Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 75 Chinese Medicine Mom and Western Medicine Dad

Chapter 75 Chinese Medicine Mom and Western Medicine Dad

I remember that one week before the SARS outbreak, I suddenly caught a bad cold at school. I slept on the upper bunk and woke up in the middle of the night coughing violently. I was so out of breath that I couldn't stop for a long time.

At that time, I had all the symptoms of a severe cold (the doctor diagnosed it as a common flu). If the temperature was not normal and I had never had a fever, my classmates joked that I would be sent to another campus for isolation.

Unfortunately, before the outbreak of the new crown this time, I caught up with another wave of cold excitement.

Just a week before I learned that my male god suddenly had a girlfriend, I also suffered from a bad cold in Changzhou.

The office environment of the advertising company is a bit dark. The house rented by the boss opens the door to the west, and the wall on the east side is closed. The offices of several of us designers are in the innermost part, so we can’t see the sunlight all day long.

Sitting in the office, I seemed to have caught a cold after several night shifts. I felt uncomfortable all over. I kept sneezing and weeping. There was even bloodshot eyes in my nose. However, my resistance was quite good and I didn’t take any medicine. I only drank it for a few days. Banlangen, drink water desperately, it will be fine in less than a week.

This time back to my hometown, apart from taking care of each other, everyone should stay at home and self-isolate, and don’t go out easily. For some reason, there are "warm reminders" on the Internet and in the circle of friends that you must not wash your hair during the epidemic.

It may be because the elders in the family are reminding us that washing hair in this season is the most likely to catch a cold.During the epidemic, no one wants to catch a cold and become a "sensitive" person, so the young people really obeyed the old man's advice, and they didn't wash their hair for 30 days. The reason I didn't take a selfie was because my hair was too oily.

Don't say it, the old saying has a certain truth, at least my mother's words have come true in me.

Because I just had a cold before going back to my hometown, my mother also told me to refrain from washing my hair, she was afraid that if I washed my hair, the cold virus would "come up" again.

I usually have to wash my hair once every two or three days, and I felt itchy all over if I didn’t wash it. After 10 days of enduring it, I surrendered to my habit, boiled two pots of boiling water, and secretly washed my hair in the bathroom.

After washing her hair, she also took a selfie of Meimei, and sent it to Moments to lament that during the "confinement" period of the epidemic, it takes a lot of courage to wash your hair.

As a result, within two days, I really caught a cold again!At first, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my throat and coughed from time to time, but later it turned into a lot of tears and snot.

Because the cold symptoms are very similar to the initial symptoms of the new type of pneumonia, I am still a little worried when I listen to the epidemic data reported by various places every day. From time to time, I take the thermometer at home and test myself. Fortunately, the body temperature is always normal.But the cough is getting worse.

In order to help me recover early, my mother said she would give me moxibustion.As early as a few years ago, when I was still working in Nanjing, she and her stepfather set up their own moxibustion physiotherapy room in the garage on the ground floor, using moxibustion to maintain health.

The walls of the garage are covered with acupoint maps of various Chinese medicine. They also asked me to buy a physiotherapy bed for massage in a beauty salon online. It is the kind that digs holes in the bottom and can lie on it for easy breathing. bed.

In order to practice standard and skilled moxibustion skills, she went to the city to find a teacher who specializes in moxibustion to learn from her.When she returned from her studies, she naturally had no time to spare. She was either taking care of the vegetables and fruits she planted in the vegetable garden, or doing moxibustion in the physiotherapy room.

Many elderly people have chronic diseases and suffer from pain all the year round. After she knew about it, she gave free moxibustion to everyone like a female doctor.All the relatives in my family have enjoyed the caring moxibustion service provided by my mother.

After finding the acupoints for moxibustion, you need to hold the moxa sticks. You have to freeze the same movement for half a day. After one acupuncture point is finished, you have to find different acupoints to continue moxibustion. Holding the moxa sticks for a long time is very hard.

I often admire my mother's determination and endurance in doing things. My mother must not be the only kind old lady in the world, but she is really the kindest, most benevolent and most loving mother I have ever seen.

