attack, but...
"Don't get me wrong, this is a scientific theory, not my nonsense, you go ahead, it's okay to look at it from the front, but there is a little bit of protruding eyes on the side, just a little bit." Ye Yiyun really didn't need to explain this. .

Inexplicably unable to hear this word, Li Shiqing's tense nerves were provoked again, and she couldn't hold back in an instant, stretched out her fist, and punched his arm, "bulky eyes, bulging eyes, bulging eyes, why are my eyes bulging?" ?”

Every time it is repeated, it is pounded once, three times in a row.

Ye Yiyun didn't feel anything, one was that his muscles were tense, and the other was that Li Shiqing didn't exert much force, it was purely to vent his anger.

No, as soon as the beating was over, her little face, which was twisted a second ago, immediately stretched out.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about protruding eyes?" Ye Yiyun loosened his tense muscles, and asked amusedly and curiously.

Li Shiqing immediately raised her white and tender fist, stared at it, and threatened, "You still mention it?"

"Okay, let's get back to the topic, back to the topic." Ye Yiyun continued.

Li Shiqing took a deep breath, put aside those random thoughts, frowned and pondered, after a while, she felt a little bit of his thoughts, but felt a little unbelievable, and subconsciously retorted, "Maybe it's the error of the clerk's test."

"Then when was the last time you measured it?" Ye Yiyun asked calmly.

Li Shiqing fell into memory, but quickly found out the time point, "Uh...that must be the first semester of the third year of junior high school."

Ye Yiyun raised his eyebrows, "So, once you are really short-sighted, take a vision test after a year. If you don't add [-] or [-] degrees to the degree, it will be good, and you can give you a wrong test?"

"But..." Li Shiqing frowned, unable to believe it.

Ye Yiyun smiled, "You don't have to worry about these inconspicuous changes in your body, such as physique, memory, vision, um. There may be more than that, but the point is, are these changes caused by a cycle? They are benign , or malignant? I can’t make a final conclusion for the time being, but judging from the current situation, at least it’s beneficial to you, your physique, memory, and vision have improved or improved to a small extent.”

"Of course, this is just my guess. It is possible that the only thing that can change your vision is your vision, because your own strength is not small; your physique and memory may be improved because your body is still in the development stage. If you want draw more accurate conclusions"

"Multiple tests prove it, right?" Li Shiqing took his words.

"Yo, is your brain so bright now?" Ye Yiyun seldom spoke in such a playful tone, but suddenly, there was a hint of playfulness.

Li Shiqing was not annoyed, and countered with a smile, "That's right, I learned this from you."

Ye Yiyun smiled and nodded lightly, "Okay, keep working hard."

Rolling his eyes at him, Li Shiqing didn't continue the push and pull of "yin and yang weirdness", and his face darkened, after thinking for a while, he asked, "What about you?"

Hit it with one hit.

The smile in Ye Yiyun's eyes was even wider, and he stared at her for a few seconds, "So I have such a guess, your thinking logic is obviously a bit higher than before."

Li Shiqing rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Come on, I'm not stupid, okay?"

"Hey, stupidity and logical thinking are two different things. It's not scary to be stupid, but it's more scary to be confused in thinking logically." Ye Yiyun corrected.

Unintentionally entangled with him, Li Shiqing pretended not to hear what he said as a compliment but not as a compliment, and asked again, "What about you?"

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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