Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 71 Turning Grief and Anger into Motivation

Chapter 71 Turning Grief and Anger into Motivation
After three days of "lying dead" at home like this, and crying into tears, I felt that I could no longer be immersed in sadness blindly, and I would become a fool if I kept crying.

I said to myself, Comrade Cheng Yifei, have you experienced many ups and downs since childhood?Could it be that you can't get over this hurdle just because of a love injury?
I understand that at the moment I have no other way to go except to think about it and redeem myself, because even if I am sad to death, the boy I love has already left me.

They spend their days in Japan, love each other, and I cry and cry all day long in China. I seem a little too sad.

I don't want myself to become depressed and become a "loser" in life because of a "peach blossom catastrophe".

I told myself, Cheng Yifei, you must cheer up, the strong will only appreciate the strong.You are still "weak" and you are not "strong" enough.No one will look down on the weak, you have to be strong yourself.

Maybe it's because your marriage and love experience is too bumpy, you are a second-married man, and the male god is an unmarried man, and your two secular marriage conditions are not equal. This is an established fact that you can't change. The prince you love thinks that you are not qualified to enter his world. Even if he doesn't care about your birth or your past, his parents and his family will also care, and they will think that you are not in the same family as him.

But even so, you don’t need to be inferior, you have your talent, you have your pride, face up to improve your own weaknesses and shortcomings, polish your strengths and strengths, although you can’t decide your own birth, and you can’t change the past Fate, but you can rely on your own efforts to work hard for your own career in the best middle-aged golden period of your life.

When you become more beautiful, more excellent, and more powerful one day, when you advance from Cinderella to Queen, I will make him look at you with admiration, and I will make him regret his original choice!

At that time, there was an unyielding force in my heart, relying on this force, I was like a brave female warrior, slowly overcoming the psychological shadow brought about by the broken relationship.

As a self-study of psychology in college, I know very well that at this time, only letting myself go out and keep myself busy is the best way to transfer sadness and treat psychological depression.

When the immediate predicament cannot be resolved for the time being, we have to put it aside temporarily and leave it to time to deal with it. The haze cannot stop the coming of the light. It is gold that will shine sooner or later. The more adversity you are in, the more you must know how to hold your breath and learn to be patient in a timely manner and wait.

The advertising company is already on holiday, and the New Year is approaching. I could have gone back to my hometown right away to prepare for the New Year and enjoy a week of "time and peace", but I feel that being idle is idle, so it's better to take advantage of the years ago when everyone wanted to go back to their hometown early to celebrate the New Year However, not many students in the driving school are in the "gap" of driving, so hurry up and practice.

Because in fact, long before I went to work in an advertising company, I had already signed up for a driving school. After returning from Guilin, I made full use of the spare time at home waiting for job opportunities. I went to the library by myself to concentrate on practicing. For the exam questions, I passed "Subject One" very easily as a master of arts and sciences.

At that time, every time I thought of Xiaoyu’s question “Do you have a car? If you have a car, you can drive by yourself”, I could only say “No, I usually take the bus or take a taxi to travel.” ", I felt a little unspeakable depression in my heart.I can't help but think, maybe most of the girls I know are Bai Fumei who own a car and can drive by themselves.

But at the time, I really didn't think about it that much. I even thought that it's normal for girls not to have a car and not know how to drive?That's what a man should do. If a woman can do everything, why do you need a man?Why are girls learning to drive?
Before I met him, I never thought that besides having a decent job, a girl should also learn to drive and buy a car by herself.

But after meeting Xiaoyu, he seemed to subconsciously become my idol in life. I suddenly wanted to learn how to drive a car, wanted to get a driver's license, and imagined that one day I could drive my car like him, and feel that The part is flying freely in the wind, the pleasure of freely controlling life!
And I thought about the cousins ​​in my family who didn't study, and those who were much younger than me had already obtained their driver's license and drove by themselves. I thought it was time for me to get a driver's license and buy a car.

It's not a comparison mentality, mainly I think that in the future I will get a driver's license and learn to drive, so that I can travel freely with my family.And I can also help when encountering unexpected situations such as drinking and socializing with the future partner and not being able to drive.

