I am Da Song

Chapter 418 Zhao Zhao Destiny

The symbol of a prosperous age must not only be a prosperous economy and prosperous cultural charm.

Military conquest is the most important content that is indispensable.

Military victory can immediately drive economic and cultural influence.

While the southeast of the empire was still enjoying prosperity, in the northwest of the empire, [-] elite field troops from the Central Plains of the Great Song Dynasty had been preparing their troops for a long time.

At the same time, Hu cavalry from the vassal state also gathered from all directions, and tens of thousands of cavalry made the camp noisy.

It is impossible to conceal a military build-up of this scale, because near the city of Kucha, the military bases are extremely vast, covering an area of ​​more than 30 miles.

This majestic camp with continuous flags and flags, one only needs to look at it to know that a large number of troops of the Song Army have gathered at the border.

In October, when it was snowing heavily, the two elite field armies officially took the name of Hu Bangyidi, who cruelly abused the people of the Central Plains, and harshly punished the Central Plains caravans.

A total of 17 troops marched directly into the Black Khanate under the command of Zhang Xian.

Just last year (1134), Ibrahim, the Great Khan of the Eastern Black Khanate, had a disagreement with the leaders of Ge Luolu and Kangli, and had a conflict, and asked Yelu Dashi to send troops for support.

Yelu Dashi took the opportunity to launch a coup, occupied Balasagon as his capital, and reduced the Eastern Karahan Dynasty to a vassal.

So far, only the Talas City and Baishui City in the west remained in the land owned by the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The towns along Congling, such as Shule and Khotan in the south, were no longer owned by him.

But Yelu Dashi only occupied this land for one year, and the army from the Central Plains marched into the Black Khanate.

Forced by the will of the Central Plains, Yelu Dashi had to cede all of this area to the Central Plains.

Perhaps the Central Plains really has a Manifest Destiny.

All countries in the Western Regions have to feel that this scene is so similar to history.

Back then when the prosperous Tang Dynasty went to the Western Regions, it was also because Su Dingfang defeated the Western Turks, so the Western Turks were forced to cede tens of thousands of miles of the Western Regions to the Tang Dynasty, and the Central Plains successfully set up large-scale administrative regions here.

Now the army of the Song Dynasty went to the Western Regions, and it also experienced exactly the same story.

And it was only a year away.

The nomadic iron cavalry had just won this territory, and it was ceded to the Central Plains Celestial Dynasty the following year.

Talas City, which once destroyed the Anxi Dufu of the Tang Dynasty, was directly exposed to the Song army.

In order to deal with the pagans from the East, the Puritans throughout Central Asia united and gathered in the city of Talas.

They hope to launch another crusade and restore the glory of their ancestors under the city of Talas.

This is their holy city, the only place where they defeated the king of the Central Plains.

Fighting here can provide all Puritan fighters with faith and confidence in victory, and the whole army will receive a morale bonus.

But this battle is completely different from the historical battle of Talas.

At that time, Talas City was a city of the Puritans, and the Tang army came from afar to attack the city and fought against a large number of Dashi troops under the city.

With the scale of 2 people in the Tang Military Region, it is obviously beyond its capabilities.

But today is different.

The Black Khanate has become a vassal state of the Song Dynasty. Talas City is the capital of the Black Khanate and a strong city that the Song Army can completely rely on.

The 17 troops of the Song Army gathered together, plus the more than 1 troops of the Black Khanate, 18 people gathered in Talas City, waiting for work at leisure. In this battle, the Song Army had an absolute advantage in both weather and location.

More importantly, the advanced civilization of the Song Dynasty, the prosperous country, and the unparalleled armament made the main force of this army already have the level of Napoleon's period.

Commanding 10,000+ troops to fight, especially frontal battles, is the best time to show the advanced military theory of the Central Plains.

The Sultan of the Seljuk Empire, who is now the ruler of the Great Food Kingdom, Ahmed Sancar mobilized the Puritan countries to fight against the heretics and defend the Mus (Harmony) Lin, received responses from all countries.

So the kings of Khwarazm, Khorasan, Sigistan, Ghazni, Mazandaran, Gur and other countries led troops to join the coalition forces of the Seljuk Empire, with a total of 12 troops.

Sultan Ahmed Sancar of the Seljuk Empire personally commanded the coalition forces to march towards Talas, intending to completely defeat the pagans from the east and drive them out of this Puritan land.

Judging from the mobilization and logistics capabilities of both sides, the two sides are no longer at the same level.

Sending 10,000+ troops. Before the Song Dynasty reformed the conscription law, it could do it countless times. It attacked Xixia, opened up Longyou, and conquered Yanyun in the north.

This does not include the three times the civilians who deliver supplies to these forbidden troops.

However, the Seljuk Empire still could not reach this level of backwardness that had been eliminated by the Song Dynasty.

In order to gather 12 troops, the Seljuk Empire mobilized a large number of countries to form a coalition together.

The 12 allied forces had no idea what kind of terrifying opponent they were about to face, and they still followed in the footsteps of their ancestors and embarked on the journey to Talas again.

In the city of Talas, Zhang Xian shook his head with a smile, and handed the surrender letter from the Seljuk Empire to Sanjar to Wang Bolong, who was beside him, and said, "This letter is so funny, you can read it for yourself."

The letter is written in Chinese characters.

The century-old translation movement has enabled the big cannibal to understand the language of each country very well.

The branch that dominates Dashi today is the Turkic people, who have been educated by the Central Plains since the Tang Dynasty.This land was even ceded to the Central Plains by their ancestors.

So they are very proficient in the characters of the Central Plains.

The characters of the Central Plains have never been broken after thousands of years of inheritance. As long as they have seen this kind of characters, they can always use it to communicate with the Central Plains.

So this letter was written very smoothly, but it was extremely funny in the eyes of the soldiers of the Central Plains.

Wang Bolong looked at the wanton and contemptuous Zhang Xian who was smiling, and opened the letter. What made him laugh so much?
After reading it, Wang Bolong looked at the envoy of the Seljuk Empire speechlessly, and said to the guards beside him, "Give him a needle."

"As long as you can cut off the beard in front of you with a needle, I will believe what you say in your letter!"

The Sultan of Sanjar actually threatened the soldiers of the Song Dynasty in his letter!If you do not change your religious beliefs, you will lead an army to destroy them.

In order to show the strength of his army, Sancar exaggerated in the letter: "Puritan warriors can even shoot their heads off with bows and arrows."

When the envoy wore his beard funny, he couldn't imagine how foolish and ridiculous his scene was to the soldiers of the Song army.

When he thought that with a strong bow and sharp arrows, he was invincible.

The Song army had already abandoned bows and arrows, and replaced them with artillery and muskets.

Instead of having a deterrent effect, their threats brought unparalleled confidence to the soldiers of the Central Plains.

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