Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 26 It Turned Out to be Tumor "Jun"

Chapter 26 It Turned Out to be Tumor "Jun"

I didn't forget that I found out that the calcium and phosphorus index was obviously abnormal before the operation, and I didn't forget what the experts from Gulou Hospital told me.I discussed with my family that I still need to go back to Nanjing for further examination.

Without further ado, before the tube in my body was pulled out, I returned to Nanjing by car alone and went to Gulou Hospital.There is one thing to say, in terms of medical technology, the provincial hospital is far better than the county hospital. After seeing my blood test report, the doctor there immediately notified me to take an X-ray scan of my neck.

As soon as the filming was over, I was completely shocked that I had a tumor the size of an egg on my neck.

Whether it is registration, consultation, or filming in a large hospital, every step is extremely hard, because there are so many patients, the registration line is crowded with people every day, and the line often starts early in the morning and waits until the end of the day. It may not be your turn to eat at noon.

I can't remember how I survived the days of waiting to see a doctor.I just remember that the doctor would tell me to make an appointment three days in advance to take this kind of film, and to make an appointment one week in advance to see a specialist clinic.So I can only wait slowly in the dormitory alone, and endure slowly.

At that time, it was almost the end of the year, and the unit only knew that I had just finished a major operation and needed a good rest. This time I just came to Nanjing for a review. No one knew that I would soon have a second operation.I never dared to tell anyone what kind of disease I was suffering from, but if my condition was leaked at all, I guess people in our company would think that I had some terrible incurable disease, and spread the word to me.

After a week of hard work in the dormitory, I was finally able to register to see a specialist clinic.As usual, I waited in line for half a day, looking forward to the stars and the moon, when the electronic screen began to call my number. After entering, I finally met Director Yao, the attending doctor who later performed the operation on me. Hua Tuo".

When the patient saw the specialist, tears flowed down his face, but the specialist worked too hard and had to receive countless patients every day. He might not be too enthusiastic when he saw any patient. He saw me go in and began to ask about my condition coldly.After seeing the film I took, I touched my neck, continued to be cold and calm, and said simply: "It's a parathyroid adenoma. You need an operation."

I asked: "Doctor, when can I have surgery?"

He replied without raising his head: "Listen to the doctor's arrangement at the medical guidance desk. There are a lot of people waiting for surgery. You probably have to wait until the next year."

When I heard this, I was anxious, and I said, "Doctor, can you help me arrange it early, and I will have to wait for more than a month after the end of the year. My illness is more serious. I still have blood in my urine, and it hurts to walk."

He interrupted me before I finished speaking, and gave me a cold look again, and said: "There are a lot of patients who are more serious than you. They are all cancer patients. Do you think you are more important or they are more important? They No one needs an operation as soon as possible more than you. You have accumulated over the years, and you have grown to this size. It has been at least four or five years. Most of them are benign and cannot die. Come on, change another patient. !"

After hearing what the doctor said, I felt very wronged in my heart. I didn't even have time to tell him that I had just had a surgery on my waist and took away a big stone, so the doctor didn't want to "talk nonsense" to me anymore.

For a doctor, he is used to seeing too many scenes of life and death every day, and he has also seen too many serious patients struggling on the verge of death. It should really be no surprise to him that my condition is like this. In fact, I am not unaware that there must be a large number of cancer patients in the hospital who are more seriously ill than me and are anxiously waiting for surgery. I am not such a selfish person who does not consider others.

It's just that for a girl in her early thirties like me, it was the first time in my life that I had such a large tumor (it was not confirmed at the time that it must be benign, but the doctor judged it based on experience, and after the tumor was taken out, it was tested on a small sample) I have just undergone a major operation on my waist, and the pain and pressure I have endured physically and mentally are also enormous, which can be said to be unbearable for ordinary people of the same age.At that time, I really thought that I was already considered a particularly serious patient and urgently needed a doctor's rescue.

In addition, the doctor didn't know much about my condition at the time. He didn't know that I had just undergone surgery for gallstones in order to go to Nanjing to see a doctor. I was busy greeting the next patient, so I had no choice but to give up, and swallowed the words back in my throat.Thinking that things have been like this, I can only follow the hospital's arrangement.

Although I felt a little depressed after seeing the doctor, a big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.Because I finally figured out the real reason for my long-term irregular stones:
The culprit has never been my kidneys, it has always been a problem with my parathyroid glands that caused the kidney stones to grow.

Because the parathyroid gland is close to the thyroid gland in the neck of the human body, the space it occupies is very, very small, but it has a very key role in the health mechanism of the human body, that is, it can control the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the human body.Once there is a problem with the parathyroid gland, the balance of calcium and phosphorus will be disrupted, and the calcium in my body will grow wildly. As more and more calcium accumulates in the kidney, stones will form.

Now that the big stone has been removed, as long as the tumor is cut off and the parathyroid gland is cured, my stone disease can be cured without medicine.The kidneys will no longer grow stones randomly.In the future, I no longer need to drink water desperately every day. The doctor said that drinking too much water is actually a burden on the body.

