Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 383 This is the teaching of the ancestors, how dare Meng Tian forget each other?

Chapter 383 How dare Meng Tian forget the teachings of his ancestors? (four thousand words)

Talk a little bit.

Ying Zheng suddenly asked, "Zhang Cang, did you hear about the Lu County incident a while ago?"

Zhang Cang bowed and said: "I have heard about it, but I don't know much about it, so I dare not talk about it."

Ying Zheng said indifferently: "I have sent people to investigate the whereabouts of Qin Luoheng and others. It is not because the accompanying soldiers leaked it. Only a few people in the patrol team know about Qin Luoheng's going to Lu County to execute orders."

Zhang Cang's face changed slightly, and he didn't dare to breathe too much.

He seems to have noticed something.

Ying Zheng didn't hide it, and cut straight to the point: "You are a censor, and you are a great talent. I want to entrust you to investigate this matter. Are you willing to take over this case of leaking secrets?"

Zhang Cang hit the ground with a thud.

The body couldn't help shaking.

Because the speed of falling to the ground was too fast, his expression was extremely funny.

"You don't want to?" Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Cang coldly.

Zhang Cang secretly groaned in his heart.

If it wasn't the accompanying soldiers who leaked the secrets, then it could only be leaked by people in the patrol team, and he didn't even know about the Confucian affairs handled by the imperial court at the beginning, and the status of those who can get involved in secrets can be seen.

How could he want to take over this difficult case?

This is what Shihuang himself said, how dare he refuse?

A smile appeared on Zhang Cang's face, and he said in a deep voice, "I am willing to take over."

Ying Zheng raised his forehead slightly, with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Zhang Aiqing is indeed a brave and wise person. I have entrusted this matter to you, which is regarded as the right person."

Zhang Cang said:
"The minister will definitely live up to His Majesty's entrustment, and will investigate this matter for His Majesty."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!!!"

Ying Zheng nodded, and said calmly: "Don't be so nervous Zhang Aiqing. You just took over this case, and there may be many things you don't know. You can ask Yu Shi Yi who is accompanying you on the hunting tour. After finding out the truth, I will personally issue an edict. Appointing you as the censor in the palm of your hand, although I have a heart of love for talents, Daqin has its own rules and regulations, and there are no rules and rules, so I can only do so."

"Also please Zhang Aiqing don't blame me."

Zhang Cang tremblingly said:
"Your majesty's appreciation is already a great favor. How dare you have other ideas? Please rest assured, your majesty, I will do my best to solve the case of leaking secrets in the patrol team."

"I can only be grateful to His Majesty."

Zhang Cang knelt on the ground, his voice extremely tense.

Ying Zheng Road:
"If you say that, I'm relieved."

"Go to Yi first to find out about the progress of the case."

Zhang Cang hurriedly said:

"My minister retire."


Zhang Cang carefully got up from the ground, lowered his head, and carefully exited the imperial chariot. When he got out of the imperial chariot, his back was completely soaked, as if he had been fished out of the water. .

Zhang Cang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Jun En is unpredictable!"

"I don't know if what I did was right or wrong this time."


Zhang Cang looked around, and quickly left the vicinity of the imperial chariot.

When he first heard that Shihuang wanted to appoint himself as the censor of the palm planner, he was naturally excited, but when he heard that Shihuang asked him to take over the case, he realized that something was wrong.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

What's more, he was facing Qin Shihuang?
He actually knew little about the leak of Qin Luoheng's whereabouts, but in his heart, he actually didn't want to have too much contact with Qin Luoheng, because Qin Luoheng's identity was too sensitive.

Now the news that Qin Luoheng is the son of Daqin has already spread widely.

Everyone knows the hunting queue.

But no one asked for proof, and no one confirmed it.

Although no one refuted the rumors, it is enough to explain the problem. This news is probably not groundless. Qin Luoheng was valued by the first emperor, and the position of the heir of the Great Qin Dynasty has been pending. After Qin Luoheng got out, everything became more variable.

The Guben he recommended had known Qin Luoheng for a long time.

In addition, he was also considered to belong to Qin Luoheng's faction, but after all, he had little contact with Qin Luoheng in the past, so he could somewhat avoid standing in line, but at this time, Shi Huang put him on the table.

How did this calm him down?
The person who can plot against Qin Luoheng so straightforwardly must know Qin Luoheng's true identity. The other is that he is probably worried that Qin Luoheng's continuation will affect the position of the eldest son. Only in this way can Qin Luoheng be regarded as For the thorn in the flesh, if you want to get rid of it quickly, and can meet these two conditions at the same time, perhaps only courtiers can do it.

The moment he took over the case, he was destined to favor Qin Luoheng.

