Chapter 55

What I didn't expect was that Xiaogangpao really helped me in finding a house.

On weekends he took me to my landlord's house on his little donkey.He said that place is not far, just across the river.

I followed him around the city, about two or three kilometers, made two turns, crossed a bridge, and arrived at the destination.

He stopped the car by the lake and said to me: Get out of the car first, and I will call the landlord.

After I got out of the car, I took a closer look at the surrounding scenery.

I saw a large blue lake outside the white stone pillar fence. The summer sun was already a little dazzling at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. The layers are rippling, just like the fluttering skirt of a fairy, which makes people feel refreshed.

I couldn't help exclaiming happily: "Wow, handsome guy, you have a good vision, where is this? The scenery is too beautiful."

"Of course, don't you look at who found the land for you? This is the famous Grand Canal in Changzhou. The air is not too good to live near here. If I had money, I would have rented it myself."

As soon as he praised him a few words, his tail immediately went up to the sky.When I heard that it was the Grand Canal, I couldn't help but look to the farther bank, because I remembered that my first date with my boyfriend was at WY Square beside the Grand Canal.

But just looking at it, I was even more surprised. What I never expected was that on the other side of the river, I saw the building where Xiaoyu and I met for the first time. The three big characters "Haidilao" on the fourth floor of WY also came into my eyes again.

The day I met Xiaoyu, I was on the other side of the Grand Canal, and today, after being separated from Xiaoyu for a month, I am standing on this side of the river.

At that time, I felt a sense of fate in my heart, and the scene of my first date with the male god appeared before my eyes like it happened yesterday.

I asked God: He has already blocked me, maybe he is ready to forget me and start his new life?But you brought me back to the place where we first met, what is your intention?
Xiaogangpao saw me in a daze after making the phone call. He really didn’t understand what there was to see on the other side of the river. I was so engrossed in watching it. He shook his hand in front of me in a daze and called me several times. Voice: Beauty, let's go, what are you looking at, so engrossed?Get in the car, the landlord is here, let's go and see the house.

I just woke up like a dream, and quickly followed his pace and sat down behind the little donkey again.

When I arrived at the entrance of an old alley, the car turned into it, and then I saw a circle of white walls and an uneven brick road. I felt that the alley was so narrow that it could barely accommodate the width of a car. .

I wandered along with him, turned around and entered an old community, and saw three old four-story buildings.The house I want to rent is on the top floor of the last building in the community.Fortunately, the house is not very high, and we reached the top after climbing three floors.

As soon as we went upstairs, we heard a burst of dog barking. The neighbor's dog heard someone coming and rushed to the door to bark at us.The sound of the owner training the dog came from inside the house: barking, barking, why are you barking?come back to me!

The landlord’s aunt had already been waiting at home. When I opened the iron door, I saw the old-fashioned decoration style of the 80s. The furniture in the house is all made of wood. The sofa, table and chairs in the living room are all made of wood, and there are wooden oil paintings on the wall. The picture frames and even the ceilings and ceilings of the two rooms are all made of wood.

The wardrobes, beds, and ceilings of the two rooms are all off-white. Although the overall layout of the house looks a bit old, the color system is very refreshing and clean, which is the warm style I like.

What surprised me even more was that there was a dining table in front of the window of the small living room. When I walked to the dining table and opened the window to look out, there stood a tall and green tree outside the window. This floor is shoulder-high, and the big trees are swaying in the breeze. In the gaps between the lush green leaves, I saw the sparkling blue lake again.

"Is the Grand Canal below here?" I asked in a low voice, and my aunt replied proudly, "Yes, our house is at the foot of the canal, and the environment is really good."

I just remembered that Xiaogangpao and I passed by the lakeside of the Grand Canal on the way just now, rested for a while on the shore, and then turned in from the entrance of the small courtyard.

You think that the further you go in, the farther you are from the lake, but in fact, it is just the opposite. The old community is like an outdoor paradise isolated from the world. The road to the community is also going south, east, left, and It will turn to the right, and the seven turns and eight turns mean that it turns to the side of the canal again.
I immediately felt that although this place looked old, the surrounding environment was excellent. In such a place so close to the city center, it would be difficult to find a second such an antique-like and precious civilian residence.

