I am Da Song

Chapter 450 Battle of Liwei

The sudden appearance of the Puritan horse archers made the marching crusaders panic.

Thousands of horses are galloping, and the sword is sharp. This is an obvious offensive posture.

Raymond, Grand Duke of Antioch, rode on his horse and watched in horror as the crusaders in the queue panicked.

The Crusaders are all veterans who have experienced many battles. They know that they must not run away in this situation. The best choice is to immediately form an array and defend.

Only by blocking the Puritan cavalry, the Crusaders will have a chance to survive. Fleeing will only lead to the whole army being chased and killed by the Puritan cavalry, and all of them will die on the battlefield.

But military command is an extremely complex and complete system, which cannot be properly completed with just a little theory in a soldier's head.

Although the soldiers knew that they had to line up for defense, they couldn't line up in an orderly manner in a hurry.

These grassroots soldiers who were in a panic and deployed their formations collided chaotically between the two phalanxes.The formation could not be expanded at all, and many phalanxes were even mixed together, making a mess like a ball.

This is a painful situation for any general, and no one can win a battle under these conditions.

After all, this is not a street fight. Two groups of people get mixed up and hacked with sticks, and there will be a result.

In fact, when the Crusaders were in a mess, they crowded and collided together.

Ordinary Puritans have bright eyes, and any veteran with battlefield experience knows that his situation has an absolute advantage.

Four thousand cavalry spread out, and the formation was more than five miles wide. They charged directly and were instantly invincible.

The crusaders rushed into the chaotic formation, and they couldn't even point their spears in one direction.

More importantly, the four thousand cavalry surrounded the chaotic army in front of them in an instant, tightening their pockets from southeast to northwest.

Duke Raymond is also a seasoned veteran knight. He is very sure that if the Puritan cavalry completes the encirclement on all sides, then today's battle will undoubtedly be lost.

Moreover, it was a brilliant victory of four thousand Puritan cavalry against more than ten thousand Crusaders, with less victory and more victory.

So Raymond commanded desperately on the battlefield, shouting with all his strength: "True gold is forged in fire, and courage is cultivated in difficulties. God's loyal warriors, don't be afraid, take up your long swords, and swear to defend the front line. The glory of God protects you from the wicked heretics!"

This set of rhetoric is brilliant and righteous. Although it is still unknown whether God will shed glory to protect his pious warriors, the Crusaders have reached a consensus, that is, to stick to the battlefield and not retreat an inch, and everyone will be able to block the evil forces. Puritan.

The chaotic crusaders no longer pursued formations, but stayed in place, desperately resisting the impact of the Puritan cavalry, and using their shields to resist the feather arrows thrown in from all directions.

The Crusader infantry and cavalry in front resisted with difficulty, and the formation finally stopped retreating.

But only at this level, the Crusaders are just dying, like fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

The unexpected attack of the Puritan cavalry has gained a great advantage, and they are expanding their fronts to gradually complete the encirclement of the Crusaders.

Raymond asked his knights to stabilize the front line, while he personally retreated to the northwest, coordinating and commanding the Italian giant shield crossbowmen marching in the middle.

These crossbowmen in the army are the elite of Italian crossbowmen, mercenaries from the Genoa region.

Genoa's handicraft industry is well developed, so the crossbows and giant shields are very sophisticated, so the Genoese who erected giant shields and held crossbows became well-known professional mercenaries throughout the West.

Raymond knew very well that to block the Puritan's offensive, the crusaders in disorder in front would be of no help at all, and he had to rely on these giant shield crossbowmen to set up a solid line of defense.

So after Raymond arrived on horseback, he held up his bloody cross sword and shouted: "All soldiers give way to the giant shield crossbowman! Genoese, I order you to immediately set up a giant shield on this slope, Crouch down and fight back."

"Anyone who dares to take a step back is submitting to the heretics, and I must judge him for his crimes!"

There are probably more than a thousand Genoese in the team. Don't underestimate this size.

Li Ling took 8 crossbowmen and beat the [-] Huns helplessly, causing heavy casualties.Go thousands of miles and kill countless enemies.

Qu Yi led eight hundred first crossbowmen to defeat Gongsun Zan's five thousand elite white horse Yi Cong.

The Song Army's God Arm Bow repeatedly used cavalry to brush people's heads.

It can be said that a well-trained crossbowman is a natural cavalry nemesis.

The Genoese are also professional mercenaries who make a living fighting on the battlefield.

The 1000 of them had not been directly attacked by the Puritan cavalry, and they were personally commanded by the Crusaders' commander, so they deployed very quickly.

Soon, two rows of giant shields were erected in front of a small raised slope.

These crossbowmen stooped and hid behind the giant shield, stepping on the crossbow to string the giant crossbow.

Before they could wind up, the Puritan horse archers had already arrived.




Countless sharp arrows pierced through the void and hit the giant shields in front of the crossbowmen with the sound of the wind. Feather arrows penetrating several inches were hung on each shield.

Raymond, who was running and commanding on the battlefield, was overjoyed and roared excitedly: "The Puritans didn't trample over!"

"They're afraid!"

"It's our turn to fight back, archery! Archery!"

Thousands of Genoese crossbowmen raised their crossbows, stood behind the giant shield, and aimed at the Puritan horse archers cruising far away and shooting arrows.

Cavalry archers should never expect to hit a heavy crossbow that requires a pedal to draw the bowstring.

The Crusaders only fired a volley, and dozens of Puritan cavalry fell to the ground in an instant. The cruising horse archers suffered such a heavy blow, their morale plummeted, and they immediately receded like a tide.

The Song army generals on the sand dunes could see this scene clearly without binoculars. Dozens of Puritan cavalry fell down densely, and the continuous cavalry formation immediately thinned out. attack range.

Buhari's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he really gave up the usual advantage of the Puritan army in bows and arrows, and went straight up, and the battle encountered difficulties.

The Puritan army didn't have the attitude of heavy armored cavalry, violent and cold, and crushing everything.

He looked at Yue Yun tremblingly, and saw Yue Yun sitting on the saddle with a big horse and a golden knife, put down the binoculars, with a strong disdain on the corner of his mouth.

The general of the Song Army on the side directly taunted: "Such a smooth attack against him, I dare not step on the enemy's line directly, and they are still cruising and shooting arrows. Give the opponent a chance to rectify, but they were shot back directly. These cavalry are really a bunch of waste."

Bukhari dared not speak out, and clenched his fists tightly.

It is indeed an indisputable fact that the Puritan jihadists did not fight well.Even he, a translator who has no military knowledge, can see it.

But it seems that the general of the Song army, this young man who has always been very reckless, was not surprised by this. He put down the binoculars and calmly ordered: "Let the next wave of offensive catch up. Five thousand infantry continue to attack, and the whole army presses down!"

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