Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 72 Talent OR Stupidity

Chapter 72 Talent OR Stupidity
The coach still has that weird temper, he scolds me when he sees me, he really dislikes me all kinds of things, I was a top student who was loved by the teacher when I was a student, but for no reason, my coach completely became a "super" Poor Students".

He often laughed at me sarcastically: "It's not as good as the junior high school students I accept. Can't learn such a simple thing?"

I felt that he was deliberately belittling me, so I ignored him. I thought that although he was a bit mean-spirited, he had one of the biggest advantages compared to other coaches. Other coaches were young and loved to play and were not very responsible. He was very responsible, and the students When practicing, he is basically there.

My mother also advised me: "Since the money has been paid, you will not be able to get off the pirate ship, so give way to him. He is a master after all." The old man relies on this skill to make a living, and now he wants to teach you this unique skill of eating. If you learn it, you will make money for life.

"In any case, he is also my master, so I should respect him. He is old and has no academic qualifications. I don't have the same knowledge as him. The master is always superior. If you want to learn skills from others, you have to bear with him." You have a bad temper." Thinking of this, I felt a lot more comfortable, and I wasn't so angry with him anymore.

But after a long time, I discovered that he is not so cruel to every student. It is not that he is not born with good words to encourage students. He is very polite and courteous to individual students, and he often praises them.

If it is said that he treats everyone equally, I can still understand his nature, but he treats them differently, and I feel "sick".

Sure enough, when I saw someone handing him a cigarette, I followed his words and followed him carefully. He was very kind to that person.There are also a few students who were transferred from other masters to him to learn, and they gave him money in addition. They boasted and said that other masters were not good, and praised him for teaching well, so he was very useful. The apprentice is also very attentive, and will not scold loudly even if he makes a mistake.

He scolded almost all the other students who didn’t give gifts. There was a little boy who hadn’t graduated from college, and he had never given him a gift like me. Small.

Sometimes even if we complete a set of movements well, he can always pick out a little problem and exaggerate it there.If you really made a mistake because of a moment of panic, he will swear and even hit you.He punched me with bruises all over my arm once.

So much so that every time I see others, I feel headache, flustered, and tightness in my chest, because many times I know that I have done a good job, and he has not missed the damage.

A few times I couldn't stand the anger, so I said to the coach: "I just learned, why do you think I'm the worst? You taught me just now, and you only taught me once, and I just came up to practice the first time, and the second time. You must be unfamiliar with it once you learn it, so you can't speak so badly. You are a master, and I respect you, but you can't scold people."

Since I resisted, the coach looked very helpless when he saw me. I guess he wanted to talk about me, but he felt that I would be beaten back by me, so he, who has dark skin, often sees me. After practicing at the driving school, his face became even darker and smellier.

In desperation, I had no choice but to give him a gift, a red envelope on WeChat, but he refused to accept it. Although my message was very tactful, he still did not dare to accept it. I think he was afraid that I would regret leaving evidence in the future, because I Later, I bought four to five hundred good cigarettes, took them directly and wrapped them tightly in black bags, and put them in his office, and he accepted them.After accepting the cigarette, my attitude towards me changed significantly.

One time when he was about to go back after car practice, he suddenly asked me: "Cheng Yifei, do you have a boyfriend?"

I said, "Not yet."

He said to me again: "Do you know what kind of woman men like?"

I have a puzzled look on my face, you are a coach, talk to me about love between men and women.I had a hunch that the dog must not be able to spit out ivory. This dead old man probably wanted to use another method to harm me.

Sure enough, he paused for a minute, and pretended to say to me in a particularly earnest tone: "You have to know that boys like girls who are docile, obedient, and well-behaved. Including my children, they all say the same thing to me. You This kind of personality needs to be changed! Don’t say that I’m scared when I see you, even men are scared when they see you. Other students don’t say anything as long as I talk.”