Moreover, the area of ​​two bedrooms and one living room is not small, and the price of 1500 monthly rent is really a conscience price.But my psychological expectation was that I only wanted to rent a shared room for seven or eight hundred, but now I suddenly want to rent such a big suite, I am a little hesitant.

I really like the house. Looking at the scenery outside the window, I feel very comfortable for no reason.What makes me secretly satisfied is that both rooms have big computer desks and big wardrobes. My original dormitory only had a small wardrobe, which couldn’t fit my clothes for all seasons. Put it in a snakeskin bag and stuff it under the bed.

Now, with such a big house and two oversized closets, I can place my clothes as I like.The landlord saw that I walked around the room twice, still looking reluctant to part, so he smiled and asked:

"How about it, beauty, have you considered it? The house is really good. We used to live in our own house, and the work unit divided a house. The child got married and bought a new house before moving out. There was also a beautiful woman who lived in the house before. I have lived here for more than three years, and recently returned to my hometown to develop, and the house is empty here."

Xiaogangpao listened to it from the sidelines, and echoed again and again: "Yes, this house is really nice. If my wife didn't want to come here in my hometown, I would have rented this house a long time ago."

I didn't answer them right away, I looked at the kitchen and bathroom again, checked it carefully, and said: "The house is good, but I will tell you the truth, Auntie, I just changed a new job. The trial period is three months, so I'm not afraid of [-] yuan, just in case, if something happens and the trial period doesn't pass, I have to change places again.

So can this year's minimum rent be changed to a half-year minimum rent?For the first time, pay a quarter first?That is, pay 2 and bet 1.In addition, I rent such a big house by myself, 1500 is still a bit expensive, can the price be discussed again? Can 1500 drop to 1200?I haven’t lived in this area before, so I don’t know if the neighborhood is noisy at night. If I live in peace, it won’t be too late to renew my visa.”

I used to look for a house and rent a house in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Nanjing. I was bargaining with the landlord. This set of bargaining rhetoric was so stupid that I was taken aback for a while when I heard it, and then I also helped me out. : "Yes, if she lives well in the future, she will definitely renew her visa. At that time, her parents may come to live occasionally, so long-term visas will definitely be fine."

The aunt was quite straightforward enough, and said: "That's fine! If I only signed for three months, I would not rent 1500 less. If you sign for a year, it will cost 1250. I think it is not easy for a girl to work outside the home, or Newcomer, 1200 is 1200. If you are sure that you are interested, it is best to pay the first quarter today. I can give you a receipt first, and you transfer the money to me on WeChat, and I will take it later I'll make up the formal contract for you, I was too hasty to go out this morning, and I forgot to bring the contract with me."

To be honest, although this community is in an old corner, it is only two or three kilometers away from the busiest commercial pedestrian street in the city center.While the landlord's aunt was drafting the receipt, Xiaogangpao and I ran to the balcony to take a look at the scenery outside.

This kid is not stupid, he was very thoughtful, suddenly looked at the road by the river and said to me: By the way, Feifei, where is your new unit?Is it near here?It will be inconvenient to go to work then.

I said, "It's not close. The new unit is in Xinbei District, but I really like the environment here. I don't know if there is a direct bus nearby."

"Have you installed the Gaode map, let me check it for you."

"I installed it, I will search it myself", and then I searched and found that there is a bus 1.3 kilometers away that goes directly to my new unit.

I said: "Great, there is a direct bus, but I guess I have to start a little earlier every morning for work. From here, I have to walk at least 1.5 kilometers. Let's think of it as walking for exercise every morning."

"Hey, that's good, it's much more convenient to have a direct bus"

While we were chatting, the aunt brought us the payment receipt: "Come on, little girl, the receipt is ready, don't worry."

As she said that, she stuffed the voucher on me, and she was still staring at my phone while talking, so I knew she was telling me to transfer the money on WeChat to pay the money, and I was unambiguous, so I took out my phone without saying a word Transferred directly to the past.

Pay three and deposit one, this transfer, 4800 yuan will be gone, which is half a month's salary of me, although it is a bit distressing, but my new home is settled, and I don't have to worry about leaving MG and having no place to live.

Xiaogangpao accompanied me to see the house, then rode a little donkey and took me back. He even volunteered to help me move at night. I said, "How do I move? I have too many things. I will take a taxi by myself. sorry to bother you."

