Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 384 The army was defeated like a mountain, and the whole field fled!

Chapter 384 The army is defeated like a mountain, fleeing everywhere! (eight thousand words)
three days later.

Touman Chanyu gathered wine on the Yinshan grassland to celebrate the victory in advance. The bonfire camp stretched to the sky, and merged with the stars and the moon in the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of knights of the Huns drank marinad wine to their heart's content, tore half-lived roast sheep with blood splashing, shouted and sang and danced until the moon and stars faded.

At the craziest time of the Xiongnu carnival, Touman Shanyu boarded a tall carriage and galloped across the camps. Wherever he passed, all the Huns bowed their heads, and their attitude was extremely humble. Touman Shanyu was very humble. He is enjoying the present moment, and he can't help shouting an auspicious eulogy for victory: "The southern part of the Yinshan Mountains is my grassland!"

After the jubilant celebration, Touman Shanyu also returned to the camp.

At this time, Tu Qi (Xian) of Touman Shanyu said in a concentrated voice: "Your Majesty, some news has come from the south recently that the nobles of the Six Kingdoms seem to want to kill someone, but they failed, but the nobles of the Six Kingdoms are worried that Qin In response to the court's response, he concocted a prophecy saying, "Hu who died in Qin Dynasty", the Emperor Qin really listened to it, and it is said that he has the idea of ​​sending troops to the north again."

"Your Majesty, you need to pay more attention to this matter."

Touman Shanyu snorted coldly. Although he drank a lot of wine, he didn't look drunk at all, and said indifferently: "What nobles from the Six Kingdoms? They are just a group of bereaved dogs, but the Hu who died of the Qin Dynasty they said is not I was wrong, this king is going south this time in a big way, just to occupy the fertile land of the world."

"I, the Huns, are the darlings of heaven, the true pride of heaven, and should occupy the most fertile land in the world."

Tu Qi said in a concentrated voice:

"Your Majesty, you must investigate."

"If our family goes south this time, if we are defeated by the Qin army, the consequences will be disastrous."

"And I heard that Emperor Qin's entourage this time has as many as [-] soldiers. If he sends these soldiers to the rear of our tribe and kills them when we are fighting with the main force of the Qin army, our army may not be able to fight in both directions. Your Majesty, what happened? Regarding the safety of the tribe, I think it should be carefully considered.”

However, before Tu Qi finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Mao Dun.

Mao Dun Yinjiu looked at him and said coldly: "Tu Qi, don't talk nonsense here. How can the Emperor of Qin compare with his father? The people of Qin are just two-legged sheep, so why be afraid of them? Come to one hundred thousand, kill ten Ten thousand is enough, I, son of the Huns, am I afraid that they will fail? Besides, even if Emperor Qin intends to increase his troops, how can it be so easy?"

"When their reinforcements arrive, the land of Henan will already be in my hands!"

"What can they do?"

"You old bastard, the more you live, the less courageous you become. You are afraid of this, and you are also worried about that. Can't you see the heroic figure of my Huns? In the past half a year, my Huns have won successive battles, not only Occupied most of the Yinshan Mountains, and even occupied part of Hetao."

"How can Qin Jun dare to compare with my tribe now?"

"If you are really afraid, you can stay in Yinshan and stay with those old, weak, sick and disabled."

Tu Qi's face was slightly ugly.

He said coldly:

"Has Qin Jun ever been so weak?"

"Although Meng Tian is not as powerful as Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wang Ben, he is also battle-hardened, and the Qin army's equipment is far superior to ours. Although I don't think the Qin army is more powerful than my tribe, it is not a big mistake to be careful. , if I am really timid to fight, how can I follow the king to travel thousands of miles to fight against the Qin army?"

Zuo Xianwang Uweilu said:
"What's the use of saying this?"

"Your Majesty has already made a plan. Tomorrow, he will directly capture the land of Henan and take the land of Hetao into his pocket. With the land of Hetao, which is rich in water and grass, within a few years, the number of cattle, sheep and horses in our tribe will increase greatly. , What will it matter if Qin is destroyed? At that time, these Qin people will be our slaves!"

