Chapter 67

Since the last day I went to look for Xiaoyu was on Tuesday, I thought it was more likely that he would be at work in the company on Tuesday, so I took a special day off on that day and took a day off to find him, wanting to confess to him face to face.

I don't have Xiaoyu's mobile phone number, so every time I go to him, it's like gambling. On Tuesday, I bet that he must be at the company.

I woke up early that day, washed my hair specially, put on a white lace sweater, a red short skirt, and a beige plaid long coat. I went to the makeup street and asked the makeup artist to do it for me. A beautiful makeup.

After I packed myself, it was exactly 10 o'clock in the morning, and I didn't want to leave at one or two o'clock after lunch like last time. When I got there, everyone had already left work.

This time I went to the bus stop early to wait for the bus, and got on the bus to the industrial park. When I got down and changed stations, I found it was raining lightly.

I originally left the coat open and didn't button it up, because it exposed the red skirt inside, making me look very slender and handsome.

But a gust of cold wind blew, and I couldn't help shivering. In the rainy winter, there were more chills in the air, rushing towards my face, and I quickly buttoned the coat buttons.

Looking at the gray sky and the continuous drizzle, I couldn't help but have a pessimistic thought: Today's horrible weather doesn't seem suitable for confession.Could this be an ominous sign that the confession would be rejected?
I remember once I saw an article describing marriage. The author said that when your right fate comes, you will feel that everything you encounter during that time is smooth, but if the other party is not If you are the right man or the right woman, you will find that you are unlucky in everything, and there are various situations, big and small.

When I think of this, my scalp becomes numb, "Bah bah bah" I forcibly dismissed this negative and superstitious thought, thinking that people haven't reached the male god yet, you guys don't want to retreat halfway, do you?

I cheered myself up silently: It's just raining, how big a deal can it be?Cheer up!come on! FIGHTING!
Just as I was thinking, the bus came. This bus is a special bus bound for the park, with a total of [-] stops. After I took it once last time, I will feel no strangeness when I take it again.

Along the way, I silently counted the stops in my heart, and soon arrived at the destination.There were few people on the bus this time, and there was almost no stop on the way, so it only took an hour and a half for the whole journey.

Approaching the gate of the Male God Factory, I saw two strange guards busy in the reception room. I thought to myself that the Uncle Zhou I knew was on the night shift, so he would definitely not be in the factory during the day. Don't know me, do I have to introduce myself to them like last time?

Hey, it's really terrible, this situation is too embarrassing, I pretended to be calm, and walked to the door of the reception room with a smile.

Just as I was about to say hello, I saw one of the guards sitting at the desk at the door, looked up at me, and asked me directly before I could speak: "This beauty, are you looking for someone? Which department are you looking for?"

"Hello, I'm looking for Yu Qingyuan from the purchasing department."

"Oh, from Purchasing, right?"

"Which unit do you belong to, register the name of the unit here, and then you can go in and find someone with this note. The purchasing department is on the third floor"

"Oh, yes. I sign."

I didn't expect this visit to go so smoothly.Just like going on a business trip to another unit to discuss business, simply report to the guard and you can go in.

I suddenly laughed at myself for taking the matter of "confession" too seriously. In fact, how could these passers-by know that you are going to confess to a male god?

Only when you do a lot of things by yourself, will you find that the real development progress and situation of things are completely different from what you expected in advance.

Including confession, which requires a hundred times and a thousand times of courage to do, even if you have conceived thousands of times of affectionate confession "lines" in advance, sorry, when you arrive at the scene, sometimes a sentence is really useless.Everything can only be played by ear.

In other words, I took the visit registration form, stepped on my white high-heeled shoes in a very businesslike manner, and walked gracefully into the blue administrative building. With excitement, I climbed up to the third floor and arrived at Only on the third floor did I know that there is no purchasing department in this building, and their department is actually on the third floor of the building next door.

So I went downstairs again and ran to another building. This time I was a lot more cautious. I climbed the stairs slowly. My male god is getting closer and closer, I am both excited and nervous, and my palms are a little sweaty.

When I arrived in the corridor on the third floor, I took a look at the surrounding environment. I first saw the large and open conference room on the right side of the corridor, which felt like a large company. Then I looked to the left and saw the house number of the purchasing department.

When these employees saw someone passing by in the corridor, they turned their heads and glanced at me from the corner of their eyes.

I didn't see the shadow of the male god in the first purchasing room, so I continued to walk in, and then I saw the second purchasing room. There were three or four desks in it. I looked forward one by one, and finally saw a Familiar with his back, the male god was wearing a thick navy blue down jacket that day, and was sitting at his desk concentrating on recording something.

His hair is well-styled, with that charming and masculine silhouette, sometimes recording things, sometimes staring at the computer to look at the data, never noticing that there is a girl at the office door behind him. Looking at him affectionately.