I interrupted him and pretended to laugh: "That woman likes boys who are gentle, kind, and behave like gentlemen. Hahaha men with strong personalities are generally afraid of women. I think my temper is not bad. It's better, don't change anything, you know I'm at least reasonable, I don't lose my temper for no reason, I'm just straightforward, I can't hide what I have in my stomach. What I said is not right, coach Don't take it to heart."

After saying this, the coach wanted to say something else. I saw in the rearview mirror that his face turned dark again. He opened his mouth, but he was speechless and closed it again.
In fact, my personality is quite similar to that of my mother when I grow up. If it is on my side, if you want to bully me, sorry, I will not just sit idly by and fight back on the spot.

My father has an overly honest personality. When he was bullied outside, he would hold it in his heart. At that time, he did not retaliate. Afterwards, he sighed and sulked alone when he returned home.

When I was a teenager, I was depressed for a period of time, and became like my father, keeping everything in my heart and not speaking out.Later, I realized that such a personality was actually punishing myself with the mistakes of others, and would make myself angry.

Instead of being uncomfortable and uncomfortable, no one else knows.It's better to say it so that everyone "understands and understands".Of course, there is a premise for this approach, that is, it is true that others have done bad things to you and hurt your bottom line.

If you tell each other frankly and each other can take a step back, then everyone will be happy.If you still can't solve the problem by speaking out, then let nature take its course, I don't care what you like, I don't care what you think, but at least I have shown you my true attitude.

After entering the society, I walked the rivers and lakes by myself, met all kinds of people, and began to learn to protect myself. In the face of verbal violence or unfair treatment, and people who wanted to bully me, I gradually learned to fight back on the spot and face it head-on.

I have always felt that my reactions are not as sensitive as my mother's, because half of my personality is like my father's. I always think of others very well and kindly. I always feel that I should know how to give in and give others a face. I always subconsciously think that others are not so bad, and they will not attack me for no reason, right?
Then when I realized it, it had been a while, and if I brought it up again, others would think it was my problem, and they would say: You are so strange, you have to bring up the past and talk about it again .Then he even slapped me back and said that I was serious, but in fact I was only half a beat slow in reacting, allowing others to take advantage of the loopholes.

Once I took a taxi to go to the driving school to practice driving. I sighed and got into the car with a "frustrated" expression on my face. The "car" master seemed to see my strange emotional state and asked me: "Miss, are you going to the driving school to learn how to drive?" , How long have you been learning how to drive?"

I told the truth, saying that I was still in subject two.

The old master said: "I used to be a coach, but I stopped being a coach when I got older, so I came out to drive."

I said, "Oh, master, so you used to be a coach too."

Then I felt very aggrieved when I was practicing in the driving school, so I complained about what happened to me in the driving school to the "deche" master. I said that I was often scolded for asking questions, and the coach didn't answer, so I had to do it myself. Check online.

The teacher said: "Your teacher is not good at quality. Is it because I have never read a book and vented my personal anger on you, looking for a sense of existence? I like students who are serious and studious like you. Theory comes from practice, practice I didn’t explain the theory clearly before, so how can I let the students understand it by themselves? First of all, you must understand the principle, and then it will be easier to master it. Don’t listen to your master talking nonsense. I see that you are the kind of brain that is smart and loves to move. A good trainee with a brain, as long as he works hard, he will be a good driver in the future."

After listening to the master's words, I really feel that he is the "angel" grandfather sent by heaven to enlighten me, and gave me the confidence to learn and practice driving.

There is such a big gap between people. A good teacher knows how to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and encourages education. A poor teacher only knows how to blindly attack and whip education.A small number of people are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and are suitable for persecution-style education, while most people prefer to be encouraged and affirmed.Just like receiving nine-year compulsory education in school days, if a student meets a good head teacher and a good teacher, it can really change the fate of his life.

I wanted to learn how to drive a few more days before the year, but the coach was not available, and everyone had to go back to their hometown early for the New Year, so I had no choice but to give up. I packed up my clothes at night and set foot on the journey back to my hometown the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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