I am Da Song

Chapter 400 Replacement of Phase Meter

It was mid-June when Zhao Huan returned to Suzhou, and the three-day Baihuahui had already begun on the second day.

But the strange thing is that Zhao Huan didn't see that gorgeous girl Shiyi.

This made Zhao Huan somewhat dispirited, and immediately began to deal with government affairs.

The richest man in Suzhou, maybe even the richest man in Song Dynasty, Han Sui was directly summoned into the palace by Zhao Huan.

Also summoned were Zuo Xiang Zhang Jun and Ji Xiang Yang Shi.

Yang Shi's hometown is Changzhou, which is next to Suzhou, so he has returned home.

However, this planner is already a bit old. He is nearly 80 years old and has begged Zhao Huan for his bones several times, wanting to retire and return home.

The senior officials of the imperial court are now in the power of the prime of life, and he deeply feels that he can no longer keep up with the rhythm of the young people.

The three most powerful institutions in the imperial court are the Zhengshitang, the Privy Council and the Three Ministers. Among them, the two prime ministers of the Zhengshitang are young people in their 40s and [-]s, especially the right minister Zhang Jun who is fully in charge of government affairs. The youngest prime minister.

Zhang Shuye is still sitting in the Privy Council, but the entire Song Dynasty knows that Zhang Shuye is in charge of the administration, logistics, and institutional matters of the Privy Council. He is really in charge of military deployment. A young man who is 30 years old is younger than today.

Only the third envoy, Ji Xiang, is an old man, which is incompatible with the overall atmosphere.

So before everyone arrived, Yang Shi asked Zhao Huan to resign again.

He spoke earnestly: "Officials, my ministers are already in their octogenarian years, and they are approaching the age of Chaomei. I often feel exhausted when I work on weekdays. If I take up the post of the third secretary, I am afraid that I will be too old to lose my mind and delay The court's plan."

When Zhao Huan looked at Yang, his name was Mr. Guishan. This man lived up to his name, and his life expectancy was longer than that of Nanshan. Although he is now close to 80 years old, he walks strong and powerful, without any signs of aging.

At the age of more than 70 years old, he is still dancing in the square and going to the supermarket to grab eggs in later generations.

Zhao Huan then said: "Ji Xiang's white hair and childlike face are majestic and majestic, comparable to the ancient Lianpo and Huang Zhong. These two are more than 70 years old and can fight the enemy. Why should Ji retreat early?"

Yang Shi said with a smile: "The country is now prosperous and prosperous, and there are as many talents as crucian carp crossing the river. Please the officials also fulfill the unfeeling request of the minister, and let the minister be buried in his hometown. This time against Beijing, the minister will stay in Changzhou to take care of himself." Years, enjoy family happiness, and no longer fight against Beijing with the officials."

Zhao Huan said: "There is still a period of time before the anti-Beijing, and I will think about it after this period of time."

Yang Shi said with a smile: "This minister is a fool, and has nothing to do. Your Majesty is sorry, and promoted him to the countryside to become a prime minister. I am afraid that I will not be able to repay my virtue. I would like to return to my hometown to beg for bones and avoid virtuous people." It will not block the path of future generations, and I would like to take this time to hand over the affairs of the third division for the country."

This is the third or fourth time Ji Xiang has asked for bones, Zhao Huan is not suitable to continue to decline, so he asked: "Since Ji Xiang's mind has been made, then I will no longer force others to be difficult. According to the code, before the prime minister abdicates, you can Recommend a prime minister candidate to the emperor. Who does Ji Xiang think is suitable to continue to take over the third division?"

Yang Shi said earnestly: "The minister heard that the external promotion does not avoid enmity, and the internal promotion does not avoid relatives. The minister recommends Shangshu Li Gang to succeed the minister as the minister."

Zhao Huan pondered, it was Yang Shi who was recommended by Li Gang when he was prime minister.

Now that Ji Xiang is about to retire, he gambled all his fame, resources and inheritance, and promoted Li Gang to the position of Ji Xiang again, which can be regarded as repaying his favor.

But Yang Shi said seriously: "The minister recommended Li Gang not for his own self-interest, but for the consideration of the country."

"Li Gang lost his position back then because he recommended Zhe Yanzhi to be the commander of the Right Route Army in the Northern Expedition.

"But I heard that during the battle that year, Orihiko's army did not retreat. He died in a fierce battle and died heroically. Before he died, he was shot with dozens of arrows and wounded several times. Until the last moment before his death, he still stayed in the camp."

"The minister and Li Gang have no military knowledge, so they don't quite understand the root cause of the defeat in the original war. But the minister thinks that Li Gang's admiration is indeed loyalty, and he died for the king's teacher. As a prime minister, this is considered qualified."

Zhao Huan nodded, feeling that what Yang Shi said made sense.

Loyalty and ability, what is important to the emperor?
It can be said with certainty that for 90.00% of officials, loyalty is far greater than ability.

Li Gang's failure in the past was rooted in his ignorance of people, but as a prime minister, there was nothing wrong with his basic principles.

Yang Shi continued: "Li Gang has outstanding abilities and is loyal to the royal family. He has always worked hard and fulfilled his duties. There is no problem in leading the three divisions in terms of ability."

"What's more important is that Li Gang is a loyal and solemn person. He is more suitable to be in charge of the three divisions than a minister. He can have the integrity of the division, which is very important to the three divisions."

Seeing Yang Shi's push so hard, Zhao Huan readily agreed and said, "Then let Li Gang succeed Qing as minister."

Zhao Huan trusted Li Gang's ability.

It is his strong style, which can easily offend the emperor and his colleagues.

Let him handle government affairs with full power, he is prone to be too domineering and often arbitrary.

Transferring him from government affairs to manage finances can give full play to his abilities while reducing the influence of his character.

Yang Shi's recommendation is quite appropriate.

This matter was brought up before the meeting, and after a brief discussion, it was simply settled without much disturbance.

When Han Sui hurried all the way to the palace, Zhao Huan called their meeting to officially begin.

After everyone was seated, Zhao Huan said: "I have summoned you today because I want you to brainstorm and talk to me about the general trend of our dynasty."

When this topic was brought up, everyone was surprised for a moment.

general trend?

The holy dynasty is now prosperous and prosperous, with unparalleled military power, and it has the potential to swallow all wastes and sweep Liuhe.

From the looks of it, everything is thriving.

What aspect is the general trend mentioned by the officials at this time?

Right Prime Minister Zhang Jun asked: "Lao Tzu said, Power is born of Dao, Virtue is born of animals, things are shaped, and power is formed. All things have power. I don't know what the officials want to talk about?"

Zhao Huan said: "You don't need to be so formal. It's not about discussing state affairs. I just want to ask you, how is my civil business situation?"

"In other words, is there a possibility for the country to turn back the wheel of history? In the whole country, it is possible to reappear the possibility of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business, and closing the country?"

This is a scene that has already been staged in history.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty founded the country as a farmer, so he emphasized feudal rule and stable development.

An ancestral law locked the Ming Dynasty in an agricultural empire for hundreds of years, which directly hit the pioneering spirit of the Central Plains and the spirit of civilization and innovation, and quickly fell behind the world.What a pity.

What Zhao Huan hopes is to form a general trend, all things, without Zhao Huan's promotion, industry and commerce will flourish, and businessmen will take the initiative to open up the newly acquired land such as Yizhou.

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