The moment I saw him, I felt the joy of reuniting after a long absence, and the embarrassment of not knowing how to greet him and how to say the opening remarks.Because there are other colleagues in the office, I always feel that it is very strange and abrupt to rush in to find him like this.

So I just wanted to step in with my front foot, and I retreated a few steps back into the corridor with my back foot.

I stepped back step by step, turned my head and walked back to the entrance of the corridor. I told myself to calm down and think about how to enter the door to say hello. I was thinking whether to call him out, or should I just go in and say hello to him?

I was hesitating, unable to make up my mind, and even wanted to turn around and go downstairs, and when I fled back to the guard to wait for him, an uncle in his 70s and [-]s stopped me when he went upstairs: "Girl, who are you? What do I do?" I haven't seen you, who are you looking for?"

"Oh, the person I'm looking for doesn't seem to be here. I'll come back another day," I wanted to prevaricate, and took the opportunity to go downstairs to leave while answering. Unexpectedly, the uncle stopped me and asked loudly: "Why is he not here? Let me take a look for you, beauty, what is the name of the person you are looking for, and which department is he from?"

Seeing that I couldn't avoid it, I had no choice but to answer: "Oh, he's Yu Qingyuan from the Purchasing Department."

"Yu Qingyuan, he's inside. I saw him in his position just now. Come with me, and I'll take you there."

"Oh, good. Thank you." I couldn't laugh or cry, now it's over, I have to go to the office to face him.

Well, then I can't control that much.Be cheeky and go in and find him.He's not a tiger. With so many people around, he can't tell me why I want him.

Thinking of this, the uncle took me back to the purchasing room, pointed to Xiaoyu who was working, and motioned for me to go in.

He walked directly to the general manager's office in front of him.Only then did I suddenly realize that this uncle must be the big boss of their company that Xiaoyu had mentioned to me.

Everyone else noticed their boss and turned their heads to look at us. Only Comrade Xiaoyu sat there completely unmoved.Dude, this is how focused you are at work.

It wasn't until I walked to his place and shouted: "Hello, Xiaoyu." He turned his head to look at me, and then replied to me very naturally: "Well, hello."

That kind of calmness is something ordinary people can't pretend, and that may be one of the reasons why I fell in love with him in the first place. He can maintain a calm and indifferent attitude towards everything, including emergencies.

He looked at me with a very calm expression, without any surprise at all.At that moment, I seriously doubted: just after the doorman called me in, did he call to inform him?So he knew that I was going to find him early on?Or is it that his boss stopped me and asked me just now, although he didn't look back, but he had already heard our conversation?
I saw that he looked at me very calmly and said, "You're here? You sit down first."

He particularly "businesslike" motioned me to sit down at the side seat first, as if he knew in advance that I was going.Their desks are of a style that is very similar to the desks of college teachers.For a while, I had the illusion that the teacher beckoned the students to "sit down first".

I'm not stupid, and I started actively cooperating to enter the "performance" mode.

I can't be seen by his colleagues that I am actually going to confess to him. I said: "I will sit here and wait for you, will I disturb your work? Are you busy with work? If I am busy, I will go out first, go upstairs It doesn't matter if we talk again after you get off work."

As he stood up and walked out, he said unhurriedly, "It's okay, you sit down first. Wait a minute, I'll go out."

He went out for a while, checked that there was no one in the conference room, and then came back, motioning for me to go out with him, and he said, "Let's go, let's go to the conference room to talk."

When we arrived at the conference room with him, I became stiff and unnatural, because he asked me to sit at one end of the conference table, and he immediately ran to sit directly opposite me. At least 2.5 meters away.

I think this time I have completely changed from a student to a client on the negotiating table. Obviously, I am still "Party B" in his eyes.

He said: "Tell me, what else do you want to tell me? Haven't we already made it clear before? Why do you have to make a special trip to meet me again? Are you Is there anything else that is unclear?"

Looking at his handsome and arrogant face, and hearing his questioning and disdainful tone, I was suddenly a little angry and couldn't say a word.

He was waiting for me to speak, but I was silent, because his attitude made me feel very uncomfortable and the air seemed to freeze for a minute.It was he himself who broke the silence first and began to express his thoughts on his own.

This time, even though the distance was so far away, I began to look at this face carefully. This man's face looked really good on him, with delicate features, but sharp edges and corners, so handsome that people couldn't bear to look directly at it.

I asked myself in my heart: Cheng Yifei, when you first met, what did you miss?For such a "celestial vegetable" face, you could ignore it at the beginning?

He has an inexplicable "masculinity" that fascinates me. If I look at his face, I will be involuntarily attracted by that temperament on him.

Moreover, his voice is powerful and extremely "magnetic".His expression was straight to the point, done in one go, natural and clear, without any tweaking:
"I hope you can understand that our two social circles and circles of friends do not have any intersection, so we are not from the same class (world). It is impossible for us to have the opportunity to get together. Don't be obsessed with me. I read it. I was a little surprised when I received your gift suddenly that day, and I even felt incredible! If you are blocked, don’t say goodbye. Why do you have to meet this side? It is completely unnecessary.

