Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 25 Stubborn "stones"

Chapter 25 Stubborn "stones"

When many people choose a mate, there is always an unwritten condition deep in their genes, that is, they must have no family genetic history, be in good health, and have no hidden diseases.It is undeniable that when we choose a partner, unless we are fools, normal people will hope that the other half is healthy, alive and well, and has not suffered from "serious diseases".

After all, characters in novels like Lin Daiyu, few people will be happy in reality, their bodies are too fragile, their emotions are too delicate, they cannot withstand the "wind and rain" of reality, and they may fall down at any time, who can take it live?

But now I want to use my own personal experience to tell everyone without hesitation that in this world, only a very few lucky people have excellent physique and can live their entire lives without disease and disaster. They are healthy and worry-free. They really never get sick. Once a person gets sick, it may be devastating and completely overwhelming. On the contrary, people who often suffer from minor illnesses are not easy to die.

This kind of statement is the old people's "word of mouth" left by the experience, not necessarily in line with the facts, but it is also in line with some laws of the development of things. To some extent, minor illnesses and disasters are indeed your body in " Detox".

The vast majority of people in the world of mortals are contaminated with human fireworks, have experienced the vicissitudes of life, and at different stages of their lives, they will more or less encounter various diseases, some of which are as common as a bad cold and fever, while others are "not Ordinary” is so hard to guard against, once you don’t know enough and don’t handle it well, you will be killed by the “serious disease”.

But as long as it is not a terrible family genetic history, not a serious physical defect, nor a serious disease that is difficult to cure so far, we cannot strictly demand that the future partner never suffer from any serious illness.And most people, even if they are seriously ill, are unlikely to let you know.

Everyone in this world may get sick. If a person really loves you, he will be reluctant to see you suffer, and will definitely be willing to accompany you to bravely face the trials and tribulations of life.In the same way, if you really love someone, you will not abandon him cruelly just because he has some diseases that are completely curable.

When a major illness and disaster suddenly visits, if you are still single and haven't found your lover, you can't give up on yourself, you must stabilize your mentality.

The reason why the body gets sick must have a source, because we used to treat the body bit by bit, and the environment has the slightest "influence" on the body, which will accumulate over time and slowly evolve into a "disease" of the body. ".

Getting sick is not entirely a bad thing. It will warn you to take care of it more seriously and focus on treating it well, and cherish every day you are living now.

It is said that those who have almost "died" once will know how to cherish life more. This is not "chicken soup" for inspiration, but "truth" in the world. ——

Just in the second year after the divorce, when my work and career were doing well, God once gave me a "life and death disaster".

Time switches back to Nanjing in 2017. At that time, I got rid of the entanglement of my unfortunate marriage, and paid more and more attention to the management of my body. I was full of energy every day, and lived a carefree and colorful single life. Let everyone When everyone was extremely envious, who would have thought that an accident would happen suddenly.

One day I ran 5.2 kilometers on the treadmill and went to the toilet in the bathroom of the gym. When I got up, I saw a puddle of "blood" in the urinal of the toilet for no reason.

Because my period hadn’t arrived yet, I suddenly urinated and bled. My first reaction was: Could it be that I exercised too much tonight and caused internal bleeding?I immediately denied this hypothesis, because I often ran 5 or 6 kilometers before, and I have never had bleeding at this intensity before, and this time it was not excessive, so it cannot be caused by this reason.At that time, I couldn't think of any other reasons for bleeding, so I wanted to observe again.

As a result, on the second day and the third day, there was slight bleeding for several days in a row. I became nervous because I had kidney stones before, and the stones could not be passed out smoothly after drinking Chinese medicine. During this period, I had undergone extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.

I suspect that my kidney is having problems again.

The doctor often told me before: usually exercise more, drink plenty of water, at least seven glasses a day, do not eat food that is easy to form uric acid, otherwise the stones will grow again, after one time, if you do not pay attention, there are still not many If you do exercise without drinking water, you will form a physique that is prone to stone formation.

So I kept it in my heart, and I practiced it myself, for fear that one day the task would not be completed in place, and I would suffer from stones again.

But the strange thing is, how could I get stones again at this time, even though I have performed well?
With such doubts, I asked for leave and went to the hospital.I don’t know if I don’t check it. I almost didn’t get scared to death after checking it. The doctor said that I had a “big stone” with a diameter of five or six centimeters and shaped like a “pebble” on my kidney. It grows in the most embarrassing position - at the corner of the kidney, so it cannot be crushed directly by extracorporeal shock wave surgery. Extracorporeal shock wave surgery may directly injure the kidney and cause life-threatening.

