Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 93 The Secret Chat in the Bedroom

Chapter 93 The Secret Chat in the Bedroom (Please Subscribe)

Li Shiqing insisted in her heart, and suggested, "Then, let's go back and ask Ye Yiyun for his own opinion, okay?"

Wang Shengnan has a stubborn temper. She never panics when she gambles on what she is sure of. She even added conditions, "Then what if I win? What if you lose?"

I won?you lose?
Li Shiqing was a little confused, repeated it twice, and couldn't help but said, "Isn't that the same meaning?"

Wang Shengnan smiled and said, "If I win, all your prize money will be handed over; if I lose, I will give you another 5 and 2. Is there a problem?"

"I refuse, this is not a reciprocal condition at all." Li Shiqing rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Wang Shengnan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, "Well, if I win, you will pay 5; if I lose, I will give you another 5, right?"

"It's more or less the same." Li Shiqing wiped her nose with her thumb, looking very boyish.

ding dong~
While talking, the doorbell rang.

Li Dawei hurried to open the door, he had to find a fresh shield to block the incoming firepower.

Wang Shengnan put down the vegetables in his hands, wiped his hands on his apron, and greeted him.

"Xiaoye, look at you, why are you still spending money?" Li Dawei took the bag of fruit Ye Yiyun bought, and blamed with a smile.

Ye Yiyun is dressed very refreshingly today, gray and white bread jacket, white sweater, dark blue jeans, warm casual shoes with black bottom and white top, simple and neat, with a slender figure, the impression is very high.

"Xiaoye, hurry up, come and sit down." Wang Shengnan was enthusiastic and forceful.

"Hello, auntie, hello uncle." Ye Yiyun bowed slightly, and after greeting, his eyes fell on Li Shiqing, who was busy over there.

Li Shiqing and him looked at each other, lowered their eyes without saying a word, and continued to work on the matter at hand.

The atmosphere doesn't seem right.

Ye Yiyun murmured in his heart.

"Come on, sit down, Xiaoye, you're welcome."

Wang Shengnan led him to sit on the sofa, while he went into the kitchen to get busy.

Because the kitchen of Li Shiqing's house is fully open, either Ye Yiyun sits in Li Shiqing's or Li Dawei's bedroom, otherwise he will be "publicly executed" when he sits there, and the three pairs of eyes glance at it from time to time. Arranged in a row first, they are completely humanoid monitors.

Fortunately, after a while, Li Dawei, who had cleaned up the ground, sat with him, sharing a large part of the pressure.

But he still had obvious discomfort.

In the end, Li Shiqing really couldn't bear it, so after completing the task of choosing vegetables assigned to her, she took him by the arm and went to her bedroom.

"Hey, it's not..." Before Wang Shengnan could stop him, the bedroom door was locked.

Li Dawei wasn't worried at all, instead he persuaded, "Don't worry, Xiao Ye knows the rules and is honest; besides, you let people sit there and don't chat with them, who can bear it?"

"Aren't I just thinking about how to bring out the subject selection of arts and sciences?" Wang Shengnan was also quite speechless.

After observing for a while at most, she will speak and guide Ye Yiyun to answer the questions about the division.

At this time, in Li Shiqing's bedroom
"Master, you also have times of embarrassment, come on, you sit here." Li Shiqing led Ye Yiyun to sit in front of the desk, while she took out her mobile phone and threw herself onto the bed.

Maybe it's because I get along with Ye Yiyun a lot in the cycle, and Li Shiqing doesn't think it's a big deal if there is an extra Ye Yiyun in such a private space as the bedroom.

Looking at Li Shiqing, who was concentrating on chatting with someone, Ye Yiyun slowly turned the chair under his buttocks, and then his attention fell on the desk in front of him, pressing on a book, revealing half a sheet of drawing paper, which was...

He stretched out his hand and gently pulled out the drawing paper. After looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but laugh.

This kind of big-headed character can tell the source of the character's inspiration based on some facial features. Obviously, the image of the brave man who has been turned into ashes comes from him, and the great evil god...

Just looking at the big black frame on the bridge of the nose, the answer is ready to come out.

"Did you draw this?" He asked softly.

Li Shiqing's attention was all on the phone, but she turned her head to check for confirmation, but she didn't look carefully at which one, she nodded, "Yes."

Withdrawing her eyes, she smiled and continued to chat, but within 3 seconds, the smile on her face gradually condensed...

"Why, how can you just look at other people's paintings?" She jumped off the bed and onto the floor as a failed carp. complain.

Ye Yiyun didn't care what he drew, but he was interested in her painting skills, "Do you take interest classes?"

His thoughtless question made Li Shiqing a little confused, and asked with a smile, "Haven't you been attending the interest class you teach?"

"I'm referring to your paintings." Ye Yiyun added.

"Oh, my dad taught me how to draw." Li Shiqing didn't pay much attention to this topic, she lowered her head and continued to organize the things on the desk until finally there were only a few useless books on the desk.

"Then you are quite talented." Ye Yiyun stepped back a bit, looked at her who was busy tidying up, and praised with some emotion.

Li Shiqing glanced at him in surprise, goosebumps came off her arms, and said a little uncomfortable, "It's better for you to return to the original state, and I'm willing to accept your criticism."

"Heh." Ye Yiyun chuckled, thinking of something, and asked, "How much can I score in this final exam?"

"Why?" Li Shiqing glanced at him vigilantly, and said in a joking tone, "Don't you know that the salary is kept secret?"

It may be at my own home, or Ye Yiyun is a guest; similarly, it may be at someone else's home, or I may be a guest. The two people's bickering today is more appropriate to describe it politely, it is very dull, and there is no smell of gunpowder.

"Do you have any plans for the winter vacation? My God." Li Shiqing started a new topic.

"Well... I want to go to Hainan, but my uncle won't let me, so I can't help it." Ye Yiyun replied truthfully.

Li Shiqing's eyes immediately sparkled with envy, "It really is a big dog, so rich."

Ye Yiyun smiled, "You keep it up, and you should be able to make a dash for the lowest-level scholarship next semester."

 Asking for a monthly ticket (86~89 is very poorly written, I am very sorry, I should not open the line of Zhao Maimai, the collection is still very rough, I am really sorry everyone; today’s update is 12:1, 8:3 pm; tomorrow will be As I said before, it will be updated at 0:1, and it will be sent all at once)
(End of this chapter)

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