Chapter 80

I don’t know when I fell in love with Xiaoyu, I only know that when we first met on the Internet, when we chatted well with each other in the online world, I saw the factory on fire, and I couldn’t help thinking that I missed him safety;
During the period when we were disconnected, I saw the bridge deck on the highway collapsed and a car was crushed. I would immediately wonder if the driver was safe, and I would be afraid that I would never see him again;
When the epidemic broke out, I would unconsciously pay attention to the epidemic in Japan every day, hoping that he could return home safely.

Maybe my love for him has been breeding for a long time, and I didn't even realize it at first.But if this fate is just me in unrequited love from the beginning to the end, then I don't think it makes any sense.

I often think that Xiaoyu's trip to Japan was affected by the epidemic to some extent. During those days of visiting Japan, they must also often worry about not being able to buy masks, and live under the shadow of the epidemic every day.

I estimated that considering his own safety, he should have embarked on the journey back to China not long after the Lunar New Year.

Sure enough, half a month later, I learned from the doorman uncle that their factory had started working normally in mid-February, and Xiaoyu had already taken the letter I sent him from the reception room a week ago. I breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in my heart fell.

But he didn't reply to my letter, and he didn't find a way to give me any reply for all the questions I mentioned in the letter. I'm still a little disappointed.

The landlord in Changzhou sent me a message asking me when I will pay the next quarter's rent.

I was confused, because the new job has not been found yet, and I don't know whether my next stage of work is far or close to the place where I rented the house, and I haven't lived there for almost two months. The empty customs are there, but the rent can't be less, and it can't be paid every quarter.I couldn't help feeling a little anxious inside.

I discussed with the landlord's aunt: the impact of the epidemic situation, the original work has not been done, and the money is a bit tight now, can it be changed to January?There are still two weeks left in this month. I will go to find a job first. If I can find a suitable job in the urban area, I will pay next month's rent.If I can't find it, I'm going to leave Changzhou and go back to my hometown to develop. I will definitely pay you the remaining half month's rent before I leave.

When the landlord aunt first saw my request, she was a little emotional. She sent several voice messages saying that it would be difficult for their family to be affected by the epidemic, and strongly urged me to pay the rent for the next quarter in advance.

Later, she suddenly figured it out on her own, relaxed her attitude, and agreed to my request, probably because during the epidemic, she would not be able to find another house for a while, so it would be meaningless to argue with me.If she can relax the requirements, I may continue to rent there after I find a job.

In previous years, before China’s Lantern Festival was over, many units had already started work before the festival. At the beginning of 2020, local governments issued multiple orders, requiring everyone except for certain groups with special employment needs to continue working. Self-isolation at home.

Because the inflection point of the epidemic has not yet arrived, the number of infected people in various provinces and cities has been controlled, but it continues to increase, and the fight against the epidemic is still difficult.

The epidemic has just been brought under control. If at this time, once the high-speed intersections and railway transportation around the country are unsealed, a large number of migrant workers will return to work, which may detonate the epidemic again. Therefore, many companies have told their employees to stay at home and wait for the notice of resumption of work.Most companies simply arrange for employees to work remotely from home, and schools have even started an online teaching mode.

Everyone is eager to go to work as soon as possible like never before. In previous years, when the holidays came, they wished that the holidays could be longer and longer. days at work.

In fact, retreat is just a retreat. Most people can endure the days when there is food and drink, but the most worrying thing is that such days seem to end at an unknown time, because throughout February and March, people are infected with the new crown virus. numbers are still rising.

There is a saying "sit and eat", most people are forced to stay at home due to the epidemic, and the savings they earned years ago are slowly being used up. It has been a long time since the start of the new year, but the income on the card has gradually become negative.Everyone is not feeling well.

It is said that falling in love with a person is falling in love with a city.It is not an exaggeration to describe me at this time.

Because of the epidemic, many people have given up their plans to go back to foreign countries to work hard. They plan to find another job in their hometown after the epidemic stabilizes, and live a stable and stable life from then on.

But I am "in Caoying, my heart is in Han", and I always look forward to meeting the male god in my heart one day in Changzhou, a city with small fish.Although I also feel that the hope of that is very slim, but I still want to give it a try.

