Natural beauty, inspirational nature

Chapter 53 I want to fly higher

Chapter 53 I want to fly higher
Although the thought of Xiao Yu'er's heartless departure made me feel depressed and uncomfortable, but I quickly adjusted my mentality. I don't want myself to be indulging in sad emotions, so I told myself:
What a big deal, you two have never been in love in the real world.He is just a passer-by in your life, not worth your troubles.You still have to think about your own career, how to go next.

I didn't dare to submit my resignation report hastily before I found my next employer.But at that time, I had already made up my mind to leave my job, so I started to search for jobs related to my major and matching my qualifications and capabilities on online job search platforms.

To be honest, Changzhou is a second-tier city, not like City S. It is still very difficult to find a job with a higher salary than the current unit.

Because my expected salary is 1+, I swear that I will find a new job with a higher salary than the current one.In this way, it is worthwhile for me to jump ship.

Since I have experience working in first-tier cities, or as a technical partner, I have executed projects with my boss. I am very good at talking to the top management of the company. I am very clear about my advantages and what value I can create for the company. , these are my strengths.So I have clearly marked these strengths in my resume.

After I uploaded my resume online, soon a boss took the initiative to invite me for an interview.

First, a cosmetic and plastic surgery medical institution with the same nature as the job I am currently engaged in, their planning director added me on WeChat before I went to the interview, and repeatedly invited me to come and sit down when I was free.

After careful consideration, I feel that opportunities are rare. Shopping malls are like battlefields. In the business world, there are no eternal friends or eternal enemies. Today we are still colleagues, but tomorrow we may become competitors.

Animals living in virgin forests must follow the jungle law of "survival of the fittest and the jungle of the jungle". The same is true in the workplace.

The attitude of the boss towards me determines that I will recite the so-called kindness of knowing you, and it is meaningless to continue to suffer in MG.

My position is no longer possible to climb up. Since the boss can only focus on profit and ruthlessly "abandon me", why should I hang myself on a tree?

So I took this step without any hesitation. After making an appointment with the other party on the weekend, I took the subway to the unit.Their director of planning greeted me warmly and took me to their hospital for a tour.

Their directors are clear in their hearts that I am a high-quality employee trained by their competitors. Although I have only worked in MG for a short year, I have accumulated a lot of work experience in this industry during this year. It doesn't take three months or longer to train me, I can directly create value for the company.

And in the past year or so, I have designed many brilliant commercial works. MG is well-known in the industry. Two-thirds of the advertisements produced by the company every season are basically my works. High-speed rail stations, BRT bus stations, subway stations, shopping malls, elevators... I can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys. design works.

Naturally, the other party has also seen our street advertisements, and they already have a preliminary impression and evaluation of my design level without the need for me to present my design works.

So their director admired me very much and tried hard to get me to go to work.But in the end it was me who hesitated.

After seeing their hospital office base, I was a little disappointed. Although the scale is not small, it is still not as big as MG, and the facilities and equipment do not seem very formal.

MG has a single building, which is built according to the decoration design standard and decoration quality requirements of a professional beauty hospital, with an elegant environment and first-class equipment.

And their family is only in a commercial building, renting one of the floors.

It has been more than a year since MG was completed, and more than half a year since it was officially opened, and they have just started to complete the decoration, and there is still time to filter out radon, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, esters, trichlorethylene and other harmful chemicals in the air.As soon as people walk in, they can smell the pungent decoration smell.

Because the office has not officially opened to the outside world, the planning director has just been recruited by the boss. The company's planning and design team has yet to be recreated. Their office room is temporarily arranged in a civilian commodity house next to the commercial building. .

Following him to the office, I saw that it was a storage room of more than 20 square meters, and there was a set of desks with four seats in it.

I asked, "Aren't the other colleagues here?"

He said: "Two have gone out to run errands, and one designer has left. This is only a temporary office. When our hospital is fully renovated and officially starts business, we will move there to work. It's just temporary. The transition phase is tougher."

Obviously, it is impossible for me to give up my original job with good salary for a job that has not officially started business and the office environment has not yet been renovated.

And my ideal position is planning and design director, obviously this position is no longer my share.After visiting their office and residence, I wanted to get up and say goodbye.

The planning director looked unwilling to let me go, talking endlessly about their company's future prospects and blueprint, and wanted to let me chat for a while.

I began to listen to him with a smile out of politeness, but he didn't want to stop talking for a long time, so I had to interrupt him and tell him that I don't think this job is suitable for me, and I have something to go .

In addition to this company in the same industry inviting me to an interview, within two days, the boss of another milk tea raw material supplier called me and informed me to go for an interview.

I saw that the salary they offered on the recruitment website was 1.2 to 1.5, and I was delighted. This salary is much higher than the salary level of MG.

Correspondingly, the requirements for applicants for this position have also raised a new level, because they are recruiting planning and design directors, not ordinary advertising graphic designers.