"Even if the Qin army intends to arrange reinforcements, how can they arrive in a short time?"

"When the Qin army's so-called reinforcements arrive, I am afraid that the whole of Henan has already entered our hands. At that time, the Qin army will dare to counterattack? If they dare to attack, the king only needs to give me [-] soldiers, and I will let them all have Back and forth."


Zuo Guli King Che Linbin said: "Tu Qi, isn't what you said is the reason why we must attack? If we don't hurry up and drive the Qin army out of Henan, when tens of thousands more Qin troops come, we will arrive Even if my tribe is brave and good at fighting, I am afraid there will be many casualties, but I think it is best for Shan Yu to let us act in advance."

"Before the Qin army rushes to help, completely capture the land of Henan, let this piece of water and grassland favored by the heavens, completely become the pasture of my Huns, and let the wolf cubs of my Huns be able to live in this world. Grow fast, I, the Huns, are invincible!"

"Long live God!"

They didn't listen to Tu Qi's words at all. In the past half a year, the Huns have been going smoothly. If it wasn't for this time that they brought a large number of people, cattle and sheep, they would have captured Henan long ago. How could they be bothered with the Qin people? After dragging for so long, the Qin army basically retreated to the mountains now, trying to use the power of the mountains to resist the Huns' offensive.

But how can this stop the flying cavalry of the Huns?
Under a burst of scornful rhetoric, Touman Shanyu showed a satisfied smile.

He smiled and said:
"Qin people are not afraid!"

"Tomorrow, my main cavalry will go south in three routes."

"One hundred thousand troops from the West Route march south from the west section of the Beihe River, flanking the left flank of the Qin Army. The West Route Army is commanded by King Youxian."

"The 30 troops in the middle route will attack the location of the Qin army's shogunate from the front, that is, face the main force of the Qin army. This part will be in charge of you, Zuo Xianwang Uweilu."

"One hundred thousand troops from the East Route will directly launch a large-scale plunder of Yunzhong County to supplement the food and grass supplies of the follow-up population. This part will be handed over to" Tou Mandanyu watched it for a long time in the tent, and finally handed it over to Che Lin, King Zuoguli He, this is undoubtedly pouring a basin of ice water on Mao Dunda who is eager to fight, and a touch of unwillingness and resentment flashed in Mao Dun's eyes.

After a brief discussion, the leaders of each tribe left.

the other side.

The Qin army has already mastered the changes of the Xiongnu.

He also waited for a long time for the war planned by the Xiongnu. The reason why he retreated step by step in the past was to lure the Xiongnu to occupy the entire Henan land, and let the continuous mountains of Henan land be used as a battlefield to lure the enemy in depth, and then achieve the effect of gathering and annihilating.

Waiting for half a year.

The day is finally here!

It was night, taking advantage of the darkness, Meng Tian went to a front mountain. The central mountain pass here was the widest, enough to accommodate more than ten carriages. The terrain was relatively flat. , and there is no dangerously defended trench deer village (zhai), and cavalry and pegasus can travel unimpeded.

But this seemingly gentle mountain was chosen by Meng Tian as the main battlefield for the decisive battle!

There is a reason for all this.

Meng Tian has never been a frivolous and arrogant person.

He is well aware of the difficulty of the Huns.

Therefore, before going out on the expedition, he has been studying all kinds of military books, looking at the methods of the generals of Yan, Zhao, and Qi against the Xiongnu. In his opinion, the most effective ones are Li Mu's Tibetan Army Valley and Tibetan Army Cave. The strategy should be to use heavy control light in the first battle, and fast control fast counterattack.

Give full play to the advantages of the Qin army's excellent equipment, and when the Huns are attacking, they can kill the main force of the Huns to the maximum extent, because the Huns have never paid attention to any rules, and their rush is also the most unscrupulous, and this time is also causing damage to the Huns maximum time.

