I am Da Song

Chapter 430 Recruitment of Scholars from the Feudal Kingdom

In March of the eighth year of Jianye (1137), the imperial camp of the Southern Tour returned to Tokyo, the capital of the Great Song Dynasty.

But the scene near Tokyo greatly shocked Zhao Huan, the emperor who came back from the south.

If Suzhou is an ancient southern economic center, then Tokyo has completely broken away from the feudal small-scale peasant economy and has become an industrialized urban cluster in the Song Dynasty.

Manpower built high mountains outside Tokyo to house water towers and supply water to Tokyo, which is located on a plain.

Kaifeng has always had man-made mountains. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Great Song Dynasty has built mountains such as Longevity Mountain and Meishan Mountain on this plain. The scale is grand and the shape is lifelike.

These mountains are usually about 70 meters high, but now the newly built Yongnian Mountain, Shengjun Mountain, and Daojun Mountain are all over [-] meters high. There are not only water towers, canals, and lakes on them, but also troops stationed directly.

It is not only to protect water sources, but also to occupy strategic high ground and carry out military defense.

Because the current Tokyo city can no longer be defended in the city!

Zhao Huan drove back and did not enter the city, but came to the mountain specially to observe the current appearance of Tokyo city.

Looking down from the mountain, the mountain fog dissipated, and Zhao Huan could see Tokyo in the distance.

The huge city on the plain is extremely vast and looks very spectacular. The city walls can no longer restrain the development of the city. New homes continue to be built on the city borders, and expansion remains strong.

There are few high-rise buildings in the city, and the imperial palace and majestic city wall in the center can be vaguely seen.

Since ancient times, these shops and grass markets outside the city wall have been collectively called the city.

It's just that in the capital of the Great Song Dynasty, the size of the city has spread to the skyline, and even standing on a high mountain, it is impossible to see the entire boundary.

The city and the city of Tokyo have been completely combined and become the appearance of a future city!

Among the team that came to welcome him was Su Dai, who was in charge of Tokyo's urban construction. This professor of Mohists and public losers in the Song Dynasty was a veritable professor of engineering in the Song Dynasty.

Today's Su Dai is just in her early twenties, full of intellectual beauty, gentle and bookish.

She has been in charge of scientific research and engineering for a long time, and she speaks fluently like a narrative poem, telling the story of Tokyo's construction in every detail.

If Shi Yi is a beautiful woman with unparalleled beauty, then Su Dai is an intellectual, elegant and noble goddess, a poetic woman who is envied and admired by ordinary people.

She is beautiful and very knowledgeable, even when Zhao Huan saw her eloquent demeanor, he felt admiration and admiration in his heart.

This is simply the perfect role model for women in the Song Dynasty, and it is the most perfect state of women that Zhao Huan can imagine.

She was able to serve as a professor of two schools at a young age, obviously not because of her status as a royal concubine, but because she really has real talents and learning.

As the chief professor who has provided scientific guidance for the construction of Tokyo for a long time, she accompanied Zhao Huan, and introduced gently: "Officials, Tokyo City now has a population of more than 280 million. A large number of people live outside the city. The land has been sold more than 40 miles outside the city. In the past, it was just a small town attached to Tokyo City, but now it has been incorporated into the scope of Tokyo City."

A population of one million has always been the upper limit of a city in the feudal era.

Even counting statistical errors, the capital of a feudal dynasty can have more than one million people, which is the current limit.

In today's era, there are quite a few million-level cities inside and outside the Central Plains.

Coastal cities such as Suzhou and Hangzhou in the Central Plains have approached this scale one after another.

In Baghdad, the capital of the Western eclipse, and Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, both have a population of one million.

Instead, the once glorious ancient Rome declined.

But no matter how brilliant these cities are, the population size is locked at the million level.

However, the population of Tokyo in the Song Dynasty exceeded 200 million, and the limit was close to 300 million.

This has to be said to be the peak of the Central Plains' ruling ability, and it is also the crystallization of civilization in the process of industrialization.

Su Dai introduced to Zhao Huan: "The population scale has expanded, and the difficulty of governance has risen exponentially. Whether it is sanitation, fire protection, water supply, or public security, the difficulty is far different from the past. Recently, the mathematics professors of Taiyuan College have been busy day and night. It’s too much, it’s running continuously, and it’s exhausting.”

"As a last resort, professors in our other colleges who did not receive support for mathematics also began to study mathematics intensively."

Zhao Huan asked curiously: "Why is there a shortage of professors?"

Su Dai explained softly: "Rational layout of watchtower, inspection department, military arrest department, water supply lines, road layout, house structure, etc. Almost all firefighting, public security, water supply, sewage treatment places need to be taught by mathematics. come up with the best solution.”

"Taking firefighting as an example, mathematicians must figure out where to build military patrol houses on the map in order to reasonably radiate firefighting matters everywhere, which not only efficiently extinguishes fires, but also prevents cross-wasting manpower."

"Sewage treatment is the most important thing. More than 200 million people live here. If the sewage is allowed to discharge, within a few years, the entire groundwater quality will be polluted and it will no longer be drinkable."

"The Kaifeng government is trying its best to expand the underground pipelines. They are under great pressure. Most of the mathematics professors are recruited to calculate around the clock. They can't dig up the entire Tokyo city to re-lay the underground pipelines, and they have to find a way to take care of the whole city. If there is no calculation With the help of professors, this progress will be seriously slowed down by technocratic surveying and mapping alone."

Zhao Huan felt his scalp tingling when he heard this. An ordinary traveler, if he was alone, he would never be able to imagine how he could build an underground pipeline system covering the entire city without overthrowing Tokyo.

This system is not complicated. In Chang'an during the Han and Tang Dynasties, there was a pipeline system underground, which was specially used to discharge sewage.

But the difficulty lies in the fact that the city of Tokyo already has an extremely spectacular scale. The construction of Kaifeng Mansion can neither affect the buildings on the ground, but also have to bury the pipelines underground and cover every corner of the city.

Zhao Huan felt that he was a liberal arts student, and he didn't know how to operate after racking his brains.

If he wanted to help, he could only recruit talents in this field, and asked, "How many professors are there in Taixue's School of Mathematics?"

"Professors are also divided into grades. Including top professors, senior professors, ordinary professors, associate professors, and school-reviewing professors, there are a total of more than 430 people. In addition, there are more than 600 students in the School of Mathematics."

"So many people are not enough?"

"There are a lot of vacancies. Kaifeng Prefecture has seconded more than 200 mathematics professors and more than 3000 mathematics students from various colleges. It is still stretched."

Zhao Huan was amazed that there were more than 500 professors in the Department of Mathematics alone, and nearly 6000 scholars. Such a large number of intellectuals could only be produced by Song Dynasty.

"Zhenhui will order all the vassal states to contribute ten to one hundred mathematics scholars to the Central Plains, and go to Tokyo to listen."

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