I am Da Song

Chapter 417 Cultural Conquest

Although Han Sui's flattery was very appropriate, Zhao Huan just smiled.

He is much clearer than Han Sui about the overall situation in the Song Dynasty, so he asked directly: "There are only about 20 vassals in the country. How do you operate in a country that is not a vassal?"

It is impossible to rely solely on the country for foreign development, and it will fall back to the feudal dynasty's foreign military conquest, which will consume a lot of money.

To have a profitable expansion, you need to rely on private power.

Han Sui replied: "As for operating in a foreign land, I have nearly a hundred years of successful experience as a businessman in southern Fujian."

"Generally, in order to stabilize the power and enhance the cohesion of the caravan, the caravan owner will take actions such as sworn brothers and collecting adopted sons."

"Then bribe local officials to form a trade network."

This method is interesting, sworn brothers, collect adopted sons, and bribe officials.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the style of the Five Dynasties of the Central Plains.

What if the owner of the caravan took in a adopted son of Li Cunxiao's level and made sworn brothers of Guan Yu's level.

That would be fun, his brothers and adopted sons can easily help him lay down a large territory overseas.

At least occupy tens of thousands of acres of land, build a dock, and engage in colonial economy is not a problem at all.

Moreover, they did not occupy land randomly. These big merchants who went to sea were all township parties in the coastal areas, and they could easily form a trade network.

The coastal trade network spread all over the coast of the Central Plains, Korea, Dongying and Southeast Asia.

The scope of this Nanyang is easy to understand, it is the route that Zheng He traveled on his voyages to the West.

Zheng He's voyages to the West were praised in Ming Dynasty.

In fact, his route is a commercial route that merchants in the Central Plains have traveled since the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it is almost public information.

He is not going to explore, but to Xuanwei.

When Zhu Di sent Zheng He to the south, his purpose was very clear, to promote the prestige of the Ming Dynasty to the Nanyang vassals.

Daming himself knew which countries, lands, and ports were on this route.

This is completely different from Magellan's exploration.It's just that Daming's scale is relatively large, and more than 2 navies were dispatched at a time.

Behind the admiration of the country this time, Zhao Huan paid more attention to the trade network explored by the merchants in southern Hokkien during the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Zhao Huan talked seriously with Han Sui, and Shi Yi and Yan Ying bought things lively.

During the chat for a while, the two of them have already bought more than a dozen types of cloth.

Yanying tore apart a piece of white fabric, measured it carefully on Zhao Huan, and said, "My lord, look at this fabric, this kind of stitch embroidery has never been seen before."

"Using gold threads to make patterns on this brocade, the embroidered lantern balls, racing boats, Aihu, and Yunyue are beautiful embroidery that even the capital has never seen before."

Shiyi explained: "This is a unique embroidery method in Suzhou. Embroidery is close to writing, which can be judged by the quality of writing; embroidery is connected to painting, and can be judged by the depth of painting."

Su brocade and Suzhou embroidery are both special products of Suzhou.

Han Sui also said: "Su embroidery is especially popular overseas, and its price is comparable to gold."

Zhao Huan waved his hand generously and said, "Choose a few horses if you like. Can you all know how to cut clothes?"

Before Zhao Huan crossed over, the main way of making clothes in the Song Dynasty was to buy a piece of cloth and go home and tailor it with needlework.

There are also ingenious women who will help other people make exquisite clothes.

The well-known cheater of the Song Dynasty, Pan Jinlian met Ximen Qing in the first tryst under the banner of sewing new clothes at Wang Po's house.

But Yan Ying and Shi Yi, one of them is the head of the royal consortium, the other is a nobleman, obviously they don't know anything about this.

Fortunately, Han Sui said, "It's okay, this silk and satin shop has a tailor shop on the third floor."

"They are all garments made by the ingenious and ingenious women that the owner finds. Their working mode is like a textile workshop."

Zhao Huan is quite interested in this, and this pattern is not difficult to find.

It is nothing more than gathering a group of women who usually do handmade needlework in the neighborhood to subsidize their families, and produce garments of designated styles in a special room.

But as long as the production is centralized, the style of the clothes will definitely be more exquisite than that produced by hand at home alone.

The beauty of clothing involves not only art and wealth, but also strong national and cultural appeal.

The beauty of flying fish clothing has been admired by later generations after hundreds of years.

The beauty of Ruqun has attracted the admiration of all women inside and outside the Central Plains.

Zhao Huan has always firmly believed that in order to conquer a nation and attract a nation's admiration for kingship, women must be the starting point.

Because the instinct of female Muqiang is deeply imprinted in the bone marrow.

At the same time, they are extremely easy to succumb to the will of the powerful and be at the mercy of the powerful.

If a region is conquered, the first to accept the strong culture and customs must be the local women.

In this case, if the Central Plains clothing is exquisite, it has a very high artistic beauty.

Local women don't even need strong orders from the government, they will learn the customs of Central Plains women, wear exquisite Central Plains costumes, and form a common Hualiu.

In any nation, the existence of a large number of such women will distort the will of the entire nation to resist.They will subtly influence men, and significantly influence the next generation.

So Zhao Huan climbed up to the third floor with great interest, intending to see the cultural soft power of Song Dynasty.

And walking up to the third floor, Zhao Huan really did not meet his expectations. What he saw, the colorful costumes on the third floor were simply shocking.

This is completely different from the ordinary clothing of later generations of shopping malls. Zhao Huan's impression of the entire third floor is that it is magnificent, dazzling, and stunning!

On this floor, there are all ready-made garments made of smooth and supple brocade, neatly hung on the hangers one by one, colorful and colorful.

The smooth and supple brocade only looks graceful and luxurious, and it is extraordinarily rich.Gold threads and silver flowers are embroidered on the cuffs and skirts of the clothes, which further highlights its extreme beauty.

A set of clothes is placed there in an orderly manner, giving people a strong visual impact.

No wonder clothing, food, housing and transportation rank first.Now it's about keeping warm from the cold, and it's about the art of wealth!
Even Shi Yi, who has always been very indifferent, has a bright eye. Love of beauty is the innate nature of every girl.

Looking at these exquisite costumes, she can't wait to put them on and show her beauty.

Yan Ying said excitedly: "My lord, there are so many styles of clothes, such beautiful styles, I don't think any woman can refuse."

"Bringing you here is to let you experience the pleasure of shopping. Buy whatever you want."

Then Zhao Huan said to the people in front of the hall: "Bring a big mirror over and let them see for themselves the beauty of the new clothes."

Hearing Zhao Huanzhi's words, Shiyi's eyes became brighter, and soon she found a long indigo brocade dress with lotus leaves and lotus flowers embroidered on the skirt.

The peerless elegance is matched with the beautiful costumes, the beauty is soul-stirring.

Zhao Huan sat on the side with his chin propped up, admiring it earnestly. It has to be said that this prosperous age should be matched with such a beautiful country.

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