However, the Xiongnu also knew this very well. They never attacked the city, nor confronted the Qin army head-on. The reason why they can only resist passively, but this time the Xiongnu moved the idea of ​​occupying the land of Hetao, which gave the Qin army a chance to gather and annihilate.

After Meng Tian knew the Huns' intentions, he selected several specific locations early on.

The so-called special location is the mountain pass that the Huns cavalry must pass through no matter whether they enter or exit.

All the caves, ditches and deer villages were secretly excavated by the Xiongnu tribe after they evacuated the grassland every late autumn. After years of repeated repairs and improvements, their firmness and concealment have even surpassed Li Mu's Tibetan Army Valley and Tibetan Army Cave.

Now these Tibetan army valleys and Tibetan army caves store a large number of large-scale mobile crossbows, catapults, fierce fire oil, rolling wood and rocks, plug-door knife carts and other large sharp weapons.

Tomorrow, when the Huns' flying cavalry will charge and plunder, it will also be the time when these large sharp weapons will be released.

The next day.

The sky is bright.

There was a trembling sound from the ground.

The vibration frequency is so fast and the vibration sound is so loud that it is almost deafening.

Under the leadership of Zuo Xianwang Uweilu, the Xiongnu army marched together with 30 troops, intending to occupy the last mountain in Henan. Since then, they have completely driven the Qin army to the opposite side of the river and completely occupied the fertile Henan.

When the Huns flew all over the mountains and plains, apart from the flags and spears hunted and cleaned up and many unrecognizable utensils in the distance, the whole mountain was quiet and suffocating. In the first few hundred steps, following an order, the thunderous sound of war drums resounded through the heaven and earth like thunder.

An unprecedented tragic battle broke out under the deliberate command of the commanders-in-chief of the two armies!
Just after the Flying Huns rushed into the flat ground, the flag of the Qin army was withdrawn suddenly, and the large continuous firing crossbow machines arranged in echelons on both sides of the flat ground burst into the air instantly, and in just a moment, ten thousand arrows were fired, and the whole The sky changed color in an instant, as if a cloud of black mist had appeared, covering the central area in front of the mountain pass in an instant.

at the same time.

The endless rain of flying stones was thrown from both sides of the Liannu. Together with the rolling wood and rocks, these flying stones rained down on the flying knights on both sides of the mountain pass.




There was a loud 'wind' sound from the mountain pass!

The powerful crossbow of the Qin army is rare in the world, and its range is as far as [-] steps. Each long arrow is as thick as a child's arm and about ten feet long, and the arrow is almost like a spear. Even an ordinary city gate cannot withstand several rounds Shooting, not to mention flesh and blood?
The crossbows fired continuously, and the big arrows roared. Almost every arrow could pierce through or knock down a few Hun knights or war horses. After the black mist-like volley of crossbows fired, another round of thousands of rockets was fired. The oil arrows seemed to be free of money at the moment, and they vented down crazily, dyeing the world in a blush, and the fire flew into the Huns cavalry, and the weeds everywhere ignited immediately, and the fire broke out.

a time.

The fire was raging, blood was splashed, and the people at the mountain pass turned on their backs.

The entire mountainous grassland was plunged into a sea of ​​flames, like a purgatory on earth, which made people shudder.

Although there were already heavy casualties at the first contact, Zuo Xian Wang Zuo Xian Wang Uweiru still did not back down. When he came, he had already issued a military order against Man Danyu, and he must gnaw down this mountain. How could he be willing to do so now? Fleeing in despair?And he has a full 30 flying cavalry in his hand.

There was a cold light and anger in Uviru's eyes.

"Boys, rush over!"

"Cut the corpses of the Qin people into thousands of pieces, and God will bless you!"


Although they were carrying the powerful crossbow and flying stones, the Huns seemed to be aroused and did not retreat in the slightest fear. They rushed directly against the sky full of big arrows and flying stones, trying to break through the defense line formed by the Qin army's equipment, but Qin Jun's large arrowheads and flying stones have been accumulated for several years, as if they are endless and never stop.