Isn't this good news for me?
This means that I was a blessing in disguise, and I was right when I chose to work in Nanjing. In the dark, it seems that God has already arranged for me to heal my emotional wounds in this city, and heal me here. "Old disease".

This means that I will never have to roll in bed because of stone pain from now on; it means that I will not have to pour myself water in big cups, and I can still drink water and eat normally, and I can eat spinach and broccoli. In the past, doctors said that it was easy to form calcium carbonate, and it was a "healthy food" that was forced to fast.

Thinking of these, I couldn't help crying with joy.For so many years, they have not found the root of the problem. They always thought that my kidneys were not good, and they concluded that my kidneys were naturally prone to stone formation. .Actually that's not the case at all.

Thinking about it carefully, if I really believed in this wrong diagnosis, thought that I was hopeless, and gave up the follow-up and investigation, and gave up the treatment, I am afraid that my life would really be over.Because year after year, if I often do lithotripsy, my good kidney will be severely damaged by the shock wave, and the prototype will be completely destroyed.

Let's talk about the "tumor" on my neck. Now that I think about it, if it is malignant, I believe the doctor will be gentle and compassionate to me.It may be because the doctor's first judgment is benign based on his many years of medical practice experience, so he rushed to see me for the next patient, and he didn't forget to scold me.

In this way, I went back to the dormitory and waited silently for more than half a month before I came to the hospital to be notified of the news of hospitalization and preparation for surgery.The whole process of hospitalization and surgery, and the bitterness and bitterness during the period, I don’t want to describe it any more. I think that as long as the result is good, it is the greatest gift given to me by fate.

In the hospital, there are quite a lot of thyroid patients, which is not unusual at all.However, the concurrent cases of stones caused by parathyroid adenoma like me are not common, but there are "precedents" in medical history, and there are clear records.Just because there are so few cases, many small hospitals have never treated cases like mine.

The hospital also gave me a lot of special care. After the operation was successful, I was also invited to participate in the hospital's patient return visit academic exchange meeting as a successful case.

Director Yao told my mother after the operation that the operation was very successful.During the operation, it was found that the tumor blocked the blood vessels in my neck. With quick eyesight and quick hands, he bypassed the blood vessels and pulled out the tumor from the gap in the blood vessels.

It's amazing, I recovered very fast and very well after the operation, my recovery time is faster than the average patient, and other people will leave some ugly scars on their necks after surgery, but my neck did not fall A trace of scar.

After the sutures were removed, I rested at home for a month, and the skin texture on the surface completely returned to normal. My mother said in surprise: "Dr. Traces of surgery."

It is said that a long illness makes a doctor, which is true.Afterwards, I searched for Du Niang, and carefully studied the diseases I had. "Du Niang" told me that most diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands are caused by human emotions of great joy and sorrow.

——A study shows that thyroid disease, depression, and sudden death are the three major health killers of white-collar workers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

What is more noteworthy is that thyroid disease and depression are also inextricably linked.Mental factors are also the culprit leading to thyroid disease.When there are mental factors, such as mental trauma, rage and other incentives, the body's immunity is destroyed, the relevant cells are out of control, and their functions are mutated. With the help of helper T lymphocytes, a large number of thyroid glands are secreted, stimulating immunoglobulin autoantibodies and causing disease.

I was 35 years old that year. After experiencing another serious illness in my life, I began to realize: From the age of 25 to 35, in the past ten years, I have experienced two painful and tragic marriages with twists and turns, and the mania of first love Syndrome and violent control tendencies, once made me miserable and lost weight rapidly, and also made me cry bitterly and suffer from insomnia all night long.

At that time, I only knew that I had lost forty or fifty pounds in just two or three months. I didn't know that this huge mental trauma had completely defeated my parathyroid immune system.

Thinking about it carefully, it was in the second year after I divorced my first love that I first discovered a small stone in my kidney, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't straighten my waist.And how could the egg-like tumor grow to such a huge size within a year or two? As judged by the doctor, it must have started to "take root and sprout" quietly on my neck at that time.

Later, I experienced the second marriage of mishaps, years of emotional depression, three years of asexual marriage, and widowed family life, which made me suffer from minor illnesses and catastrophes, and even paid a heavy price, which intensified the madness of Mr. Tumor grow.

It wasn't until I struggled to get rid of the shackles of my dark marriage and came to Nanjing alone to start a new job and a new life that the spring of my life really began to kick off.

In this life, no one can go through the life smoothly and quietly without any waves. When you encounter the turbulent waves of fate, don't panic, don't just get down and lose your mind.As long as you are willing to stand up bravely and fight against fate and hardships, you will find many difficulties, but there are always more ways than difficulties. There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, there is no obstacle in life that cannot be overcome, only unwillingness to cross Hom people.

When we are young, we always think that we are strong and strong, and we are always "uncontrollable" or "uncontrollable" with great joy and sorrow. It is because we think that those terrible diseases that we have never heard of or seen before are impossible to get along with us or are far away from us. We will not wake up until our body sounds the alarm to us. One day in the future, without exception, we must repay ourselves.

(End of this chapter)

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