I am Da Song

Chapter 449 I want you to never forget the power of the Song Army in this battle

When Duke Raymond was still kept in the dark and didn't know anything about the situation on the battlefield, in the south of the battlefield, the Song Army scouts had completed several investigations and reported to Yue Yun confidently.

"Teacher Lieutenant, I have detected more than [-] crusaders advancing here. The enemy army is well-armored and well-organized. However, due to their lack of defense, they did not notice our deployment to the army. They will enter our army in about half an hour. attack range."

Yue Yun clenched his fists vigorously, and gave an order to all the Puritan generals: "All enter the attack position. I will personally supervise the battle on the sand dunes. Anyone who dares to take a half step back will be killed immediately."

All the Puritan generals were in an uproar. Their greatest confidence in daring to put down their bows and arrows to attack the Crusaders was the presence of heavenly soldiers in front of them. The thousand-backed army cavalry was their greatest confidence in winning.

But the vanguard general actually chose to supervise the battle and let the Puritans attack alone?

Buhari couldn't be more scruples anymore, and asked Yue Yun directly: "Taiwei, don't the heavenly soldiers not fight, but let our Puritan holy warriors go to die?"

"You must know that they are the elite crusaders! They are well-equipped with armor and sharpened. It is difficult for holy warriors to directly attack this kind of army to win!"

Yue Yun looked at the scouts at the side and asked, "Does the enemy have armor?"

The scout replied decisively: "Most of the enemy troops are fully dressed in armor."

Yue Yun's face was solemn, this is indeed an elite army.

Marching in armor is a characteristic of any dynasty elite.

Armor piercing is the norm for an army whose military discipline is not broken, and order approval is required to remove armor.

For example, the military book "Ji Xiao Xin Shu" directly stipulates: "All officers and soldiers must wear armor and helmets to carry weapons when they set out. pass."

That is to say, the march must be fully armored to facilitate rapid combat against the enemy.Only Lu Yuan was allowed to take off his armor if it was hot and there was an order.

The hot weather in Luyuan is based on the Central Plains as a reference, and it can be tens of thousands of miles, of which nine thousand miles are in the country, so I took off my armor.

There is no crossing the national border. There may be a war tomorrow, but there is no armor today.

At the peak of the Ming army, Zhu Yuanzhang directly issued a death order, and all marchers must enter the camp before they can remove their armor, and those who violate the order will be executed immediately.

Yue Yun had seen the marching pictures drawn by the painters of the dynasty for the Kingdom of Jin. Even this barbarian country marched with full armor and bright lights.

Therefore, before Jianye, during the Jingkang period, the Jin army had always been the life and death enemy of the imperial court.

Now it seems that the Crusaders may not be weaker than the Jurchens.

However, Yue Yun smiled lightly. It may also be because the scale of the battle here is too small, and the marching distance is too short. It takes two or three days to reach the battlefield. Such a short distance without wearing armor is too weak and useless. firewood.This is a professional combat soldier, not a young lady who is panting after running for dozens of steps.

It's time for them to experience the advanced military concept formed by the large-scale war in the Central Plains.

So Yue Yun straightened his chest, looked around, and said: "Very good, this is the kind of elite I will fight, and smash their spirit head-on. If you fight a group of unarmored rebels, it will not be enough to establish the prestige of the heavenly dynasty."

"Everyone, attack according to the military order! You are not as weak as you think, follow the military order, I firmly believe that this battle will be won!"

"I still have confidence in jihad, are you afraid to go forward?"

A group of people suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that nothing else was right.

It can't be said that the godly and devout warriors don't believe that jihad can be won, right?
Yue Yun looked at Buhari solemnly, and said in a stern tone, "Don't always think about taking the lead in questioning the military orders! It's not for you to question whether the command is appropriate or not. To start, you do something serious, give me a boost to the morale of the whole army, and fight to the death!"

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on Buhari's forehead, and he knew that he was easy to encounter this situation when he was pushed to this position by the general behind him, which caused dissatisfaction among the generals of the Song Army, thinking that he questioned his authority.

But how could this be his original intention?This is the will of all the holy fighters in the army.

Now that the Song army general has expressed his dissatisfaction bluntly, Buhari is sure that no one will be able to keep his head if he continues to speak.

So he had no choice but to retreat, and fiercely conveyed the general's will to the Puritan generals.

A brief quarrel broke out among the Puritans, but due to the tall guards of the Song Army around them, they suppressed their anger and were forced to enter the front line.

Then Buhari rode a steed to the front of the whole army, and gave a fierce admonition to the whole army, waving a machete to boost the morale of the whole army.

Yue Yun couldn't understand what he was talking about, and didn't bother to pay attention. He climbed up a high sand dune with his personal guards and looked at the situation on the battlefield.

This is the battlefield carefully selected by Yue Yun. The terrain is relatively flat, but there are also pits and hollows, as well as sandy hills, which is the most classic terrain of this land.

Yue Yun was here to leave an unforgettable impression on the Puritan world and the Crusaders world, and firmly imprint the military power of the Great Song Dynasty in everyone's bone marrow.

Let them think of Song Jun, and they will tremble with fear!
The scouts of the Song army came on horseback and reported to Yue Yun again: "Taiwei, the forward of the Crusaders of the Principality of Antioch is less than five miles away from here, in the northwest direction."

Yue Yun stood on the sand dune, raised his binoculars and looked to the northwest, with the corner of his mouth raised: "Good! I've seen them."

"Listen to me, general, set up the flag!"

Under the sand dunes, the guards of the Song army immediately unfolded the rolled up banners, and a soldier rushed up to the sand dunes carrying the banners. In an instant, the red flags were flying on the sand dunes!The vermilion flags of the Song Dynasty fluttered in the sunshine against the wind.

Someone among the Crusaders suddenly discovered the scene of Zhu Qi Jiangtian, and countless people pointed here in amazement, not understanding what happened.

After all, the sky is full of red flags, a scenery that has never been seen in this land.

But before they understood what happened, Yue Yun put down the binoculars, raised his right arm, and shouted: "Beat the drums, march!"

The thunderous sound of war drums immediately resounded through the sky, and the sound of rumbling war drums enveloped the entire battlefield.

The drums don't stop, there is no truce!
More than 4000 Puritan cavalry archers got on their horses at the same time, and a famous general pulled out his saber, swung it in the air, and then suddenly pointed forward.

Thousands of iron cavalry rushed out like a tide in no time, tens of thousands of iron hoofs shook the sky and the earth, kicked up dust and sand all over the sky, and unstoppably charged directly towards the horrified Crusaders marching ranks.

The Puritans suddenly launched a rush, their morale was like a rainbow, they went forward indomitably, their iron hooves broke through the yellow sand, and their momentum was unstoppable!

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