Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 70 A message from a strange woman

Chapter 70 A Message from a Strange Woman
But just when I wanted to let go, slowly let go of the little fish, and start my life again, my world was "blown up" by a message in a dramatic way.

That night I decided to bid farewell to Xiaoyu. I fell asleep silently with tears in my eyes. I slept until [-]:[-] in the morning when my biological clock woke me up. I got up to go to the bathroom and saw unread new WeChat messages on the phone screen on the cabinet.

In a daze, I casually clicked to take a look, and found that it was Xiaoyu's WeChat dialog box!He actually accepted my addition at two or three o'clock in the morning, and sent me a long message!

The moment I saw his avatar, I was pleasantly surprised, my heart was "bouncing" and I thought that for not giving up and waiting for this period of time, I finally hoped that the male god would turn around, thinking that our Love is saved.

But when I read the first sentence, I immediately had the "illusion" of being bombarded by five thunders.

Because the beginning of the message read: I am Yu Qingyuan's girlfriend, please don't send me any more messages, can I?We are traveling in Japan now, and we don't want to cause some unpleasantness because of you.Thank you for admiring my boyfriend too
He who has always claimed to be single in front of me actually has a girlfriend?Am I being tricked by a scumbag?Suppressing the shock and anger in my heart, I wanted to tell the other party that I had no idea, I had no idea that he had a girlfriend, that I was not the "third party" she thought was destroying their relationship, I was completely deceived "Victims" in the drum!
But the message couldn't be sent out. I found that after she sent me that message, she blocked me and didn't give me any chance to explain.

Out of a woman's intuition, I quickly understood the purpose of her sending that message. Obviously, when I fell asleep at two or three in the morning, she took her boyfriend's cell phone and sent her "potential rival" like this He immediately deleted me and blocked me after sending it. It was not to communicate with me well, nor out of good faith to hope that I would not be deceived by his boyfriend. It was more to declare sovereignty to me. , Tell me, stop sending messages to Xiaoyu, stop chasing his boyfriend!

But she never thought that her selfish behavior would bring great trauma and shadow to my heart.

Because she didn't know that in Cheng Yifei's view of marriage and love, the most despised and shameless "third parties" who deliberately meddle in other people's feelings and deliberately destroy other people's families!
In my moral concept, even if I like someone again, I will never touch a man who has a girlfriend or a wife. As long as I know that the other party has a partner, I will prevent him from getting any chance to approach me from the very beginning. How is it possible? Will you chase after yourself?

I can swear to God, Cheng Yifei is an upright person, I never do anything to meddle in other people's feelings, I never know that the other party has a girlfriend and then provoke others!
I always thought he was single. I just felt that since I was sure I met the love of my life, I should go after it bravely. The most difficult thing in life is to meet someone I really want to love and protect, and someone who really loves you and wants to be right. hello people.

To love and to be loved is one of the most important topics in life.For the sake of Xiaoyu, I let go of the reservedness that girls should have, let go of those so-called self-esteem and face, and want to warm up and protect a soul that seems to have been scarred and "frozen" in the heart, and does not want anyone to approach.

But my kindness and sincerity completely changed in her.She didn't ask the reason, no matter right or wrong, she misunderstood me as a "third party" who admired and coveted "other people's boyfriend" in a few words.

It is true that she did not use any insulting words, but in essence, her words and expressions are still as if I know that he has a girlfriend, but I deliberately approach her to compete for a man and influence and destroy their relationship. This is something I cannot agree with.I even think it's an insult to my personality.

Moreover, this girl was very scheming, she quietly revealed to me the whereabouts of the two of them traveling in Japan, and reprimanded me without showing any traces, saying that my information had affected their travel and caused "unhappiness" to the two of them.

But the fact is that only two additional messages can be sent at a time, and the number of words is still limited, and it is impossible to post a few in a day.Besides, I seldom sent him additional information in those few days, and it is impossible to affect their play.That night, only a blank additional message was sent, which would not disturb them at all.

The confession was rejected, and I was still in the sad period of broken love. I was finally ready to let go of this fate, to forget him, and start a new life of my own, but because of this message, I fell into deep pain again.

This time, it was not just the pain of a broken relationship. For the first time, I felt the great heartache and disappointment of being let down, deceived, and wronged by a third person! (From my point of view, why is she not the third person who appeared inexplicably?)

I have only seen this kind of bloody plot of the heroine innocently "being three" on TV before, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to me now.He was tortured for no reason, and was also deprived of any right and opportunity to refute his statement of defense.

The psychological shadow in my heart is huge. After crying alone under the quilt, sadness and sadness enveloped me all day long, and tears flowed silently.

I lay on the bed without eating or drinking, my tears ran dry, I fell into a deep sleep, and continued to cry when I woke up. My best friend in Suzhou, Manyun, sent me messages and called me.