During the examination, the doctor frowned and kept saying, "It's strange, why is it so strange, your kidneys are in a strange shape, and if you always develop stones, it is likely that further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis."

The doctor was hesitant to speak, and I couldn't help filling my mind with a lot of terrible conditions. I searched for similar diseases on the Internet, and said that this disease is probably incurable, and I will continue to develop stones until my kidney failure.

I saw those specious descriptions and judgments on the Internet, and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. The hands holding the CD and the case were shaking. I sat in the corridor of the hospital, crying helplessly.

I asked God: Why did you do this to me?Why have I always faced life so positively and courageously, experienced so many ups and downs, I have not exiled myself, abandoned myself, and have been trying to become a better self, why do you still refuse to let me go?Are you really going to take my young life so cruelly?I still have dreams that have not been fulfilled, I haven’t met my true son, I haven’t had children, I haven’t even experienced the happiness of loving and being loved, I haven’t been filial to my mother, and I haven’t repayed her for her upbringing. I still have a lot of things I want to do, and I don't want to die like this.

After crying, I suddenly figured it out, and I said to myself: Feifei, the result hasn't come out yet, we can't scare ourselves to death.It means death anyway, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope for life, we cannot give up on ourselves.Crying can't solve any problems. Now we must adjust our mentality and face it positively.

Sometimes I really admire my natural self-motivation character, which can help me make quick adjustments and countermeasures in any critical situation.I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past, so I have learned to talk to "God", and I have become more and more good at talking to my "soul".

Crying is my pity for the situation I am in. I know it needs to release the sadness and release the pressure. I stop crying because I understand that crying all the time is not going to solve anything. It will make things worse. The best way out is to buy "time" for yourself.

So I took a leave of absence from the company and went back to seek help from "acquaintances".Because there is a ready-made "doctor" at home, his friend Dr. Li is also the director of the lithotripsy department, so he consulted him for treatment advice.When Dr. Li heard about stones, his first reaction was to do lithotripsy.I thought to myself that my kidneys are in good shape, and if I do a few more extracorporeal shock wave surgeries, I will really be beaten more and more badly.

But when he saw such a large stone, he was dumbfounded and said: If it must be broken, as long as you are willing to sign the operation agreement, I can do it.But we are not responsible if life is in danger.

When my family heard him say this, they immediately said that it was not feasible, that they could not make fun of life, and that they should think of other methods.

Because I always remember that the expert doctor at Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital said that my calcium and phosphorus index was seriously out of balance, and asked me to do another blood test to see if there was any problem with the thyroid gland.

I told the doctor myself that I wanted to do this test.But the doctor in my hometown didn't take this matter to heart.Their focus has always been on how to solve this huge "pebble", and I didn't insist anymore, because I am not a doctor after all, and I don't understand how the stones in my kidney are related to the thyroid gland in my neck?In addition, the doctor didn't mention this matter, so I didn't mention it again.

Later we went to the urology department of Nantong Affiliated Hospital. My aunt recommended the most powerful expert doctor in urology at that time and introduced us to each other.The doctor took a pen and drew me a diagram of the structure of the kidney on paper, and began to demonstrate to me:
"Such large stones cannot be broken by extracorporeal shock waves. At present, we have two methods to remove the stones. One is to guide the catheter of the holmium laser into the kidney for treatment. Holmium laser surgery is less invasive and heals quickly after surgery, but Your calculus is in an awkward position. At this right-angled corner, even if the tube is introduced into the port, it may not be able to go deep into the corner to suck out the calculus. That is to say, even if we take this risky operation, the result of the operation is [-]% to [-]%. It will end in failure, spending a lot of money in vain and suffering a big crime. The best result is that it can only help you remove a small part of the stones, but the cost of an operation is high, and the intubation needs to be introduced in advance, and the whole process, including the intubation, will be experienced Very guilty.

When he said this, I nodded vigorously, because I had already deeply experienced the pain of intubation when pancreatitis broke out last time.So I quickly asked: "What about another method?"

He went on to say: "The other method is traditional surgery, which is to introduce an incision on the surface of the skin at the position of the kidney, and then penetrate the kidney to remove the stone."

He said that the latter is the operation with the highest safety factor and the highest success rate.Because this technology has gone through many years of practical tests, it has been proven to be effective and has the lowest risk factor.

However, the low risk factor does not mean that there is no risk. The doctor's assistant found me two days before the official operation and asked me to sign the operation agreement. He described all the possible risks of the operation to me vividly. I was also confused about the technical terminology, but when he said that the operation may cause hemorrhage of the kidney, and then he died of shock, I heard it very clearly and understood it very well.

