Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 94 Where's Student Li?

Chapter 94 Where's Student Li? (seeking subscription)
When mentioning the grades, Li Shiqing's eyes changed slightly, she suppressed her smile, sat up straight with her chest up, and said seriously, "Thank you for helping me so much."

Ye Yiyun was taken aback for a moment, and just about to speak, and brought out the set of words he had just dealt with Li Dawei and Wang Shengnan, when she heard her say again, "I know my situation, so is it necessary to fool me?"

Is it necessary to fool you?

He squinted slightly, which was so necessary.

However, he will not be so direct.

He moved his eyes lightly and landed on her tall nose bridge, seemingly changing the subject and said, "I'm afraid you will have to change your glasses after a while."

"It's not a small expense." Li Shiqing sighed softly, fell back, and with a muffled sound, the bed held her and bounced slightly.

Because she is at home, she wears relatively simple clothes, except for underwear, which is a set of long johns and a gray-bottomed cartoon-print sweater. It may be that she fell back a little too much, or she didn't put her top on her back. The habit of stuffing it into the trousers reveals a belly about 5 cm wide, white and smooth.

It's hard to imagine that this is the lower abdomen of a big eater, and there are still some vague muscle lines.

Ye Yiyun glanced, and silently looked away.

Li Shiqing didn't hear him speak for a long time, she felt suspicious, and felt a little cold, she stretched out her hand, at first she didn't feel anything, so she pulled down the hem of her clothes; but suddenly remembering Ye Yiyun's direction just now, she immediately fell in love The tender earlobes turned bright red.

There was shyness hidden in the shining eyes, she slowly turned her head and glanced at Ye Yiyun, who was holding an elite campus publication, staring intently.

Probably didn't see it.

Li Shiqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dong Dong~"

There was a knock on the door.

"Shiqing, let's bring Xiaoye out for a chat."

Li Dawei's voice sounded outside the door.

Li Shiqing sat up, glanced at Ye Yiyun who was also standing up, and said with a hint of teasing in his tone, "Let's go, let you feel what happened to me, and you will actually find that there is no father..."

The words were too fast, she didn't think too much, she wanted to express 'it would be comfortable without the official system of parents', but in the middle of the words, thinking of Ye Yiyun's life experience, she stopped immediately, her eyes lost the laziness before, full of He whispered apologetically, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ye Yiyun shook his head lightly.

The two left the bedroom one after the other, seeing their state, Wang Shengnan secretly let go of his heart.

They are all masters, and she is quite clear about some things.

"Xiaoye, come and sit." She warmly greeted Ye Yiyun to sit on the chair closest to the kitchen.

Ye Yiyun had a little hesitation, but in the end he 'followed goodness'.

Li Shiqing likes to see him so embarrassed, cramped, and embarrassed the most. She picks the best angle, lazily nests on the sofa, and secretly takes out her mobile phone, preparing to take some photos at critical moments.

"Xiaoye, you're welcome, treat it as your own home." Wang Shengnan chatted with him with a smile while skillfully chopping vegetables.

Ye Yiyun looked at the kitchen knife moving up and down at high speed on the chopping board, which meant that he had good eyesight, which meant that he had a little dynamic vision; for others, what he saw might be the shadow of the knife.

"Well, thank you, auntie." He smiled a little stiffly.

Li Shiqing happily took the first photo.

Wang Shengnan turned his head to look at him, continued to chop vegetables, and continued to ask, "Xiaoye, what kind of vegetables do you usually like to eat? What flavor?"

"It's all right, auntie, I'm not very picky eaters." Ye Yiyun replied with a smile, glanced at Li Shiqing over there, and skillfully pulled her into the arena, "Student Li is also not very picky eaters."

Wang Shengnan didn't raise his head, "Hey, it's a good thing not to be picky about food, but she is not. She eats non-stop, and eats when she has it."

She rolled her eyes speechlessly, but Li Shiqing didn't have an attack. Obviously, this was almost normal for her.

More ruthless is yet to come.

"Xiaoye, do you have any hobbies?" After a brief pause of 5 seconds, Wang Shengnan forcibly continued the topic.

Li Shiqing and Li Dawei looked at each other, with helplessness on their faces.

"Just read books, watch the news, and go for a run." However, Ye Yiyun answered truthfully.

Wang Shengnan finally looked up at him, and then looked at Li Shiqing, "Look, study hard, Ren Xiaoye has such good grades, and he still reads in his spare time, how about you?"

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Li Shiqing turned her face away and muttered speechlessly, "Just kill me."

Li Dawei patted his daughter's shoulder lightly, comforting her slightly.

"You're welcome, student Li is also working hard." Ye Yiyun once again tried to pull Li Shiqing into the battlefield.

It's a pity that Li Shiqing, who has become resistant to his old mother Wang Shengnan, won't be fooled for a while, Ye Yiyun raised her eyebrows, happy in her heart: You bear it alone.

"Ham, you don't need to praise her, it's thanks to your hard work that you can achieve such good results." Wang Shengnan thanked her.

Ye Yiyun didn't answer, and glanced sideways at Li Shiqing, who smiled at her and continued to hold the phone.

"Xiaoye, are you living with your uncle now?" Wang Shengnan continued the topic stiffly.

He shook his head, "No, Auntie, I rent a room near the school."

These words made Wang Shengnan's eyes light up.


It's a good try.

"How many people are there in your family? Xiaoye."

When Wang Shengnan asked this kind of question, Li Shiqing finally couldn't help it, and couldn't bear to yell at his mother, "I know that you are chatting, but those who don't know think you are checking your household registration."

These words made her immediately stare from Wang Shengnan.

Ye Yiyun only smiled and didn't answer the question.

The air was quiet for two or three seconds, and Wang Shengnan finally got to the point, "Xiaoye, will you choose science or science in the future?"

From the corner of his eyes, he clearly noticed Li Shiqing's waist straightened instantly, and his eyes were highly focused on his face.

Is there a bet?still…

Ye Yiyun guessed something.

He thought for a while, and said seriously, "Sciences, at least successfully graduating, the learning tasks are still quite heavy; liberal arts... as long as you have a good memory in liberal arts, graduation is not that difficult. Apart from the difficulty of finding a job, there are no shortcomings."

It seemed to answer, and it seemed not to answer.

Li Shiqing and Li Dawei looked at each other, and Li Dawei, who had his back to Ye Yiyun and Wang Shengnan, secretly gave him a thumbs up, expressing his approval.

But Wang Shengnan didn't want this answer, she gave Ye Yiyun a 'understanding' smile, "Haven't thought about such a question, have you?"

Ye Yiyun was noncommittal, and looked back at Li Shiqing, "Where's classmate Li, what does classmate Li think?"

This is the third time he pulls Li Shiqing to share the 'firepower' with her.

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(End of this chapter)

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