I am Da Song

Chapter 431 The Fate of the Nation

Recruiting mathematics scholars from vassal states to conduct transnational academic research seems to be a bit advanced, and may face many obstacles.

But in today's Central Plains Dynasty, this is really not a problem.

Because in the pan-Confucian cultural circle, the Central Plains characters are used.

Such as Little Days, Goryeo, Jiaozhi, Champa, Dongliao, Xiliao, Xixia, Goryeo, Dali and so on.

These countries have a vast territory, a large population, and have accepted Sinicization, with highly developed science and technology and agriculture.

From this point of view, it is no exaggeration to say that the Great Song Dynasty is the highland of civilization in this world. In the radiating area of ​​the Great Song Dynasty civilization, the surrounding countries should be obviously civilized and developed, far surpassing those nomadic and religious countries in the West.

A small country like Dali or Goryeo, if taken to the west, is also a centralized country with abundant military virtues, a large population and a professional centralized army.

This is a civilizational advantage that the dukes and city-state kings in the West can't match.

Regarding these vassal states with highly developed civilizations and large populations, Zhao Huan's attitude is that each country should pay [-] mathematics scholars to the Central Plains.

And you can't make up for it indiscriminately, otherwise you will be beaten back and re-selected.

Goryeo has rich experience in this regard, and the emperor of the Central Plains often ordered the Korean region to donate beauties.

At this time, the king of North Korea has to order domestic virgins over the age of 14 to prohibit marriage, so that they can be selected and paid tribute to the emperor.

Now it's just replacing the beauties of the right age with knowledgeable math scholars, which is actually more convenient to operate.

These scholars learn Chinese characters, study the classics of the Central Plains, and absorb the civilization from the Central Plains. After being recruited, they can immediately invest in research without any obstacles.

This is exactly the same effect as the Central Plains recruiting scholars from local states and counties.

It may be more convenient to communicate than local scholars in the Central Plains, because scholars in the Central Plains may also speak local dialects, but these scholars from other vassal states must use the official dialect of the Song Dynasty.

In addition to these vassal states in the cultural circle of the Han family, the Song Dynasty also had a large number of vassal states in distant places, especially in the direction of Dashi and Southeast Asia, where there were many vassal states.

Although these countries have their own languages, they also know Chinese characters.

There is no shortage of translated works from the Central Plains in any country. For example, in the National Library of Dashi, there are tens of thousands of works from the East.

For these countries with different cultures and some nomadic tribes, Zhao Huan intends to recruit them in short order.

Countries as large as Dashi and Sanqi Buddhist Kingdom recruited a hundred scholars, smaller countries recruited dozens, and those nomadic tribes recruited only a few people at most.

It is not only to harvest the elites of various ethnic groups, but also to expand the influence of the Central Plains civilization.

Zhao Huan said to Su Dai: "Probably about [-] mathematics scholars can be recruited from the vassal state, which can ease the scientific research pressure in Tokyo."

"But the key is to promote academic development. Improve the level of calculation, improve the solution tools, and advance the mathematical structure model, which can greatly reduce the situation of manpower tension."

"Relying on the scholars of the vassal state is only a palliative measure after all. The influence it can exert is very limited, and it is far from the background of my Song Dynasty."

Zhao Huan's conclusion is also the reality that the Song Dynasty is facing in this era, that is, in terms of civilization development, the Song Dynasty is a lone walker.

The so-called high places are too cold, dance to find out the shadows.

Song Dynasty has already stood at the forefront of civilization, looking at the world, no country can keep up with the pace of Song Dynasty.

Even if all the vassal states are tied together, the total population, total wealth, number of scholars, and achievements in civilization are all less than [-]-[-]% of that of the Song Dynasty.

It is especially obvious in terms of civilization achievements and the number of scholars.

Da Song's family can produce nearly [-] professional scholars in mathematics.

Other countries help, and scholars who specialize in mathematics do not know if there are 700 people.

Many of the mathematics scholars recruited to the vassal state this time must be the great scholars of the vassal state's own country, and they are old gentlemen who are proficient in classics and history, mathematics, astronomy, science and many other aspects.

Su Dai said to Zhao Huan: "The Taixue has already attached great importance to this aspect of content, counting the ancient books and filling the pavilions. Do the officials still remember Luwena?"

"Fan Sizhong's holy fiancee?" Zhao Huan said with a smile, this Zoroastrian saint left a deep impression on everyone.

As soon as she uttered her theory of holy marriage, the holy marriage of mother and child almost made Fan Sizhong faint from fright.

If he, Fan Sizhong, died young, her widow and her son would have a holy marriage according to Zoroastrianism.

The Fan family lost all face.

Fortunately, Zoroastrianism perished with the abandonment of two small Zoroastrian temples during the original policy of practicing Taoism and moving to Buddhism.

Zhao Huan said: "I remember that after Zoroastrianism died out, I once instructed her to translate mathematics classics."

Su Dai nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, she has translated more than 30 classics in the Dashi Library in the past few years, and received nearly [-] coins from the Taixue. According to the customs of the Central Plains, she bought them for ten miles. With red makeup, she married Fan Sizhong in a splendid manner."

"I also attended the wedding, and the acting official's family brought a gift with me."

Zhao Huan was surprised, and said, "I didn't expect that she is quite talented. She has translated more than 30 books on mathematics in a few years. This translation speed is no more than that of professional scholars."

Su Dai said with a smile: "Officials, you think highly of her. She is talented, but not in this area. She once said when chatting with me that she translated by herself, and she didn't even translate a book in the first six months. .”

"Huh? Then how did she translate so much?"

"The officials should remember that she is from Sogdia."

Zhao Huan nodded, remembering that she said this, Zoroastrianism was only spread among the Sogdians in Tokyo, not to the Central Plains people.

Su Dai explained with a smile: "The talent of the Sogdians is not academic, but business."

"She was very flexible. She borrowed three hundred coins from me, bought a batch of silk and porcelain and returned to Baghdad. She sold these goods locally, and then spent money to hire a group of Puritan scholars in Baghdad to bring them back to Baghdad. Dashiwen is translated into Chinese."

"The century-old translation movement of the Puritans has been passed down. There are a large number of people who are proficient in the Central Plains characters, and they quickly translated dozens of classics for her."

"She took the classics back to Taixue to receive the award, and easily accumulated a generous dowry."

Zhao Huan smiled, every nation has its own destiny.

Unexpectedly, that bluffing girl from the Hu nationality still followed the old path of her ancestors.

But it's not surprising when you think about it seriously. Although she is bluffing, she actually has a very strong ability to observe words and expressions. Among the crowd, she was the first to discover Zhao Huan's non-human nature, and the first to keenly observe Zhu Qi's bank. The steward faced Zhao Huan's strange behavior.

With this talent, she is destined to be an excellent businessman.

But Su Dai said with a smile: "I mentioned her to the officials not only because of her business and translating books. Guess what she is doing now?"

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