Those who don’t have a car at home should be deeply touched. On a sunny day, you will think that buying a car is purely a waste of money to pretend to be a facade. Electric cars travel without traffic jams, don’t cost money, don’t pollute the environment, and are no worse than cars. Environmentally friendly, more comfortable, more convenient and more economical?

But when it comes to the rainy season, when it rains and snows, once it encounters a violent storm, the electric car will completely lose its use.

As soon as I went out, I was often drenched by the rain, wearing glasses, so I couldn't see the road ahead. Not only that, but I was inevitably soaked when I rushed into the heavy rain, and I was instantly drenched in water.

Every time at this time, I really hope to have a car for myself. It doesn’t need a good brand, as long as it can protect myself and my family from wind and rain.

So after a lot of consideration, I made up my mind to get a driver's license.Even though I learned that the difficulty of taking a driver's license test these days has soared several levels higher than it was more than ten years ago, I would like to challenge it.

Not only to save face in front of the male god, but also to have a more comfortable and convenient future for myself and my family.

It's just very unlucky, I didn't meet a good master that year, and the process of learning to drive was very tortuous.

My coach is a strange old man with a strange temper, who gets angry at every turn and "croaks". He is lean and thin, with a dark face and a pair of thick "horizontal eyebrows".

At the beginning, when I was looking for a driving school on the APP to find a coach, what I found was not him himself, but a kind-hearted, soft-spoken uncle. I think this kind of coach is suitable for me, who is thin-skinned and likes to encourage students in the education mode.

He also brought me to the subject one test. He took me to pay the money, sent me a textbook, asked me to download a software called "Driving Test Book", and asked me to go back and watch the APP to practice the mock test questions.

It was only later that I found out that it was not him who taught subjects two and three, he was just an online middleman, equivalent to a role of "running sales" in a driving school.He introduced my current coach to me. He said that this coach has a high pass rate and he is still from my hometown. It will be more convenient for us to communicate.

I really believed in his evil, and then I took a class from the new master, and when I got home, I called it "fooled"!
I heard from other students who were learning how to drive together that this instructor is famous for his violent temper in the entire driving school. He is completely impatient when teaching. A horizontal eyebrow coupled with a pair of black and white round eyes with bloodshot eyes made his dark and thin loofah face look particularly fierce and scary.

I took his class once a year ago, and I have to pray to God every time before I go to class.

What does it mean to "spend money to seek scolding and seek guilt", you go to a driving school and find a coach who loves to scold people to learn how to drive, and you will understand it all.

I joked with my friends: If your child has never experienced any setbacks since he was a child, and he wants to receive the beating education of the society, you can send him to a driving school to find a coach like "Mrs. Rong" for a try.Practice her "adverse quotient" to ensure that she is very "teachable".

When I first got in the car, the coach taught me to start the car, step on the clutch to move forward, and teach me to put it in reverse gear. I didn't find it difficult, and I learned it in one or two hours.

But the instructor didn't tell me how the car starts and how the clutch works before teaching this set of operations, which made me, a "curious baby", feel very confused every time he followed him to do an operation step.

I have never touched a car, and I don't understand the operating principle of the various key parts of the car, so I especially want to ask him for some knowledge in this area.

But our coach is an old-fashioned one. He thinks he has his own set of teaching methods. You can do what he teaches you, and don't ask any questions that are irrelevant to his teaching content.

I remember the first time I took a class with him, he taught me how to turn the steering wheel, I learned it very quickly, I thought it was super simple, but because I am very easy to learn, I want to know the meaning of this set of movements or what can be achieved, I couldn't help but ask one more question: "Coach, then when I hit 90 degrees, 180 degrees, what will happen to the car when I hit it in a circle? The wheels will have corresponding reactions, right?"

The coach began to be angry with me: "Why are you a student like this? I have never met a student like you. Why do you ask these questions? That's not what you should ask! What are you talking about?"

In this way, from the first day I learned to drive, I didn't dare to ask or say more.

The first day I got on the car, I just learned "running the clutch" in the morning, and in the afternoon I was asked to practice "reversing into the warehouse" with other veteran students. They have already taken the test on the battlefield. Naturally, it drove very well as soon as it went up.

This is the first time for me to reverse the car, and he only demonstrated it once. I didn't understand what it meant at all, and I didn't remember the operation steps, so I was called up to operate it in a fog.