In addition, I really don't have any thoughts about you, it should be said that I don't have any thoughts!Of course, I don’t have any bad thoughts about you. Don’t feel pressure. We are all adults. I thought you would understand if I didn’t reply to the messages. You asked me why I didn’t reply to the messages you sent. How to reply?There is no way to reply at all!
As an adult, I don't believe there is any love anymore. I think love is a rare thing that can only be found in pure school days.In reality, anyone who gets too close to me makes me very uncomfortable.It has nothing to do with you, it’s not your fault, so you don’t have to blame yourself, you don’t need to ask me what’s wrong with you and what needs to be changed.This is my own problem. "

He strikes preemptively in a rapid-fire manner. It can be seen that he is often confessed. He has often rejected girls.

In fact, I never thought of asking him questions such as "What is wrong with me and what needs to be changed?" He just said to himself that I don't need to ask him such questions?

I felt angry and funny when I heard it.I really want to say: I don’t think there is anything I’m not good enough for, I’m very good and excellent, you don’t like me because you don’t know me well enough, that’s why you don’t know how to appreciate me.

But I didn't say such words out of my mouth. I thought that I was going to confess, not to argue with him.Emphasizing this with him at this time deviates from my original intention of "confessing" to him.

But I have been thin-skinned since I was a child, and I have been strongly rejected before I even started to express my love. He simply didn't leave me any room to play!
I could only temporarily give up my confession, and started to respond to his ridiculous and hurtful remarks to me. I collected my emotions and began to respond one by one:

"What do you mean when you say you don't have any ideas? Do you mean you don't like me? Since you don't like me, why didn't you make it clear to me early on? You said you made it clear to me, but that's not the truth, don't you It was as if it had disappeared without making a sound, and it didn't make a sound for two or three months!
In addition, I don't have the obsession with you that you said!As long as you really make it clear, it is impossible for me to have any thoughts about you, so you can rest assured.I came here this time to ask you in person how you feel about me, because you have never told me clearly that I am not your type.

And you said that you couldn't reply to those messages I sent.The messages I sent are nothing more than personal opinions and thoughts related to love and marriage, and your thoughts are actually similar to yours, so that people will not be "unable to reply". You can reply with "Well, I understand" or "I know It's fine, it can be regarded as a polite response and basic respect for others.If you have any different ideas, you can also speak out openly.Cold treatment and no response can easily lead to misunderstanding. "

As soon as I said these words, I knew that I had begun to deviate from the original intention and purpose of my "affectionate confession" when I came here today.

But I can't help it, but they have once again expressed their unconditional refusal to confess as soon as they came up.The words are forced to this point. Although love is very important, dignity is obviously more important to me at this moment.

It is true that I like him very much, miss him very much, and think about him every day, but it does not mean that I have to endure such great grievances of being condescending, being rejected and being sentenced unconditionally.

He saw that I was a little emotional, so he started to talk softly: "Of course I must have done something wrong."

But after a short pause, he continued to express his determination to "goodbye" to me: "Now that everyone has said it, we will not meet again in the future."

"That's it, I still have things to do." He was very domineering, and his posture was very high from beginning to end. I actually had a lot of words that I didn't have time to say, but he began to express unilaterally before I formally confessed. To end the conversation.

"To the Reader 2"

Thanks to the book friends who voted for me every day as "recommendation votes", I can see the voting records of every enthusiastic reader in the background of "Writer Assistant" at the starting point. Check it out.Many people are still reading my novel in the early hours of the morning and voted for me, I am really touched.

These recommendation tickets are a great encouragement and support to me, which makes me more confident to keep writing every day.With your caring company, I feel that I am no longer alone on the way to create novels.

Due to the impact of the epidemic, our community was under control some time ago, and I stayed at home every day. While preventing the epidemic, I also had more time to concentrate on coding and writing novels.Today, the community here is unblocked, and the epidemic situation in this city has also eased. The days of spring are here, and we pray that the epidemic will pass as soon as possible. When April comes, we will still have the opportunity to go outdoors to watch the spring together. Romantic Sakura.

Since the current "collection" of my novels is only a few hundred, not more than a thousand, and the works have not yet been "signed", when the novel reaches about 30 words, I expect to stop for a while, and please forgive me.

Offline, I will continue to update it every day.When the time is right, I will upload them one by one.I have to accumulate some popularity and have more "collections" before I can find a "foothold" here. (Friends who pay attention to the follow-up process of the novel or have any good suggestions can add the novel’s QQ group 836370237)

I also hope that if you read this book, if you think it is good, you will be willing to forward and share this novel with your colleagues, relatives and friends, and let them click "Save to Bookshelf" to "collect" the work.

I look forward to more people reading my novels and gaining the power of love and the courage to pursue their dreams.This is also the original intention of my creation of this novel.

——Lian Lian Xin Yin 2022.3.26
(End of this chapter)

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