An hour passed.

The mountain occupied by the Qin army remained motionless, but the Huns cavalry rushed down, and there were already piles of bones among the hills. These bones piled up like hills, in turn, prevented the Huns flying cavalry from continuing to advance.


Zuo Xianwang Uweilu knew that things could not be done. Although he was full of unwillingness, he finally announced his retreat and led the Xiongnu Flying Cavalry to evacuate from Yinshan Mountain in a desperate manner, preparing to take a rest and fight again at another day.


The main force of the hated Xiongnu retreated to the grassland in the middle of the Yinshan Mountains. At this time, they ran into Tou Manchanyu who came from the south. A while later, the other two leaders also retreated to this place one after another.

Touman Shanyu already knew that the situation was not good.

But after inquiring about the overall military situation, his face became even more ashen.

In just one day, the Xiongnu lost [-] to [-] warriors, which is completely unacceptable to Touman Shanyu, and these were only killed in battle. That is to say, in just one day, the combat power of the Huns was reduced by [-]%.

"The old man is so angry!" Touman Shanyu beat his chest and stomped his feet, his whole body was extremely angry.

After he became Shan Yu, it was the first time he suffered such a tragic defeat.

Mao Dun said: "Father, let me lead the army. I will lead the flying cavalry to attack the back of the Qin army in a roundabout way. Cooperating with Zuo Xianwang's frontal attack, it is enough to directly defeat the Qin army."

Tu Qi said:


"Today, my army of 50 troops failed to tear open even a mountain pass of the Qin army, and we did not even succeed in the plunder of Yunzhong County. The Qin army obviously came prepared this time. It is even more likely that the mountain tops have been arranged for a long time. If we continue to Confronting the Qin army on the Yinshan side, it may be difficult for us to make any progress."

"My lord, this battle can no longer be fought!"

"It won't be too late to fight after ten days of recuperation to find out the reality of the Qin army."


Mao suddenly became furious.

Angrily said:

"Tu Qi, don't disturb the morale of the army here."

"Yesterday, you personally said that the Qin army is likely to move north again. Now if we seize the time to take down Yinshan Mountain, and wait until the Qin army comes to help, I am afraid that it will be more difficult for us to completely capture the land of Hetao. This battle can only be done quickly. The battle is decided quickly, and there is absolutely no way to go back."

"Father, I will take the initiative to fight!"

"Please give me 20 soldiers, and I will definitely dedicate Meng Tian's head to my father."

"God will bless my Hun people!"

Wuweiru and Che Linda also called for the battle one after another. They didn't think they lost this time. It was just that the Qin army relied on the terrain and the strength of their weapons to force them to avoid the edge temporarily. Come down, even if the Qin army has these supplies, how long can it last?
As long as their flying cavalry can rush to the Qin army, the Qin army will not be afraid.

When there were endless debates, Touman Shanyu, who was in a dilemma, finally made a decision after contemplating for a long time. He said: "Retreat to the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain to rest for ten days, and then fight after finding out the situation of the Qin army."

Just as the other generals tried to dissuade him, suddenly another ranger scout sent an emergency report.

"Report on!"

"The cavalry of the Qin Army are fighting back aggressively, and they are coming from Beihe at this moment."

"Okay, okay." Touman Chanyu, who was already thinking of retreating, was furious when he heard the words. If the Qin army was huddled among the tops of Yinshan Mountain, it would indeed prevent him from advancing an inch, but Qin Jun dared to take the initiative now. Courting death, how could he go back?
Uwiru said:

"God help me the Huns!"

"These Qin people thought that our Huns' morale would be low after a small victory, and they wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue them. They didn't know that our Huns warriors were all the pride of heaven, so how could they be defeated? How dare the Qin army now fight with our Huns flying cavalry? Don't you fall into my arms?"

"Chan Yu, give the order."

"Order us to kill all these Qin people."

"Let God bless my Hun warriors again."

