Chapter 73
I set foot on the high-speed train back to my hometown a week ago.On the way home, I overheard a passenger talking about an unprecedented cold virus that was more severe and fierce than SARS in Wuhan.

At that time, this unknown virus did not attract widespread attention and attention.When I passed through the pipelines of various transportation hubs, the staff at the site were performing routine luggage checks and maintaining public order, and everything was as usual.

But after I went home, within a few days, all the big and small apps on my phone, all the news channels and soft-text public account platforms suddenly started reporting news about the emergence of a new type of coronavirus in Wuhan, and I began to faintly feel that "something is not good ".

I had only heard about the plague in history books and novels before, and the only time I experienced the attack of the epidemic virus up close was when I was in college in 2002.

When I was just a freshman that year, SARS suddenly broke out. Our school had three campuses. We were in the main campus, and no one was infected with the virus. In the campus where there were suspected cases of virus infection, I heard that several dormitory buildings were blocked. The daily life and food of the students are delivered and taken care of by special personnel.

However, the worst period of the SARS virus lasted only eight months. After entering the hot summer of the second year, people rarely heard it mentioned again, and people gradually began to forget the horror of the virus.

At that time, my understanding of the virus was only on the surface. I only knew that it was a severe "flu virus" that could be transmitted from person to person.

Every Chinese New Year is a time for Chinese families to reunite. After a whole year of hard work, we can finally go home to celebrate the Spring Festival with our parents, family members, brothers and sisters.

But on the eve of 2020, wherever we go, the air is not filled with the smell of the New Year, but a strong sense of tension and depression that cannot be resolved, and passers-by on the road are in a hurry and thoughtful.

In fact, many rural people are only hearsay about this new virus and don't know much about it.In the past few days, everyone still visited relatives and friends as usual.

On New Year's Eve, my parents and I, who lived in a small town, were called to the second aunt's house in the countryside to celebrate the festival. At that time, we sat around chatting after dinner.

My uncle came back to my second aunt's house from the city, and cooked a table of delicious home-cooked dishes for us. My cousin who lived in Changzhou also went back to the countryside. His parents lived in the same village as my second aunt's.

My mother planned to help me buy a new house in the city. After dinner, she and her cousin who was in the real estate construction industry began to discuss various details of buying a house there.

I wasn't too interested in houses in the big city, and I didn't participate in the conversation, so I just listened quietly.I like the fresh air and quiet environment in the countryside, and I am more willing to build buildings on rural homesteads.It's a pity that no one in the family agrees.

I think it's a bit extravagant and silly to spend 200 million to live in a "lattice house" in the city and share the same living space with so many people, so I knew that my mother had a plan to help me buy a house together years ago. The first reaction is opposition.

I really feel that buying a house is nothing special to be happy about. I work part-time in the city and rent a "lattice house" all year round. There is always a sense of bondage like a bird being locked in a cage.

But they all like the prosperity of big cities, and feel that every inch of land in big cities is expensive, and the value of a house can appreciate quickly after buying a house.From a long-term perspective of investment, buying urban real estate is indeed a good choice, so I gradually changed my mind and agreed to buy a house.

After all, I lived to be 37 years old, and I haven’t found a partner since my divorce. Most women rely on men to obtain material security such as cars and houses, but I can only rely on myself.

After the divorce, I strongly realized that I and my family are the most solid support for me. It is better to invest in myself than to invest in men.What others give is never as good as what you earn.

My mother couldn't make my life's major event happen, so I had to worry about my personal real estate for me first.I have to say that my mother made the right move in this move, she definitely has advanced consciousness and a long-term vision.

Although I am not interested in living in a "lattice house", my parents have lived in a small town in the countryside for most of their lives, and if they can live in a big house in the urban area for the rest of their lives, it can be considered as an early retirement for the two elders.

I was just thinking about buying a house and decorating it so that my parents can live in it first, which is also a way of showing filial piety.Suddenly, the second aunt who was squatting in the firewood burning firewood interrupted everyone's conversation and asked loudly: "Xiaohong, who is working in Wuhan in the East Village, has she returned home during the Chinese New Year?"

My uncle bluffed my aunt and said, "The epidemic in Wuhan is so serious, why do you go home? Are you hurting your family and friends when you go home? The high-speed rail and bus stations have been blocked! The highway has been closed for the past two days."

