Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Natural beauty, inspirational nature


83 Chapters Ongoing Status

The novel, also known as "New Love in a Prosperous Age", was written during the special period of the "new crown epidemic". It tells the inspirational story of a divorced woman who breaks through secular prejudices, breaks out of


The novel, also known as "New Love in a Prosperous Age", was written during the special period of the "new crown epidemic". It tells the inspirational story of a divorced woman who breaks through secular prejudices, breaks out of a cocoon and becomes a butterfly, and is reborn from nirvana.It also records the growth and transformation history of the protagonist Yifei's "body and mind":
From the despised "dropout girl" to the "literary arts bully" on the university campus,
From a "little white" in the workplace to a professional "female elite",
Every step she takes is sonorous and tenacious,
Experienced "domestic violence", "fraudulent marriage" and other ups and downs in marriage and love,
Still believe in true love, heal yourself in love,
Bravely transcend class prejudices for love, and constantly achieve self-improvement in love,
In the end, she realized her dream of being a writer and grew into a "queen" in her own world.
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