The probability of meeting someone who loves each other in one's life is like winning the lottery, and the probability of meeting someone you really want to protect and cherish unconditionally is only about one in a billion.

Some people don't know what true love is all their lives. They chase their lives for fame and fortune, and get married for the sake of getting married. They have never really loved or been loved with their hearts. The life I want.

Before confirming whether the male god is really in love, I don't want to give up this fate easily.

I picked up where I fell down. I decided to start again in Changzhou and find a decent job. I also decided to stay in Changzhou to learn how to drive well and get a driver's license.

Although I know that during the epidemic, all things that were not difficult at first have virtually increased the degree of difficulty, but I still want to continue to struggle for my ideals; I also want to stay in his city and continue to work hard for the one I love.

During the two days when I was about to leave my hometown and go to Changzhou, my cousin started asking acquaintances to introduce me to someone, and even privately sent me WeChat to the other boy. The boy added me, and I accepted the addition out of politeness.

But I can't tolerate any other boys except Xiaoyu at all in my heart. Boys take the initiative to find topics and chat with me. I respond perfunctorily, and sometimes I don't bother to reply.

The matchmaker is an aunt who is about the same age as my mother. She probably learned about our chatting situation from the boy, so she specially added me on WeChat and sent me a bunch of voice messages, persuading me that I should make a good match with the other party.

I saw that the piles of voice messages were all oversized. My aunt didn’t know Mandarin, and she spoke Wuxi’s dialect plus colored Mandarin. I tried to click on two of them and listened to them.

At the beginning, she just praised the boy, saying that he is a cadre in the village, a civil servant, how good he is, how he is motivated, and how he matches me. Later, she became more and more outrageous, and began to belittle me, saying: "You are already like this , Don’t you know how to take advantage of such a good opportunity? Why don’t you hurry up when it’s time to meet?”

I was a little unhappy when she said this, and I said: "Auntie, what do you mean I am like this? May I ask what happened to me? He and I are both divorced and have no children. No one is worse than the other. They are still very good. , But they are all people who have experienced ups and downs in their marriages. In my reality, there are many boys who like many boys. If I think I like each other, I will fight for it and grasp it. I hope you can give us more space for autonomy."

Later, when the boy learned that I was going to work in Changzhou, he offered to pick me up at Changzhou Station, and said he would take me to my hometown in Wuxi (his home is located at the junction of Changzhou and Wuxi) for a meal, but I refused.

I reply directly: sorry, you are excellent, but not my type.The boy just gave up.

I feel that when I already have someone in my heart, accepting invitations from other boys and trying other opportunities for love is a bit of a betrayal of my own heart.

And what I hate the most is going against my heart and doing things I don't want to do.In addition, the epidemic has not been fully controlled, and people are still being infected in every city. I think that in such a critical period, going out to see more people will cause more trouble for yourself, and it will also increase the burden on the government and hospitals.

When my mother heard that I rejected a boy without thinking again, she wanted to reprimand me, but before she could speak, I preempted her and pretended to be angry and said, "When is this, are you still going on a blind date? You said that gatherings are not allowed, and a blind date is considered Small gatherings. You didn’t hear Grandpa Zhong Nanshan say that the inflection point of the epidemic has not yet arrived, let’s persevere, we will win if we persevere to the end! Mr. Zhu, we should listen to the party’s orders, obey the party’s command in all actions, and follow the party.”

It was the first time I refused a blind date, and when I spoke so confidently, my mother took no chance against me and complained: "Hey, the epidemic, the epidemic, the epidemic is bad, and you don't go on blind dates for a day, and you don't talk about love? It's about to You have become a five-guarantee household, and it will be up to you when the time comes!"

In the past two years, my mother often talked about the five-guarantee households in front of me, so I specifically checked the concept of the five-guarantee households on the Internet. Burial (orphans are guardians).

The five guarantee objects refer to the elderly, disabled and minors in rural areas who have no working ability, no source of income, no legal support obligor, or have legal support obligor but have no ability to provide support.

Because I have been single for a long time, my mother is worried that I will become a single old man in the future. I will have no children, that is, no legal support obligor.

But after I checked the relevant information, I was so sad to find that I was not the object of protection for the five guarantees households at all.Because although I have worked intermittently in the past ten years and have not stayed in the same house for ten or eight years, social security is a record of continuous cumulative working years. I have contributed my labor force to this society, and the accumulated working years have reached over ten years.