When I was young, I dedicated my youth to the cause of education, and educated generations of national talents. After retirement, I studied Chinese medicine physiotherapy and various methods of health preservation at home, and did good deeds everywhere.

A few years ago, I developed "enzyme" with my stepfather at home, brewing pure natural enzymes with vegetables and fruits grown in my own fields.Every time I come back to my home in a small town, I see the corridors on the third and fourth floors, the upstairs and downstairs are full of bottles and jars, and the bottles and jars are covered with labels. The proportion of ingredients of different fruits and vegetables in each jar of enzymes is marked.

Mom densely recorded the different effects of various enzymes on the body in the notebook.When women, children, old and young in the village suffer from any disease, she can help find the "enzyme" that can prescribe the right medicine, develop it and donate it to the villagers in the village.

In the past few years, I started to study "moxibustion therapy". The first time I experienced moxa therapy with my mother was when I was working in Nanjing for a few years. After my family found a tumor the size of an egg on my neck, my mother's moxibustion at that time The master said that this kind of benign tumor does not need to be operated on, and can be slowly removed through long-term moxibustion.

At that time, I still felt a little unbelievable, until I saw an old woman with breast cancer who often went to her master's house for moxibustion. As time went by, the malignant tumor on her chest miraculously shrunk by half after half a year. , I believe that is true.

The "treasures of traditional Chinese medicine" left by our ancestors are really amazing. Many diseases that Western medicine can't treat and think are "incurable" can be gradually relieved or even fully recovered when they come to Chinese medicine.

When my mother first devoted herself to the study of axe therapy, my stepfather, as a typical township western medicine surgeon, often complained that his "old woman" was tossing around all day long, retired and didn't know how to recuperate at home, and was always running around to learn something Chinese medicine moxibustion.

He even said to my mother in a mocking and contemptuous tone: "What is the use of learning this thing? When you are sick, you still need injections, medicines and infusions from our western medicine to solve the problem quickly."

My mother didn't argue with him, she just spoke silently with facts and actions.Because many chronic diseases of the elderly are not good to take western medicine, but after a period of moxibustion treatment, they have miraculously improved to a large extent.

With my mother's insistence, she also used moxibustion to cure my stepfather's old problem of low back pain.Gradually, my stepfather stopped complaining about my mother, and even accompanied my mother to do moxibustion with an "admired" face.

When my mother was young, she was hit by someone in a bicycle accident and her head was injured, which left the root cause of the disease. Whenever she was too emotional or physically overworked, she would suffer from headaches.

When she was not feeling well, her stepfather was very serious and obediently followed the acupoint moxibustion method taught by her mother to help her do moxibustion.

To be honest, my stepfather is a typical Aquarius old man. When he was with my mother, he was maverick, stubborn, and he never knew the wind when he spoke. He liked to brag and show off. He is a chatterbox, and the listeners are already annoying and embarrassed, and he is still chattering endlessly.

My stepfather is very fat, with a chubby body, and his appearance is not very pleasing. It is said that he divorced his ex-wife and found out that his ex-wife stole people behind his back. Sincerely.

He graduated from a medical university with a high level of education and is also very talented in his professional field. He also independently developed a special medicine for treating chilblain and applied for a patent.

But he has an uneducated mother who speaks profanity and foul language. It may be because he has been exposed to him since he was a child. The taste has changed, not only vulgar, but also particularly hurtful.

So much so that the neighbors had a bad first impression of my stepfather, and of course I was no exception.Every time an outsider frowned and said to me: Yifei, why is your stepfather like this?Your father was much more down-to-earth than him back then, and he never spoke vulgarly or boastfully.After hearing this, I was very sad but also helpless.

I was often suffocated internally by what he said. For example, I was sleeping in the room, but he ignored him, walked in and out of the room back and forth, and shook the door loudly. I said: I am resting. Can you close the door a little softer when you go in and out?He didn't agree, so I couldn't sleep well because of the noise, so I had to get up and argue with him.

I can't remember what we had arguing about, but I just remember that in the end he couldn't talk to me, and he just blurted out and scolded me: You are a piece of rubbish!The harm to me at that time can be imagined, language is the most hurtful weapon, it can sting people's hearts like a knife, I have remembered this phrase "garbage" for many years.