Tu Qi objected:

"Your Majesty must not."

"The people of Qin have always been treacherous. It's not that they have won in the past, but why have they pursued them on such a large scale? Now the whole army is attacking. There may be something wrong with this matter. My lord, I suggest that the whole army retreat quickly, and wait until they set up camp to find out the truth of the Qin army. After that, it is not too late to attack again."

"Your Majesty, don't fall for the tricks of the Qin people!"

Mao Dun scolded on the spot:

"Tu Qi, you eat food from the inside out."

"Now the people of Qin are chasing us right under their noses, and you still want us to retreat. Are you afraid that we will die too late? Besides, the Qin army has killed so many of our warriors this time. Isn't it normal to pursue us? If we don't retaliate , is that a joke? And even if Qin Jun has a plan, what can he plan in such a short time?"

"Would my Hun warriors be afraid of them?"

"If you dare to say such depressing words again, I will kill you now!"


Mao Dun even pulled out the scimitar from his waist.

Tu Qi's face changed slightly.

He wanted to dissuade him at first, but the other generals around him were already excited and asked for a fight one after another, and even lost their reason with some fanaticism. He hesitated for a moment, and finally did not speak again.

It's just that there is a shadow in my heart.

He always felt that Qin Jun's action was extraordinary.

And the picture is huge!
Touman Shanyu shouted: "Since the Qin army wants to seek death, how can I not do it?"

"Come here, go to the tribes to send orders, all those who can fight will mount their horses, and the king's [-] elite flying cavalry will be the vanguard to charge and kill. This time, these reckless Qin troops will definitely be killed!"


While giving orders, Touman Shanyu went out of the camp, got on his horse, and personally led the army retreating from the north to kill south like a hurricane. He was bound to kill the arrogance of the Qin army in this vast grassland.

the other side.

Today's strong crossbows on the mountain look like infantry, but the total number is less than [-].

After the Xiongnu cavalry retreated, Meng Tian immediately ordered these infantry to change to fast horses and enter the pre-set barriers in the Yinshan area from the previously determined road strength. Qi, at this time, is doing the left, middle and right three routes, roundabout and outflanking the Yinshan assembly area of ​​the Huns cavalry.

This time it was their turn to hunt down the Huns.

And their goal is also very clear, which is to prevent the Huns from getting out.

Then the [-] elite cavalry led by Shejian arrived and attacked inside and outside, completely defeating the Huns' psychological defense line, and then joined forces to encircle and annihilate the main force of the Huns, and disabled the Xiongnu elite in the first battle.

After half an hour.

Half an hour after Meng Tian's army marched, they were discovered by the Huns' scout rangers.

And with the guidance of these scouts, in less than half an hour, the army of the Xiongnu, which was killing to the south, and the army of the empire, which was chasing to the north, suddenly collided on the grassland in the south of Yinshan Mountain. Under the bright moon in Lantian, hundreds of thousands of flying cavalry Like boundless waves, it filled the entire grassland, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

Meng Tian was sitting on the chariot, and said loudly: "Second and three sons, your majesty once said that my old Qin people are a tribe on horseback, and they are the real ancestors of flying horses. Today, second and third sons will fight for me and teach the Huns Know that nails are made of iron."

"This battle, kill Hu!!!"

"Kill Hu!"

"Kill Hu!!"

"Kill Hu!!!"

This military order was finally passed down to only two words.

Kill Hu!
Qin Jun's flying cavalry all hissed and roared.

The sound shook the grassland, and it was awe-inspiring!
Stepping into the night, the two armies spread out boundlessly.

One side is white with suede leather, and the other side is dark leather armor. You don't need to distinguish too much, you can tell whether it's an enemy or a friend.

Most of the cavalry of the Qin army were the main force in the war of destroying the country. They had no fear of life and death. Under the command of Meng Tian's banner, they immediately divided the ten thousand generals into a dozen huge battle groups, like a turbid current, directly inserted into the In the army of the Huns.