In an instant, a great sadness welled up in my heart. I was still young, and I was about to risk my life for this operation. Tears welled up in my eyes. I cried and said to my mother: "I don't want to have this operation, can you let me do it?" Try holmium laser surgery first?"

My mother disagreed, so I sat up from the hospital bed all of a sudden, ran outside and burst into tears, I felt really uncomfortable and uncomfortable!My mother chased me out of the ward and advised me to go back and sign. I cried and shouted at my mother: Why is God so unfair to me?I am only in my early thirties, but the ups and downs and tribulations I have experienced one after another, when will it end?Without surgery, I may die if the stones cannot be removed, but with surgery, I may also die.If I sign the agreement, what if I die?
My mother saw me crying like a tearful person, and her eyes turned red.But she held back her tears and said to me: "Feifei, I understand your feelings. If you are sad, you can cry out loud. But after crying, you still have to do surgery. You have to trust the doctor's skills. The probability is very low.”

I actually understood the truth of what my mother said, but at that moment I deeply felt that life was so weak in front of the disease. I was afraid that something would happen to me, and I wanted to live without risk.

But there has never been such a thing as "safety" in hospital operations. Before each operation, the doctor will describe the worst possibility to the person involved.

But no matter how worried and afraid I was of the worst possibility, I finally defeated my inner fear with bravery and rationality.If I want to get better, the first step is to move this big rock out of my body.

If I don't have the surgery, I might die, but after the surgery, I can recover my health.So surgery was done after all, and it was very successful.

With the development of modern medical technology, the operation process can be described in four words for the operated patients, that is, "unconsciousness".

I just remember that I was pushed into the operating room by the doctor and put on the operating table. The doctor put me on a medical device like an oxygen mask. Within a minute, I felt myself falling asleep, and my consciousness began to blur until I completely lost consciousness. .

During the two hours of the operation, my body and consciousness disappeared out of thin air as if I was completely "out of it", and it seemed that during those two hours, my soul was replaced into another "nothingness" world and fell asleep. After waking up, the soul returns to the body, and the consciousness returns to the brain.

I heard the whispers of doctors and nurses around me, and the sound of the rollers of the stretcher bed being pushed. I tried to open my eyes, and slowly saw the other stretcher beds beside me, lying motionless patients waiting for surgery. , I also saw a bottle of saline dripping on my head, and I felt pain in my waist, but it was not obvious.The strength of the general anesthesia has not yet passed, and my body's consciousness has not yet recovered.

The most difficult time had just begun. Two hours later, the strength of the anesthetic wore off, and my stomach began to ache violently.The nurse lady began to come over to work.They stuffed my buttocks with painkillers, and gave me painkillers.I was still in so much pain that I had the illusion that I was going to die. I couldn't sleep at all at night, and I kept asking my mother: I am in pain, Mom, will I die?

Poor parents all over the world, my father passed away early, every time I endure the pain of purgatory in the human world, it is my mother who is like a "living Bodhisattva", guarding my bedside to accompany me through the difficulties.Seeing me hurt, she also felt uncomfortable, and also suffered from physical and mental suffering, staying with me all night without sleep.

My body hurts a lot, but I can’t move around, because there is something on my back. I don’t know what it’s called in medicine. It's my lifeline, and it comes with a plastic bag that helps filter my urine.

After a day and a night of continuous pain, the pain gradually began to decrease and finally disappeared.I can sleep with my eyes closed.But because the catheter was inserted on the right side and it was placed on the waist, it was very uncomfortable to lie down, and I couldn't sleep well. I had to be careful not to touch the wound at all times, so I always turned my body to the other side.

Half a month later, the stitches could be removed and I could be discharged from the hospital, but the nightmare was not over yet.

Because the large stone was taken out, the doctor said that during the operation, some broken stones may still remain in the body, and a catheter needs to be placed in the body to completely export the remaining broken stones, otherwise the broken stones will cause severe pain.In other words, the two tubes had to stay with me in my body for a month and a half before they could be removed.

With two catheters in the body, it is very painful for a person to move, accompanied by slight pain.On the outside, I look fine, but in fact, when I walk, the two tubes are always rubbing against my body, and I can often see blood stains when I go to the toilet to urinate.

Because the affiliated hospital only helped me remove the stone, but no doctor could explain why I suddenly developed a large stone from the small stone at the beginning to a few years later.

If it is really because I lack exercise and drink less boiled water that stones grow, then over the years, I force myself to drink so much boiled water every day, run and aerobics every three days and pay attention to exercise, it is completely unreasonable for stones to grow "crazy". Moreover, my family has never had any genetic history of kidney disease, so what went wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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