Mr. Lu Xun said that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interconnected. I think this sentence is also very appropriate to describe love.Human nature has a selfish side, and love is sometimes even more selfish and cruel.

Xiaoyu and his girlfriend, who must have blocked me, have long been immersed in the joy of the journey of "you and me", how could they think that their happiness and happiness are entirely based on another innocent person? What about the "third party" suffering on top of it?

As sung in "Blessings on the Street Corner":

I have to pretend that I can't see, I can't see you and her hugging across the street, I can feel your happiness. I don't want to be notified, I can't control your world anyway
For a lovelorn person, he would never want to know who the other person is hugging now, nor would he want to be notified of how she is, and where he and she are chic and happy.That is the most painful and taboo in the heart of a lovelorn, but that girl told me all the information that I didn't want to know and could make me "heart-wrenching" in an instant.

Two days after I lay dead at home, my eyes were swollen into walnuts from crying, and my head was dizzy. Finally, I couldn't help but call back my best friend's mobile phone number, and cried to her:

"When I fell in love with him, he was single. There was no major conflict of principle between us. He unilaterally wanted to separate from me without even being a friend. He didn't give me a real reason or explanation. He I suddenly got a girlfriend, and I didn't tell me immediately to stop the loss in time. I adore him, appreciate him, give him information, and want to pursue him on the premise that he is single. I love him openly, and I have What's wrong?!
You know me, am I that kind of guy?The third person is the character I hate the most in my life. If I knew he had a girlfriend, even if I killed me, I wouldn’t be able to chase him or send him a message. In the past, those men who wanted to cheat for fun bought me with money. No matter how good the conditions are, no matter how handsome I am, I have always sternly refused and shunned me. I don't care about those trash men! "

I cried and said on the phone, the grievances in my heart were overwhelming and had nowhere to go, so I could only pour out to my best friend——

"In principle, I was also kept in the dark. I didn't even know that he had a girlfriend. Why didn't I confess that I had a girlfriend immediately, which made me sink deeper and deeper, and then a girlfriend suddenly appeared and gave me A "bolt from the blue". Why is this woman ignorant and telling me what to do without understanding the situation?
She is not qualified to say these things to me at all, this is between me and him!He is in a relationship, and he should send a message or call to let him know if he wants to notify him!Instead of asking his girlfriend to come forward, what should I do, and it's not up to this woman to tell me what to do. As long as he confesses that he has a girlfriend, I will immediately cut off contact. I know better than anyone what to do!
Why is a girl so scheming? She told me that he has a girlfriend, so why bother telling me where and what are you doing?Where are you doing and what does it matter to me?Knowing that I am heartbroken enough to lose love, but still insisting on telling me that they are traveling in Japan, isn't this intentional to add salt to my wound?Do you want her to be satisfied seeing me in pain that is unforgettable and 'desperate'?
They didn't treat me as a human being at all, I was not treated fairly in this relationship, and naturally I have no obligation to escort their love!Why do you want to cheat and hurt me like this, and tell me not to bother?I am willing to disappear automatically without sending a message because of my politeness, but it is not my duty! "

The more I spoke, the angrier I became, and the more I spoke, the sadder I became, and I babbled on the phone for a long time.Manyun listened silently to my venting on the other end of the phone, seeing my runny nose and tears, she just comforted me like coaxing a child and said:
"Okay, Sister Fei, don't be sad. I'll teach him a lesson later. This kind of man is not worth your sorrow. I'll send him a message later and ask him, which onion do you think you are? We don't want it? What's the use of being good-looking, no matter how good or excellent the conditions are, if he treats you badly, it's useless at all. He doesn't know people at all. He doesn't want such a kind and honest talented woman like us Feifei , I don’t know how to cherish it, there will be days when he regrets it! That woman secretly sent people a message in the middle of the night, this trick is really sinister."

When I heard what my best friend said, Zhuan Er began to worry that she would "do something crazy" in order to vent my anger on me.

I said, "Don't just say 'Which green onion are you?' in order to fight for me. We are not the kind of people who say that grapes are sour when we can't eat grapes. It's true that people are excellent. , and there is no need to deliberately belittle him just because he didn’t choose me. Now I can’t tell whether it was his girlfriend who sent it to me, or he himself pretended to be his girlfriend to make me give up.

Even if he did it himself, unmarried men and women are unmarried, everyone has the right to choose. In case he talked about his girlfriend after he clearly rejected me, he didn't have sex with that woman while talking with me. The relationship is confirmed. In other words, if he didn't step on two boats at the same time, then he can't be considered a scumbag. "

It’s not that I favor him so deliberately because I like him. I treat everyone and everything in two, and I won’t be too extreme. I like to be fair, objective and rational, so I can judge right from wrong from multiple perspectives.