I think this time the "supply and demand" requirements are finally matched perfectly.With my ability, I can definitely challenge this position.

It's just that this company is located in another district of the city, which is a little far away. For this reason, I specially asked the company for half a day off, and got up early to go to the interview.

The boss is about the same age as my mother, in her 60s, of medium build, slightly thin, with a nice smile and a very amiable appearance.Seeing my arrival, he asked his subordinates to make me a cup of Longjing tea.

He cut to the chase and told me that their company was originally a supplier of "raw materials" for milk tea companies. As a well-known manufacturer of milk tea raw materials, they have served many famous milk tea brand companies at home and abroad.

The boss talked eloquently and told me: “The raw material cost of a cup of milk tea is not expensive, but after selling it to a milk tea brand company, the value can be doubled.

Milk tea brand companies directly earn very considerable profits.In view of the booming milk tea business in direct-operated brand stores in recent years, we have gradually realized that we can no longer rely solely on providing raw materials to make money, but can completely produce and sell them ourselves. While being a raw material manufacturer, we can also establish our own unique Milk tea brand, this two-pronged approach, the company can also earn higher market profits.

Then, under the impetus of this plan, the company has gradually begun to establish its own milk tea brand in the past two years.However, milk tea brands in the market continue to appear like bamboo shoots after spring, and it is not so easy for a new brand to gain a firm foothold in the market. "

The boss speaks softly, logically and methodically.After listening to his introduction, I have a preliminary understanding of this industry.

He also told me that they collaborated with the Taiwanese to design a self-owned brand called "Zhuyu", which is taking the "light luxury" route for customers aged 30+.

In the one year since its launch, the results have been mediocre. The annual turnover of the two stores in trial operation in WX City can be described as "deteriorating".

So the boss wants to set up a planning department in the company, set up a creative design team, overthrow the old brand design image, and redesign two brand LOGOs: one takes the light luxury route, focusing on the "white-collar class", and the other takes the "cute style". closer to young people.

He hopes that the brand image created by the new design team will bring more traffic to the company and increase the purchase rate of customers.

After the boss gave such a detailed introduction, I became very interested in the company's products and brand vision.

The thinking in my brain is turning fast, and I quickly make an on-the-spot assessment of whether this industry is worth joining:
I think that first of all, the milk tea industry is developing rapidly in China and has a very broad market prospect.

Secondly, this company has been in the business of milk tea raw materials for more than ten or twenty years, and it can be said to be a "time-honored" raw material manufacturer.Manufacturers that can provide raw materials to high-end milk tea brand stores must be of excellent quality.

Third, raw material manufacturers have been upgraded to brand manufacturers, which have unique resource advantages. The only reason why the current market benefits are minimal is the brand image packaging and advertising campaigns.

And this one happens to be my professional strength.

So I sincerely expressed my great interest in this industry to the boss, and offered to see their original brand LOGO.

Because you only listen to what the other party says without seeing the real thing, it is difficult for you to truly understand the difficulties the brand is currently facing, and it is also difficult to make bold plans and assumptions about how to improve in the future.

The boss was also very straightforward, and immediately took out his mobile phone and forwarded the decoration drawings and LOGO design drawings of their two existing stores to me.

He said: This is a plan we asked an outside advertising company to design.

After I saw it, I felt a sudden surprise, because it was obviously a milk tea brand, but the LOGO had a pattern like "kebab".

The entire store design completely loses the atmosphere of a milk tea shop. If you don’t walk into the store and take a closer look, you will really think that this is a shop that sells skewers instead of milk tea.

I smiled and said: The original intention of the designer must be to embody the essence of milk tea "Zhuyu". Unfortunately, the shape of this font is mutated, the strokes are too thin, and the thin arms and legs lack vividness and fullness. This is a milk tea brand LOGO.Those who didn’t know thought your house sold skewers.

Consumers seldom think of milk tea spontaneously from the image of "Pearl". This kind of thing that needs to be turned around can only be turned around. Consumers simply don't have the time to think about it.

What they need is a brand image that is memorable and recognizable at a glance as a representative of milk tea.For example, the LOGO of "Hey Tea" is a simple side face of a boy holding a teacup and drinking tea.The word "Happy Tea" is engraved on the teacup.

Although it is an extremely ordinary shape for drinking tea, it can let the public understand at the first time that we are a tea brand, and it is simple and clear to convey to consumers that they are a professional tea maker. .

Coupled with some advertising and marketing methods, it creates a hot atmosphere where everyone queues up to buy, making the brand quietly and deeply rooted in the hearts of the public, which can widely increase the brand's popularity. "

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. The boss immediately expressed his affirmation and appreciation for my eloquent comments and analysis.

The more the two of us chatted, the more speculative and excited we became. The interview lasted for three hours.

From the current brand LOGO design, the boss talked about the company's great vision for the future, and said that if I am willing to join their company, I will reorganize and create the planning and design team in the future, and I can recruit talents according to the needs of the department.He feels that the salary can fully meet my expectations.