He said: "You go back and pack everything first, and I will use the little donkey to help you carry them there in bags."

When I thought that my dormitory in MG was less than three or four kilometers away from my new home, the average driver thought the distance was too short to make money, and indeed they were reluctant to take orders, and it was difficult to hail a car.

In addition, in the courtyard of the new home, the aisle inside the wall is too narrow for cars to get in, and only electric cars can come and go freely.

So I "half pushed and half agreed" to Xiaogangpao to help me move it together.At this time, you have to admit that for single women, it is still necessary to meet a few friends of the opposite sex on weekdays. Compared with strangers of the opposite sex, generally male colleagues are relatively more reliable.

Because no matter how capable and capable I am, I’m still a girl after all, and I don’t have a boyfriend. If there is such a “stupid guy” who offers to help, if I still refuse, I’m asking for trouble.

I used to live in other cities and I was not familiar with the place of life. Every time I moved, it was really a painful thing. You usually put it in the room, and there are not many things, but once you pack everything up and take it away, you are dumbfounded. Yes, I packed five or six snakeskin bags, but there are still some bits and pieces that haven't been packed.

In the past, in order to reduce the number of times of carrying back and forth, every time I dispatched, I would try to maximize the effectiveness of all parts of the whole person that can exert strength:

With a large backpack on his back, a laptop hanging around his neck, and two heavy suitcases in his left and right hands, he barely managed to take another small item with his mouth.

Now most of the communities have elevators, which is a little bit better. I used to run into communities without elevators, and I would carry them up one by one. At that time, I was full of enthusiasm and felt that I was a woman who could overcome all difficulties, with tears in my eyes. , Wipe it off secretly, don't allow yourself to cry in front of outsiders, and often encourage yourself: Only by suffering and suffering can you be a master!

After the move, I woke up the next day as if my whole body was wounded, with soreness everywhere.

Later, after I had some financial foundation, I suddenly understood a truth. Girls must treat themselves better. They can dare to fight hard at work, and they can do it when it is time to do it. But this kind of physical work must not be done. Let yourself carry it hard, and wronged your own small body.

If you can command the male colleagues or male friends around you, try your best to command them. If you can pay for a taxi, you can pay for a taxi.Don't force your small body to bear the burden of life that you can't bear.

As the so-called male and female partners, work is not tiring, women should learn to show weakness and borrow external strength at the right time.

Without the great help of Xiaogangpao, his little donkey drove me back and forth five or six times, and he helped me carry all the big snakeskin bags away.

It is often said that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured, and this is true.The boy who usually looks a bit lecherous and thieves is a warm-hearted and kind person.

This average person goes back and forth five or six times, even if it is my boyfriend or husband, I am afraid that I will be tired and tired, but this kid just silently helped me move to the downstairs of the new house, and carried it for me one by one. Room on the fourth floor. (there is no elevator)

There were some trivial things left, such as mops, trash cans, washbasins, and kettles. His car was not easy to carry, so I told him: Don’t come back again, it’s too hard, I’ll take a taxi there by myself.

I called a car on the car-hailing system, and I called several times, but the drivers were unwilling to come in, because when the driver heard that our dormitory was in the backyard of the hotel, they were unwilling to go around the main road before entering, so I had to Drag these miscellaneous things to the gate one by one, and then call a car on the main road.

The female colleague who lived in the dormitory saw me carrying bottles and cans and moved things out little by little, so she offered to help me move them together.
"Where are you going to move to? Don't you work in MG in the future?"

"I heard that you have found a better job, and you are going to be the design director!"

"Come on, Feifei, I've seen the commercials you designed, it's really great! Once you leave, MG will lose a talent."

Seeing that I was leaving, my colleagues came over to help.Hearing these words, a warm feeling welled up in my heart.They didn't speak coldly to me just because I was leaving the company, but instead gave me blessings.

After waiting for a while, a taxi came. The driver didn’t mind seeing my big bags and small bags. Instead, he was very concerned and asked me: Where are you going to move all these things, little girl?