After listening to my rational analysis, my best friend smiled and said: "Didn't I see him hurt you so much, I couldn't be more angry for you, did I say that to comfort you, don't think too much about people Too kind, some boys like to get to know multiple girls at the same time and then choose the best. This kind of man looks harmless. Once you put your heart into him, you must be the unlucky one. We should stay away. Besides I was just joking to make you laugh. I can't really say that to him, don't worry, if I really want to send it to them, I will naturally think of the right words to send."

My best friend, Manyun, was a clerk at the company I met when I divorced my ex in Suzhou.She has a sweet and lovely appearance, an oval face, double eyelids, pouty lips, a frank and sincere personality, carefree, very much like Yang Zi.

When I met her, I had my birthday in May, and because the company was extremely busy, I couldn't spare time to celebrate for myself.It was she who took the leek box cooked by my aunt and brought it to my company to spend an unforgettable birthday with me.

Every year on my birthday, my family knows that I like to eat cakes, so they will prepare fresh milk and fruit cakes for me. Only this time there is no cake, but my heart is very warm after eating the leek box.

I like the simple sincerity between people, as long as the heart is warm, eating leeks is delicious.

Later, when I broke up with my ex and was about to divorce, I once had a big conflict with my ex. I was so sad that I went to her in the middle of the night. She was worried that I would have a nervous breakdown. In order to comfort me, she stayed with me in the hotel all night.

I once saw a saying that in this world, it is impossible for parents and family members to stay with us forever. Friends are the closest "family members" we find for ourselves. This sentence can't be more appropriate to describe friendship.

Since I met her, every time I encounter a big ups and downs in the emotional world, I will have her company, and she will also be there, as long as she needs me, I will always be there.

I think that I am too kind and infatuated to fall into a "unrequited love" and cannot get out of it for a long time.But Manyun didn't understand at that time, this time, I was more affectionate than ever before.But I also have no right to ask a boy who has clearly rejected me to confess his real reason for rejecting me when he refuses.

When people reject other people's feelings, they will inevitably fabricate some high-sounding, half-truth and half-false reasons. I can be sure that even if what he said is not completely true, he said that without any malice. I just hope that I will let him go as soon as possible. .

But he obviously didn't expect me to be so kind. Not only did he not mind his "shortcomings in character", but he also wanted to seriously help him overcome emotional and psychological barriers.

He has clearly expressed his refusal, indicating that they are not suitable for each other, and it is already a very responsible and gentlemanly way to end here.I have no objection to this.

I think the only thing he lacked in consideration and did not do properly is that since he had already chosen other girls to officially start dating, he saw that I added information every day and pursued enthusiastically, but he didn't choose to tell me in time that he had a girlfriend, which made me more and more I got deeper and deeper, and watched me give him information every now and then, but he never responded positively.

I don't respond early and don't respond later, but I don't want to send him any more messages. When he is out with his girlfriend, it is really unbearable to use this simple and rude form to notify and order me.

I often think that if his girlfriend steals the messages sent to me by his mobile phone without authorization, then it is not his problem, it is this girl who has a strong desire to control and lacks empathy in doing things.But if this message was drafted and sent to me after he and his girlfriend combined it, then he is obviously as selfish and hateful as his girlfriend.

If there is any unhappiness between them, it is not caused by me. I am not the source of the problem, but he is.Because the unhappiness between them is completely avoidable, as long as he handles it properly and takes the initiative to tell me that he has a girlfriend before the trip, I will not send additional messages, and I will not be so stupid as to think about it. He heals his injuries and sends messages of concern and greetings every day!

I will not suffer the humiliation of being "three" suddenly because of the kindness of this love!As long as his girlfriend's suspicion and desire to control are not so strong, and as long as the trust between the two of them is high enough, they will not make a fuss over the addition of a message from passerby A, who has long been ruthlessly rejected.

It's not like I knew he had a girlfriend and still admired the third party who pursued him, but I was warned by his girlfriend as a third party. The feeling of humiliation is more unbearable than being broken in love!
The most important thing is that I gave him my sincerity, sincerely wanted to warm and heal a frozen and injured heart, but I didn't expect to end up being "deceived" and "declared" in the end. This feeling of heartbreak and disappointment is also true. It is also more heartbreaking than a lovelorn.

And these so-called third-party heart-wrenching feelings, for the two people who fell in love, they couldn't get to my pain points anyway, but if they had thought about me from my perspective at that time, They would not rashly send me such a message, let alone block me after sending it, leaving me with nowhere to defend.

Whether it was the message he sent me after combining the two, or she sent me the message secretly on her own initiative, they just took it for granted at that time and swept me away easily as a "trouble" and "obstacle" on their love road , will not consider how hurtful such an approach is.

(End of this chapter)

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