And this is what Zhang Cang wants to see?
He didn't want to participate in this battle for the crown prince, and he never thought about participating in it. The only thing he wanted was to go one step further and use his lifelong talents and learning, just like Li Si, to do his best to make the world peaceful.

That's it!

Of course.
Zhang Cang left with a heavy heart.

North River Grassland Mountains River Valley.

After half a year of adjustments, the Jiuyuan Qin army entered the preset barriers in the Yinshan area separately from the secret route determined in advance. At the same time, the 20 flying cavalry ambushing in the mountains and valleys were divided into three routes: left, middle and right. At the same time, they outflanked the Yinshan assembly area of ​​the Xiongnu cavalry.

Since last year, Qin Jun has been deliberately shrinking.

The trend of advancing north is definitely gone.

It's completely like that as long as the opponent doesn't pass my defense zone, I will resolutely ignore him.

Therefore, although the two armies have been facing each other from a distance, there has not actually been a large-scale fierce battle. However, it is different recently. The Qin army began to deliberately test, and the Qin army scouts went deep into the Henan area occupied by the Huns, which also aroused the dissatisfaction of the Huns. Therefore, the two sides have frequently deployed troops, and there is a great danger of war at any time.

Qin army camp.

Meng Tian was dressed in military uniform and stood in the camp.

Standing beside Su Jiao, Xin Sheng and other generals, they were looking at a map with high spirits in their eyes.

Meng Tian said:
"Last time, we originally intended to use the continuous mountains in Henan as the battleground for gathering and annihilating, but due to some changes in the court, it was difficult to maintain food and supplies in the end, so we had to give up this plan. After six months of readjustment, the army has once again lured the Xiongnu At the designated annihilation site, this time, His Majesty will have another [-] flying cavalry."

"In this battle, Great Qin will surely win!"

Xin Sheng was also very happy.

cursed and said:
"Straight mother thief, I'm suffocated to death these days."

"Finally, we can do a good job!"

"This time, these little Huns will never come back."


Sujiao Trail:

"Then you have to perform well."

"After more than half a year, we have figured out the Huns' intentions."

"The head of the Xiongnu, Man Shanyu, is really ambitious. This time he went south, which is completely different from the past. He didn't just want to grab some cattle, sheep, people, and goods and flee back to the Langjuxu Mountain prairie. He wanted to capture us this time. The territory of the Great Qin, and this time he personally led the army, crossed the Yin Mountain, crossed the Beihe River in one fell swoop, and now it has directly reached the Henan land of our Great Qin."

"This Man Chanyu probably wants to learn from the Zhongshan Kingdom back then, to establish the Northern Border Kingdom of the Great Qin as the king, and then to seek the heart of the Great Qin, and then to annex the Great Qin. Don't be afraid to hold your teeth."

Xin Sheng said disdainfully:
"It doesn't matter what his ambitions are, if anyone invades our Great Qin, I will kill one, and if two come, I will kill one pair."

"Don't they claim to be a million-strong army? I'd like to see if there are millions of people in the inventory after the war. Don't just put on airs in the end."

Meng Tian said coldly:
"Don't take it lightly."

"Don't underestimate the enemy."

"This time, all the tribes of the Xiongnu mobilized their clans, and the sea was filled with people, horses, cattle and sheep."

"According to the information obtained by the scouts, the Huns are divided into three groups. The first wave is the vanguard cavalry, which is composed of more than half a million strong and strong men, and the leaders of each tribe will personally serve as the generals of the tribe. Their strength cannot be underestimated. watch for."

"These people grew up on horseback since they were young, and they have excellent riding skills. When they charge to kill, they are very powerful."

"The second wave is Touman Shanyu Wangting and the Shanyu tribe under his personal command. They have a separate [-] flying cavalry elite guards, and the rest are more than [-] men and women of the Shanyu tribe and a huge convoy of wealth and cattle. , the third wave is the population of the remaining tribes and the herds of cattle, sheep and horses, led by the leaders of the tribes who cannot participate in the war."

"We are mainly facing the vanguard cavalry and the [-] flying cavalry elite guards."

"Perhaps the Huns' military strength has been exaggerated, but the Huns have always believed in fighting and fighting, and they don't pay much attention to tactics. Many of our battle formations may not be effective against the Huns, and many of the ordnance are inconvenient to use, so if we really pull When fighting, you must not underestimate the enemy."

"Your Majesty's will for us is very clear."

"Annihilate most of the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, and secure northern Xinjiang in one battle, so that northern Xinjiang will no longer suffer from the war."

"Therefore, we must not only win this battle, but also win a big victory. After the war is over, we must pursue it even more, travel hundreds of miles a day, and leave all the Huns who are waiting at the northern foot of the Yin Mountain. Only in this way can we completely defeat the Xiongnu and prevent them from recovering their vitality for decades, so that our northern border will be stable."