In a hurry, I put the things in my hands into the trunk, took out my mobile phone, and anxiously checked the location sent to me by the landlady. I was afraid that the driver would be impatient, so I found the chat record as quickly as possible and replied: "Go XX Road XX", the driver sighed and said, "It's not that many roads, it's just beside the canal."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, there are too many things, I really can't help it, I'm wasting your time, let you take the trouble to go." I have developed a good habit since I was a child, no matter who I meet, I will express myself in polite words grateful.

I never take it for granted that others help you, so I often say "thank you" to my parents. In fact, people's hearts are mutual. If you respect others more, others will I will return your sincerity in the same way.Seeing that I was so polite and polite, the driver did not refuse my short-distance ride.

When we got to the canal, the canal was deserted at night, and the street lamps along the lake could only illuminate the path beside the railing, and the opposite side of the road was completely dark.Because I don't know anything about the conditions of the nearby community, the driver took me to search for a long time, but I couldn't find the entrance of the community during the day.

I was a little anxious. At this time, Xiaogangpao called me. The master turned on the low beam, and the light broke through the darkness. At this time, 50 meters away, I saw Xiaogangpao waving vigorously at our car.

This kid is really clever, knowing that I might not find the entrance, he ran out to meet us.While waving, he signaled the driver to drive into the alley.I was sweating secretly in my heart, that narrow alley really tested the driver's driving skills.

When we arrived at the place, the driver charged me an extra 10 yuan. I didn’t say a word. When the master left, he said to me: “This place is too difficult to drive, and most people don’t like to come in. I’m looking at your little girl’s house. The mouth is sweet and polite, so I am willing to help you, so this money." I hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, thank you very much, master. I know it. It's okay, you deserve the money."

In this way, I moved into my new home smoothly, thanks to Xiaogangpao. After moving things, it was already 08:30 in the evening, and I didn’t care about cleaning up. I offered to invite him to dinner.

He said how can I invite you to be a girl, I invite you to a mutton restaurant for skewers.When I arrived at the mutton restaurant, I was the first to settle the bill.They did me a great favor, and I feel sorry for not treating me.

I don't like to owe people favors. As a thank you, I gave this guy a discount of 6% off the gym card that was issued near Meihua, because this guy used to watch me run to the gym every night after get off work and dinner, so it was very It's envy and greed.

He said that he runs on the surrounding roads and has never been to a gym.I changed jobs this time, and the unit was far away from the gym, so I couldn’t go to the gym often, so I thought it would be better to be a favor.

I applied for a 2-year card at the time, and it took half a year, and it was still a year and a half before it expired, so I transferred the card to him.The kid was so happy that he laughed "hehe".

The next day was the weekend, and I took out the pieces of clothes I had moved from the snakeskin bag and the box one by one in my new home, and folded them neatly and put them in the closet and cabinet. The clothes in the east room The closet puts clothes to be worn in spring and autumn, the wardrobe in the west room puts winter clothes, and puts summer skirts that are not used for the time being in boxes for storage.

I re-scrubbed and cleaned the tables, chairs, beds, and the inside and outside of the new home.The two rooms are covered with quilts and sheets. After tidying up, the home will feel more warm.

I also had a happy smile on my face. For a homeless child, this was the first time in my wandering career in the first half of my life that I rented such a cheap and spacious two-bedroom house.At that time, I was simply overwhelmed with happiness.

And when I think that next week, I will start my new career. The salary and career development prospects are far better than MG, and the sense of happiness in my heart is even stronger.

I thought to myself that this is what the old people said, "When luck comes, everything goes smoothly, and wealth can't stop it." The only regret is that everything goes smoothly, only love does not go well.

While packing up the odds and ends, I found the gifts I prepared for Xiaoyu before Qixi Festival: Time Tree's notebook, and Sunny Doll.I touched the petals on the cover of the Tree of Time, and opened the title page. The love poem I wrote by myself jumped into my eyes one stroke at a time, and tears moistened my eyes again without knowing it.

I saw an invisible hook beside the bed where I could hang clothes, so I carefully took the blue porcelain doll out of the box and hung it on the hook.

Sunshine Baby looked at me with a smile, and I murmured to him: It would be great if we didn't delete each other now.Bastard, I still miss you, you know that?I have changed my job, and I can show my ambitions. If you are still here, you will definitely congratulate me for finally ushering in a better future.

(End of this chapter)

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