My salary requirement at that time was 1.5W, and the boss agreed.I thought to myself: Maxima often exists, but bole does not often exist.The boss who does not hesitate to spend a lot of money to recruit talents is generous enough.

In fact, I have always attached great importance to interviews with senior leaders, because only when you can fully understand and agree with the boss's thinking logic, strategic vision, and even philosophy of life, can you join this company in the future and be able to work hard in the future. Job positioning, market analysis, and when performing operations, you will not let yourself be in the embarrassing state of "going against your will" and "forced to drive" for a long time, and reluctantly put yourself into work.

During the interview, the boss asked me: "I have been in the field of advertising design for more than ten years. Do you have any advertising resources for excellent photographers who understand photography, still life shooting and video shooting?"

I said, "Yes, there is an excellent photographer and editor born in the 90s in the unit I work for right now." I was talking about the ink "children's shoes".

He said: "That's great, you can send me some of his works later." I said: "Okay, this is no problem, just leave it to me."

So after the interview, I called Moji as soon as possible, and I said that I went to the Xinbei District for an interview this morning.

He wasn't surprised at all, and said slowly, "Sister Feifei is rich, what was the result of the interview?"

"Everything went well during the interview. The boss thought I was very suitable for their position and planned to recruit me as a project manager."

"Really, that's pretty good. Sister Feifei, congratulations, I just said that our sister Feifei is the best. After all, it's Sister Feifei, who got the new job so quickly." Mo Ji became excited all of a sudden, Sincerely happy for me.

"Haha, don't praise me. At present, this company does not have a planning department, and the design jobs are all hired by designers from outside advertising companies. The boss wants to establish his own planning department, just when there is a shortage of people. This time This company is a raw material for milk tea, with a wide variety of products. Recently, they have a plan to shoot and archive all the company's products for future advertising design and promotion.

Therefore, in addition to recruiting designers, we are also looking for excellent photographers who can cooperate with us.The boss asked me to recommend some outstanding talents, and I immediately thought of you.Can you send me some of your previous short video works? "

I cut straight to the point, went straight to the point, and sent an invitation to Moji to cooperate, and Moji readily agreed.Because I know that Mo Ji's family is not well off, besides working at MG during the day, I also work several part-time jobs at night.

He said, "What else do you need, Sister Fei, just ask."

I said: "Have you ever taken still life works? It's better to send more still life works."

He said: "There are still lifes, but there haven't been many in the past two years. I'll go back and search as much as I can, and I'll choose some and send them to you. Sister Fei's request will definitely be fulfilled."

It is really gratifying to have such a good colleague and a good "buddy" who can share the blessings and hardships of your career with you.

Everyone says that there is no pure friendship between boys and girls. In fact, I think this is not the case. If there is no love between boys and girls of the opposite sex, it is only out of understanding and appreciation among friends. It is completely possible to get along with the same sex.

This is just a kind of "work together" friendship. You lend a helping hand when I need help, and I will give you some spiritual comfort and support when you are down.

It has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, but it maintains a tacit blessing of "communication".

When I first went to MG, I was squeezed out by my colleagues and scolded by my manager. When I felt that I couldn’t tell the truth to anyone, it was Moji who stood up for me silently and bravely spoke good words for me in front of the leaders.Once he ran to the leaders without saying a word and told them: I can testify for Sister Fei....

When the company held a large-scale event in the hotel, I went out to buy things, and suddenly it rained heavily. I didn’t bring an umbrella, and I walked helplessly on the main road. I jumped to the corridor of a building to hide from the rain, and I couldn’t get through to other colleagues on the phone, and no one responded to me when I sent messages.

There is only Mo Ji, this tall and strong boy with a silly smile and squinted eyes, I only sent a message, and he left the event immediately, brought me an umbrella, and escorted me to safety Go back to the hotel.

Once I said to him: "Moji, do you know why I am only willing to talk to you in the whole company, but not in front of others?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't know, why?"

I said, "Because other colleagues, in the face of interests, only protect themselves and don't consider others. Only you know how to be considerate of others and consider others. When you are outnumbered and reprimanded, you will always be in a silly and happy state. It is easy-going, humility and tolerance for others. You have a kind and upright quality in your heart, which makes me feel that you are trustworthy. That's why I am willing to share secrets with you and talk about everything to you."

He laughed straight after listening to it, and as usual, he had a silly and silly expression: "Me too! I think Sister Feifei is very sincere and kind. You are also talented and polite to others. So I am also willing Treat you as a friend."

So you see, who said there is no pure friendship between men and women?When innocence meets kindness, anything is possible.He has his girlfriend, and I have a boy I like. We feel that we maintain the sense of proportion and comfortable distance that should exist between the opposite sex.

For this interview, I gained a lot. I had a good conversation with the boss. Not only did I learn a lot of business experience, but I also found a position where I can fully utilize my overall management ability.

(End of this chapter)

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