"The task of this battle is arduous, so we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity!"

Xin Sheng, Su Jiao and other generals were shocked and did not dare to raise any objections.

Said in unison:
"I will never dare to take His Majesty's orders."

Meng Tian nodded.

He was about to ask where the army led by Shejian had arrived, but at this moment, a military officer suddenly entered the tent and said loudly: "General, someone from Liaoxi County has sent a letter."

"Liaoxi County?" Meng Tian frowned.

Then he thought that according to the process, Shihuang should have arrived in Liaoxi County.

It's just that this letter is not from His Majesty's order, but from a private person, which makes Meng Tian somewhat puzzled.

He reached out to take the letter, crushed the outer seal with his hand, and read it in front of everyone. After seeing the content written on the letter, Meng Tian's face changed slightly.


The generals around showed curiosity.

Meng Tian held this letter in his hand, and put it behind his back. After thinking for a while, he handed this letter out again. The battle is imminent. His behavior can easily cause misunderstandings by other generals. If it reaches His Majesty, In the process, he might arouse His Majesty's suspicion, so he finally chose to be open and honest.

Xin Sheng took the bamboo piece, glanced at it briefly, and his face changed accordingly.

Su Jiao glanced at Meng Tian curiously, and then at Xin Sheng a few more times, becoming more and more curious about the content of the bamboo slice, and then took the bamboo slice directly, and after reading it, his expression also changed.

After the generals in the camp had finished watching, everyone had different expressions.

a long time.

Su Jiao returned to God and said:
"The ten sons are still alive?"

"He was attacked and killed in Lu County?"

"And Qin Luoheng was the tenth son who 'died' back then?"

Everyone looked at each other, and it was difficult to calm down.

They were all shocked by the sudden news.

Xin Sheng said:
"Who is this letter from?"

"Is the information in the letter really accurate?"

"Is someone releasing false information? To shake the morale of the army?"

Meng Tian pondered for a moment, shook his head and said:
"Probably not."

"In the past half a year, it has been difficult for the Xiongnu's servants to cross the Yin Mountain, and this letter was sent through a straight road. The Huns have no such ability."

Xin Sheng said:
"Then the information here may be true."

"The ten sons really didn't die back then?"

"If the ten sons are not dead, then..."

When the words came to his lips, Xin Sheng shut up.

But no matter how unresponsive the other people were, how could they not hear Xin Sheng's overtones?
If Qin Luoheng is not dead, doesn't that mean that the candidate for the heir of the Qin Dynasty has changed. Although they are far away in Beiyuan, they can still hear some news from the court. Fusu has become less and less close to His Majesty in the past year. On the contrary, Qin Luoheng has been in the limelight this year, and the significance of it can be seen.

This letter is addressed to Meng Tian.

Mengtian and Mengshi have always been friends with the eldest son Fusu.

a time.

The generals couldn't help but their minds fluttered.

Meng Tian snorted coldly and said: "Don't think wildly, I, the Meng family, have served Qin for generations, and I will only serve His Majesty Qin from now on. How can I, Meng Tian, ​​dare to be ungrateful to the teachings of my ancestors?"

"Now that the war is imminent, don't be distracted by it. If the war is delayed and the Huns retreat, then we will be the real sinners of Daqin. At that time, don't blame me for punishing you with military law!"

All the generals were stunned.

Hastily said: "General, don't worry, I'll save you."

At this time.

Xin Sheng asked: "General, do you want to inform General Wang Li of this matter?"

Meng Tian said in a deep voice:
"I don't need to tell him about this for now. When the war is over, I will inform him personally."

"Now everything makes way for the imminent decisive battle! Whoever dares to spread such news at this time and disturb the morale of the army will be dealt with by military law."


Meng Tian coldly glanced at all the generals present, all the generals bowed their heads as soon as they looked, they dared not look at him, they could only nod their heads in promise, no one had any doubts.

Then Meng Tian walked out of the camp, and said with a cold face:

"Come on."

"Give me the one who just sent me information that has nothing to do with the war."

"Beheading for public display!"

"I'll tell you again, except for His Majesty's urgent order, scouts in the army can only pass on war information, and anyone who sends letters or whispers to each other, or spreads rumors, will be executed!"

"No mercy!"


Meng Tian walked back into the tent again, all the other generals looked solemn, and they were no longer relaxed as before. Meng Tian glanced around, focused on the map accompanying the army, and then directly announced the task of leading the troops of the generals. , they have only one purpose.

Tu Hu! ! !

 One chapter is owed, and it will be made up on the [-]th, because it is recommended on the [-]th.

  I was lied to.

  Is it okay to save face, there is no need to ask more.

  Woohoo! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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