Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 74 Everyone is responsible for fighting the epidemic

Chapter 74 Everyone is responsible for fighting the epidemic

The Spring Festival of 2020 is the saddest and heaviest feeling in my life, and the timeline is forced to stretch the longest New Year holiday. Every morning when I wake up and take out my mobile phone, there will be overwhelming news of disasters from all over the world. ——

In the new year, the worst fire in history broke out in Australia, and the smoke from the fire even drifted to South America with the atmosphere around the world;
Antarctic temperatures are the hottest on record, and millions of methane release hotspots appear in the Arctic;
The locust plague in East Africa has spread to Asia, with as many as 3000 billion locusts, devouring food frantically;
At the beginning of 2020, the new type of coronavirus is coming...

Everyone is saying that 2020 will be a year full of disasters for the earth.When I saw these news on the Internet, I felt very uncomfortable. I sat on the bed and burst into tears involuntarily.

The mother who was cleaning saw me wiping tears alone, ran over and looked at my face seriously and said, "Yifei, what's wrong with you? What news are you crying about? I said Why are you so rich in emotional cells? Hurry up and stop playing with your phone, get up, wash your face, brush your teeth and have breakfast."

I didn't answer my mother's question, but just read the news to her. She comforted me and said, "No matter what happens in the outside world, we must maintain a good attitude. Difficulties are only temporary. Everything is good and bad. , will always pass.”

My mentality is actually quite good, but because of this sudden epidemic, I can't help but become "concerned about the country and the people".

I have never stepped out of the country, and I used to feel that the foreign world was so far away from me. Because of the new crown, for the first time in my life, I felt that the world is a circle. Not only our 56 ethnic groups are of the same ancestry, the same root, and the blood is connected, the country and the country In fact, they are also closely related, and their lifelines are inherited.

I used to dream that when I find my true soul mate, I want to travel around the world hand in hand with him, but now this dream may be put on hold indefinitely.

Because our mother earth is sick, and I think the instigator of all this is us human beings.

Every time we over-excavate and use the earth's resources, every time we pollute, we will eventually pay back to ourselves; all things have animism, good and evil have their own time, and every cruel slaughter of rare animals will eventually let human beings eat themselves Evil consequences.

During the period when the epidemic just broke out in China and aroused the vigilance of the whole people, the question that the people of the whole country were most concerned about was where did this sudden virus come from?

Because of the sudden visit of the epidemic, for a while, I even felt that I had forgotten the pain of losing my love. My personal love, love, and setbacks were like an inconspicuous grain in the vast universe in the face of disasters in the country and the world. as insignificant as dust.

I follow the domestic and international news on the Internet every day, and watch the experts' investigation and analysis of the virus and the latest research reports, and I gradually no longer think of Xiaoyu's face.My head is full of news and news about the new crown virus——

"The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention detected 585 of the 33 environmental samples from the Huanan Seafood Market containing the nucleic acid of the new coronavirus, and successfully isolated the virus from the positive environmental samples, suggesting that the virus may have originated from wild animals sold in the Huanan Seafood Market. animal.

In addition, Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the new coronavirus has been detected in the environment where wild animals are sold in the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan, Hubei, but it is still unclear which animal the source of infection is.

Yuan Guoyong, a professor at the University of Hong Kong, said that based on the comparison of virus gene maps, it was found that the closest one is the bat-like SARS coronavirus in Zhoushan, Zhejiang.Tan Wenjie, director of the Emergency Technology Center of the Institute of Viral Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, found that the new coronavirus is 90% similar to a coronavirus found in a bat in Zhoushan, Zhejiang. "

All of a sudden, the circle of friends on the Internet is spreading that the source of infection of the new coronavirus is "bats".Everyone began to condemn those unscrupulous businesses that slaughtered wild animals.

There are also studies abroad claiming to find another bat-carried coronavirus that is 96% similar to this virus, but even if the homology is so high, it cannot be concluded that the new coronavirus came from this bat.

Dmitry Lvov, a well-known Russian virologist and WHO expert, also said: "I am convinced that all human viral infections are caused by animal viral diseases... Obviously, this is a natural process. "

The Lunar New Year in 2020 is undoubtedly a nightmare for all Chinese people. For the first time in this era, it is the first time in their lives that they feel that the devil-like, terrifying and deadly virus is so close to each of us.

We are in Jiangsu, although we are not in Wuhan, the hardest-hit area of ​​the epidemic, but we use Moments on our mobile phones, watch TV and newspaper news every day, and the information all over the sky tells us that due to the raging epidemic, the epidemic is extremely contagious, the hospitals in Wuhan are overcrowded, and the medical system is overwhelmed. .

