I am Da Song

Chapter 402 Han Sui's Assertion

What Han Sui said not only attracted Zhao Huan, but also attracted the attention of the two prime ministers.

As the prime ministers of the country, the prime ministers only look at the tax revenue of one road and one prefecture, and rarely pay attention to the impact of a workshop in a county.

After hearing what Han Sui said, Zhang Jun immediately asked: "A workshop can provide so much tax revenue to the local area. Isn't it true that all localities are actively introducing capital to set up factories?"

"If there are two or three such workshops in a county, taxes, salaries, and benefits will inevitably be doubled."

There are a total of 230 four counties in the mainland of the Song Dynasty.The population of 2000 million in the Central Plains basically lives in these elite Chinese territories.

After leaving Yanyun, although the newly expanded territory in the north is vast, its population is relatively small.If they are excluded, the average number of people in a county in Song Dynasty is exactly about 10.It has been regarded as a big county in the absolute sense since ancient times.

Basically, there are men and women in the workshops, especially in this kind of textile workshops, where most of the workers are women.

There are 4000 people in a workshop, accounting for about [-]% of the county's population. This population ratio will definitely not affect agricultural production.

Even with 1 craftsmen, a ratio of one-tenth, in terms of the level of agricultural development in the Song Dynasty, it can still meet the food rations of the people.

The problem in the Song Dynasty was not that they could not afford to support people, but that the people were extremely poor, especially those without land, who had to bear a heavy poll tax at the beginning, which caused the people to live in desperation.

But if a workshop can provide employment for tens of thousands of people, it can be called a great blessing for the local area.

Zhao Huan felt that there was a situation that was very similar to what Han Sui said.

In the feudal era, there were often people who could not survive and sold themselves into the palaces of princes and scholar-bureaucrats as slaves.

In the rich family, there are groups of wives and concubines, and countless servants. These people serve the palace and get paid, but they do not engage in farming.

Nowadays, the common people join the workshops, which is the difference between receiving the money of the noble lord and receiving the money of the merchant.

With an income, the family can largely escape from extreme poverty and be more resistant to natural and man-made disasters.

Officials also don't want the people under their rule to live in poverty and cause rebellion.

Once this kind of thing happens, the court will definitely hold him accountable.

So Zhao Huan said: "From this point of view, officials seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they have to encourage their subordinates to set up more workshops."

Han Sui directly asserted, and said to everyone present: "The development of industry and commerce is the general trend. I don't think that this development trend can be changed by the will of an official."

"Moreover, I think that the scholar-officials will definitely not be able to restore. The development of industry and commerce may have some ups and downs, but the Central Plains will one day, and industry and commerce will be better than the world."

"The citizens of our dynasty will replace the literati and bureaucrats and become the new cutting-edge of the country. Just like the new cutting-edge military titles of the Qin Dynasty replaced the previous officials and veterans, the Guanlong military group of the Tang Dynasty replaced the aristocratic families."

"Since the imperial examination, Confucianism has been in power, so the spirit of pioneering and enterprising has been sluggish, and the country has lost the vigor of the Han and Tang Dynasties to actively expand outwards. But in our dynasty, the vigor of pioneering will go far beyond the ages. !"

Zhang Jun was born in a family of scholar-bureaucrats, and he disagreed with Han Sui's views. He immediately asked: "My generation of scholars all take it as their duty to cultivate themselves, regulate their families, govern the country and the world. Every scholar will always remember the four sentences of Hengqu, for Heaven and earth establish a heart, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and bring peace to all generations. Those who can become state officials are all outstanding and outstanding, how can they not be compared to a group of businessmen who only work for profit?"

Zhao Huan looked at Han Sui with great interest, waiting for him to persuade the most powerful prime minister of the dynasty.

What Han Sui said was direct and bold.This is not his own words, which means that the entire business class he represents is making its own voice.

Now that they have grown, have far-reaching influence, and play a pivotal role, they can no longer be unknown and must make their own claims.Show your ideas to the world.

The merchants were only limited by the court before, so they seemed to have no voice, but it does not mean that this class is a bunch of bitter and mean fools.They certainly have their claims and requests.

And to convince the world, we must first convince Zhao Huan, the emperor.

It is hard for Zhao Huan to disagree with Han Sui's statement that the bourgeoisie will replace those landlords and scholar-bureaucrats in the countryside, and that the whole world will be dominated by industry and commerce. After all, it has been confirmed by later generations for hundreds of years.

However, the later generations learned from the barbarians to control the barbarians by learning their skills, and learned from the Western experience, which transformed them into an industrial power.

The Great Song Dynasty is now a highland of civilization, and it is taking its own unique path.

How did Han Sui figure out that Song Dynasty would embark on its own unique road to industrialization without external force?

If you don't understand the truth, you can't understand what you say.

Han Sui saw that Zhao Huan had no objection, and watched with great interest, he immediately cheered up, with a firm and sharp attitude, and said to Zhang Jun: "Your Excellency, no one can deny that scholar-officials take self-cultivation as their mission, personal morality Excellence, one of the dragons and phoenixes.”

"But please don't think I'm scaremongering. Just one point is doomed to the demise of the scholar-bureaucrats, and the citizens will replace them."

"Which point?" Zhang Jun asked with a worried expression.

"The most fundamental point is that the bourgeoisie create wealth. And they create more wealth continuously, and the scholar-bureaucrats will never be able to match it!"

The last words are loud!
Even among the top literati and bureaucrats in the room, no one could offer any rebuttal opinions for a while.

Zhao Huan suddenly realized why he hated the scholar-bureaucrats so much.

Are they greedy and despicable?

Of course not, the moral character of scholar-bureaucrats is usually higher than those of unscrupulous businessmen.

Those businessmen who only recognize money, their various actions simply penetrate the lower limit of ordinary people, and they use all means.

In terms of private morality, these industrial and commercial capitalists are as cruel and greedy as they are, making one wish to hang them on a rope.

The owner of the salt farm in Shayao Salt Farm is a typical example. He simply treats women as men and men as donkeys.

But even though they are greedy and cruel - but objectively they create social wealth and promote the development of productive forces.Make the cake of the whole country bigger, and it can continue to grow bigger.

Landlords do not create or increase social wealth, but are only good at the zero-sum game of "legally" transferring pancakes from other people's pockets to their own pockets.The little wealth created by an agricultural society is not even a cake.

Therefore, even a single scholar-bureaucrat, with high moral character, upright and majestic, even chaste and unconventional, can be regarded as a moral model for the whole country and a role model for the people of Song Dynasty all over the world.

But as a whole of scholar-bureaucrats, they are the cysticercosis of the whole country, lying on the country and sucking blood all year round.

This group swells day by day, which eventually leads to the country becoming weaker and weaker, and the contradictions become more and more serious. In the end, the people who are struggling to make a living directly turn over the table.

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