When the coach called me, I wanted to refuse, but the coach scolded me: "Cheng Yifei, why are you dawdling? You are the one who called me, get in the car and practice!"

I thought to myself that maybe this thing must be practiced in the car, otherwise I would not be able to understand the meaning of the coach, so I just bite the bullet.

The moment I got into the car, my mind went blank, and I kept muttering in my heart: "Master, are you always kidding me? I'm a novice driver, and I haven't even learned how to walk? I really want to run." on the way?"

I sat in the car, holding the steering wheel, my hands were sweaty, my heart was pounding, my feet were shaking, and there was a voice in my head asking: "What should I do? What should I do? I don't know. I really don't know what to do. Nothing!"

The coach didn't sit with me in the co-pilot, and instructed me what to do outside, but I couldn't understand what he said at all.

He croaked anxiously. The more he called me, the more flustered I became. As soon as I went up and drove for a short distance, the engine was turned off. All of a sudden, I was about to rush forward like a wild horse that had run wild. I was so frightened that I was at a loss, and my soul flew out.

"Brake! Hey! What are you doing! Step on the brake! Cheng Yifei, you pig, brake for me!" The coach howled like a mad dog, and I hurriedly stepped on the brake with my right foot, so the car didn't hit On the opposite railing.

After getting out of the car, I was still in shock, and I was so embarrassed that I said sorry to the coach, I said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I haven't learned the steps you taught, and I don't understand it well, can you demonstrate it again ?"

As a result, before he finished speaking, the coach scolded him: "Why are you so stupid? I have never seen a student as stupid as you. It is really the first time I have met a student like you. If I don't shout, you will Flew out."

Later, the coach demonstrated it again in front of everyone, and I gradually understood his operation steps. Under the guidance of other students, I gradually realized the tricks.

But on the way to take me back, after sending the other students away, the coach kept scolding me, saying that I was stupid and not good at driving. I couldn't help but speak for myself: "Coach, don't be angry. It’s the first time to get in a car. There is a first time in life, and no one is born to drive. Maybe I will practice more in the future.”

The coach didn't buy it and continued to train me: "You don't have to quibble, it's the first time for others, but none of the students did what you did. It's the first time for everyone to get on the bus. Everyone is the first time, Why can't you do it by yourself?"

He kept babbling, and when I got out of the car, he was still muttering to himself, "You've had a hard time learning to drive. It looks like you're not born to drive. It's too difficult to learn."

I was very uncomfortable when he said that, and I even suspected that I was really "useless".

I asked other students who had already taken the test and said: "Am I really bad? The coach kept saying this to me, as if it was true, and I started to doubt my life. You really opened it for the first time, and the second If you learn it once you get started, does it drive well?"

"No, we are not very good at learning at the beginning, and we will become familiar with it after more practice. This thing needs more practice. I didn't work with this coach before, but with another coach. He went out to play cards and drink every day. If you don’t teach us, I’ve practiced stepping on the clutch for many days, and you’ve only practiced for half a day before you learn how to reverse the car and put it in the garage. Afterwards, I adjusted my mentality and slowly got better.”

A boy who transferred from another teacher told me about his experience as a beginner, and I felt a little better, knowing that everyone was like this.

He is such a vicious coach. I usually feel uncomfortable when I think of him, but I wanted to go to his old man for a while a few years ago.

On the one hand, I was busy with work some time ago, and I didn't have time to practice more. This will just give me a lot of time to practice. If I don't practice now, when will I wait?On the other hand, when I was broken in love, I had a whim, thinking that "fighting poison with poison" and "treating abuse with abuse", maybe this strange old man can help me relieve part of the pain of losing love.

Excitedly, he called the coach and said that he would go to practice the car, but the coach said that he only had half-day time the next day, and he had already made appointments for the rest of the time. There is no time to arrange for me to learn to drive.

So I got up early the next day, racing against time to go to the driving school to practice the car. I had to practice reversing and putting the car into the garage over and over again. I practiced for four or five hours in a day and a half.

I stepped on the clutch, half of my leg was so numb that I lost consciousness, so I was willing to stop and rest for a while.When the legs relax a little bit, they will continue to practice immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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