In the future, as long as I have paid 15 years of endowment insurance before retirement, I will be able to receive the national retirement salary after retirement.So it is not my turn to become a member of the five-guarantee household.

In addition, none of them knew, and there was always a knot in my heart that I couldn't let go of.I think when I have a chance later, I must ask my male god personally: Did you send that long message, or your girlfriend?I also want to confirm for myself whether he really made a new girlfriend.

In other words, at that time, I still had fantasies about Xiaoyu, hoping that he didn't really have a girlfriend, and that I still had a chance to go back to the beginning with him.

It is with such a knot in my heart that I returned to Changzhou ahead of schedule. Of course, I am as wise and rational as I am. I definitely did not go to a distant place just because of this personal relationship with my son and daughter. I am also responsible for my own development. Longer-term career planning and planning.

When the vast majority of people were still waiting at home for the inflection point of the epidemic to be safe, I took the lead in returning to my residence by the Grand Canal in the city ahead of schedule.Because I think I have to plan ahead. Now is a difficult time for all walks of life. Many companies are facing layoffs and bankruptcy, and the market is depressed.

I said to my mother: "Crisis, crisis, danger must also mean the emergence of opportunities. In this case, there must be many people who choose to stay at home instead of working for safety reasons, so there must be many job vacancies correspondingly." Come out, I will go back earlier, I can submit my resume earlier, and get more interview opportunities earlier. At this stage, I will have a wider range of choices.”

On the bus from Nantong to Changzhou, I saw that everyone was wearing a mask, and there were two seats in each row. Originally, there were two seats, but now they are arranged for only one person, so as to ensure that the distance between people is maintained. at a distance of one meter.

When we arrived in Changzhou, at the entrance of the station, the subway station, the entrance of the real estate community, the entrance of the shopping mall, and the entrance of each place, temperature measurement and inspection personnel were arranged. They wore white protective clothing and were fully armed. Where did we come from and where are we going? , No matter where you go, the temperature measurement and code scanning have never missed a single step. ——This is China's epidemic prevention and control. During the epidemic, you can grasp your itinerary and personal health information in real time, and truly achieve the epidemic prevention and control work without revealing anything.

After arriving in the community, I remembered that the refrigerator at home was empty.The firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea were all used up before leaving the community years ago.Then I took the luggage back to the room, turned on the disinfection light, and closed the door to disinfect the luggage first.After disinfection, I immediately put on a mask and went to the market to buy vegetables.

This is the first time I went out to buy vegetables during the epidemic, and I was still in a foreign land.

I was a little excited, walking by the canal, looking around, the park by the lake was empty.After two months, when I saw the antique pier and the sparkling lake again, I suddenly felt as if it was a lifetime ago. The lake water in front of me was clearer, and the sky above my head seemed to be bluer.

From where I live to the vegetable market, I have to cross a bridge and walk for one or two kilometers. On the way, I feel both nervous and excited. I shouted loudly to Changzhou, which is very peaceful at the moment: I hope God blesses me. The epidemic will pass sooner.Changzhou, here I am, with my dream!Xiaoyu, here I come again, with my love for you.Can you feel it?We all need to be safe and sound, not one less!
In the vegetable market, as usual, you need to undergo a temperature test. When buying vegetables, because you wear a mask, you unconsciously have a little more confidence when bargaining, and you are not so shy. I bought a lot of vegetables, so they gave me a lot of discounts, and got rid of all the odds for me. Before leaving, the family even grabbed a bunch of chives and gave them to me.

In addition to all kinds of vegetables, I also bought fish, meat and eggs, which is almost a week's worth of vegetables, and I bought them all at once.So much so that on the way home, my two hands were full of bags of vegetables, seven or eight bags in total, which left deep red marks on my little meaty hands, and made me choke with exhaustion.

When I was at home, my mother cooked for us, and I could eat ready-made meals. When I was out of town, no one took care of me, so I had to cook for myself every day.So the first thing I do when I return to Changzhou is to buy good food for myself and stock up on food.

Under the premise of getting enough food and clothing, the second thing is to find a job online.I gave myself a week to look for a new job because the house was due at the end of the month and I had to decide before that whether to renew the lease or move out of here and into another area.

(End of this chapter)

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