In order to win this defense battle, more than 4 medical staff marched retrogradely, and 4 builders from all corners of the country rushed to Wuhan to fight day and night to rush to build the "Vulcan Mountain" and "Thunder Mountain" hospitals.

By the Zhiyin Lake, the cold wind howled.The workers worked together and were in full swing.24-hour construction on site, working in shifts.The number of large-scale machinery and equipment and vehicles has increased from 300 to nearly 160, the number of managers has increased from 1500 to more than 240, and the number of operating personnel has increased from 1.2 to more than 1. They come from all over the country, speak different dialects, and work for the same Sprint hard with the goal - build a hospital 1 minute earlier, save lives [-] minute earlier.

People from all walks of life donated building materials, office chairs, ambulances and other materials... The whole country fully supported Wuhan and raced against the virus, jointly creating the "Chinese speed" of building two infectious disease hospitals in about 10 days.

Such a miracle of construction has amazed the world!
As a member of the general public, we are anxious but can do nothing. What we can do is to calm down, obey the government and the party's command, stay at home obediently, and don't do the densely packed quilts on the "Pandemic Infection Nebula Map". One of the infected red dots.

Because as long as you go out to meet people, you may be infected, and if you are not isolated and treated in time, you will suffer not only from yourself, but you will inevitably infect every family member and friend you come into contact with. Just strangers who pass you by.

Since the new crown is a sudden new virus, there was no specific medicine to treat the symptoms at that time. Once infected, the patients in the early and middle stages can still control the disease and have the possibility of being cured, and the risk of death of severe patients is extremely high.

From the initial fever, dry cough, physical fatigue to a series of symptoms of pneumonia, and then to dyspnea, and then developed into acute respiratory distress syndrome, coagulation dysfunction, respiratory system failure, various organ failure and other symptoms, and finally died, It only takes about ten days.

And if everyone obediently stays at home and automatically isolates themselves from the outside world, then the infected will be treated in a timely manner, and the trend of increasing number of infections can also be effectively controlled.

I clearly remember that just after New Year's Eve, the elderly parents, not aware of the seriousness of the epidemic, went out to hang out as usual, playing cards and having fun.

In previous years, my parents, who have worked hard for a year, would always go out to play cards to pass the time during the Spring Festival. As a junior, I have never stopped it, and I am very supportive, because playing cards properly can also prevent dementia.

But this year, I was really angry. When I told them the knowledge about the new crown virus with great earnestness during the meal, they still looked dignified and nodded in agreement. After the meal, my mother went out and disappeared.

When I got home at night, I even said to me plausibly: "What does it matter if I play cards with a few aunts in the community who usually play cards together?"

I said, "Then how do you know if they have met other relatives and friends? Many of those relatives and friends came back from other places. It is unknown where they have been and who they have met!"

My mother also "mumbled" against me, blaming me for making a fuss out of a molehill.I was so angry that I really wanted to scold her, and my voice raised a few decibels unconsciously: "If everyone takes chances, if one of them comes into contact with a virus carrier who sneaked back from outside, then everyone will be happy." It's all over! Do you know how terrible the virus is and how many people have died in the world? You are not playing cards, you are betting on your life!"

I complained to Manyun about my mother's disobedience. I didn't expect her to be more righteous than me, so I sent a voice directly: "Then you can report them to the police!"

I said: I know it's okay, but it's my own mother after all, so it's better to reason with her if I can persuade her.

She replied: What about my mother, I just called 110 yesterday and asked the police to arrest my father.

It's a little hard to believe, this is a rare thing that a Capricorn girlfriend with a calm and introverted personality would do in my impression.I said: Are you really fake, you don’t know how?

She replied: Of course it is true. My father even found a group of people to play mahjong in the middle of the night last night. .

As expected of my best friend, she has always been carefree, straight-forward, black and white, and in times of national crisis, life is more important than anything else. This move makes me admire.

I also saw on the Internet that many netizens in Hunan and Hebei "killed their relatives righteously", shutting out their "close relatives" who had fled from the epidemic area and returned to their hometowns, and called the police to "arrest".

It's not that we are ruthless, but we just hope that this virus will not infect more innocent people, and we also hope that infected people can be isolated and treated as soon as possible.Because escaping is not a problem, only by "surrendering yourself" and actively receiving treatment as soon as possible can there be a chance of survival.

As far as the major traffic roads in my hometown, even when they go out to buy vegetables, they are required to check the itinerary records and provide their personal health codes. Only the older generation realized the seriousness of the matter.

The older generation became extremely nervous along with us young people. They stayed at home every day, either staring at the TV to watch the news, or swiping their mobile phones to follow the latest news of the epidemic.

(End of this chapter)

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