My uncle said: "The situation in Wuhan is severe now, medical resources are tight, and the hospitals are full of patients. As relatives in my hometown, who doesn't want their family members and children to go home to receive better treatment? It is possible to infect more local people. This epidemic has spread from one region to more regions. So it may be a matter of time before Wuhan is closed."

Then everyone started to talk about the virus.It is said that this new type of virus is invisible and intangible, and there is an incubation period. It is not sure whether the incubation period is half a month or longer.

After a short period of infection, some people may not have any symptoms, so when you go out and come into contact with people, you don't know who is the incubation period patient and who is the asymptomatic infection.

You don't even know if you have been infected, but the only thing that is certain is that the virus is extremely contagious. As long as you do not take protective measures and have close contact with people who carry the virus, you will basically be infected.

In fact, young people with a little cultural knowledge are already very aware of the horror and seriousness of this virus infection, and they have also heard that the process from the onset of infection to death is extremely painful and tragic.

It just seems that everyone still had such a fluke mentality at that time, and didn't realize that an invisible war was approaching the whole of China and even the whole of mankind step by step.

Throughout human history, from the "Athens plague" in BC, the "Antonine plague" in ancient Rome, to the Spanish flu in 1918, and the Asian H1957N2 virus flu in 2, every time there is a large-scale epidemic, there will be tens of thousands of people all over the world. Those who plan to pay the price with their lives.

Because each outbreak of a new virus is sudden, and it is highly contagious from person to person. Human beings have no cure for it for a while. In the process of fighting the virus for a long time, they slowly developed specific drugs for the symptoms. Even people themselves will slowly acquire certain antibodies that coexist with the virus for a long time.

However, at the moment of the outbreak, if scientific, reasonable and effective isolation measures are not implemented, in the environment where the virus is rampant, as long as you are close to the epidemic area or the source of infection, the probability of being infected is extremely high.

Wuhan broke out in the new crown epidemic at the end of the year, just in time for the Chinese New Year. In this largest city in central China and the central city of the People's Republic of China, a large number of students, farmers, and workers from all over the country need to return home. Once these returnees close to the epidemic area are infected and carry the virus back to their hometowns, the national epidemic prevention system will face and suffer severe tests.

As the days passed, the virus spread in Wuhan at an alarming rate. At 2020 a.m. on January 1, 23, before New Year's Eve, the country announced the official closure of Wuhan.

This "strong man cuts his wrists" measure is to do a good job in the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, effectively cut off the transmission of the virus, curb the spread of the epidemic, and ensure the safety and health of the people.

Although the city is closed, love is not sealed.The 56 nationalities in the country are of one mind, and every province and city sent a medical team to assist Wuhan. Every angel in white signed a bloody life and death military order before leaving the safe zone and entering the Wuhan epidemic area.

Although we, as ordinary citizens, are isolated in our own homes and cannot see the situation at the scene, we pay close attention to the news of every batch of medical teams rushing to help Wuhan through TV and the Internet every day, and silently cheer for them in front of the screen.

After the closure of Wuhan, major cities across the country also began to "successfully recruit" one after another.Thousands of people across the country have entered a state of first-level alert.

Each of us has been asked to stay at home and self-isolate to overcome this difficult time.

After New Year's Eve is the Spring Festival, and the highways in various cities have been completely blocked. Those outside can't get in, and those inside can't get out.

There was also news from the town that all the main roads and small roads in the village have been blocked. Villagers must show their health codes on their mobile phones when they go to the streets to buy food, and they can only send one representative to go out each time they go shopping.

So I don't see chaos in our cities and small towns where supermarkets run on food.The people's police and medical staff in every city are responding to the call of the Party Central Committee and doing their best to protect each of our citizens. Even so, the number of infected people reported in the daily news is still rising.

Baidu searched for the new crown epidemic, and the data is clearly visible on the rooster map of China. In each province and city, the red infected areas continue to spread and increase, and the number of infected people is increasing.
Our hearts are pulled into our throats every day, and we watch helplessly as the number of infected people continues to increase, but there is nothing we can do except stay at home and not go anywhere.

During that time, after I got up every day, I could only open the curtains, stand on the balcony, and look at the distant sky, with bursts of sadness in my heart.The shadow of broken love has not dissipated in my heart, but it has been cast under the haze of the epidemic.

The winter sky is still so blue, the sun shines into the room through the stainless steel anti-theft windows, and it is still so warm on the body, but I suddenly feel desolate in my heart, and I always feel that everything around me has changed, and my heart flashes from time to time. There were bouts of restlessness and panic.

(End of this chapter)

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