I am Da Song

Chapter 401 Official's Parents

In fact, Zhao Huan's thinking like this is a kind of sadness in itself.

Scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce are the four industries. Scholars study, farmers cultivate, workers manage equipment, and communicate with each other. This is called business.Although there are different occupations, they are all based on their own occupations. As the saying goes, the stone of the pillar is the foundation of the country.

This should have been the consensus of the world, but Zhao Huan was worried that the Central Plains would emphasize agriculture and suppress business in later generations, and become a deeply rooted feudal small peasant country.

This is probably the greatest legacy left by the feudal literati and bureaucrats, and it is also the deepest imprint left by the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Therefore, Zhao Huan is eager to know what is the business environment among the people and how to determine a system. When someone puts forward the idea of ​​emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business, everyone will strongly oppose it.

Zhao Huan first asked Han Sui: "How is the private business environment? Are there any petty officials who are harsh and violent?"

Small officials do great harm.

If a small official must make an enemy of a rich man in the private sector, it is very likely that the local workshops and shops owned by the rich man will close down.

If there are too many such small officials, the local business environment will become very bad.

The most notable one is the third brother of the later generation. The harsh business environment makes the scalp of foreign investors feel numb.

But Han Sui said with a smile: "I don't know what the other people are like, officials. I have always been a guest of the local government."

"I have one or two opinions about the general situation that officials say."

Zhao Huan didn't expect Han Sui to give himself a surprise when he came up, and immediately said with concern: "Tell me in detail."

Han Sui was not without arrogance, and said: "Let's talk about the petty officials first. I can say that the petty officials dare not be enemies with me. Even the officials of one party must respect us."

This statement really surprised Zhao Huan, how many years in the Central Plains the ranking of scholars, farmers, commerce and industry.

Although the Song Dynasty was relatively open-minded in this regard, it has always been a consensus that scholars are the heads of the four peoples.

Even later generations have a saying that the end of the universe is the establishment.

It is a bit incomprehensible to say that a magistrate and a county magistrate in the Song Dynasty must respect a businessman in his jurisdiction and even dare not trouble them.

Han Sui didn't hold back, and said directly: "Actually, the reason is very simple. It has something to do with my court's tax system."

"Our transfer envoys to the local area have been successively transformed into the jurisdiction of the three taxation departments, so the local area has a complete tax system. According to the law of our dynasty, [-]% of the tax revenue will be turned over to Taicang, and [-]% will be returned to the local area as fiscal expenditures."

Zhao Huan suddenly realized something, pointed out the key point, and asked: "Taxation is related to the financial abundance of the locality, and it is closely related to all officials?"

Han Sui nodded and said, "Except for cities like Suzhou with extremely developed industry and commerce, in most cities, if there is a workshop or shop with more than [-] to [-] employees, then this super workshop is the source of tax revenue for the entire place! "

"As far as Chen's Shu embroidery workshop in Sichuan is concerned, this workshop is located in Liangquan County, Fengzhou. This county used to be an ordinary county dominated by farming, without any special products, and no one cared about it in the past."

"His only advantage is that he is relatively close to the northern Silk Road, so I set up a Shu embroidery textile workshop here, employing more than [-] local people, and producing thousands of pieces of Shu embroidery every day."

Ji Xiang Yang Shi praised: "The daily production of Shu embroidery is thousands of pieces. This is a business of getting rich. As far as I know, the price of Shu embroidery is higher than gold. A piece of Shu embroidery is about four guan. The workshop alone is making money every day." .”

Four guan coins can buy about one tael of gold in the Great Song Dynasty. Although the four thousand guan money is not as good as the rent of the royal family in Tokyo, which earns tens of thousands of guan, it can also directly buy a thousand taels of gold!
Shu embroidery has always been very valuable, but before the commercial scope was limited to the territory of the Song Dynasty, it was impossible to supply such a large industrial scale.

Especially before the scholar-officials ruled the whole world, wealth was excessively concentrated in the hands of a few hundred thousand people, which led to a sluggish domestic consumer market, so it was rare to build such a large workshop.

Now the Song Dynasty has re-reformed the taxation system, levied silver according to the mu, and redistributed social wealth, eliminating the absolutely wealthy scholar-bureaucrats and increasing the wealth of ordinary people.The Silk Road was also opened up, which eventually expanded the private consumption market by more than three times.

Therefore, the industry of Song Dynasty has a broader market and can rapidly expand the industrial scale.

Zhao Huan asked with concern: "This workshop produces goods worth 140 guan every day, and the total annual output value is as high as [-] million guan. How much wealth can it provide the country?"

Only Han Sui himself knew about this, and he immediately talked eloquently, saying: "For the 140 million guan, business taxes are about 30 guan, and workers' wages are about [-] guan."

Zhao Huan's eyes lit up immediately, this business tax is not much different from the corporate tax of later generations, both are around 20.00%.

With 30 guan in tax revenue, as much as 15 guan of tax revenue is left to the local area!

This is simply an astronomical figure.

You must know that the salary of [-] workers is only [-].

There are not 400 of them including county officials and subordinate staff.

It means that if this workshop stays in the local area, everyone will benefit, and no one will be able to live with the extra [-] yuan a month in salary.

If any small official dares to be harsh on this workshop and cause the workshop to evacuate from Liangquan County, he may become the public enemy of everyone.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!
Even if you are the county magistrate, you are the magistrate.

Ji Xiang Yang Shi nodded appreciatively, and said: "If so, a workshop will indeed benefit the country a lot. The salaries of local officials, subordinates, and professors will all increase. At the same time, more than [-] people will have a livelihood. There is not enough land, so there is no need to worry about food and clothing."

But Han Sui said proudly: "Ji Xiang probably underestimated this workshop. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the local food and clothing parents."

"The local finance and taxation are basically balanced, and the land tax alone can barely maintain the rule, but it is absolutely impossible to pay all officials the same salary, especially the current level of salary."

"The current local financial balance is basically maintained by this workshop. Once the fiscal revenue of 10,000+ per year is lost, the salaries of local officials and subordinates will not be able to continue."

Zhao Huan didn't have much resistance to Han Sui's pride.

In fact, Zhao Huan even felt that this was a good thing for Da Song.

The location of a super workshop can actually drive the prosperity of the surrounding people.As a large taxpayer, it will also bring endless benefits to officials of the entire system.

Only in this way, local officials will firmly maintain the existence of industry and commerce based on their own interests. Anyone who dares to emphasize agriculture and suppress business will be opposed by everyone.

This situation will be of great benefit to the stability of the rule and the promotion of industrialization.

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