Although the number of the Qin army was less than 20, which was no more than the [-] cavalry of the Huns, the power of the Qin army has always been high. Although the number is relatively small, it is more courageous. , cut into countless cells.

even so.

Qin Jun still maintained the basic formation.

That is, the three cavalry formation created by Bai Qi.

A centurion leads 33 three cavalry cones, and this is also an independent fighting group that the Qin army has been training, while the Xiongnu cavalry on the side does not have such an order. It is completely the original field method that has not changed for thousands of years. The army is a combat unit. If you fight until you rise up, or if you kill yourself until you forget yourself, you will start fighting each other.

Therefore, under the deliberate cutting by the Qin army, even though there were many flying cavalry of the Huns, they were still torn apart piece by piece by the Qin army, and then they were eaten away step by step. After that, even Touman Shanyu could no longer command and control the whole army. People fought desperately, but compared with the battle-tested Qin army, they immediately fell behind in a few rounds.

In addition to the superiority of the battle formation.

The reason why the Qin army was able to cut the Xiongnu so quickly was the weapon.

The Xiongnu had scimitars from the Hu people, while the Qin army had broad-bodied and long swords, each with their own strengths. The Qin army’s weapons were superior in quality and fine manufacturing, and the smelting technology in the Central Plains was much higher than that of the Xiongnu at this time. In terms of hardness and elasticity, it is far superior to the Xiongnu's scimitar.

On the battlefield, even if there are thousands of troops and horses fighting, the swords and swords often cut each other more than a fatal blow.

During this long fight, the advantages of the Qin army's weapons were gradually revealed. Even after a long period of fierce fighting, the weapons were not destroyed, and the scimitar of the Huns was almost half useless at this time, which could not improve the combat effectiveness much at all.

All these and so on.

It took less than an hour for the two armies to fight, and there was no difference between the two armies.

Although the Xiongnu cavalry had an advantage in numbers, they were in fact a mess. Under the command of the Qin army, they were gradually divided and eaten away. After the battles, the destruction of the scimitar made the disadvantage of the Xiongnu cavalry even more obvious.

at the same time.

Before Touman Shanyu could react.

In the northwest direction, there was a sudden sound of killing, and a black storm, like a tornado, broke through the shore and rushed towards Touman Chanyu's banner in the center of the Xiongnu army.

The [-] cavalry led by Shejian finally arrived!

In fact, the army led by Shejian had arrived at Yinshan Mountain as early as yesterday, but after hearing the news that the Huns were retreating, they made a big detour, making a detour from the northwest to the northeast. Waiting, waiting for the Hun cavalry to appear, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

What he had to do was to fight out at the critical moment, disrupt the axis of the Huns, and take advantage of the situation to strike, forcing the Huns to retreat. Therefore, once he launched a charge, he was already sprinting with all his strength, and the goal was directly at the king's tent.

at the same time.

Tou Man Shanyu found out something was wrong during the scuffle with the Qin army. The Qin army's combat power was far beyond his imagination. Just as he was thinking about whether to retreat, Tu Qi suddenly ran over and said, "Your Majesty, retreat quickly!" , the situation is not good, a Qin army is coming from the side and rear, if it continues to fight, the whole army may be wiped out."

"My lord, retreat quickly!"


Touman Shanyu's face changed slightly.

He looked sideways and put it back, and sure enough, he saw a black torrent rushing towards his banner, but his troops outside were already in a mess, and even many cavalry didn't do anything to stop them, and let them go directly. The Qin army drove straight in. These cavalry were already overwhelmed by the Qin army, and they didn't dare to do anything to stop them.

Touman Shanyu still hesitated at this moment.


Just two simple words.

But he couldn't say anything.

On the prairie, he has faced opponent flying cavalry more than once, and every time he retreats, without exception, he will do one thing, which is to let the horses gallop, and use these crazy horses to achieve the purpose of disrupting the camp, and then He allowed himself to escape, but at this time there were three or 10,000+ Huns participating in the fight. If he let his horses go, the formation would be chaotic all over the mountains and plains. Even if he wanted to gather troops later, he might not be able to.