I cried and asked my mother: "Why are you so unreasonable? If I am rubbish in his eyes, what does he think of you? He belittled me like this, to some extent, he also belittled you? My own father has never He has reprimanded and cursed me indiscriminately, why should he interrupt my rest, and still insult and abuse me like this?"

To be honest, I have been excellent in character and learning since I was a child, and my circle of friends is full of knowledgeable people. I have never encountered such insults. I used to be a talented girl and a jewel in the eyes of my father, the "little princess" loved by everyone. "After my father passed away, I have been completely reduced to Cinderella since I was a child.I had to accept a man who had no blood relationship with me to live with my mother and me.It would be unbearable for anyone to be treated like garbage by him.

But my stepfather and I are the kind of "true temperament and straight-hearted" who don't care about flattery, let alone acting, and disdain to maintain the superficial peace. At one time, he looked at me as an eyesore, and I also saw him as an annoyance. We often hate each other .

But I think that is probably the "family problem" that many "halfway couples" have to face after reorganizing their families.I am the child of the woman he likes, although I am not his own, but since he chose to be with my mother, he must learn to love me and treat me kindly, and I love my mother, whether I like my stepfather or not, I will You must learn to deal with a person who is not related by blood, have a good relationship, and maintain the minimum respect.

It is true that I have always done a good job in terms of respect and politeness, but in the first years, I couldn't say "Dad" no matter what.Because in my heart, I only have one father, and no one can replace his position in my heart.

Until later, when I went to work in a foreign country, the number of times I saw him was very small every year.When I returned home in the past few years, I found that his problems have improved a lot, his speech is not so outspoken, and he seldom uses vulgar words anymore.

I was a little surprised, and said to my mother with a smile: It seems that you have not had a little influence on him in the past few years.He speaks less obnoxiously now.Except for the long-winded problem, it still can't be changed.

A good wife can literally reshape a man from head to toe.They take care of each other and accompany each other now, and I can work with peace of mind even though I have been working outside all year round. This is a blessing to me.

I often comfort myself, growing up is to learn to forgive and forgive, learn to live in peace with people you don’t like, and let time heal the scars, because no matter how much you don’t like, there are always one or two shining advantages that are worth appreciating.

As long as my mother is happy, it's okay for me to be wronged a little bit.Although my stepfather has a bad mouth and a strong personality, he has a good heart. My mother has minor ailments on weekdays, and he is there to help and take care of her. I have a lot of peace of mind when working in a foreign country.

Many relatives in my family have been taken care of by him when they are sick.For this alone, I also have a feeling of gratitude to him in my heart.So gradually I began to be willing to call him "Dad", not out of compulsion, nor was it superficially "approximate", but a recognition and respect from the bottom of my heart.

Although I still can't accept his temper, but after all, it's not me living with him, it's my mother living with him, if my mother can tame his strange temper, everything will be fine.

Just like now, I saw with my own eyes that one is a surgeon who has received education in Western medicine, and the other is a Chinese physiotherapist who has become a monk and taught himself moxibustion. The two people are a good combination of Chinese and Western, talking and laughing, and taking turns helping each other together. Doing moxibustion, the scene like that is really harmonious and beautiful.

And after hearing that moxa therapy and moxa smoked are also effective in curing the plague, our family of three often lit moxa sticks regularly at home to kill the virus in the air.

My mother gave me moxibustion for three consecutive days. Although the moxa sticks made me cry, my cold symptoms improved significantly day by day.

I think that if I were in an epidemic area, I would probably be taken away for accounting and testing if I had such severe cold symptoms.Whenever I have a heart-piercing cough, I can't help but ask myself: Could it be that I've got diarrhoea?

My mother not only helped me do moxibustion, but also brought me a bunch of traditional Chinese medicine granules for colds. Like a caring little nurse at home, she told me to drink medicine well every day. The boiled water was delivered to my room for me, and I was relieved to leave after watching me drink it.

After a week of moxibustion, my cold symptoms completely disappeared, but my mother started to catch a cold.

I always suspect that I infected my mother, and I feel very sorry, because the family lives together, even if it is not the new crown virus, it is just spring flu, and it will be contagious to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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