I'm afraid it will make people feel coveted.

Tu Qi said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, we can't delay any longer."

"Now I, the Hun warriors, have developed a heart of fear. If I drag it on, I will only become a fish on the chopping board. I can only let the Qin mermaid fish. If the king announces his withdrawal, under the chaotic battle, there will be God's blessing. I, the Hun warriors I will definitely be able to break out of the siege, and when the king is finished repairing, he will make a comeback, and the victory or defeat is still uncertain!"

"Your Majesty, give the order!"

"If you don't give an order, it will be too late!"

Seeing Tu Qi's anxious voice, Tou Man Shanyu let out a long sigh and shouted angrily, "Retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he directly rode his horse and ran towards the rear, and the [-] elite flying cavalry belonging to Touman Shanyu followed closely behind, and at the same time let go of all the extra horses around him, allowing them to gallop on the battlefield, But there were only these flying cavalry, and when the flying cavalry of other tribes heard the news, the battlefield was already in chaos.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and people fled everywhere!

After the Xiongnu collapsed, the Qin army did not take it lightly, and still maintained the original formation, like cutting stubble, one harvest after another, and after confirming that Touman Chanyu had escaped, Meng Tian immediately followed up. He ordered the nearby soldiers to outflank and chase him down.

She Jian waved the flag at this time and directly divided the army into five groups, with [-] on the left and right wings. He expected that Order Yu's troops would not dare to run around and escape, so the two armies in the center opened like giant iron pincers, biting tightly The big banner cavalry team did not let go, and there were another [-] cavalry, supporting them from left to right, ready to rush to help at any time, so as to prevent Touman Shanyu from escaping.

This fight went from the night battle to the morning glow.

The prairie was vast and vast, and the black Qin army swept across the entire Yinshan prairie like a storm, while the white Xiongnu cavalry, who were originally outnumbered, were torn apart and flew all over the sky like clouds in the sky.

All are overwhelmed.

the other side.

After a night of sneaking, Su Jiao finally touched the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain.

There are still women, children, and herds of cattle, sheep and horses from various tribes of the Huns staying here, but before Su Jiao gets close, their figures have been spotted by the cavalry left behind by the Huns, but Su Jiao doesn't care about these anymore, shouting With a sound, he led an army of [-] troops and rushed directly into the camp where the Huns were stationed.

It's a massacre!

There is no mercy.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!
Even the women and children of the Huns, Su Jiao did not let them go. They have been fighting against the Huns for many years, and they have already realized that the children of the Huns are not well-fed. Even more delusional to enslave the Qin people and make the Qin people their slaves.

This is a struggle between two ethnic groups.

Only you live and die!

Be kind to the enemy?Just be cruel to yourself!
It is also letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Su Jiao has been in the army for so many years, and he is well versed in this truth. Even though he knew it was against human reason, he still did it without hesitation, because he is a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty, and what he has to do is to kill all the enemies who invade!
Those who dare to offend the Great Qin will be killed without mercy! ! !

The pursuit of hundreds of thousands of cavalry lasted for more than half a month. After that, although the tribes of the Huns organized many counterattacks, they could no longer stop the Qin army. There are countless corpses, and the ground is bright red.

This is the end.

Meng Tian completely shocked the Huns.

It also left behind the widely circulated "Meng Tian" was Qin's invasion of Hu, and the Xiongnu dared not drink horses in the river for thousands of miles, set up beacons, and then dared to herd horses. ''Meng Gong drove away the Xiongnu for Qin, like a bird of prey chasing a flock of sparrows.The Xiongnu were intimidated and did not dare to look south for more than ten years. '

This is the early autumn of Qin Shihuang's 32nd year!
Half a month later, Yingzheng's hunting convoy arrived at the Yinshan Grassland.

Only cheers were heard.
 Since I'm not very good at writing, I'll just end with one chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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